文件: ImageFile.cpp 项目: BRKMYR/yarp
static bool ImageReadRGB(ImageOf<PixelRgb> &img, const char *filename)
    int width, height, color, num;
    FILE *fp=0;
    fp = fopen(filename, "rb");

            fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s, check if file exists.\n", filename);
            return false;

    if (!ReadHeader(fp, &height, &width, &color))
            fclose (fp);
            fprintf(stderr, "Error reading header, is file a valid ppm/pgm?\n");
            return false;

    if (!color)
            ImageOf<PixelMono> tmp;

            const int w = tmp.width() * tmp.getPixelSize();
            const int h = tmp.height();
            const int pad = tmp.getRowSize();
            unsigned char *dst = tmp.getRawImage ();

            num = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
                    num += (int)fread((void *) dst, 1, (size_t) w, fp);
                    dst += pad;
            return true;


    const int w = img.width() * img.getPixelSize();
    const int h = img.height();
    const int pad = img.getRowSize();
    unsigned char *dst = img.getRawImage ();

    num = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
            num += (int)fread((void *) dst, 1, (size_t) w, fp);
            dst += pad;


    return true;
文件: ImageFile.cpp 项目: BRKMYR/yarp
static bool ImageReadBGR(ImageOf<PixelBgr> &img, const char *filename)
    int width, height, color, num;
    FILE *fp=0;
    fp = fopen(filename, "rb");

            fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s, check if file exists.\n", filename);
            return false;

    if (!ReadHeader(fp, &height, &width, &color))
            fclose (fp);
            fprintf(stderr, "Error reading header, is file a valid ppm/pgm?\n");
            return false;
    if (!color)
            fprintf(stderr, "File is grayscale, conversion not yet supported\n");
            return false;

    ImageOf<PixelRgb> tmpImg;
    tmpImg.resize(width, height);

    const int w = tmpImg.width() * img.getPixelSize();
    const int h = tmpImg.height();
    const int pad = tmpImg.getRowSize();
    unsigned char *dst = tmpImg.getRawImage ();

    num = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < h; i++)
            num += (int)fread((void *) dst, 1, (size_t) w, fp);
            dst += pad;


    return img.copy(tmpImg);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	std::string imageInPortName;
	std::string stereoInPortName;
	std::string magnoInPortName;
	std::string saliencyOutPortName;
	std::string gazeOutPortName;
	std::string facesInPortName;

	Network yarp;

	if(argc < 6)
		std::cout << "Not enough arguments. Must provide port name to the input and output ports" << endl;
		std::cout << "Exiting ..." << endl;
		return -1;
		imageInPortName = argv[1];
		stereoInPortName = argv[2];
		magnoInPortName = argv[3];
		facesInPortName = argv[4];
		saliencyOutPortName = argv[5];
		gazeOutPortName = argv[6];

	int numGPU = cuda::getCudaEnabledDeviceCount();

	if (numGPU == 0)
		std::cout << "No GPU found or library compiled without GPU support" << endl;
		std::cout << "Exiting ..." << endl;
		return 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < numGPU; i++)
		cuda::DeviceInfo GPUlist;
		bool compatible = GPUlist.isCompatible();
		if (compatible == false)
			std::cout << "Library not compiled with appropriate architecture" << endl;
			std::cout << "Exiting ..." << endl;
			return 0;

	std::cout << "Found " << numGPU << " CUDA enabled device/s" << endl;
	cv::cuda::Stream cuStream[5];

	yarp::os::BufferedPort<yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelRgb> > imageInPort;
	yarp::os::BufferedPort<yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelRgbFloat> > stereoInPort;
	yarp::os::BufferedPort<yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelMono> > magnoInPort;
	yarp::os::BufferedPort<yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelMono> > facesInPort;
	yarp::os::BufferedPort<yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelFloat> > saliencyOutPort;
	yarp::os::Port gazeOutPort;

	bool inOpen = imageInPort.open(imageInPortName.c_str());
	//bool inOpen2 = stereoInPort.open(stereoInPortName.c_str());
	bool inOpen4 = facesInPort.open(facesInPortName.c_str());
	//bool inOpen3 = magnoInPort.open(magnoInPortName.c_str());
	bool outOpen = saliencyOutPort.open(saliencyOutPortName.c_str());
	bool outOpen2 = gazeOutPort.open(gazeOutPortName.c_str());

	if(!inOpen | !inOpen4 |!outOpen | !outOpen2)
		std::cout << "Could not open ports. Exiting" << endl;
		return -1;

