HRESULT WIACamera::SetDeviceProperty(const unsigned int CamID, const PropertyType Type, const int iValue, bool bAuto) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if ( CamID >= m_iCount ) return S_FALSE; IWiaPropertyStorage *pWiaPropertyStorage; hr = m_vRootItem[CamID]->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaPropertyStorage,(void**)&pWiaPropertyStorage); if (hr != S_OK) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } PROPSPEC PropSpec; PROPVARIANT PropVar; PropSpec.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; PropVar.vt = VT_I4; if ( Type==CAMERA_SHUTTERSPEED ) { // shutter speed変更の際には,撮影モード変更後,値を設定 long lResult; PropSpec.propid = WIA_DPC_EXPOSURE_MODE; hr = ReadPropertyLong( pWiaPropertyStorage, &PropSpec, &lResult); if (bAuto) { // EXPOSUREMODE_MANUAL -> EXPOSUREMODE_APERTURE_PRIORITY // EXPOSUREMODE_SHUTTER_PRIORITY -> EXPOSUREMODE_AUTO // OTHER : NOTHING if ( lResult==EXPOSUREMODE_MANUAL ) { PropVar.lVal = EXPOSUREMODE_APERTURE_PRIORITY; hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( 1, &PropSpec, &PropVar, 2 ); } else if ( lResult==EXPOSUREMODE_SHUTTER_PRIORITY ) { PropVar.lVal = EXPOSUREMODE_AUTO; hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( 1, &PropSpec, &PropVar, 2 ); } } else { // EXPOSUREMODE_MANUAL <- EXPOSUREMODE_APERTURE_PRIORITY // EXPOSUREMODE_SHUTTER_PRIORITY <- EXPOSUREMODE_AUTO // OTHER : NOTHING if ( lResult==EXPOSUREMODE_APERTURE_PRIORITY ) { PropVar.lVal = EXPOSUREMODE_MANUAL; hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( 1, &PropSpec, &PropVar, 2 ); } else if ( lResult==EXPOSUREMODE_AUTO ) { PropVar.lVal = EXPOSUREMODE_SHUTTER_PRIORITY; hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( 1, &PropSpec, &PropVar, 2 ); } // then Set Value. PropSpec.propid = WIA_DPC_EXPOSURE_TIME; PropVar.lVal = iValue; hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( 1, &PropSpec, &PropVar, 2 ); } } else if ( Type==CAMERA_APERTURE ) { // 絞り変更の際には,撮影モード変更後,値を設定 long lResult; PropSpec.propid = WIA_DPC_EXPOSURE_MODE; hr = ReadPropertyLong( pWiaPropertyStorage, &PropSpec, &lResult); if (bAuto) { // EXPOSUREMODE_MANUAL -> EXPOSUREMODE_SHUTTER_PRIORITY // EXPOSUREMODE_APERTURE_PRIORITY -> EXPOSUREMODE_AUTO // OTHER : NOTHING if ( lResult==EXPOSUREMODE_MANUAL ) { PropVar.lVal = EXPOSUREMODE_SHUTTER_PRIORITY; hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( 1, &PropSpec, &PropVar, 2 ); } else if ( lResult==EXPOSUREMODE_APERTURE_PRIORITY ) { PropVar.lVal = EXPOSUREMODE_AUTO; hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( 1, &PropSpec, &PropVar, 2 ); } } else { // EXPOSUREMODE_MANUAL <- EXPOSUREMODE_SHUTTER_PRIORITY // EXPOSUREMODE_APERTURE_PRIORITY <- EXPOSUREMODE_AUTO // OTHER : NOTHING if ( lResult==EXPOSUREMODE_SHUTTER_PRIORITY ) { PropVar.lVal = EXPOSUREMODE_MANUAL; hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( 1, &PropSpec, &PropVar, 2 ); } else if ( lResult==EXPOSUREMODE_AUTO ) { PropVar.lVal = EXPOSUREMODE_APERTURE_PRIORITY; hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( 1, &PropSpec, &PropVar, 2 ); } // then Set Value. PropSpec.propid = WIA_DPC_FNUMBER; PropVar.lVal = iValue; hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( 1, &PropSpec, &PropVar, 2 ); } } else if ( Type==CAMERA_GAIN ) { PropSpec.propid = WIA_DPC_EXPOSURE_INDEX; if (bAuto) { PropVar.lVal = 0xFFFF; } else { PropVar.lVal = iValue; } hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( 1, &PropSpec, &PropVar, 2 ); } else { hr = E_NOTIMPL; } if (pWiaPropertyStorage) { pWiaPropertyStorage->Release(); pWiaPropertyStorage = NULL; } return hr; }
