int SequenceAlign(CpptrajState& State, ArgList& argIn) {
  std::string blastfile = argIn.GetStringKey("blastfile");
  if (blastfile.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: 'blastfile' must be specified.\n");
    return 1;
  ReferenceFrame qref = State.DSL()->GetReferenceFrame(argIn);
  if (qref.error() || qref.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: Must specify reference structure for query.\n");
    return 1;
  std::string outfilename = argIn.GetStringKey("out");
  if (outfilename.empty()) {
    mprinterr("Error: Must specify output file.\n");
    return 1;
  TrajectoryFile::TrajFormatType fmt = TrajectoryFile::GetFormatFromArg(argIn);
  if (fmt != TrajectoryFile::PDBFILE && fmt != TrajectoryFile::MOL2FILE)
    fmt = TrajectoryFile::PDBFILE; // Default to PDB
  int smaskoffset = argIn.getKeyInt("smaskoffset", 0) + 1;
  int qmaskoffset = argIn.getKeyInt("qmaskoffset", 0) + 1;

  // Load blast file
  mprintf("\tReading BLAST alignment from '%s'\n", blastfile.c_str());
  BufferedLine infile;
  if (infile.OpenFileRead( blastfile )) return 1;
  // Seek down to first Query line.
  const char* ptr = infile.Line();
  bool atFirstQuery = false;
  while (ptr != 0) {
    if (*ptr == 'Q') {
      if ( strncmp(ptr, "Query", 5) == 0 ) {
        atFirstQuery = true;
    ptr = infile.Line();
  if (!atFirstQuery) {
    mprinterr("Error: 'Query' not found.\n");
    return 1;

  // Read alignment. Replacing query with subject.
  typedef std::vector<char> Carray;
  typedef std::vector<int> Iarray;
  Carray Query; // Query residues
  Carray Sbjct; // Sbjct residues
  Iarray Smap;  // Smap[Sbjct index] = Query index
  while (ptr != 0) {
    const char* qline = ptr;           // query line
    const char* aline = infile.Line(); // alignment line
    const char* sline = infile.Line(); // subject line
    if (aline == 0 || sline == 0) {
      mprinterr("Error: Missing alignment line or subject line after Query:\n");
      mprinterr("Error:  %s", qline);
      return 1;
    for (int idx = 12; qline[idx] != ' '; idx++) {
      if (qline[idx] == '-') {
        // Sbjct does not have corresponding res in Query
        Sbjct.push_back( sline[idx] );
      } else if (sline[idx] == '-') {
        // Query does not have a corresponding res in Sbjct
        Query.push_back( qline[idx] );
      } else {
        // Direct Query to Sbjct map
        Smap.push_back( Query.size() );
        Sbjct.push_back( sline[idx] );
        Query.push_back( qline[idx] );
    // Scan to next Query 
    ptr = infile.Line();
    while (ptr != 0) {
      if (*ptr == 'Q') {
        if ( strncmp(ptr, "Query", 5) == 0 ) break;
      ptr = infile.Line();
  // DEBUG
  std::string SmaskExp, QmaskExp;
  if (State.Debug() > 0) mprintf("  Map of Sbjct to Query:\n");
  for (int sres = 0; sres != (int)Sbjct.size(); sres++) {
    if (State.Debug() > 0)
      mprintf("%-i %3s %i", sres+smaskoffset, Residue::ConvertResName(Sbjct[sres]),
    const char* qres = "";
    if (Smap[sres] != -1) {
      qres = Residue::ConvertResName(Query[Smap[sres]]);
      if (SmaskExp.empty())
        SmaskExp.assign( integerToString(sres+smaskoffset) );
        SmaskExp.append( "," + integerToString(sres+smaskoffset) );
      if (QmaskExp.empty())
        QmaskExp.assign( integerToString(Smap[sres]+qmaskoffset) );
        QmaskExp.append( "," + integerToString(Smap[sres]+qmaskoffset) );

    if (State.Debug() > 0) mprintf(" %3s\n", qres);
  mprintf("Smask: %s\n", SmaskExp.c_str());
  mprintf("Qmask: %s\n", QmaskExp.c_str());
  // Check that query residues match reference.
  for (unsigned int sres = 0; sres != Sbjct.size(); sres++) {
    int qres = Smap[sres];
    if (qres != -1) {
      if (Query[qres] != qref.Parm().Res(qres).SingleCharName()) {
        mprintf("Warning: Potential residue mismatch: Query %s reference %s\n",
                Residue::ConvertResName(Query[qres]), qref.Parm().Res(qres).c_str());
  // Build subject using coordinate from reference.