#ifdef devDebug
	//yarp.connect("/icubcam", "/imin");
	yarp.connect("/icub/cam/left","/inputCalibImage", "udp+mjpeg+recv.bayer+method.nearest");
	//yarp.connect("/magno/out", "/magnoInput");
	yarp.connect("/salientOut", "/salientFacesIn");
	yarp.connect("/gazeOut", "/iKinGazeCtrl/mono:i");

//using vision for stereo cameras:
// for all features except for depth, stitch the two images together to remove overlap and thus including peripheral vision.
// after stitching process through retina model and extract features
// for depth, process the overlapping section of the image only then after getting a saliency map, reincorporate this into
// an image whose dimensions are equal to the rest by setting the remaining pixels = 0
//instead of using optical flow for motion detection use magnocellular pathway implemented in retina module to extract motion saliency
//use of several gpus is done by getting a list of devices and setting which gpu does which operation:
//- requires either optimisation of event sequences where each gpu has a separate task to implement or striping of image
//separate tasks could possibly be more processing efficient due to the several 'independent' tasks that need to be carried out
	bool setup = false;
	int count = 0;
	Size imageSize;
	int border = 100;
	int inCount = 0, inCount1 = 0, inCount2 = 0, inCount3 = 0;
	int outCount = 0;
	int step = 0;
	int stepMagno = 0;
	int stepStereo = 0;
	int stepFaces = 0;
	double t = 0.0, time = 0.0;

	while(setup == false)
		inCount = imageInPort.getInputCount();
		//inCount1 = stereoInPort.getInputCount();
		//inCount2 = magnoInPort.getInputCount();
		inCount2 = facesInPort.getInputCount();
		if (inCount == 0)
			cout << "Awaiting input images" << endl;
			ImageOf<PixelRgb> *image = imageInPort.read();
			//ImageOf<PixelRgbFloat> *stereo = stereoInPort.read();
			//ImageOf<PixelMono> *magno = magnoInPort.read();
			ImageOf<PixelMono> *faces = facesInPort.read();
			if (image != NULL & faces != NULL)
				count = 0;
				step = image->getRowSize() + image->getPadding();
				//stepMagno = magno->getRowSize() + magno->getPadding();
				//stepStereo = stereo->getRowSize() + stereo->getPadding();
				stepFaces = faces->getRowSize() + faces->getPadding();

				Mat left_cpuRGB(image->height(), image->width(), CV_8UC3, image->getRawImage(), step);
				imageSize = left_cpuRGB.size();

				setup = true;

	int numPix = imageSize.height*imageSize.width;
	char mess[100];
	GpuMat Intensity_past(imageSize, CV_32F);

	//prepare gabor filters
	int gaborWidth = 5;
	Size gaborSize = Size(gaborWidth, gaborWidth);
	Mat cgabor_0, cgabor_45, cgabor_90, cgabor_135;
	double sigma = 1, lambda = 2.0, gamma = 1.0, phase = 0;
	double Gstep = CV_PI / 4.0;
	double orien[4] = { (2 * Gstep), Gstep, 0, (3 * Gstep) };
	cgabor_0 =   getGaborKernel(gaborSize, sigma, orien[0], lambda, gamma, phase, CV_32F);
	cgabor_45 =  getGaborKernel(gaborSize, sigma, orien[1], lambda, gamma, phase, CV_32F);
	cgabor_90 =  getGaborKernel(gaborSize, sigma, orien[2], lambda, gamma, phase, CV_32F);
	cgabor_135 = getGaborKernel(gaborSize, sigma, orien[3], lambda, gamma, phase, CV_32F);

	GpuMat Gabor0_0, Gabor0_90, Gabor0_45, Gabor0_135;

