int main() { int rc = 0; // set default password if none specified in environment setenv("ISC_USER", "sysdba", 0); setenv("ISC_PASSWORD", "masterkey", 0); // declare pointers to required interfaces IStatus* st = NULL; IProvider* prov = NULL; IAttachment* att = NULL; ITransaction* tra = NULL; IStatement* stmt = NULL; IResultSet* curs = NULL; IMessageMetadata* meta = NULL; IMetadataBuilder* builder = NULL; try { // status vector and main dispatcher st = master->getStatus(); prov = master->getDispatcher(); // attach employee db att = prov->attachDatabase(st, "localhost:employee", 0, NULL); check(st, "attachDatabase"); // start default transaction tra = att->startTransaction(st, 0, NULL); check(st, "startTransaction"); // prepare statement stmt = att->prepare(st, tra, 0, "select * from country", 3, IStatement::PREPARE_PREFETCH_METADATA); check(st, "prepare"); // get list of columns meta = stmt->getOutputMetadata(st); check(st, "getOutputMetadata"); builder = meta->getBuilder(st); check(st, "getBuilder"); unsigned cols = meta->getCount(st); check(st, "getCount"); // struct to cache received metadata struct MyField { const char* name; unsigned length, offset; }; MyField* fields = new MyField[cols]; memset(fields, 0, sizeof(MyField) * cols); // parse columns list & coerce datatype(s) for (unsigned j = 0; j < cols; ++j) { unsigned t = meta->getType(st, j); check(st, "getType"); if (t == SQL_VARYING || t == SQL_TEXT) { builder->setType(st, j, SQL_TEXT); check(st, "setType"); fields[j].name = meta->getField(st, j); check(st, "getField"); } } meta->release(); meta = builder->getMetadata(st); check(st, "getMetadata"); // now we may also get offsets info for (unsigned j = 0; j < cols; ++j) { if (fields[j].name) { fields[j].length = meta->getLength(st, j); check(st, "getLength"); fields[j].offset = meta->getOffset(st, j); check(st, "getOffset"); } } builder->release(); builder = NULL; // open cursor curs = stmt->openCursor(st, tra, NULL, NULL, meta); check(st, "openCursor"); // allocate output buffer unsigned l = meta->getMessageLength(st); check(st, "getMessageLength"); unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char[l]; // fetch records from cursor and print them while (curs->fetch(st, buffer)) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < cols; ++j) { if (fields[j].name) { printf("%s: %*.*s\n", fields[j].name, fields[j].length, fields[j].length, buffer + fields[j].offset); } } printf("\n"); } check(st, "fetch"); // close interfaces curs->close(st); check(st, "close"); curs = NULL; stmt->free(st); check(st, "free"); stmt = NULL; meta->release(); meta = NULL; tra->commit(st); check(st, "commit"); tra = NULL; att->detach(st); check(st, "detach"); att = NULL; } catch(const char* text) { // handle error rc = 1; fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", text); if (st) isc_print_status(st->get()); } // release interfaces after error caught if (meta) meta->release(); if (builder) builder->release(); if (curs) curs->release(); if (stmt) stmt->release(); if (tra) tra->release(); if (att) att->release(); if (prov) prov->release(); if (st) st->dispose(); return rc; }
int main() { int rc = 0; // set default password if none specified in environment setenv("ISC_USER", "sysdba", 0); setenv("ISC_PASSWORD", "masterkey", 0); // declare pointers to required interfaces IStatus* st = NULL; IProvider* prov = NULL; IAttachment* att = NULL; ITransaction* tra = NULL; // Interface executes prepared SQL statement IStatement* stmt = NULL; // Interfaces provides access to format of data in messages IMessageMetadata* meta = NULL; // Interface makes it possible to change format of data or define it yourself IMetadataBuilder* builder = NULL; const char* updstr = "UPDATE department SET budget = ? * budget + budget WHERE dept_no = ?"; try { // status vector and main dispatcher st = master->getStatus(); prov = master->getDispatcher(); // attach employee db att = prov->attachDatabase(st, "employee", 0, NULL); check(st, "attachDatabase"); // start transaction tra = att->startTransaction(st, 0, NULL); check(st, "startTransaction"); // prepare statement stmt = att->prepare(st, tra, 0, updstr, 3, 0); check(st, "prepare"); // build metadata // IMaster creates empty new metadata in builder builder = master->getMetadataBuilder(st, 2); check(st, "getMetadataBuilder"); // set required info on fields builder->setType(st, 0, SQL_DOUBLE + 1); check(st, "setType"); builder->setType(st, 1, SQL_TEXT + 1); check(st, "setType"); builder->setLength(st, 1, 3); check(st, "setLength"); // IMetadata should be ready meta = builder->getMetadata(st); check(st, "getMetadata"); // no need in builder any more builder->release(); builder = NULL; // allocate buffer char buffer[256]; unsigned len = meta->getMessageLength(st); check(st, "getMessageLength"); if (len > 256) { throw "Input message length too big - can't continue"; } // locations of parameters in input message char* dept_no = &buffer[meta->getOffset(st, 1)]; check(st, "getOffset"); double* percent_inc = (double*) &buffer[meta->getOffset(st, 0)]; check(st, "getOffset"); // null IDs (set to NOT NULL) short* flag = (short*)&buffer[meta->getNullOffset(st, 0)]; check(st, "getNullOffset"); *flag = 0; flag = (short*) &buffer[meta->getNullOffset(st, 1)]; check(st, "getNullOffset"); *flag = 0; // Get the next department-percent increase input pair. while (get_input(dept_no, percent_inc)) { printf("\nIncreasing budget for department: %s by %5.2lf percent.\n", dept_no, *percent_inc); // Update the budget. stmt->execute(st, tra, meta, buffer, NULL, NULL); if (st->getStatus() & IStatus::FB_HAS_ERRORS) { int sqlcode = isc_sqlcode(st->getErrors()); // Don't save the update, if the new budget exceeds the limit. if (sqlcode == -625) { printf("\tExceeded budget limit -- not updated.\n"); tra->rollbackRetaining(st); check(st, "rollback"); continue; } // use default handler check(st, "execute"); } // Save each department's update independently. // *** Change to commitRetaining() to see changes // *** tra->commitRetaining(st); tra->rollbackRetaining(st); check(st, "rollback"); } // close interfaces stmt->free(st); check(st, "free"); stmt = NULL; meta->release(); meta = NULL; tra->commit(st); check(st, "commit"); tra = NULL; att->detach(st); check(st, "detach"); att = NULL; } catch (const char* text) { // handle error rc = 1; fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n", text); if (st) isc_print_status(st->getErrors()); } // release interfaces after error caught if (builder) builder->release(); if (meta) meta->release(); if (stmt) stmt->release(); if (tra) tra->release(); if (att) att->release(); if (prov) prov->release(); if (st) st->dispose(); return rc; }
int main() { int rc = 0; // set default password if none specified in environment setenv("ISC_USER", "sysdba", 0); setenv("ISC_PASSWORD", "masterkey", 0); // status vector and main dispatcher ThrowStatusWrapper status(master->getStatus()); IProvider* prov = master->getDispatcher(); // declare pointers to required interfaces IAttachment* att = NULL; ITransaction* tra = NULL; // Interface executes prepared SQL statement IStatement* stmt = NULL; // Interfaces provides access to format of data in messages IMessageMetadata* meta = NULL; // Interface makes it possible to change format of data or define it yourself IMetadataBuilder* builder = NULL; const char* updstr = "UPDATE department SET budget = ? * budget + budget WHERE dept_no = ?"; try { // attach employee db att = prov->attachDatabase(&status, "employee", 0, NULL); // start transaction tra = att->startTransaction(&status, 0, NULL); // prepare statement stmt = att->prepare(&status, tra, 0, updstr, SAMPLES_DIALECT, 0); // build metadata // IMaster creates empty new metadata in builder builder = master->getMetadataBuilder(&status, 2); // set required info on fields builder->setType(&status, 0, SQL_DOUBLE + 1); builder->setType(&status, 1, SQL_TEXT + 1); builder->setLength(&status, 1, 3); // IMetadata should be ready meta = builder->getMetadata(&status); // no need in builder any more builder->release(); builder = NULL; // allocate buffer on stack char buffer[256]; unsigned len = meta->getMessageLength(&status); if (len > sizeof(buffer)) { throw "Input message length too big - can't continue"; } // locations of parameters in input message char* dept_no = &buffer[meta->getOffset(&status, 1)]; double* percent_inc = (double*) &buffer[meta->getOffset(&status, 0)]; // null IDs (set to NOT NULL) short* flag = (short*)&buffer[meta->getNullOffset(&status, 0)]; *flag = 0; flag = (short*) &buffer[meta->getNullOffset(&status, 1)]; *flag = 0; // Get the next department-percent increase input pair. while (get_input(dept_no, percent_inc)) { printf("\nIncreasing budget for department: %s by %5.2lf percent.\n", dept_no, *percent_inc); // Update the budget. try { stmt->execute(&status, tra, meta, buffer, NULL, NULL); } catch (const FbException& error) { // Handle exception raised during statement execution if (error.getStatus()->getErrors()[1] == isc_not_valid) { // Don't save the update, if the new budget exceeds the limit. printf("\tExceeded budget limit -- not updated.