void VDebugOptions::OnHandleCallback(IVisCallbackDataObject_cl* pData) { if (pData->m_pSender == &Vision::Callbacks.OnUpdateSceneBegin) { #if defined(WIN32) if (GetParent()->GetInputMap()->GetTrigger(TOGGLE_FPS)) { SetFrameRateVisible(!IsFrameRateVisible()); } else if (GetParent()->GetInputMap()->GetTrigger(TOGGLE_WIREFRAME)) { SetWireframe(!IsWireframe()); } #endif // FPS accumulation { m_iFrameCounter++; m_fTimeAccumulator += Vision::GetUITimer()->GetTimeDifference(); if (m_fTimeAccumulator >= 1.0f) { m_fCurrentFrameTime = m_fTimeAccumulator / m_iFrameCounter; m_fCurrentFps = m_iFrameCounter / m_fTimeAccumulator; m_fTimeAccumulator = 0.0f; m_iFrameCounter = 0; } } if (m_bFpsVisible) Vision::Message.Print(1, 10, Vision::Video.GetYRes() - 35, "FPS : %.1f\nFrame Time : %.2f", m_fCurrentFps, m_fCurrentFrameTime * 1000.0f); } else if (pData->m_pSender == &Vision::Callbacks.OnBeforeSwapBuffers) { if (m_bSaveScreenshot) { VScreenShotHelper helper; helper.Capture(); if (helper.PendingDataInBuffer()) { if (helper.SaveBufferToFile("", NULL, 1.0f, 1.0f)) Vision::Message.Add(0, "Screenshot saved to \"%s\".\n", helper.GetScreenShotPath()); else Vision::Message.Add(0, "Screenshot could not be saved.\n"); } // Re-enable the VAppMenu again VAppMenu* pMainMenu = GetParent()->GetAppModule<VAppMenu>(); if (pMainMenu) pMainMenu->SetVisible(true); m_bSaveScreenshot = false; } } else if (pData->m_pSender == &Vision::Callbacks.OnRenderHook) { VisRenderHookDataObject_cl *pRenderHookData = (VisRenderHookDataObject_cl *)pData; if (pRenderHookData->m_iEntryConst == VRH_PRE_SCREENMASKS) { // Debug drawing of all visible touch areas. #if defined(SUPPORTS_MULTITOUCH) if (m_bTouchAreaDebug) { IVMultiTouchInput* pMultiTouchInput = NULL; pMultiTouchInput = static_cast<IVMultiTouchInput*>(&VInputManager::GetInputDevice(INPUT_DEVICE_TOUCHSCREEN)); VPListT<VTouchArea> touchAreas = pMultiTouchInput->GetTouchAreas(); const float fBorderWidth = 3.0f; VSimpleRenderState_t alphaState(VIS_TRANSP_ALPHA, RENDERSTATEFLAG_FRONTFACE|RENDERSTATEFLAG_NOWIREFRAME|RENDERSTATEFLAG_ALWAYSVISIBLE); IVRender2DInterface *pRI = Vision::RenderLoopHelper.BeginOverlayRendering(); { for (int i=0; i<touchAreas.GetLength(); ++i) { const VRectanglef& rect = touchAreas.Get(i)->GetArea(); const VColorRef color = touchAreas.Get(i)->GetTouchPointIndex() < 0 ? VColorRef(0, 255, 0, 64) : VColorRef(0, 255, 0, 96); pRI->DrawSolidQuad(rect.m_vMin, rect.m_vMax, color, alphaState); pRI->DrawSolidQuad(rect.m_vMin, hkvVec2(rect.m_vMax.x, rect.m_vMin.y + fBorderWidth), VColorRef(0, 255, 0, 255), alphaState); pRI->DrawSolidQuad(hkvVec2(rect.m_vMin.x, rect.m_vMax.y - fBorderWidth), rect.m_vMax, VColorRef(0, 255, 0, 255), alphaState); pRI->DrawSolidQuad(hkvVec2(rect.m_vMin.x, rect.m_vMin.y + fBorderWidth), hkvVec2(rect.m_vMin.x + fBorderWidth, rect.m_vMax.y - fBorderWidth), VColorRef(0, 255, 0, 255), alphaState); pRI->DrawSolidQuad(hkvVec2(rect.m_vMax.x - fBorderWidth, rect.m_vMin.y + fBorderWidth), hkvVec2(rect.m_vMax.x, rect.m_vMax.y - fBorderWidth), VColorRef(0, 255, 0, 255), alphaState); } } Vision::RenderLoopHelper.EndOverlayRendering(); } #endif } } int iIndex = GetCallbackIndex(pData); if (iIndex >= 0) { if (iIndex == OPTION_FPS) { m_bFpsVisible = !m_bFpsVisible; } else if (iIndex == OPTION_WIREFRAME) { if (Vision::Renderer.GetWireframeMode()) Vision::Renderer.SetWireframeMode(false); else Vision::Renderer.SetWireframeMode(true); } else if (iIndex == OPTION_RELOAD_RESOURCES) { int iCount = Vision::ResourceSystem.ReloadModifiedResourceFiles(NULL, VURO_HOT_RELOAD); // Clear effect caches so that material shaders will be re-created (not re-used). Vision::Shaders.GetShaderFXLibManager().ResetCompiledEffectCaches(); // Reassign all material shaders. Vision::Shaders.ReloadAllShaderAssignmentFiles(); Vision::Message.Add(1, "%i resources were outdated and have been reloaded.", iCount); } else if (iIndex == OPTION_TIME_STEP_GRAPH) { m_pTimeStepGraph->SetVisible(!m_pTimeStepGraph->IsVisible()); } #if defined(SUPPORTS_MULTITOUCH) else if (iIndex == OPTION_MULTITOUCH) { m_bTouchAreaDebug = !m_bTouchAreaDebug; } #endif else if (iIndex == OPTION_SAVE_SCREENSHOT) { m_bSaveScreenshot = true; // We don't want the menu to be visible in the screenshot VAppMenu* pMainMenu = GetParent()->GetAppModule<VAppMenu>(); if (pMainMenu != NULL) pMainMenu->SetVisible(false); } } iIndex = GetCallbackIndex(m_debugInfos, pData); if (iIndex >= 0) Vision::Profiling.ToggleDebugRenderFlags((unsigned int)iIndex); }
// internal helpers: static inline int MapTrigger( VStringInputMap *pMap, const char * szTriggerName, VString & sDeviceName, int iControl, const VInputOptions & options, int iOptTriggerIndex /* = -1 */, const VRectanglef & area, float fPrio, bool bNewTouchArea, int iOptionaAxisControl = -1) { VASSERT_MSG(pMap!=NULL, "No VStringInputMap present for mapping!"); if(szTriggerName==NULL || szTriggerName[0]==0) { Vision::Error.Warning("[Lua] MapTrigger: Trigger name is empty, please specify a proper name."); return -1; } sDeviceName.ToLower(); IVInputDevice* pInputDevice = NULL; #if defined(SUPPORTS_MULTITOUCH) // Special case handling for the virtual thumb stick. if (sDeviceName == "virtualthumbstick") { pInputDevice = s_pVirtualThumbStick; } else #endif { pInputDevice = &VInputManager::GetInputDevice(sDeviceName.AsChar()); } if (pInputDevice == NULL || pInputDevice->GetModel() == INPUT_DEVICE_NONE) { Vision::Error.Warning("[Lua] MapTrigger: Could not find input device '%s' for trigger '%s'.", sDeviceName.AsChar(), szTriggerName); return -1; } //touch area handling if (sDeviceName.Search("touch") || sDeviceName.Search("back")) { IVMultiTouchInput *pTouchDevice = (IVMultiTouchInput *)pInputDevice; if(!bNewTouchArea) { VTouchArea **ppAreas = pTouchDevice->GetTouchAreas().GetPtrs(); for(int i=0;i<pTouchDevice->GetTouchAreas().GetLength();i++) { if(ppAreas[i]->GetArea() == area) { return pMap->MapTrigger(szTriggerName, ppAreas[i], iControl, options, iOptTriggerIndex); } } } //we could not find a matching area -or- do not create a new one: VTouchArea* pArea = new VTouchArea(*pTouchDevice, area, fPrio); return pMap->MapTrigger(szTriggerName, pArea, iControl, options, iOptTriggerIndex); } //mapping for non-touch devices if (iOptionaAxisControl >= 0) return pMap->MapTriggerAxis(szTriggerName, *pInputDevice, iControl, (unsigned int) iOptionaAxisControl, options, iOptTriggerIndex); else return pMap->MapTrigger(szTriggerName, *pInputDevice, iControl, options, iOptTriggerIndex); }