int configGenerator::genConfig( const Strings_t& libs, const string& userModule )
  //--- Disable checking StatusCode -------------------------------------------

  const Strings_t::const_iterator endLib = libs.end();

  const std::string gaudiSvc = "GaudiCoreSvc";
  const bool isGaudiSvc = ( std::find( libs.begin(), endLib, gaudiSvc ) != endLib );

  //--- Instantiate ApplicationMgr --------------------------------------------
  if ( !isGaudiSvc && createAppMgr() ) {
    cout << "ERROR: ApplicationMgr can not be created. Check environment" << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  //--- Iterate over component factories --------------------------------------
  Scope factories = Scope::ByName(PLUGINSVC_FACTORY_NS);
  if ( !factories ) {
    cout << "ERROR: No PluginSvc factory namespace could be found" << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  ISvcLocator* svcLoc = Gaudi::svcLocator();
  IInterface*  dummySvc = new Service( "DummySvc", svcLoc );

  bool allGood = true;

  // iterate over all the requested libraries
  for ( Strings_t::const_iterator iLib=libs.begin(); iLib != endLib; ++iLib ) {

    std::cout << ":::: processing library: " << *iLib << "..." << std::endl;

    // reset state
    m_importGaudiHandles = false;

    // Scan the pluginSvc namespace and store the "background" of already
    // alive components, so we can extract our signal later on
    set<string> bkgNames;
    if ( !isGaudiSvc ) {
      for ( Member_Iterator it = factories.FunctionMember_Begin();
            it != factories.FunctionMember_End(); ++it ) {
        string ident = getId(*it);
        if ( PluginService::Debug() > 0 ) {
          cout << "::: " << ident << endl;
        bkgNames.insert( ident );
    const set<string>::const_iterator bkgNamesEnd = bkgNames.end();

    //--- Load component library ----------------------------------------------
    System::ImageHandle handle;
    unsigned long err = System::loadDynamicLib( *iLib, &handle );
    if ( err != 1 ) {
      cout << "ERROR: " << System::getLastErrorString() << endl;
      allGood = false;

    for ( Member_Iterator it = factories.FunctionMember_Begin();
          it != factories.FunctionMember_End();
          ++it ) {
      const string ident = getId(*it);
      if ( bkgNames.find(ident) != bkgNamesEnd ) {
        if ( PluginService::Debug() > 0 ) {
          cout << "\t==> skipping [" << ident << "]..." << endl;

      // Atlas contributed code (patch #1247)
      // Skip the generation of configurables if the component does not come
      // from the same library we are processing (i.e. we found a symbol that
      // is coming from a library loaded by the linker).
      // Windows implementation is empty.
      if ( !DsoUtils::inDso( *it, DsoUtils::libNativeName(*iLib) ) ) {
        cout << "WARNING: library [" << *iLib << "] requested factory "
        << "from another library ["
        << DsoUtils::dsoName(*it) << "]"
        << " ==> [" << ident << "] !!"
        << endl;

      const string rtype = it->TypeOf().ReturnType().Name();
      string type;
      bool known = true;
      if      ( ident == "ApplicationMgr" ) type = "ApplicationMgr";
      else if ( rtype == "IInterface*" )    type = "IInterface";
      else if ( rtype == "IAlgorithm*" )    type = "Algorithm";
      else if ( rtype == "IService*" )      type = "Service";
      else if ( rtype == "IAlgTool*" )      type = "AlgTool";
      else if ( rtype == "IAuditor*" )      type = "Auditor";
      else if ( rtype == "IConverter*" )    type = "Converter";
      else if ( rtype == "DataObject*" )    type = "DataObject";
      else                                  type = "Unknown", known = false;
      string name = ident;
      // handle possible problems with templated components

      cout << " - component: " << name << endl;

      if ( type == "IInterface" ) {
        /// not enough information...
        /// skip it

      if ( type == "Converter" || type == "DataObject" ) {
        /// no Properties, so don't bother create Configurables...

