void camera_update(CIndieLib &engine, IND_Camera2d &cam, IND_Camera2d &bcam, float &dx, float &dy, float &cam_x, float &cam_y, float d) {

	// Move up
	if (engine.Input->IsKeyPressed(IND_W)) {
		cam_y -=		d;
		dy -=			d;

	// Move down
	if (engine.Input->IsKeyPressed(IND_S)) {
		cam_y +=		d;
		dy +=			d;

	// Move right
	if (engine.Input->IsKeyPressed(IND_D)) {
		cam_x +=		d;
		dx +=			d;

	// Move left
	if (engine.Input->IsKeyPressed(IND_A)) {
		cam_x -=		d;
		dx -=			d;

	// Zoom in
	if (engine.Input->OnKeyPress(IND_E) && cam.GetZoom() < 1)
		cam.SetZoom(cam.GetZoom() + 0.05f);

	// Zoom out
	if (engine.Input->OnKeyPress(IND_Q) && cam.GetZoom() > 0.35)
		cam.SetZoom(cam.GetZoom() - 0.05f);

	cam.SetPosition((int) cam_x, (int) cam_y);
	bcam.SetPosition((int) cam_x, (int) cam_y);
int IndieLib()			
    //Sets the working path as the 'exe' directory. All resource paths are relative to this directory
	if (!WorkingPathSetup::setWorkingPathFromExe(NULL)) {
		std::cout<<"\nUnable to Set the working path !";
	// ----- IndieLib intialization -----

	CIndieLib *mI = CIndieLib::instance();
	if (!mI->init()) 
		return 0;			

	// ----- Surface loading -----

	// Loading cursor
	IND_Surface *mSurfaceCursor = new IND_Surface();
	if (!mI->_surfaceManager->add(mSurfaceCursor, "../../resources/cursor.png", IND_ALPHA, IND_32))
		return 0;

	// Loading tile for the terrain
	IND_Surface *mSurfaceTerrain = new IND_Surface();
	if (!mI->_surfaceManager->add(mSurfaceTerrain, "../../resources/tiled_terrain.png", IND_OPAQUE, IND_32))
		return 0;

	// Loading alien hole 1
	IND_Surface *mSurfaceHole1 = new IND_Surface();
	if (!mI->_surfaceManager->add(mSurfaceHole1, "../../resources/hole1.png", IND_ALPHA, IND_32)) 
		return 0;
	// Loading alien hole 2
	IND_Surface *mSurfaceHole2 = new IND_Surface();
	if (!mI->_surfaceManager->add(mSurfaceHole2, "../../resources/hole2.png", IND_ALPHA, IND_32)) 
		return 0;

	// Font
	IND_Font *mFontSmall = new IND_Font();
	if (!mI->_fontManager->add(mFontSmall, "../../resources/font_small.png", "../../resources/font_small.xml", IND_ALPHA, IND_32)) 
		return 0;

	// ----- Animation loading -----

	IND_Animation *mAnimationUfo = new IND_Animation();
	if (!mI->_animationManager->addToSurface(mAnimationUfo, "../../resources/animations/ufo.xml", IND_ALPHA, IND_32)) 
		return 0;

	// ----- Cursor creation -----

	IND_Entity2d *mCursor = new IND_Entity2d();
	mI->_entity2dManager->add(1, mCursor);			// Entity adding in layer 1 (gui)	

	// ----- Terrain creation -----

	CTerrain *mTerrain = new CTerrain(X_TILES, Y_TILES, NUM_HOLES, mSurfaceTerrain, mSurfaceHole1, mSurfaceHole2);

	// ----- Font creation -----

	IND_Entity2d *mTextSmallWhite = new IND_Entity2d();					
	mI->_entity2dManager->add(1, mTextSmallWhite);		// Entity adding in layer 1 (gui)
	mTextSmallWhite->setFont(mFontSmall);			// Set the font into the entity

	mTextSmallWhite->setPosition(15, 15, 4);

	// ----- Ufo creation -----

	CUfo *mUfos = new CUfo[X_TILES * Y_TILES * 1024];

	int cont = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < X_TILES * 512; i += 50) {
		for (int j = 0; j < Y_TILES * 512; j += 50, ++cont) {
			mUfos [cont].Init ((float) i, (float) j, mAnimationUfo);
	// ----- Camera ------