  //AtomMask sMask; // Contain atoms that should be in sTop
  Topology sTop;
  Frame sFrame;
  Iarray placeHolder; // Atom indices of placeholder residues.
  for (unsigned int sres = 0; sres != Sbjct.size(); sres++) {
    int qres = Smap[sres];
    NameType SresName( Residue::ConvertResName(Sbjct[sres]) );
    if (qres != -1) {
      Residue const& QR = qref.Parm().Res(qres);
      Residue SR(SresName, sres+1, ' ', QR.ChainID());
      if (Query[qres] == Sbjct[sres]) { // Exact match. All non-H atoms.
        for (int qat = QR.FirstAtom(); qat != QR.LastAtom(); qat++)
          if (qref.Parm()[qat].Element() != Atom::HYDROGEN)
            sTop.AddTopAtom( qref.Parm()[qat], SR );
            sFrame.AddXYZ( qref.Coord().XYZ(qat) );
      } else { // Partial match. Copy only backbone and CB.
        for (int qat = QR.FirstAtom(); qat != QR.LastAtom(); qat++)
          if ( qref.Parm()[qat].Name().Match("N" ) ||
               qref.Parm()[qat].Name().Match("CA") ||
               qref.Parm()[qat].Name().Match("CB") ||
               qref.Parm()[qat].Name().Match("C" ) ||
               qref.Parm()[qat].Name().Match("O" ) )
            sTop.AddTopAtom( qref.Parm()[qat], SR );
            sFrame.AddXYZ( qref.Coord().XYZ(qat) );
    } else {
      // Residue in query does not exist for subject. Just put placeholder CA for now.
      Vec3 Zero(0.0);
      placeHolder.push_back( sTop.Natom() );
      sTop.AddTopAtom( Atom("CA", "C "), Residue(SresName, sres+1, ' ', ' ') );
      sFrame.AddXYZ( Zero.Dptr() );
  mprintf("\tPlaceholder residue indices:");
  for (Iarray::const_iterator p = placeHolder.begin(); p != placeHolder.end(); ++p)
    mprintf(" %i", *p + 1);
  // Try to give placeholders more reasonable coordinates.
  if (!placeHolder.empty()) {
    Iarray current_indices;
    unsigned int pidx = 0;
    while (pidx < placeHolder.size()) {
      if (current_indices.empty()) {
        current_indices.push_back( placeHolder[pidx++] );
        // Search for the end of this segment
        for (; pidx != placeHolder.size(); pidx++) {
          if (placeHolder[pidx] - current_indices.back() > 1) break;
          current_indices.push_back( placeHolder[pidx] );
        // DEBUG
        for (Iarray::const_iterator it = current_indices.begin();
                                    it != current_indices.end(); ++it)
          mprintf(" %i", *it + 1);
        // Get coordinates of residues bordering segment.
        int prev_res = sTop[current_indices.front()].ResNum() - 1;
        int next_res = sTop[current_indices.back() ].ResNum() + 1;
        mprintf(" (prev_res=%i, next_res=%i)\n", prev_res+1, next_res+1);
        Vec3 prev_crd(sFrame.XYZ(current_indices.front() - 1));
        Vec3 next_crd(sFrame.XYZ(current_indices.back()  + 1));
        Vec3 crd_step = (next_crd - prev_crd) / (double)(current_indices.size()+1);
        double* xyz = sFrame.xAddress() + (current_indices.front() * 3);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i != current_indices.size(); i++, xyz += 3) {
          prev_crd += crd_step;
          xyz[0] = prev_crd[0];
          xyz[1] = prev_crd[1];
          xyz[2] = prev_crd[2];
  //Topology* sTop = qref.Parm().partialModifyStateByMask( sMask );
  //if (sTop == 0) return 1;
  //Frame sFrame(qref.Coord(), sMask);
  // Write output traj
  Trajout_Single trajout;
  if (trajout.PrepareTrajWrite(outfilename, argIn, &sTop, CoordinateInfo(), 1, fmt)) return 1;
  if (trajout.WriteSingle(0, sFrame)) return 1;
  return 0;
/** Determine what atoms each mask pertains to for the current parm file.