      //if ( type == "ApplicationMgr" ) {
      ///  @FIXME: no Configurable for this component. yet...
      ///  continue;

      if ( !known ) {
        cout << "WARNING: Unknown (return) type [" << rtype << "] !!\n"
             << "WARNING: component [" << ident << "] is skipped !"
             << endl;
        allGood = false;

      string cname = "DefaultName";
      vector<void*>  args;
      args.reserve( 3 );
      if ( type == "AlgTool" ) {
        args.resize( 3 );
        args[0] = &cname;
        args[1] = &type;
        args[2] = dummySvc;
      else {
        args.resize( 2 );
        args[0] = &cname;
        args[1] = svcLoc;
      IProperty* prop = 0;
      try {
        if ( type == "Algorithm" ) {
          prop = makeInstance<IAlgorithm>(*it,args);
        else if ( type == "Service") {
          prop = makeInstance<IService>(*it,args);
        else if ( type == "AlgTool") {
          prop = makeInstance<IAlgTool>(*it,args);
        else if ( type == "Auditor") {
          prop = makeInstance<IAuditor>(*it,args);
        else if ( type == "ApplicationMgr") {
          //svcLoc->queryInterface(IProperty::interfaceID(), pp_cast<void>(&prop));
          svcLoc->queryInterface(IProperty::interfaceID(), (void**)(&prop));
        else {
          prop = makeInstance<IInterface>(*it,args);
      catch ( exception& e ) {
        cout << "ERROR: Error instantiating " << name
             << " from " << *iLib << endl;
        cout << "ERROR: Got exception: " << e.what() << endl;
        allGood = false;
      catch ( ... ) {
        cout << "ERROR: Error instantiating " << name
             << " from " << *iLib << endl;
        allGood = false;
      if( prop ) {
        if (genComponent( *iLib, name, type, prop->getProperties() )) {
          allGood = false;
      } else {
        cout << "ERROR: could not cast IInterface* object to an IProperty* !\n"
             << "ERROR: return type from PluginSvc is [" << rtype << "]...\n"
             << "ERROR: NO Configurable will be generated for ["
             << name << "] !"
             << endl;
        allGood = false;
    } //> end loop over factories

    /// write-out files for this library
    const std::string pyName = ( fs::path(m_outputDirName) /
                  fs::path(*iLib+"Conf.py") ).string();
    const std::string dbName = ( fs::path(m_outputDirName) /
                  fs::path(*iLib+"_confDb.py") ).string();

    std::fstream py( pyName.c_str(),
              std::ios_base::out|std::ios_base::trunc );
    std::fstream db( dbName.c_str(),
              std::ios_base::out|std::ios_base::trunc );

    genHeader ( py, db );
    if (!userModule.empty()) 
      py << "from " << userModule << " import *" <<endl;
    genBody   ( py, db );
    genTrailer( py, db );

  } //> end loop over libraries

  dummySvc = 0;

  return allGood ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
文件: genconf.cpp 项目: l1calo/gaudi
int configGenerator::genConfig( const Strings_t& libs, const string& userModule )
  //--- Disable checking StatusCode -------------------------------------------

  const Strings_t::const_iterator endLib = libs.end();

  const std::string gaudiSvc = "GaudiCoreSvc";
  const bool isGaudiSvc = ( std::find( libs.begin(), endLib, gaudiSvc ) != endLib );

  //--- Instantiate ApplicationMgr --------------------------------------------
  if ( !isGaudiSvc && createAppMgr() ) {
    cout << "ERROR: ApplicationMgr can not be created. Check environment" << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  //--- Iterate over component factories --------------------------------------
  using Gaudi::PluginService::Details::Registry;
  Registry& registry = Registry::instance();

  std::set<std::string> bkgNames = registry.loadedFactories();

  ISvcLocator* svcLoc = Gaudi::svcLocator();
  IInterface*  dummySvc = new Service( "DummySvc", svcLoc );

  bool allGood = true;

  // iterate over all the requested libraries
  for ( Strings_t::const_iterator iLib=libs.begin(); iLib != endLib; ++iLib ) {

    std::cout << ":::: processing library: " << *iLib << "..." << std::endl;

    // reset state
    m_importGaudiHandles = false;

    //--- Load component library ----------------------------------------------
    System::ImageHandle handle;
    unsigned long err = System::loadDynamicLib( *iLib, &handle );
    if ( err != 1 ) {
      cout << "ERROR: " << System::getLastErrorString() << endl;
      allGood = false;

    std::set<std::string> factories = registry.loadedFactories();

    for ( std::set<std::string>::iterator it = factories.begin();
          it != factories.end(); ++it ) {
      const string ident = *it;
      if ( bkgNames.find(ident) != bkgNames.end() ) {
        if ( Gaudi::PluginService::Details::logger().level() <= 1 ) {
          cout << "\t==> skipping [" << ident << "]..." << endl;

      const Registry::FactoryInfo info = registry.getInfo(*it);
      const string rtype = info.rtype;