	// Camera used for moving along the terrain
	IND_Camera2d *mCameraTerrain = new IND_Camera2d(mI->_window->getWidth () / 2, mI->_window->getHeight() / 2);

	// Camera used for showing the menu options, fps, etc (this camera dosen't change)
	IND_Camera2d *mCameraGui = new IND_Camera2d(mI->_window->getWidth () / 2, mI->_window->getHeight() / 2);

	// ----- Main Loop -----

	float mZoom = 1.0f;
	float mAngle = 0;
	char mFpsString [512];
	char mFpsValueStr [15];
	char mRenderedObjectsStr [15];
	char mDiscardedObjectsStr [15];
	mFpsString [0] = 0;
	int mSpeedRotation = 50;
	float mDelta;

	while (!mI->_input->onKeyPress(IND_ESCAPE) && !mI->_input->quit())
		// ----- Input update ----


		// ----- Texts -----

		strcpy (mFpsString, "Fps: ");
		strcat (mFpsString, mFpsValueStr);
		strcat (mFpsString, "\n");
		strcat (mFpsString, "Rendered: ");
		strcat (mFpsString, mRenderedObjectsStr); 
		strcat (mFpsString, "\n"); 
		strcat (mFpsString, "Discarded: ");
		strcat (mFpsString, mDiscardedObjectsStr);

		// ----- Input ----

		// Delta
		mDelta = mI->_render->getFrameTime() / 1000.0f;

		// Cursor position
		mCursor->setPosition((float) mI->_input->getMouseX(), (float) mI->_input->getMouseY(), 3);

		// Change resolution to 640, 480 when pressing 1
		if (mI->_input->onKeyPress(IND_1))
			//if (!mI->_render->reset("Alien BenchMark", 640, 480, 32, 0, 1)) return 0; //FIXME: this is broken - figure out how to use IND_Windowproperties correctly 
			mCameraGui->setPosition(mI->_window->getWidth() / 2, mI->_window->getHeight() / 2);
			mCameraTerrain->setPosition(mI->_window->getWidth() / 2, mI->_window->getHeight() / 2);

		// Change resolution to 800, 600 when pressing 2
		if (mI->_input->onKeyPress(IND_2))
			//if (!mI->_render->reset("Alien BenchMark", 800, 600, 32, 0, 1)) return 0;  //FIXME: this is broken - figure out how to use IND_Windowproperties correctly 
			mCameraGui->setPosition(mI->_window->getWidth() / 2, mI->_window->getHeight() / 2);
			mCameraTerrain->setPosition(mI->_window->getWidth() / 2, mI->_window->getHeight() / 2);

		// Change resolution to 1024, 768 when pressing 3
		if (mI->_input->onKeyPress(IND_3))
			//if (!mI->_render->reset("Alien BenchMark", 1024, 768, 32, 0, 1)) return 0;  //FIXME: this is broken - figure out how to use IND_Windowproperties correctly 
			mCameraGui->setPosition(mI->_window->getWidth() / 2, mI->_window->getHeight() / 2);
			mCameraTerrain->setPosition(mI->_window->getWidth() / 2, mI->_window->getHeight() / 2);

		// Toogle full screen when pressing "space"
		if (mI->_input->onKeyPress(IND_SPACE)) mI->_render->toggleFullScreen();

		// Camera Zoom in / out
		if (mI->_input->isMouseScroll()) {
			mZoom += mI->_input->getMouseScrollY() * K_ZOOMSPEED;

		// Camera angle
		if (mI->_input->isMouseButtonPressed(IND_MBUTTON_LEFT))	mAngle += mSpeedRotation * mDelta;
		if (mI->_input->isMouseButtonPressed(IND_MBUTTON_RIGHT)) mAngle -= mSpeedRotation * mDelta;		

		// ----- Updating entities attributes  -----

		// Zooming and rotating the camera
		if (mZoom < 0.1f) mZoom =  0.1f;

