ImageLayer::assembleImageFromTileSource(const TileKey&    key,
                                        ProgressCallback* progress)
    GeoImage mosaicedImage, result;

    // Scale the extent if necessary to apply an "edge buffer"
    GeoExtent ext = key.getExtent();
    if ( _runtimeOptions.edgeBufferRatio().isSet() )
        double ratio = _runtimeOptions.edgeBufferRatio().get();
        ext.scale(ratio, ratio);

    // Get a set of layer tiles that intersect the requested extent.
    std::vector<TileKey> intersectingKeys;
    getProfile()->getIntersectingTiles( key, intersectingKeys );

    if ( intersectingKeys.size() > 0 )
        double dst_minx, dst_miny, dst_maxx, dst_maxy;
        key.getExtent().getBounds(dst_minx, dst_miny, dst_maxx, dst_maxy);

        // if we find at least one "real" tile in the mosaic, then the whole result tile is
        // "real" (i.e. not a fallback tile)
        bool retry = false;
        ImageMosaic mosaic;

        // keep track of failed tiles.
        std::vector<TileKey> failedKeys;

        for( std::vector<TileKey>::iterator k = intersectingKeys.begin(); k != intersectingKeys.end(); ++k )
            GeoImage image = createImageFromTileSource( *k, progress );

            if ( image.valid() )
                if ( !isCoverage() )

                    // Make sure all images in mosaic are based on "RGBA - unsigned byte" pixels.
                    // This is not the smarter choice (in some case RGB would be sufficient) but
                    // it ensure consistency between all images / layers.
                    // The main drawback is probably the CPU memory foot-print which would be reduced by allocating RGB instead of RGBA images.
                    // On GPU side, this should not change anything because of data alignements : often RGB and RGBA textures have the same memory footprint
                    if (   (image.getImage()->getDataType() != GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
                        || (image.getImage()->getPixelFormat() != GL_RGBA) )
                        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> convertedImg = ImageUtils::convertToRGBA8(image.getImage());
                        if (convertedImg.valid())
                            image = GeoImage(convertedImg, image.getExtent());

                mosaic.getImages().push_back( TileImage(image.getImage(), *k) );
                // the tile source did not return a tile, so make a note of it.
                failedKeys.push_back( *k );

                if (progress && (progress->isCanceled() || progress->needsRetry()))
                    retry = true;

        if ( mosaic.getImages().empty() || retry )
            // if we didn't get any data, fail.
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "Couldn't create image for ImageMosaic " << std::endl;
            return GeoImage::INVALID;

        // We got at least one good tile, so go through the bad ones and try to fall back on
        // lower resolution data to fill in the gaps. The entire mosaic must be populated or
        // this qualifies as a bad tile.
        for(std::vector<TileKey>::iterator k = failedKeys.begin(); k != failedKeys.end(); ++k)
            GeoImage image;

            for(TileKey parentKey = k->createParentKey();
                parentKey.valid() && !image.valid();
                parentKey = parentKey.createParentKey())
                image = createImageFromTileSource( parentKey, progress );
                if ( image.valid() )
                    GeoImage cropped;

                    if ( !isCoverage() )
                        if (   (image.getImage()->getDataType() != GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
                            || (image.getImage()->getPixelFormat() != GL_RGBA) )
                            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> convertedImg = ImageUtils::convertToRGBA8(image.getImage());
                            if (convertedImg.valid())
                                image = GeoImage(convertedImg, image.getExtent());

                        cropped = image.crop( k->getExtent(), false, image.getImage()->s(), image.getImage()->t() );

                        // TODO: may not work.... test; tilekey extent will <> cropped extent
                        cropped = image.crop( k->getExtent(), true, image.getImage()->s(), image.getImage()->t(), false );

                    // and queue it.
                    mosaic.getImages().push_back( TileImage(cropped.getImage(), *k) );       


            if ( !image.valid() )
                // a tile completely failed, even with fallback. Eject.
                OE_DEBUG << LC << "Couldn't fallback on tiles for ImageMosaic" << std::endl;
                // let it go. The empty areas will be filled with alpha by ImageMosaic.

        // all set. Mosaic all the images together.
        double rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax;
        mosaic.getExtents( rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax );

        mosaicedImage = GeoImage(
            GeoExtent( getProfile()->getSRS(), rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax ) );
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "assembleImageFromTileSource: no intersections (" << key.str() << ")" << std::endl;

    // Final step: transform the mosaic into the requesting key's extent.
    if ( mosaicedImage.valid() )
        // GeoImage::reproject() will automatically crop the image to the correct extents.
        // so there is no need to crop after reprojection. Also note that if the SRS's are the 
        // same (even though extents are different), then this operation is technically not a
        // reprojection but merely a resampling.

        result = mosaicedImage.reproject( 
            *_runtimeOptions.driver()->bilinearReprojection() );