      // do not generate configurables for the Reflex-compatible aliases
      if (info.properties.find("ReflexName") != info.properties.end())

      // Atlas contributed code (patch #1247)
      // Skip the generation of configurables if the component does not come
      // from the same library we are processing (i.e. we found a symbol that
      // is coming from a library loaded by the linker).
      if ( !DsoUtils::inDso( info.ptr, DsoUtils::libNativeName(*iLib) ) ) {
        cout << "WARNING: library [" << *iLib << "] exposes factory ["
             << ident << "] which is declared in ["
             << DsoUtils::dsoName(info.ptr) << "] !!" << endl;

      string type;
      bool known = true;
      if      ( ident == "ApplicationMgr" ) type = "ApplicationMgr";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(IInterface*).name() )    type = "IInterface";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(IAlgorithm*).name() )    type = "Algorithm";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(IService*  ).name() )    type = "Service";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(IAlgTool*  ).name() )    type = "AlgTool";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(IAuditor*  ).name() )    type = "Auditor";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(IConverter*).name() )    type = "Converter";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(DataObject*).name() )    type = "DataObject";
      else                                  type = "Unknown", known = false;
      string name = ident;
      // handle possible problems with templated components

      if ( type == "IInterface" ) {
        /// not enough information...
        /// skip it

      if ( type == "Converter" || type == "DataObject" ) {
        /// no Properties, so don't bother create Configurables...

      if ( !known ) {
        cout << "WARNING: Unknown (return) type [" << System::typeinfoName(rtype.c_str()) << "] !!"
             << " Component [" << ident << "] is skipped !"
             << endl;

      cout << " - component: " << info.className << " (";
      if (info.className != name)
        cout << name << ": ";
      cout << type << ")" << endl;

      string cname = "DefaultName";
      SmartIF<IProperty> prop;
      try {
        if ( type == "Algorithm" ) {
          prop = SmartIF<IAlgorithm>(Algorithm::Factory::create(ident, cname, svcLoc));
        else if ( type == "Service") {
          prop = SmartIF<IService>(Service::Factory::create(ident, cname, svcLoc));
        else if ( type == "AlgTool") {
          prop = SmartIF<IAlgTool>(AlgTool::Factory::create(ident, cname, type, dummySvc));
          // FIXME: AlgTool base class increase artificially by 1 the refcount.
        else if ( type == "Auditor") {
          prop = SmartIF<IAuditor>(Auditor::Factory::create(ident, cname, svcLoc));
        else if ( type == "ApplicationMgr") {
          prop = SmartIF<ISvcLocator>(svcLoc);
        else {
          continue; // unknown
      catch ( exception& e ) {
        cout << "ERROR: Error instantiating " << name
             << " from " << *iLib << endl;
        cout << "ERROR: Got exception: " << e.what() << endl;
        allGood = false;
      catch ( ... ) {
        cout << "ERROR: Error instantiating " << name
             << " from " << *iLib << endl;
        allGood = false;
      if( prop ) {
        if (genComponent( *iLib, name, type, prop->getProperties() )) {
          allGood = false;
      } else {
        cout << "ERROR: could not cast IInterface* object to an IProperty* !\n"
             << "ERROR: return type from PluginSvc is [" << rtype << "]...\n"
             << "ERROR: NO Configurable will be generated for ["
             << name << "] !"
             << endl;
        allGood = false;
    } //> end loop over factories

    /// write-out files for this library
    const std::string pyName = ( fs::path(m_outputDirName) /
                  fs::path(*iLib+"Conf.py") ).string();
    const std::string dbName = ( fs::path(m_outputDirName) /
                  fs::path(*iLib+".confdb") ).string();

    std::fstream py( pyName.c_str(),
              std::ios_base::out|std::ios_base::trunc );
    std::fstream db( dbName.c_str(),
              std::ios_base::out|std::ios_base::trunc );

    genHeader ( py, db );
    if (!userModule.empty())
      py << "from " << userModule << " import *" <<endl;
    genBody   ( py, db );
    genTrailer( py, db );

  } //> end loop over libraries

  dummySvc = 0;

  return allGood ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;