\n"); tra->rollbackRetaining(&status); continue; } // Another error - use default handler throw; } // Save each department's update independently. // *** Change to commitRetaining() to see changes // *** tra->commitRetaining(&status); tra->rollbackRetaining(&status); } // close interfaces stmt->free(&status); stmt = NULL; meta->release(); meta = NULL; tra->commit(&status); tra = NULL; att->detach(&status); att = NULL; } catch (const FbException& error) { // handle error rc = 1; char buf[256]; master->getUtilInterface()->formatStatus(buf, sizeof(buf), error.getStatus()); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf); } // release interfaces after error caught if (builder) builder->release(); if (meta) meta->release(); if (stmt) stmt->release(); if (tra) tra->release(); if (att) att->release(); prov->release(); status.dispose(); return rc; }
int main() { int rc = 0; // set default password if none specified in environment setenv("ISC_USER", "sysdba", 0); setenv("ISC_PASSWORD", "masterkey", 0); // status vector and main dispatcher ThrowStatusWrapper status(master->getStatus()); IProvider* prov = master->getDispatcher(); IUtil* utl = master->getUtilInterface(); // declare pointers to required interfaces IAttachment* att = NULL; ITransaction* tra = NULL; IStatement* stmt = NULL; IMessageMetadata* meta = NULL; IMetadataBuilder* builder = NULL; IXpbBuilder* tpb = NULL; // Interface provides access to data returned by SELECT statement IResultSet* curs = NULL; try { // attach employee db att = prov->attachDatabase(&status, "employee", 0, NULL); // start read only transaction tpb = utl->getXpbBuilder(&status, IXpbBuilder::TPB, NULL, 0); tpb->insertTag(&status, isc_tpb_read_committed); tpb->insertTag(&status, isc_tpb_no_rec_version); tpb->insertTag(&status, isc_tpb_wait); tpb->insertTag(&status, isc_tpb_read); tra = att->startTransaction(&status, tpb->getBufferLength(&status), tpb->getBuffer(&status)); // prepare statement stmt = att->prepare(&status, tra, 0, "select last_name, first_name, phone_ext from phone_list " "where location = 'Monterey' order by last_name, first_name", SAMPLES_DIALECT, IStatement::PREPARE_PREFETCH_METADATA); // get list of columns meta = stmt->getOutputMetadata(&status); builder = meta->getBuilder(&status); unsigned cols = meta->getCount(&status); // struct to cache received metadata struct MyField { const char* name; unsigned length, offset; }; MyField* fields = new MyField[cols]; memset(fields, 0, sizeof(MyField) * cols); // parse columns list & coerce datatype(s) for (unsigned j = 0; j < cols; ++j) { unsigned t = meta->getType(&status, j); if (t == SQL_VARYING || t == SQL_TEXT) { builder->setType(&status, j, SQL_TEXT); fields[j].name = meta->getField(&status, j); } } // release automatically created metadata // metadata is not database object, therefore no specific call to close it meta->release(); // get metadata with coerced datatypes meta = builder->getMetadata(&status); // builder not needed any more builder->release(); builder = NULL; // now we may also get offsets info for (unsigned j = 0; j < cols; ++j) { if (fields[j].name) { fields[j].length = meta->getLength(&status, j); fields[j].offset = meta->getOffset(&status, j); } } // open cursor curs = stmt->openCursor(&status, tra, NULL, NULL, meta, 0); // allocate output buffer unsigned l = meta->getMessageLength(&status); unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char[l]; // fetch records from cursor and print them for (int line = 0; curs->fetchNext(&status, buffer) == IStatus::RESULT_OK; ++line) { if (line % 10 == 0) { printf("\n"); for (unsigned j = 0; j < cols; ++j) { if (fields[j].name) { printf("%-*.*s ", fields[j].length, fields[j].length, fields[j].name); } } printf("\n"); } for (unsigned j = 0; j < cols; ++j) { if (fields[j].name) { printf("%*.*s ", fields[j].length, fields[j].length, buffer + fields[j].offset); } } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); // close interfaces curs->close(&status); curs = NULL; stmt->free(&status); stmt = NULL; meta->release(); meta = NULL; tra->commit(&status); tra = NULL; att->detach(&status); att = NULL; } catch (const FbException& error) { // handle error rc = 1; char buf[256]; master->getUtilInterface()->formatStatus(buf, sizeof(buf), error.getStatus()); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf); } // release interfaces after error caught if (meta) meta->release(); if (builder) builder->release(); if (curs) curs->release(); if (stmt) stmt->release(); if (tra) tra->release(); if (att) att->release(); if (tpb) tpb->dispose(); prov->release(); status.dispose(); return rc; }