	Ptr<Filter> gaborFilt0 =   cuda::createLinearFilter(CV_32F, CV_32F, cgabor_0,   Point(-1, -1), BORDER_CONSTANT, 0);
	Ptr<Filter> gaborFilt90 =  cuda::createLinearFilter(CV_32F, CV_32F, cgabor_90,  Point(-1, -1), BORDER_CONSTANT, 0);
	Ptr<Filter> gaborFilt45 =  cuda::createLinearFilter(CV_32F, CV_32F, cgabor_45,  Point(-1, -1), BORDER_CONSTANT, 0);
	Ptr<Filter> gaborFilt135 = cuda::createLinearFilter(CV_32F, CV_32F, cgabor_135, Point(-1, -1), BORDER_CONSTANT, 0);

	//prepare pyramid sizes array
	const int numPyrLevels = 8;
	int numFMaps = 6;
	int conspMapLevel = 4;
	vector<int> centreVec;
	vector<int> surroundOffsetVec;

	vector<GpuMat> gMagnoPYR, gMagnoFMaps, gIntensityPYR, gIntensityFMaps, RGantPYR, RGantFMaps, BYantPYR, BYantFMaps, Gabor0PYR, Gabor90PYR, Gabor45PYR, Gabor135PYR, Gabor0FMaps, Gabor90FMaps, Gabor45FMaps, Gabor135FMaps;
	vector<Mat> intensity;
	Mat intPast, IOR;
	GpuMat gTempY, gTempX, gRG;
	Size pyrSizes[numPyrLevels+1];
	Rect pyrRect[numPyrLevels+1];
	Point origin = Point(0, 0);
	int tempH, tempW;


	for (int i = 0; i <= numPyrLevels; i++)
		tempH = ceil(imageSize.height / pow(2,i));
		tempW = ceil(imageSize.width / pow(2, i));
		pyrSizes[i] = Size(tempW, tempH);
		pyrRect[i] = Rect(origin, pyrSizes[i]);
		if (i < numFMaps)

	GpuMat gIntensityConspMap(pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], CV_32F);
	//GpuMat gMagnoConspMap(pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], CV_32F);
	GpuMat RGantConspMap(pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], CV_32F);
	GpuMat BYantConspMap(pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], CV_32F);
	GpuMat Gabor0ConspMap(pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], CV_32F);
	GpuMat Gabor90ConspMap(pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], CV_32F);
	GpuMat Gabor45ConspMap(pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], CV_32F);
	GpuMat Gabor135ConspMap(pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], CV_32F);
	GpuMat OrientationConspMap(pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], CV_32F);
	GpuMat IORMap(pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], CV_32F);
	GpuMat gMask(Size(3, numPix), CV_8UC1);

	//initialise maximum filtering
	//Ptr<Filter> maxFilt = cuda::createBoxMaxFilter(CV_8UC1, Size(5, 5), Point(-1, -1), BORDER_CONSTANT, 0);
	Mat kernel, cSaliencyInt;
	kernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(5, 5), Point(-1, -1));
	Ptr<Filter> maxFilt = cuda::createMorphologyFilter(MORPH_DILATE, CV_8UC1, kernel, Point(-1, -1), 1);

	double avgFps, cumuTime = 0, avgTime, minSalVal, maxSalVal;
	Point minSalPoint, maxSalPoint;
	Mat m1, m2, m3, m0, imageFloat, cSaliency, magnoFloat, facesFloat;
	GpuMat gTemp3, gMaxRGB, gMinRG, gMagnoDisparity, gRightInt, gFaces, gFacesConspMap, gMagno3D, gLeftInt, gLeftROI, gMagnoROI, gMagnoLeftCorrect1, gMagnoRightCorrect1, gMagnoRightInt, gMagnoLeftInt,  gRight, gR, gMagnoLeft, gMagnoRight, gMagno0, gG, gB, gIntensityCurr, gIntensity0, gLeft, pano, RGant0, temp, BYant0, Flicker0, gTemp, gTemp2, gTemp4, gTemp5, gTemp6, gTemp7, gTemp8, gSaliency, ColorConspMap;
	vector<GpuMat> bgr, rg;
	int countFrames = 0, countGaze = 0;
	Scalar arrMean, arrStddev;
	int lenX = pow(2,conspMapLevel);
	int lenY = lenX;
	int salX = 0, salY = 0;
	int cumulativeX = 0, cumulativeY = 0;
	Rect salientRegion, saliencyMapRegion;
	Scalar meanPos;
	double decayFactor = 0.95;
	int gazePeriod = 6;
	int midX = floor(gazePeriod/2);
	std::vector<int> vecX(gazePeriod);
	std::vector<int> vecY(gazePeriod);
	std::vector<int> sortX(gazePeriod);
	vector<int>::iterator medianIdx;
	int medianX;
	int salIdx;
	//std::deque<Point> saccadePts;

