void AdaptiveSkeletonClimbing3::CreateImage (ImageInt3D& image)
    // Create an image by sampling a Gaussian distribution.
    int bound = image.GetBound(0);
    float a0 = 256.0f, a1 = 128.0f;
    float x0 = 0.5f*bound, y0 = 0.0f, z0 = 0.0f;
    float x1 = 0.75f*bound, y1 = 0.0f, z1 = 0.0f;
    float xs0 = 2.0f*bound, ys0 = 4.0f*bound, zs0 = 8.0f*bound;
    float xs1 = 8.0f*bound, ys1 = 4.0f*bound, zs1 = 2.0f*bound;

    image = (Eint)0;

    for (int z = 0; z < bound; ++z)
        float vz0 = (z - z0)/zs0, vz1 = (z - z1)/zs1;
        vz0 *= vz0;
        vz1 *= vz1;
        for (int y = 0; y < bound; ++y)
            float vy0 = (y - y0)/ys0, vy1 = (y - y1)/ys1;
            vy0 *= vy0;
            vy1 *= vy1;
            for (int x = 0; x < bound; ++x)
                float vx0 = (x - x0)/xs0, vx1 = (x - x1)/xs1;
                vx0 *= vx0;
                vx1 *= vx1;

                float g0 = a0*Mathf::Exp(-(vx0 + vy0 + vz0));
                float g1 = a1*Mathf::Exp(-(vx1 + vy1 + vz1));
                image(x, y, z) = (int)(g0 + g1);

void Binary3D::GetComponents (int& riQuantity, ImageInt3D& rkComponents) const
    // Create a temporary copy of image to store intermediate information
    // during component labeling.  The original image is embedded in an image
    // with two more slices, two more rows, and two more columns so that the
    // image boundary pixels are properly handled.  This copy is initially
    // zero.
    ImageInt3D kTemp(GetBound(0)+2,GetBound(1)+2,GetBound(2)+2);
    int iX, iY, iZ, iXP, iYP, iZP;
    for (iZ = 0, iZP = 1; iZ < GetBound(2); iZ++, iZP++)
        for (iY = 0, iYP = 1; iY < GetBound(1); iY++, iYP++)
            for (iX = 0, iXP = 1; iX < GetBound(0); iX++, iXP++)
                kTemp(iXP,iYP,iZP) = ( (*this)(iX,iY,iZ) ? 1 : 0 );

    // label connected components in 1D array
    int i, iComponent = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < kTemp.GetQuantity(); i++)
        if ( kTemp[i] )
            while ( kTemp[i] )
                // loop terminates since kTemp is zero on its boundaries
                kTemp[i++] = iComponent;

    if ( iComponent == 0 )
        // input image is identically zero
        riQuantity = 0;
        rkComponents = (Eint)0;

    // associative memory for merging
    int* aiAssoc = new int[iComponent+1];
    for (i = 0; i < iComponent + 1; i++)
        aiAssoc[i] = i;

    // Merge equivalent components.  Voxel (x,y,z) has previous neighbors
    // (x-1,y-1,z-1), (x,y-1,z-1), (x+1,y-1,z-1), (x-1,y,z-1), (x,y,z-1),
    // (x+1,y,z-1), (x-1,y+1,z-1), (x,y+1,z-1), (x+1,y+1,z-1), (x-1,y-1,z),
    // (x,y-1,z), (x+1,y-1,z), (x-1,y,z) [13 of 26 voxels visited before
    // (x,y,z) is visited, get component labels from them].
    for (iZ = 1; iZ < kTemp.GetBound(2)-1; iZ++)
        for (iY = 1; iY < kTemp.GetBound(1)-1; iY++)
            for (iX = 1; iX < kTemp.GetBound(0)-1; iX++)
                int iValue = kTemp(iX,iY,iZ);
                if ( iValue > 0 )
                    AddToAssociative(iValue,kTemp(iX,  iY-1,iZ-1),aiAssoc);
                    AddToAssociative(iValue,kTemp(iX-1,iY  ,iZ-1),aiAssoc);
                    AddToAssociative(iValue,kTemp(iX  ,iY  ,iZ-1),aiAssoc);
                    AddToAssociative(iValue,kTemp(iX+1,iY  ,iZ-1),aiAssoc);
                    AddToAssociative(iValue,kTemp(iX  ,iY+1,iZ-1),aiAssoc);
                    AddToAssociative(iValue,kTemp(iX-1,iY-1,iZ  ),aiAssoc);
                    AddToAssociative(iValue,kTemp(iX  ,iY-1,iZ  ),aiAssoc);
                    AddToAssociative(iValue,kTemp(iX+1,iY-1,iZ  ),aiAssoc);
                    AddToAssociative(iValue,kTemp(iX-1,iY  ,iZ  ),aiAssoc);

    // replace each cycle of equivalent labels by a single label
    riQuantity = 0;
    for (i = 1; i <= iComponent; i++)
        if ( i <= aiAssoc[i] )
            int iCurrent = i;
            while ( aiAssoc[iCurrent] != i )
                int iNext = aiAssoc[iCurrent];
                aiAssoc[iCurrent] = riQuantity;
                iCurrent = iNext;
            aiAssoc[iCurrent] = riQuantity;

    // pack a relabeled image in smaller size output
    for (iZ = 0, iZP = 1; iZ < rkComponents.GetBound(2); iZ++, iZP++)
        for (iY = 0, iYP = 1; iY < rkComponents.GetBound(1); iY++, iYP++)
            for (iX = 0, iXP = 1; iX < rkComponents.GetBound(0); iX++, iXP++)
                rkComponents(iX,iY,iZ) = aiAssoc[kTemp(iXP,iYP,iZP)];

    delete[] aiAssoc;