Action::RetType Action_NMRrst::Setup(ActionSetup& setup) {
  if (!viewrst_.empty() && rsttop_ == 0) rsttop_ = setup.TopAddress();
  // ---------------------------------------------
  // Set up NOEs from file.
  for (noeDataArray::iterator noe = NOEs_.begin(); noe != NOEs_.end(); ++noe) {
    if (setup.Top().SetupIntegerMask( noe->dMask1_ )) return Action::ERR;
    if (setup.Top().SetupIntegerMask( noe->dMask2_ )) return Action::ERR;
    if (noe->dMask1_.None() || noe->dMask2_.None()) {
      mprintf("Warning: One or both masks for NOE '%s' have no atoms (%i and %i).\n",
              noe->dist_->legend(), noe->dMask1_.Nselected(),
      noe->active_ = false; 
    } else
      noe->active_ = true;
  // ---------------------------------------------
  // Set up potential NOE sites.
  if (findNOEs_) {
    if (setup.Top().SetupCharMask( Mask_ )) return Action::ERR;
    if (Mask_.None()) return Action::SKIP;
    SiteArray potentialSites; // .clear();
    AtomMap resMap;
    resMap.SetDebug( debug_ );
    std::vector<bool> selected;
    Range soluteRes = setup.Top().SoluteResidues();
    for (Range::const_iterator res = soluteRes.begin(); res != soluteRes.end(); ++res)
      int res_first_atom = setup.Top().Res(*res).FirstAtom();
      selected.assign( setup.Top().Res(*res).NumAtoms(), false );
      // Find symmetric atom groups.
      AtomMap::AtomIndexArray symmGroups;
      if (resMap.SymmetricAtoms(setup.Top(), symmGroups, *res)) return Action::ERR;
      // DEBUG
      if (debug_ > 0) {
        mprintf("DEBUG: Residue %i: symmetric atom groups:\n", *res + 1);
        for (AtomMap::AtomIndexArray::const_iterator grp = symmGroups.begin();
                                                     grp != symmGroups.end(); ++grp)
          for (AtomMap::Iarray::const_iterator at = grp->begin();
                                               at != grp->end(); ++at)
            mprintf(" %s", setup.Top().TruncAtomNameNum( *at ).c_str());
      // Each symmetric hydrogen atom group is a site.
      for (AtomMap::AtomIndexArray::const_iterator grp = symmGroups.begin();
                                                   grp != symmGroups.end(); ++grp)
      { // NOTE: If first atom is H all should be H.
        if ( setup.Top()[ grp->front() ].Element() == Atom::HYDROGEN )
          Iarray symmAtomGroup;
          for (Iarray::const_iterator at = grp->begin();
                                      at != grp->end(); ++at)
            if (Mask_.AtomInCharMask( *at ))
              symmAtomGroup.push_back( *at );
          if (!symmAtomGroup.empty()) {
            potentialSites.push_back( Site(*res, symmAtomGroup) );
            // Mark symmetric atoms as selected.
            for (AtomMap::Iarray::const_iterator at = grp->begin();
                                                 at != grp->end(); ++at)
              selected[ *at - res_first_atom ] = true;
      // All other non-selected hydrogens bonded to same heavy atom are sites.