    // Process images with full alpha to properly support MP blending.
    if ( result.valid() && *_runtimeOptions.featherPixels() && !isCoverage() )
        ImageUtils::featherAlphaRegions( result.getImage() );

    return result;
ImageLayer::createImageInNativeProfile(const TileKey&    key,
                                       ProgressCallback* progress)
    if (getStatus().isError())
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    const Profile* nativeProfile = getProfile();
    if ( !nativeProfile )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Could not establish the profile" << std::endl;
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    GeoImage result;

    if ( key.getProfile()->isHorizEquivalentTo(nativeProfile) )
        // requested profile matches native profile, move along.
        result = createImageInKeyProfile( key, progress );
        // find the intersection of keys.
        std::vector<TileKey> nativeKeys;
        nativeProfile->getIntersectingTiles(key, nativeKeys);

        // build a mosaic of the images from the native profile keys:
        bool foundAtLeastOneRealTile = false;

        ImageMosaic mosaic;
        for( std::vector<TileKey>::iterator k = nativeKeys.begin(); k != nativeKeys.end(); ++k )
            bool isFallback = false;
            GeoImage image = createImageInKeyProfile( *k, progress );
            if ( image.valid() )
                mosaic.getImages().push_back( TileImage(image.getImage(), *k) );
                // if we get EVEN ONE invalid tile, we have to abort because there will be
                // empty spots in the mosaic. (By "invalid" we mean a tile that could not
                // even be resolved through the fallback procedure.)
                return GeoImage::INVALID;
                //TODO: probably need to change this so the mosaic uses alpha.

        // bail out if we got nothing.
        if ( mosaic.getImages().size() > 0 )
            // assemble new GeoImage from the mosaic.
            double rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax;
            mosaic.getExtents( rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax );

            result = GeoImage(
                GeoExtent( nativeProfile->getSRS(), rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax ) );

    return result;
ImageLayer::createImageInNativeProfile( const TileKey& key, ProgressCallback* progress, bool forceFallback, bool& out_isFallback)
    out_isFallback = false;

    const Profile* nativeProfile = getProfile();
    if ( !nativeProfile )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Could not establish the profile" << std::endl;
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    if ( key.getProfile()->isEquivalentTo(nativeProfile) )
        // requested profile matches native profile, move along.
        return createImageInKeyProfile( key, progress, forceFallback, out_isFallback );
        // find the intersection of keys.
        std::vector<TileKey> nativeKeys;
        nativeProfile->getIntersectingTiles(key.getExtent(), nativeKeys);

        //OE_INFO << "KEY = " << key.str() << ":" << std::endl;
        //for(int i=0; i<nativeKeys.size(); ++i)
        //    OE_INFO << "    " << nativeKeys[i].str() << std::endl;
        // build a mosaic of the images from the native profile keys:
        bool foundAtLeastOneRealTile = false;

        ImageMosaic mosaic;
        for( std::vector<TileKey>::iterator k = nativeKeys.begin(); k != nativeKeys.end(); ++k )
            bool isFallback = false;
            GeoImage image = createImageInKeyProfile( *k, progress, true, isFallback );
            if ( image.valid() )
                mosaic.getImages().push_back( TileImage(image.getImage(), *k) );
                if ( !isFallback )
                    foundAtLeastOneRealTile = true;
                // if we get EVEN ONE invalid tile, we have to abort because there will be
                // empty spots in the mosaic. (By "invalid" we mean a tile that could not
                // even be resolved through the fallback procedure.)
                return GeoImage::INVALID;

        // bail out if we got nothing.
        if ( mosaic.getImages().size() == 0 )
            return GeoImage::INVALID;

        // if the mosaic is ALL fallback data, this tile is fallback data.
        if ( foundAtLeastOneRealTile )
            // assemble new GeoImage from the mosaic.
            double rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax;
            mosaic.getExtents( rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax );

            GeoImage result( 
                GeoExtent( nativeProfile->getSRS(), rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax ) );

#if 1
            return result;

#else // let's try this. why crop? Just leave it. Faster and more compatible with NPOT
      // systems (like iOS)

            // calculate a tigher extent that matches the original input key:
            GeoExtent tightExtent = nativeProfile->clampAndTransformExtent( key.getExtent() );

            // a non-exact crop is critical here to avoid resampling the data
            return result.crop( tightExtent, false, 0, 0, *_runtimeOptions.driver()->bilinearReprojection() );

        else // all fallback data
            GeoImage result;

            if ( forceFallback && key.getLevelOfDetail() > 0 )
                result = createImageInNativeProfile(
                    out_isFallback );

            out_isFallback = true;
            return result;

        //if ( !foundAtLeastOneRealTile )
        //    out_isFallback = true;

ImageLayer::assembleImageFromTileSource(const TileKey&    key,
                                        ProgressCallback* progress,
                                        bool&             out_isFallback)
    GeoImage mosaicedImage, result;

    out_isFallback = false;

