bool FSequencerObjectChangeListener::IsTypeKeyable(const UClass& ObjectClass, const IPropertyHandle& PropertyHandle) const
	const UProperty* Property = PropertyHandle.GetProperty();
	const UStructProperty* StructProperty = Cast<const UStructProperty>(Property);
	const UStructProperty* ParentStructProperty = nullptr;

	const TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle> ParentHandle = PropertyHandle.GetParentHandle();
		ParentStructProperty = Cast<const UStructProperty>(ParentHandle->GetProperty());

	FString PropertyVarName;

	bool bFound = false;
	if( StructProperty )
		bFound = FindPropertySetter( ObjectClass, StructProperty->Struct->GetFName(), StructProperty->GetName() );
	if( !bFound && ParentStructProperty )
		// If the property parent is a struct, see if this property parent can be keyed. (e.g R,G,B,A for a color)
		bFound = FindPropertySetter( ObjectClass, ParentStructProperty->Struct->GetFName(), ParentStructProperty->GetName() );

	if( !bFound )
		// the property in question is not a struct or an inner of the struct. See if it is directly keyable
		bFound = FindPropertySetter( ObjectClass, Property->GetClass()->GetFName(), Property->GetName() );

	return bFound;
bool FDetailWidgetExtensionHandler::IsPropertyExtendable(const UClass* InObjectClass, const IPropertyHandle& InPropertyHandle) const
	// TODO UMG make this work for multiple widgets.
	if ( InPropertyHandle.GetNumOuterObjects() == 1 )
		TArray<UObject*> Objects;

		// We don't allow bindings on the CDO.
		if ( Objects[0]->HasAnyFlags(RF_ClassDefaultObject) )
			return false;

		UProperty* Property = InPropertyHandle.GetProperty();
		FString DelegateName = Property->GetName() + "Delegate";

		if ( UClass* ContainerClass = Cast<UClass>(Property->GetOuter()) )
			UDelegateProperty* DelegateProperty = FindField<UDelegateProperty>(ContainerClass, FName(*DelegateName));
			if ( DelegateProperty )
				return true;

	return false;
void PropertyHandleToPropertyPath(const UClass* OwnerClass, const IPropertyHandle& InPropertyHandle, TArray<UProperty*>& PropertyPath)
	TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle> CurrentHandle = InPropertyHandle.GetParentHandle();
	while (CurrentHandle.IsValid() && CurrentHandle->GetProperty() != nullptr)
		PropertyPath.Insert(CurrentHandle->GetProperty(), 0);
		CurrentHandle = CurrentHandle->GetParentHandle();
void FSequencerObjectChangeListener::OnPropertyChanged( const TArray<UObject*>& ChangedObjects, const IPropertyHandle& PropertyHandle, bool bRequireAutoKey ) const
	bool bIsKeyable = false;
	for( UObject* Object : ChangedObjects )
		if( Object )
			bIsKeyable |= IsTypeKeyable( *Object->GetClass(), PropertyHandle );

	if( bIsKeyable )
		const UProperty* Property = PropertyHandle.GetProperty();
		const UStructProperty* StructProperty = Cast<const UStructProperty>(Property);
		const UStructProperty* ParentStructProperty = nullptr;
		TSharedPtr<IPropertyHandle> ParentHandle;

		ParentHandle = PropertyHandle.GetParentHandle();
		if (ParentHandle->IsValidHandle())
			ParentStructProperty = Cast<const UStructProperty>(ParentHandle->GetProperty());

		FString PropertyVarName;

		// If not in auto-key allow partial keying of specific inner struct property values;
		FName InnerStructPropName = !bRequireAutoKey && ParentStructProperty ? Property->GetFName() : NAME_None;

		FKeyPropertyParams Params;

		Params.bRequireAutoKey = bRequireAutoKey;
		Params.ObjectsThatChanged = ChangedObjects;

		bool bFoundAndBroadcastedDelegate = false;
		if (ParentStructProperty)

			Params.PropertyHandle = ParentHandle.Get();
			Params.PropertyPath = ParentHandle->GeneratePathToProperty();

			// If the property parent is a struct, see if this property parent can be keyed. (e.g R,G,B,A for a color)
			FOnAnimatablePropertyChanged Delegate = ClassToPropertyChangedMap.FindRef(ParentStructProperty->Struct->GetFName());
			if (Delegate.IsBound())
				Params.InnerStructPropertyName = InnerStructPropName;
				bFoundAndBroadcastedDelegate = true;

		if (!bFoundAndBroadcastedDelegate)
			if (StructProperty)
				Params.PropertyHandle = &PropertyHandle;
				Params.PropertyPath = PropertyHandle.GeneratePathToProperty();
				Params.PropertyHandle = &PropertyHandle;
				Params.PropertyPath = PropertyHandle.GeneratePathToProperty();
				// the property in question is not a struct or an inner of the struct. See if it is directly keyable