      for (int ratom = res_first_atom; ratom != setup.Top().Res(*res).LastAtom(); ++ratom)
        if ( setup.Top()[ratom].Element() != Atom::HYDROGEN ) {
          Iarray heavyAtomGroup;
          for (Atom::bond_iterator ba = setup.Top()[ratom].bondbegin();
                                   ba != setup.Top()[ratom].bondend(); ++ba)
            if ( Mask_.AtomInCharMask(*ba) && 
                 *ba >= res_first_atom && 
                 *ba < setup.Top().Res(*res).LastAtom() )
              if ( !selected[ *ba - res_first_atom ] &&
                   setup.Top()[ *ba ].Element() == Atom::HYDROGEN )
                heavyAtomGroup.push_back( *ba );
          if (!heavyAtomGroup.empty())
            potentialSites.push_back( Site(*res, heavyAtomGroup) );
    mprintf("\t%zu potential NOE sites:\n", potentialSites.size());
    for (SiteArray::const_iterator site = potentialSites.begin();
                                   site != potentialSites.end(); ++site)
      mprintf("  %u\tRes %i:", site - potentialSites.begin(), site->ResNum()+1);
      for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx != site->Nindices(); ++idx)
        mprintf(" %s", setup.Top().TruncAtomNameNum( site->Idx(idx) ).c_str());
    if (noeArray_.empty()) {
      size_t siteArraySize = 0;
      // Set up all potential NOE pairs. Keep track of size.
      for (SiteArray::const_iterator site1 = potentialSites.begin();
                                     site1 != potentialSites.end(); ++site1)
        for (SiteArray::const_iterator site2 = site1 + 1;
                                       site2 != potentialSites.end(); ++site2)
          if (site1->ResNum() != site2->ResNum()) {
            std::string legend = site1->SiteLegend(setup.Top()) + "--" +
            DataSet* ds = 0;
            if (series_) {
              ds = masterDSL_->AddSet(DataSet::FLOAT,
                                      MetaData(setname_, "foundNOE", noeArray_.size()));
              if (ds == 0) return Action::ERR;
              // Construct a data set name.
            noeArray_.push_back( NOEtype(*site1, *site2, ds, legend) );
            siteArraySize += (2 * sizeof(int) * site1->Nindices()) +
                             (2 * sizeof(int) * site2->Nindices());
      numNoePairs_ = noeArray_.size();
      size_t siteSize = sizeof(int) + (2 * sizeof(Iarray)) + sizeof(Site);
      size_t noeSize = (2 * siteSize) + sizeof(DataSet*) + sizeof(double) 
                       + sizeof(NOEtype);
      if (series_) noeSize += sizeof(std::vector<float>);
      size_t noeArraySize = (noeSize * numNoePairs_) + siteArraySize;
      if (series_)
        noeArraySize += (setup.Nframes() * numNoePairs_ * sizeof(float));
      mprintf("\t%zu potential NOE pairs. Estimated memory usage is %s\n",
              numNoePairs_, ByteString(noeArraySize, BYTE_DECIMAL).c_str());
    } else if (numNoePairs_ != potentialSites.size()) {
      mprinterr("Warning: Found NOE matrix has already been set up for %zu potential\n"
                "Warning:   NOEs, but %zu NOEs currently found.\n", numNoePairs_,
      return Action::SKIP;
  // ---------------------------------------------
  // Set up NOEs specified on the command line
  if (!Pairs_.empty()) {
    if (!specifiedNOEs_.empty()) {
      mprintf("Warning: Specifying NOEs currently only works with first topology used.\n");
      return Action::SKIP;
    for (MaskPairArray::iterator mp = Pairs_.begin(); mp != Pairs_.end(); mp++) {
      if (setup.Top().SetupIntegerMask( mp->first )) return Action::ERR;
      int res1 = CheckSameResidue(setup.Top(), mp->first);
      if (res1 < 0) continue;
      if (setup.Top().SetupIntegerMask( mp->second )) return Action::ERR;
      int res2 = CheckSameResidue(setup.Top(), mp->second);
      if (res2 < 0) continue;
      Site site1( res1, mp->first.Selected() );
      Site site2( res2, mp->second.Selected() );
      std::string legend = site1.SiteLegend(setup.Top()) + "--" +
      DataSet* ds = 0;
      if (series_) {
        ds = masterDSL_->AddSet(DataSet::FLOAT,
                                MetaData(setname_, "specNOE", specifiedNOEs_.size()));
        if (ds == 0) return Action::ERR;
      specifiedNOEs_.push_back( NOEtype(site1, site2, ds, legend) );
  // Set up imaging info for this parm
  Image_.SetupImaging( setup.CoordInfo().TrajBox().Type() );
  if (Image_.ImagingEnabled())
    mprintf("\tImaging off.\n");

  return Action::OK;  
/** Find potential symmetric atoms. All residues up to the last selected
  * residue are considered.