    // Scale the extent if necessary to apply an "edge buffer"
    GeoExtent ext = key.getExtent();
    if ( _runtimeOptions.edgeBufferRatio().isSet() )
        double ratio = _runtimeOptions.edgeBufferRatio().get();
        ext.scale(ratio, ratio);

    // Get a set of layer tiles that intersect the requested extent.
    std::vector<TileKey> intersectingKeys;
    getProfile()->getIntersectingTiles( ext, intersectingKeys );

    if ( intersectingKeys.size() > 0 )
        double dst_minx, dst_miny, dst_maxx, dst_maxy;
        key.getExtent().getBounds(dst_minx, dst_miny, dst_maxx, dst_maxy);

        // if we find at least one "real" tile in the mosaic, then the whole result tile is
        // "real" (i.e. not a fallback tile)
        bool foundAtLeastOneRealTile = false;
        bool retry = false;
        ImageMosaic mosaic;

        for( std::vector<TileKey>::iterator k = intersectingKeys.begin(); k != intersectingKeys.end(); ++k )
            double minX, minY, maxX, maxY;
            k->getExtent().getBounds(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);

            bool isFallback = false;
            GeoImage image = createImageFromTileSource( *k, progress, true, isFallback );
            if ( image.valid() )
                // make sure the image is RGBA.
                // (TODO: investigate whether we still need this -gw 6/25/2012)
                if (image.getImage()->getPixelFormat() != GL_RGBA || image.getImage()->getDataType() != GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE || image.getImage()->getInternalTextureFormat() != GL_RGBA8 )
                    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> convertedImg = ImageUtils::convertToRGBA8(image.getImage());
                    if (convertedImg.valid())
                        image = GeoImage(convertedImg, image.getExtent());

                mosaic.getImages().push_back( TileImage(image.getImage(), *k) );
                if ( !isFallback )
                    foundAtLeastOneRealTile = true;
                // the tile source did not return a tile, so make a note of it.
                if (progress && (progress->isCanceled() || progress->needsRetry()))
                    retry = true;

        if ( mosaic.getImages().empty() || retry )
            // if we didn't get any data, fail
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "Couldn't create image for ImageMosaic " << std::endl;
            return GeoImage::INVALID;

        // all set. Mosaic all the images together.
        double rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax;
        mosaic.getExtents( rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax );

        mosaicedImage = GeoImage(
            GeoExtent( getProfile()->getSRS(), rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax ) );

        if ( !foundAtLeastOneRealTile )
            out_isFallback = true;
        OE_DEBUG << LC << "assembleImageFromTileSource: no intersections (" << key.str() << ")" << std::endl;

    // Final step: transform the mosaic into the requesting key's extent.
    if ( mosaicedImage.valid() )
        // GeoImage::reproject() will automatically crop the image to the correct extents.
        // so there is no need to crop after reprojection. Also note that if the SRS's are the 
        // same (even though extents are different), then this operation is technically not a
        // reprojection but merely a resampling.

        result = mosaicedImage.reproject( 

    // Process images with full alpha to properly support MP blending.
    if ( result.valid() && *_runtimeOptions.featherPixels() )
        ImageUtils::featherAlphaRegions( result.getImage() );

    return result;
ImageLayer::createImageInNativeProfile(const TileKey&    key,
                                       ProgressCallback* progress)
    if (getStatus().isError())
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    const Profile* nativeProfile = getProfile();
    if ( !nativeProfile )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Could not establish the profile" << std::endl;
        return GeoImage::INVALID;

    GeoImage result;

    if ( key.getProfile()->isHorizEquivalentTo(nativeProfile) )
        // requested profile matches native profile, move along.
        result = createImageInKeyProfile( key, progress );
        // find the intersection of keys.
        std::vector<TileKey> nativeKeys;
        nativeProfile->getIntersectingTiles(key, nativeKeys);

        // build a mosaic of the images from the native profile keys:
        bool foundAtLeastOneRealTile = false;

        ImageMosaic mosaic;
        for( std::vector<TileKey>::iterator k = nativeKeys.begin(); k != nativeKeys.end(); ++k )
            GeoImage image = createImageInKeyProfile( *k, progress );
            if ( image.valid() )
                foundAtLeastOneRealTile = true;
                mosaic.getImages().push_back( TileImage(image.getImage(), *k) );
                // We didn't get an image so pad the mosaic with a transparent image.
                mosaic.getImages().push_back( TileImage(ImageUtils::createEmptyImage(getTileSize(), getTileSize()), *k));

        // bail out if we got nothing.
        if ( foundAtLeastOneRealTile )
            // assemble new GeoImage from the mosaic.
            double rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax;
            mosaic.getExtents( rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax );

            result = GeoImage(
                GeoExtent( nativeProfile->getSRS(), rxmin, rymin, rxmax, rymax ) );

    return result;