	Point2f avgPoint;

		inCount = imageInPort.getInputCount();
		//inCount1 = stereoInPort.getInputCount();
		//inCount2 = magnoInPort.getInputCount();
		inCount3 = facesInPort.getInputCount();
		outCount = saliencyOutPort.getOutputCount();

		if(inCount == 0 || inCount3 == 0 || outCount == 0)
			std::cout << "Awaiting input and output connections" << endl;
			ImageOf<PixelRgb> *imageIn = imageInPort.read();
			//ImageOf<PixelRgbFloat> *stereoIn = stereoInPort.read();
			//ImageOf<PixelMono> *magnoIn = magnoInPort.read();
			ImageOf<PixelMono> *facesIn = facesInPort.read();
			if ((imageIn != NULL) & (facesIn != NULL))
				t = (double)getTickCount();
				Mat inImage(imageIn->height(), imageIn->width(), CV_8UC3, imageIn->getRawImage(), step);
				//Mat stereoImage(stereoIn->height(), stereoIn->width(), CV_32FC3, stereoIn->getRawImage(), stepStereo);
				//Mat magnoImage(magnoIn->height(), magnoIn->width(), CV_8UC1, magnoIn->getRawImage(), stepMagno);
				Mat facesImage(facesIn->height(), facesIn->width(), CV_8UC1, facesIn->getRawImage(), stepFaces);

				cv::cvtColor(inImage, inImage, COLOR_RGB2BGR, -1);
				//magnoImage.convertTo(magnoFloat, CV_32FC1);
				//magnoFloat /= 255;

				inImage.convertTo(imageFloat, CV_32FC3);
				imageFloat /= 255;

				facesImage.convertTo(facesFloat, CV_32FC1);
				facesFloat /= 255;


				//------------ start of saliency---------------------//

				//create intensity map
				cuda::split(gLeft, bgr, cuStream[0]);

				cuda::add(bgr[1], bgr[0], gTemp2, noArray(), -1, cuStream[0]);
				cuda::addWeighted(gTemp2, 0.33333, bgr[2], 0.33333, 0, gIntensity0, -1, cuStream[0]);
				cuda::threshold(gIntensity0, gMask, 0.1, 1, THRESH_BINARY, cuStream[0]);
				cudaConspMap(&gIntensity0, &gIntensityPYR, &gIntensityFMaps, &gIntensityConspMap, numPyrLevels, centreVec, surroundOffsetVec, conspMapLevel, pyrSizes, maxFilt, cuStream[1]);

				//creating colour antagonist maps
				cuda::max(bgr[0], bgr[1], gTemp2, cuStream[0]);
				cuda::max(gTemp2, bgr[2], gTemp3, cuStream[0]);
				cuda::multiply(gTemp3, gMask, gMaxRGB, 1.0, -1, cuStream[0]);

				cuda::min(bgr[2], bgr[1], gMinRG, cuStream[0]);

				cuda::subtract(bgr[2], bgr[1], RGant0, noArray(), -1, cuStream[0]);
				cuda::divide(RGant0, gMaxRGB, RGant0, 1, -1, cuStream[0]);
				cudaConspMap(&RGant0, &RGantPYR, &RGantFMaps, &RGantConspMap, numPyrLevels, centreVec, surroundOffsetVec, conspMapLevel, pyrSizes, maxFilt, cuStream[1]);
				cuda::add(gIntensityConspMap, RGantConspMap, gSaliency);

				cuda::subtract(bgr[0], gMinRG, BYant0, noArray(), -1, cuStream[0]);
				cuda::divide(BYant0, gMaxRGB, BYant0, 1, -1, cuStream[0]);
				cudaConspMap(&BYant0, &BYantPYR, &BYantFMaps, &BYantConspMap, numPyrLevels, centreVec, surroundOffsetVec, conspMapLevel, pyrSizes, maxFilt, cuStream[1]);
				cuda::add(gSaliency, BYantConspMap, gSaliency);

				cuda::resize(gFaces, gFacesConspMap, pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, cuStream[1]);


