IEffectPainter *CEffectCreator::CreatePainterFromStreamAndCreator (SLoadCtx &Ctx, CEffectCreator *pCreator)

//	CreatePainterFromStreamAndCreator
//	Load a painter from a stream given a creator

	//	Older versions did not save UNID or class if there was no creator

	if (Ctx.dwVersion < 43 && pCreator == NULL)
		return NULL;

	//	The UNID is ignored (because it is the UNID of the creator)


	//	Validate the class

	if (IEffectPainter::ValidateClass(Ctx, pCreator ? pCreator->GetTag() : NULL_STR) != NOERROR)
		return NULL;

	//	Load it

	if (pCreator == NULL)
		return NULL;

	IEffectPainter *pPainter = pCreator->CreatePainter();

	//	Done

	return pPainter;
ALERROR IEffectPainter::ValidateClass (SLoadCtx &Ctx, const CString &sOriginalClass)

//	ValidateClass
//	Reads the class string. If the class does not match the current painter,
//	we read the old data and return ERR_FAIL.

	if (Ctx.dwVersion >= 40)
		CString sClass;

		//	If the original class doesn't match the current one, then it means
		//	that the design changed. In that case, we load the painter using the
		//	old class.

		if (!strEquals(sClass, sOriginalClass))
			//	If sClass is blank, then it means that the original did not have
			//	an effect painter (but the current design does)

			if (!sClass.IsBlank())
				//	Get the original creator

				CEffectCreator *pOriginalCreator;
				if (CEffectCreator::CreateFromTag(sClass, &pOriginalCreator) != NOERROR)
					kernelDebugLogMessage("Unable to find original effect creator: %s", sClass.GetASCIIZPointer());
					return ERR_FAIL;

				//	Load the original painter

				IEffectPainter *pOriginalPainter = pOriginalCreator->CreatePainter();

				//	Discard

				delete pOriginalCreator;

			//	Done

			return ERR_FAIL;

	return NOERROR;
IEffectPainter *CEffectCreator::CreatePainterFromStream (SLoadCtx &Ctx, bool bNullCreator)

//	CreatePainterFromStream
//	Load a painter from a stream

	CEffectCreator *pCreator;

	//	For previous versions, we only stored UNID if we had a creator

	if (Ctx.dwVersion < 43 && bNullCreator)
		return NULL;

	//	At version 15 we started saving versions as string UNIDs. We need to do this
	//	because sometimes the effect creator is inside a weapon fire desc
	//	structure (also identified by string UNIDs).

	if (Ctx.dwVersion >= 15)
		CString sUNID;

		pCreator = (sUNID.IsBlank() ? NULL : CEffectCreator::FindEffectCreator(sUNID));

		//	Load the creator class that saved the painter

		if (IEffectPainter::ValidateClass(Ctx, (pCreator ? pCreator->GetTag() : NULL_STR)) != NOERROR)
			return NULL;

		//	Error

		if (pCreator == NULL)
			if (!sUNID.IsBlank())
				kernelDebugLogMessage("Invalid painter creator: %s", sUNID.GetASCIIZPointer());
			return NULL;

	//	Old style uses DWORD UNIDs

		//	The first DWORD is the UNID of the creator

		Ctx.pStream->Read((char *)&dwUNID, sizeof(DWORD));
		if (dwUNID == 0)
			return NULL;

		pCreator = g_pUniverse->FindEffectType(dwUNID);

		//	Error

		if (pCreator == NULL)
			kernelDebugLogMessage("Invalid painter creator: %x", dwUNID);
			return NULL;

	//	Let the creator create the object

	IEffectPainter *pPainter = pCreator->CreatePainter();

	//	Load it


	//	Done

	return pPainter;