int SymmetricRmsdCalc::SetupSymmRMSD(Topology const& topIn, AtomMask const& tgtMask, bool remapIn)
  // Allocate space for remapping selected atoms in target frame. This will
  // also put the correct masses in based on the mask.
  tgtRemap_.SetupFrameFromMask(tgtMask, topIn.Atoms());
  // Create map of original atom numbers to selected indices
  Iarray SelectedIdx( topIn.Natom(), -1 );
  int tgtIdx = 0;
  for (int originalAtom = 0; originalAtom != topIn.Natom(); ++originalAtom)
    if ( originalAtom == tgtMask[tgtIdx] )
      SelectedIdx[originalAtom] = tgtIdx++;
  if (debug_ > 0) {
    mprintf("DEBUG: Original atom -> Selected Index mapping:\n");
    for (int originalAtom = 0; originalAtom != topIn.Natom(); ++originalAtom)
      mprintf("\t%8i -> %8i\n", originalAtom + 1, SelectedIdx[originalAtom] + 1);
  // Create initial 1 to 1 atom map for all selected atoms; indices in 
  // SymmetricAtomIndices will correspond to positions in AMap.
  AMap_.resize( tgtRemap_.Natom() );
  // Determine last selected residue.
  int last_res = topIn[tgtMask.back()].ResNum() + 1;
  mprintf("\tResidues up to %s will be considered for symmetry correction.\n",
  // In each residue, determine which selected atoms are symmetric.
  AtomMap resmap;
  if (debug_ > 1) resmap.SetDebug(1);
  for (int res = 0; res < last_res; ++res) {
    AtomMap::AtomIndexArray residue_SymmetricGroups;
    if (resmap.SymmetricAtoms(topIn, residue_SymmetricGroups, res)) {
      mprinterr("Error: Finding symmetric atoms in residue '%s'\n",
      return 1;
    if (!residue_SymmetricGroups.empty()) {
      // Which atoms in symmetric groups are selected?
      bool resHasSelectedSymmAtoms = false;
      for (AtomMap::AtomIndexArray::const_iterator symmGroup = residue_SymmetricGroups.begin();
                                                   symmGroup != residue_SymmetricGroups.end();
        Iarray selectedAtomIndices;
        for (Iarray::const_iterator atnum = symmGroup->begin();
                                    atnum != symmGroup->end(); ++atnum)
          if ( SelectedIdx[*atnum] != -1 )
            selectedAtomIndices.push_back( SelectedIdx[*atnum] ); // Store tgtMask indices
        if (!selectedAtomIndices.empty()) {
          SymmetricAtomIndices_.push_back( selectedAtomIndices );
          resHasSelectedSymmAtoms = true;
      // If remapping and not all atoms in a residue are selected, warn user.
      // TODO: Should they just be considered even if not selected?
      if (remapIn && resHasSelectedSymmAtoms) {
        for (int atom = topIn.Res(res).FirstAtom(); atom != topIn.Res(res).LastAtom(); ++atom)
          if (SelectedIdx[atom] == -1) {
            mprintf("Warning: Not all atoms selected in residue '%s'. Re-mapped\n"
                    "Warning:   structures may appear distorted.\n", 
  if (debug_ > 0) {
    mprintf("DEBUG: Potential Symmetric Atom Groups:\n");
    for (AtomIndexArray::const_iterator symmatoms = SymmetricAtomIndices_.begin();
                                        symmatoms != SymmetricAtomIndices_.end();
      mprintf("\t%8u) ", symmatoms - SymmetricAtomIndices_.begin());
      for (Iarray::const_iterator atom = symmatoms->begin();
                                  atom != symmatoms->end(); ++atom)
        mprintf(" %s(%i)", topIn.AtomMaskName(tgtMask[*atom]).c_str(), tgtMask[*atom] + 1);
  return 0;