			//flicker map (use retina magno channel)
				//cudaConspMap(&gMagno0, &gMagnoPYR, &gMagnoFMaps, &gMagnoConspMap, numPyrLevels, centreVec, surroundOffsetVec, conspMapLevel, pyrSizes, maxFilt, cuStream[1]);

			//gabor filtering on intensity map
				gaborFilt0->apply(gIntensity0, Gabor0_0, cuStream[0]);
				cudaConspMap(&Gabor0_0, &Gabor0PYR, &Gabor0FMaps, &Gabor0ConspMap, numPyrLevels, centreVec, surroundOffsetVec, conspMapLevel, pyrSizes, maxFilt, cuStream[1]);
				gaborFilt90->apply(gIntensity0, Gabor0_90, cuStream[0]);
				cudaConspMap(&Gabor0_90, &Gabor90PYR, &Gabor90FMaps, &Gabor90ConspMap, numPyrLevels, centreVec, surroundOffsetVec, conspMapLevel, pyrSizes, maxFilt, cuStream[1]);
				gaborFilt45->apply(gIntensity0, Gabor0_45, cuStream[0]);
				cudaConspMap(&Gabor0_45, &Gabor45PYR, &Gabor45FMaps, &Gabor45ConspMap, numPyrLevels, centreVec, surroundOffsetVec, conspMapLevel, pyrSizes, maxFilt, cuStream[1]);
				gaborFilt135->apply(gIntensity0, Gabor0_135, cuStream[0]);
				cudaConspMap(&Gabor0_135, &Gabor135PYR, &Gabor135FMaps, &Gabor135ConspMap, numPyrLevels, centreVec, surroundOffsetVec, conspMapLevel, pyrSizes, maxFilt, cuStream[1]);

				normImage(&Gabor0ConspMap, maxFilt, &Gabor0ConspMap, pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], cuStream[1]);
				cuda::add(OrientationConspMap, Gabor0ConspMap, OrientationConspMap);

				normImage(&Gabor90ConspMap, maxFilt, &Gabor90ConspMap, pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], cuStream[1]);
				cuda::add(OrientationConspMap, Gabor90ConspMap, OrientationConspMap);

				normImage(&Gabor45ConspMap, maxFilt, &Gabor45ConspMap, pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], cuStream[1]);
				cuda::add(OrientationConspMap, Gabor45ConspMap, OrientationConspMap);

				normImage(&Gabor135ConspMap, maxFilt, &Gabor135ConspMap, pyrSizes[conspMapLevel], cuStream[1]);
				cuda::add(OrientationConspMap, Gabor135ConspMap, OrientationConspMap);

				cuda::addWeighted(gSaliency, 0.333, OrientationConspMap, 0.333, 0, gSaliency, -1 ,cuStream[1]);
				//cuda::addWeighted(gSaliency, 0.75 , gMagnoConspMap, 0.25, 0, gSaliency, -1, cuStream[1]);
				cuda::addWeighted(gSaliency, 0.5, gFacesConspMap, 0.5, 0, gSaliency, -1, cuStream[1]);
				cuda::multiply(gSaliency,255, gSaliency, 1.0, -1, cuStream[1]);
				cuda::subtract(gSaliency, IORMap, gSaliency, noArray(), CV_32FC1, cuStream[1]);
				cuda::minMaxLoc(gSaliency, &minSalVal, &maxSalVal, &minSalPoint, &maxSalPoint, noArray());				//--------------------------------------------------//


				salX = maxSalPoint.x;
				salY = maxSalPoint.y;
				if(salX == 0) salX = 1;
				if(salY == 0) salY = 1;
				saliencyMapRegion = Rect(salX, salY, 1, 1);

				salX = floor(salX*pow(2,conspMapLevel));
				salY = floor(salY*pow(2,conspMapLevel));

