eObool_t feat_MC_mutex_post(void *mchandler, uint32_t prognum)
    eoThreadEntry *th = NULL;
    IethResource *ier = static_cast<IethResource*>(mchandler);
    IethResource *mc = ier; //dynamic_cast<embObjMotionControl *>(ier);

    if(NULL == mc)
        return eobool_false;
    else if(false == mc->initialised())
    {   // it can be that the object is already created but its open() not yet completed. it is in open() that we allocate requestQueue ....
        return eobool_false;

    int threadId;
    eoThreadFifo *fuffy = mc->getFifo(prognum);

    if( (threadId = fuffy->pop()) < 0)
        yError() << "Received an answer message nobody is waiting for (MCmutex_post)";
        return eobool_false;
        th = mc->getThreadTable(threadId);
        if(NULL == th)
            yError() << "MCmutex_post error at line " << __LINE__;
        return eobool_true;

    return eobool_false;
eObool_t feat_manage_motioncontrol_data(eOipv4addr_t ipv4, eOprotID32_t id32, void* rxdata)
    IethResource* mc = NULL;

    if(NULL == _interface2ethManager)
        return eobool_false;

    mc = _interface2ethManager->getInterface(ipv4, id32);

    if(NULL == mc)
        char ipinfo[20];
        char nvinfo[128];
        eo_common_ipv4addr_to_string(ipv4, ipinfo, sizeof(ipinfo));
        eoprot_ID2information(id32, nvinfo, sizeof(nvinfo));
        yDebug("feat_manage_motioncontrol_data() fails to get a handle of embObjMotionControl for IP = %s and NV = %s", ipinfo, nvinfo);
        return eobool_false;

    if(false == mc->initialised())
        return eobool_false;
        mc->update(id32, yarp::os::Time::now(), rxdata);

    return eobool_true;
eObool_t feat_manage_analogsensors_data(eOipv4addr_t ipv4, eOprotID32_t id32, void *data)
    IethResource* sensor;

    if(NULL == _interface2ethManager)
        return eobool_false;

    sensor = _interface2ethManager->getInterface(ipv4, id32);

    if(NULL == sensor)
        char ipinfo[20];
        char nvinfo[128];
        eo_common_ipv4addr_to_string(ipv4, ipinfo, sizeof(ipinfo));
        eoprot_ID2information(id32, nvinfo, sizeof(nvinfo));
        yDebug("feat_manage_analogsensors_data() fails to get a handle of embObjAnalogSensor for IP = %s and NV = %s", ipinfo, nvinfo);
        return eobool_false;

    if(false == sensor->initialised())
        return eobool_false;
    {   // data is a EOarray* in case of mais or strain but it is a eOas_inertial_status_t* in case of inertial sensor
        sensor->update(id32, yarp::os::Time::now(), data);

    return eobool_true;
eObool_t feat_manage_skin_data(eOipv4addr_t ipv4, eOprotID32_t id32, void *arrayofcandata)
    IethResource* skin;

    if(NULL == _interface2ethManager)
        return eobool_false;

    skin = _interface2ethManager->getInterface(ipv4, id32);

    if(NULL == skin)
        char ipinfo[20];
        char nvinfo[128];
        eo_common_ipv4addr_to_string(ipv4, ipinfo, sizeof(ipinfo));
        eoprot_ID2information(id32, nvinfo, sizeof(nvinfo));
        yDebug("feat_manage_skin_data() fails to get a handle of embObjSkin for IP = %s and NV = %s", ipinfo, nvinfo);
        return eobool_false;

    if(false == skin->initialised())
        return eobool_false;
        skin->update(id32, yarp::os::Time::now(), (void *)arrayofcandata);

    return eobool_true;
fakestdbool_t feat_manage_motioncontrol_data(FEAT_boardnumber_t boardnum, eOprotID32_t id32, void* rxdata)
    IethResource* mc = NULL;
    ethFeatType_t type;
    bool ret = _interface2ethManager->getHandle(boardnum, id32, &mc, &type);

        yDebug("EMS callback was unable to get access to the embObjMotionControl");
        return fakestdbool_false;

    if(type != ethFeatType_MotionControl)
        return fakestdbool_false;
    else if(false == mc->initialised())
        return fakestdbool_false;
        mc->update(id32, yarp::os::Time::now(), rxdata);

    return fakestdbool_true;
fakestdbool_t feat_manage_analogsensors_data(FEAT_boardnumber_t boardnum, eOprotID32_t id32, void *as_array)
    IethResource* sensor;
    ethFeatType_t type;
    bool ret = _interface2ethManager->getHandle(boardnum, id32, &sensor, &type);

        yDebug("EMS callback was unable to get access to the embObjAnalogSensor");
        return fakestdbool_false;

    if(! ((type == ethFeatType_AnalogMais) || (type == ethFeatType_AnalogStrain)) )
        yError("EMS analog sensor callback - the ethmanager does not know this object YET or a wrong pointer has been returned because it is not an embObjAnalogSensor");
        return fakestdbool_false;
    else if(false == sensor->initialised())
    {   // the ethmanager has the object, but the obiect was not full initted yet. cannot use it
        return fakestdbool_false;
    {   // the object exists and is completed: it can be used
        sensor->update(id32, yarp::os::Time::now(), as_array);

    return fakestdbool_true;
fakestdbool_t feat_manage_skin_data(FEAT_boardnumber_t boardnum, eOprotID32_t id32, void *arrayofcandata)
    static int error = 0;
    IethResource* skin;
    ethFeatType_t type;
    bool ret = _interface2ethManager->getHandle(boardnum, id32, &skin, &type);

        yDebug("EMS callback was unable to get access to the embObjSkin");
        return fakestdbool_false;

    if(type != ethFeatType_Skin)
    {   // the ethmanager does not know this object yet or the dynamic cast failed because it is not an embObjSkin
        char nvinfo[128];
        eoprot_ID2information(id32, nvinfo, sizeof(nvinfo));
        if(0 == (error%1000) )
            yWarning() << "feat_manage_skin_data() received a request from BOARD" << boardnum << "with ID:" << nvinfo << "but no class was jet instatiated for it";

        return fakestdbool_false;
    else if(false == skin->initialised())
    {   // the ethmanager has the object, but the device was not fully opened yet. cannot use it
        return fakestdbool_false;
    {   // the object exists and is completed: it can be used
        skin->update(id32, yarp::os::Time::now(), (void *)arrayofcandata);

    return fakestdbool_true;