		// Camera translation
		if (mI->_input->getMouseX() > mI->_window->getWidth() - MOVE_TERRAIN_BY_MOUSE_AREA) mCameraTerrain->setPosition(mCameraTerrain->getPosX() + (int) CAMERA_DISPLACE, mCameraTerrain->getPosY());
		if (mI->_input->getMouseX() < MOVE_TERRAIN_BY_MOUSE_AREA) mCameraTerrain->setPosition(mCameraTerrain->getPosX() - (int) CAMERA_DISPLACE, mCameraTerrain->getPosY());
		if (mI->_input->getMouseY() > mI->_window->getHeight()- MOVE_TERRAIN_BY_MOUSE_AREA) mCameraTerrain->setPosition(mCameraTerrain->getPosX(), mCameraTerrain->getPosY() + (int) CAMERA_DISPLACE);
		if (mI->_input->getMouseY() < MOVE_TERRAIN_BY_MOUSE_AREA) mCameraTerrain->setPosition(mCameraTerrain->getPosX(), mCameraTerrain->getPosY() - (int) CAMERA_DISPLACE);

		// ----- Render  -----

		mI->_render->clearViewPort(0, 0, 0);
		// --- Layer 0 (terrain) ---

		mI->_render->setViewPort2d(0, 0, mI->_window->getWidth(), mI->_window->getHeight());

		// --- Layer 1 (gui) ---

		mI->_render->setViewPort2d(0, 0, mI->_window->getWidth(), mI->_window->getHeight());
		mI->_render->blitFillRectangle(10, 10, 240, 80, 128, 128, 128, 128);
		mI->_render->blitRectangle(10, 10, 240, 80, 255, 255, 255, 128);


	// ----- Free -----

	delete [] mUfos;

	return 0;
virtual int render()
		mI->Input->Update ();

		// ----- Delta Time -----
		fElapsedTime = mI->Render->GetFrameTime() / 1000.0f;

		// Toggle show bounding boxes
		if (mI->Input->OnKeyPress(KEY_p))
			bShowBoundsToggle = !bShowBoundsToggle;

		// Walk Left!
		if (mI->Input->IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT))
			VelocityX -= speed * fElapsedTime;
			if (!playerJumping)
				Player.SetSequence(0);		//walk
		// Walk Right!
		if (mI->Input->IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT))
			VelocityX += speed * fElapsedTime;
			if (!playerJumping)
				Player.SetSequence(0);		//walk

			if (!playerJumping)
				Player.SetSequence(1);		// stand
			VelocityX = 0.0f;			// 0 = no slide

		// JUMP!
		if(mI->Input->OnKeyPress(KEY_SPACE) && !playerJumping)
			VelocityY -= fJumpForce;	// jump force (minus is up)
			Player.SetSequence(2);		// jump
			playerJumping = true;

		// TODO - if no key press then apply friction.  We want the player to move instantly
		// yet slide to a stop.

		VelocityY += gravity * fElapsedTime;	// apply gravity (value is gravity)
		y += VelocityY * fElapsedTime;			// position

		// Check falling limits (poor man collision detection!)
		if (y > 500)
			VelocityY = 0;
			y = 500;
			playerJumping = false;

		// Clamp walking velocity
		float Length = sqrtf(VelocityX * VelocityX);
		if ( Length > MaxVelocityX )
			VelocityX *= ( MaxVelocityX / Length );
		} // End if clamp X velocity

		x += VelocityX * fElapsedTime;
		if (x < 0)
			x = 0;

		// Move the player
		Player.SetPosition(x, y, 0);

		// Apply slide friction
		float Dec = -Dir * slideFriction * fElapsedTime;

		if (mI->Entity2dManager->IsCollision (&Player, "/IndieLib-Animation-Collision/entire", &Beetle, "/IndieLib-Animation-Collision/beetle_boy_head"))
			VelocityY = 80;	// force him downward
			VelocityX = 0;

		if (x > mI->Window->GetWidth() / 2)
			Cameras2d.SetPosition((int)x, MiddleScreenY);

		mI->Render->BeginScene ();
		mI->Render->ClearViewPort (60, 60, 60);
		mI->Render->SetViewPort2d (0, 0, mI->Window->GetWidth(), mI->Window->GetHeight());
		mI->Render->SetCamera2d (&Cameras2d);

		for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
			mI->Entity2dManager->RenderEntities2d ( i );
			if (bShowBoundsToggle)
				mI->Entity2dManager->RenderCollisionAreas (i, 255, 0, 0, 255);
		mI->Render->EndScene ();
		return 0;