HRESULT TransferWiaItem( IWiaItem *pWiaItem ) { // // Validate arguments // if (NULL == pWiaItem) { return E_INVALIDARG; } // // Get the IWiaPropertyStorage interface so we can set required properties // IWiaPropertyStorage *pWiaPropertyStorage = NULL; HRESULT hr = pWiaItem->QueryInterface( IID_IWiaPropertyStorage, (void**)&pWiaPropertyStorage ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // // Prepare PROPSPECs and PROPVARIANTs for setting the // media type and format // PROPSPEC PropSpec[2] = {0}; PROPVARIANT PropVariant[2] = {0}; const ULONG c_nPropCount = sizeof(PropVariant)/sizeof(PropVariant[0]); // // Use BMP as the output format // GUID guidOutputFormat = WiaImgFmt_BMP; // // Initialize the PROPSPECs // PropSpec[0].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; PropSpec[0].propid = WIA_IPA_FORMAT; PropSpec[1].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; PropSpec[1].propid = WIA_IPA_TYMED; // // Initialize the PROPVARIANTs // PropVariant[0].vt = VT_CLSID; PropVariant[0].puuid = &guidOutputFormat; PropVariant[1].vt = VT_I4; PropVariant[1].lVal = TYMED_FILE; // // Set the properties // hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( c_nPropCount, PropSpec, PropVariant, WIA_IPA_FIRST ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // // Get the IWiaDataTransfer interface // IWiaDataTransfer *pWiaDataTransfer = NULL; hr = pWiaItem->QueryInterface( IID_IWiaDataTransfer, (void**)&pWiaDataTransfer ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // // Create our callback class // CWiaDataCallback *pCallback = new CWiaDataCallback; if (pCallback) { // // Get the IWiaDataCallback interface from our callback class. // IWiaDataCallback *pWiaDataCallback = NULL; hr = pCallback->QueryInterface( IID_IWiaDataCallback, (void**)&pWiaDataCallback ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // // Perform the transfer using default settings // STGMEDIUM stgMedium = {0}; hr = pWiaDataTransfer->idtGetData( &stgMedium, pWiaDataCallback ); if (S_OK == hr) { // // Print the filename (note that this filename is always // a WCHAR string, not TCHAR. // _tprintf( TEXT("Transferred filename: %ws\n"), stgMedium.lpszFileName ); // // Release any memory associated with the stgmedium // ReleaseStgMedium( &stgMedium ); } else { ReportError( TEXT("pWiaDataTransfer->idtGetData failed"), hr ); } // // Release the callback interface // pWiaDataCallback->Release(); pWiaDataCallback = NULL; } else { ReportError( TEXT("pCallback->QueryInterface failed on IID_IWiaDataCallback"), hr ); } // // Release our callback. It should now delete itself. // pCallback->Release(); pCallback = NULL; } else { ReportError( TEXT("Unable to create CWiaDataCallback class instance") ); } // // Release the IWiaDataTransfer // pWiaDataTransfer->Release(); pWiaDataTransfer = NULL; } else { ReportError( TEXT("pWiaItem->QueryInterface failed on IID_IWiaDataTransfer"), hr ); } } // // Release the IWiaPropertyStorage // pWiaPropertyStorage->Release(); pWiaPropertyStorage = NULL; } else { ReportError( TEXT("pWiaItem->QueryInterface failed on IID_IWiaPropertyStorage"), hr ); } return hr; }
HRESULT WIACamera::DigitalCameraCapture(IWiaItem* pIWiaRoot, IplImage** ppIplImage) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IWiaItem* pIWiaItem = NULL; hr = pIWiaRoot->DeviceCommand( 0, &WIA_CMD_TAKE_PICTURE, &pIWiaItem ); if (pIWiaItem==NULL) { cvReleaseImage(ppIplImage); (*ppIplImage) = NULL; return hr; } IStream **ppStream = NULL; LONG lCount = 0; // Create the data callback interface CDataCallback *pDataCallback = new CDataCallback( &lCount,&ppStream ); if (pDataCallback == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } { // Get the interface pointers IWiaPropertyStorage *pWiaPropertyStorage; hr = pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaPropertyStorage,(void**)&pWiaPropertyStorage); if (hr != S_OK) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } IWiaDataTransfer *pIWiaDataTransfer; hr = pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaDataTransfer, (void**)&pIWiaDataTransfer); if (hr != S_OK) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } // Set the transfer type PROPSPEC specTymed; specTymed.