				//cumulativeX += salX;
				//cumulativeY += salY;
				vecX[countGaze] = salX;
				vecY[countGaze] = salY;

				salientRegion = Rect(salX-ceil(lenX/2), salY-ceil(lenY/2), lenX, lenY);

				rectangle(inImage, salientRegion, Scalar(0, 0, 200), 3, 8, 0);
				imshow("salientAttention", inImage);

				if(countGaze == gazePeriod)
					countGaze = 0;
					sortX = vecX;
					nth_element(sortX.begin(), sortX.begin()+midX, sortX.end());
					medianX = sortX[midX];
					medianIdx = std::find(vecX.begin(), vecX.end(), medianX);
					salIdx = medianIdx - vecX.begin();

					Bottle gaze;
					cout << "gaze written" << endl;
					cumulativeX = 0;
					cumulativeY = 0;
					cuda::multiply(IORMap, decayFactor, IORMap, 1.0, CV_32FC1, cuStream[1]);
					cuda::add(IORMap(saliencyMapRegion), 500, IORMap(saliencyMapRegion), noArray(), CV_32FC1, cuStream[1]);

				time = (1000/(getTickFrequency() / ((double)getTickCount() - t)));
				cumuTime += time;
				avgTime = cumuTime / countFrames;
				avgFps = 1000 / avgTime;
				if (countFrames == 50)
					cumuTime = 0;
					countFrames = 0;
				//imshow("Disparity", cDisparity);

				//imshow("Magno Disparity", cMagnoDisparity);

				//gIntensityConspMap.download(cSaliency, cuStream[1]);
				std::sprintf(mess, "Avg Time= %3.4f, Avg FPS = %3.2f", avgTime, avgFps);
				//putText(cSaliency, mess, cvPoint(30, 30), FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.2, cvScalar(200, 0, 0), 1, CV_AA);
				std::cout << mess << endl;
				//for (int i = 0; i < numFMaps; i++)
				//	gIntensityPYR[i].download(intensity[i]);
				//	if (i == 0) putText(intensity[i], mess, cvPoint(30, 30), FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, cvScalar(200, 0, 0), 1, CV_AA);
				//	sprintf(win, "window %d", i);
				//	namedWindow(win, WINDOW_NORMAL);
					//imshow(win, intensity[i]);

				//cv::namedWindow("Saliency Map", WINDOW_NORMAL);
				//cv::imshow("Saliency Map", cSaliency);

				//cSaliency.convertTo(cSaliencyInt, CV_8UC1, 1, 0);
				yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelFloat>& saliencyYarpOut = saliencyOutPort.prepare();

				CVtoYarp(cSaliency, saliencyYarpOut);
文件: ImageFile.cpp 项目: BRKMYR/yarp
static bool ImageWriteMono(ImageOf<PixelMono>& img, const char *filename)
    return SavePGM((char*)img.getRawImage(), filename, img.height(), img.width(), img.getRowSize());
bool ImageSplitter::updateModule()
    ImageOf<PixelRgb> *inputImage    = inputPort.read();
    yarp::os::Stamp stamp;

    ImageOf<PixelRgb> &outLeftImage  = outLeftPort.prepare();
    ImageOf<PixelRgb> &outRightImage = outRightPort.prepare();

    inWidth  = inputImage->width();
    inHeight = inputImage->height();

    if(horizontal)  // input image is horizontally aligned
        outWidth  = inWidth/2;
        outHeight = inHeight;
        outWidth  = inWidth;
        outHeight = inHeight/2;

    outLeftImage.resize(outWidth, outHeight);
    outRightImage.resize(outWidth, outHeight);

    // alloc and compute some vars for efficency
    int h2, w2;
    unsigned char *pixelLeft, *pixelRight;
    unsigned char *pixelInputL, *pixelInputR;
    unsigned char *pixelInput = inputImage->getRawImage();
    int dualImage_rowSizeByte = inputImage->getRowSize();
    int singleImage_rowSizeByte = outLeftImage.getRowSize();
    int singleImage_wholeSizeByte = outWidth * outHeight * outLeftImage.getPixelSize();

    static int counter = 0;
    static double start = 0;
    start = yarp::os::Time::now();

        case 0: // pixel by pixel
                for(int h=0; h<outHeight; h++)
                    for(int w1=0; w1<outWidth; w1++)
                        w2 = w1+outWidth;
                        pixelLeft = outLeftImage.getPixelAddress(w1, h);
                        pixelLeft[0] = *(inputImage->getPixelAddress(w1, h)+0);
                        pixelLeft[1] = *(inputImage->getPixelAddress(w1, h)+1);
                        pixelLeft[2] = *(inputImage->getPixelAddress(w1, h)+2);

                        pixelRight = outRightImage.getPixelAddress(w1, h);
                        pixelRight[0] = *(inputImage->getPixelAddress(w2, h)+0);
                        pixelRight[1] = *(inputImage->getPixelAddress(w2, h)+1);
                        pixelRight[2] = *(inputImage->getPixelAddress(w2, h)+2);
                for(int h1=0; h1<outHeight; h1++)
                    for(int w=0; w<outWidth; w++)
                        h2 = h1+outHeight;
                        pixelLeft = outLeftImage.getPixelAddress(w, h1);
                        pixelLeft[0] = *(inputImage->getPixelAddress(w, h1)+0);
                        pixelLeft[1] = *(inputImage->getPixelAddress(w, h1)+1);
                        pixelLeft[2] = *(inputImage->getPixelAddress(w, h1)+2);

                        pixelRight = outRightImage.getPixelAddress(w, h1);
                        pixelRight[0] = *(inputImage->getPixelAddress(w, h2)+0);
                        pixelRight[1] = *(inputImage->getPixelAddress(w, h2)+1);
                        pixelRight[2] = *(inputImage->getPixelAddress(w, h2)+2);
        } break;

        case 1: // pixel by pixel, a bit better
                pixelLeft  = outLeftImage.getRawImage();
                pixelRight = outRightImage.getRawImage();

                pixelInputL = pixelInput;
                pixelInputR = pixelInput+singleImage_rowSizeByte;
                for(int h=0, idx=0, idx2=0; h<outHeight; h++)
                    for(int w=0; w<outWidth; w++)
                        pixelLeft[idx++] = *(pixelInputL++);
                        pixelLeft[idx++] = *(pixelInputL++);
                        pixelLeft[idx++] = *(pixelInputL++);

                        pixelRight[idx2++] = *(pixelInputR++);
                        pixelRight[idx2++] = *(pixelInputR++);
                        pixelRight[idx2++] = *(pixelInputR++);
                    pixelInputL += singleImage_rowSizeByte;
                    pixelInputR += singleImage_rowSizeByte;

        } break;

        case 2: // line by line
                pixelLeft  = outLeftImage.getRawImage();
                pixelRight = outRightImage.getRawImage();

                for(int h=0; h<inHeight; h++)
                    memcpy(pixelLeft  + h*singleImage_rowSizeByte, pixelInput,                          singleImage_rowSizeByte);
                    memcpy(pixelRight + h*singleImage_rowSizeByte, pixelInput+=singleImage_rowSizeByte, singleImage_rowSizeByte);
                    pixelInput+= dualImage_rowSizeByte/2;
                pixelLeft  = outLeftImage.getRawImage();
                pixelRight = outRightImage.getRawImage();
                pixelInputL = pixelInput;
                pixelInputR = pixelInput+singleImage_wholeSizeByte;

                for(int h=0; h<outHeight; h++)
                    memcpy(pixelLeft  + h*singleImage_rowSizeByte, pixelInputL, singleImage_rowSizeByte);
                    memcpy(pixelRight + h*singleImage_rowSizeByte, pixelInputR, singleImage_rowSizeByte);
                    pixelInputL+= singleImage_rowSizeByte;
                    pixelInputR+= singleImage_rowSizeByte;
        } break;

        case 3: // whole image, only if input image is vertically aligned
                yError() << "Cannot use this copy method with horizontally aligned source image.";
                pixelLeft  = outLeftImage.getRawImage();
                pixelRight = outRightImage.getRawImage();

                memcpy(pixelLeft,  pixelInput,                            singleImage_wholeSizeByte);
                memcpy(pixelRight, pixelInput+ singleImage_wholeSizeByte, singleImage_wholeSizeByte);
        } break;

            yError() << " @line " << __LINE__ << "unhandled switch case, we should not be here!";

    static double end = 0;
    static double elapsed = 0;
    end = yarp::os::Time::now();
    elapsed += (end-start);

    if((counter % 100) == 0)
        yInfo() << "Elapsed time: " << elapsed;
        elapsed = 0;


    return true;