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; specTymed.propid = WIA_IPA_TYMED; PROPVARIANT varTymed; varTymed.vt = VT_I4; varTymed.lVal = TYMED_CALLBACK; hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple(1, &specTymed, &varTymed, WIA_IPA_FIRST ); PropVariantClear(&varTymed); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } // If there is no transfer format specified, use the device default GUID guidFormat = GUID_NULL; GUID *pguidFormat = &guidFormat; PROPSPEC specPreferredFormat; specPreferredFormat.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; specPreferredFormat.propid = WIA_IPA_PREFERRED_FORMAT; hr = ReadPropertyGuid( pWiaPropertyStorage, &specPreferredFormat, pguidFormat ); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } // Set the transfer format PROPSPEC specFormat; PROPVARIANT varFormat; specFormat.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; specFormat.propid = WIA_IPA_FORMAT; varFormat.vt = VT_CLSID; varFormat.puuid = (CLSID *) CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(CLSID)); if (varFormat.puuid == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } *varFormat.puuid = *pguidFormat; hr = pWiaPropertyStorage->WriteMultiple( 1, &specFormat, &varFormat, WIA_IPA_FIRST ); PropVariantClear(&varFormat); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } // Read the transfer buffer size from the device, default to 64K PROPSPEC specBufferSize; specBufferSize.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; specBufferSize.propid = WIA_IPA_BUFFER_SIZE; LONG nBufferSize; hr = ReadPropertyLong( pWiaPropertyStorage, &specBufferSize, &nBufferSize ); if (FAILED(hr)) { nBufferSize = 64 * 1024; } // Choose double buffered transfer for better performance WIA_DATA_TRANSFER_INFO WiaDataTransferInfo = { 0 }; WiaDataTransferInfo.ulSize = sizeof(WIA_DATA_TRANSFER_INFO); WiaDataTransferInfo.ulBufferSize = 2 * nBufferSize; WiaDataTransferInfo.bDoubleBuffer = TRUE; // Start the transfer hr = pIWiaDataTransfer->idtGetBandedData( &WiaDataTransferInfo, pDataCallback ); if (pWiaPropertyStorage) { pWiaPropertyStorage->Release(); pWiaPropertyStorage = NULL; } if (pIWiaDataTransfer) { pIWiaDataTransfer->Release(); pIWiaDataTransfer = NULL; } } if (pIWiaItem) { // Delete file from DigitalCamera storage pIWiaItem->DeleteItem(0); pIWiaItem->Release(); pIWiaItem = NULL; } if (lCount!=1) throw "Error.\n"; if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { Gdiplus::Bitmap myBmp(ppStream[0]); int Width = myBmp.GetWidth(); int Height = myBmp.GetHeight(); Gdiplus::Rect rect(0, 0, Width, Height); Gdiplus::BitmapData myBitmapData; Gdiplus::Status res = myBmp.LockBits( &rect, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead, PixelFormat24bppRGB, &myBitmapData ); if ( (*ppIplImage)==NULL ) { (*ppIplImage) = cvCreateImage(cvSize(Width,Height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3); } else { CvSize oldSize = cvGetSize((*ppIplImage)); if ( oldSize.width!=Width || oldSize.height!=Height ) { throw "Warning.\n"; cvReleaseImage(&(*ppIplImage)); (*ppIplImage) = cvCreateImage(cvSize(Width,Height),IPL_DEPTH_8U,3); } } unsigned char *pIplData = (unsigned char*)(*ppIplImage)->imageData; for ( int h=0; h < Height; h++) { unsigned char *pIplLine = &pIplData[(*ppIplImage)->widthStep*h]; unsigned char *pBitmapLine = &((unsigned char*)myBitmapData.Scan0)[myBitmapData.Stride*h]; memcpy( pIplLine, pBitmapLine, sizeof(unsigned char)*Width*3 ); /* for ( int w=0; w < Width; w++) { pIplLine[w*3+0] = pBitmapLine[w*3+2]; pIplLine[w*3+1] = pBitmapLine[w*3+1]; pIplLine[w*3+2] = pBitmapLine[w*3+0]; } */ } } else { delete (*ppIplImage); (*ppIplImage) = NULL; } ppStream[0]->Release(); return hr; }