 IndexCatalogEntry* IndexCatalogEntryContainer::find( const string& name ) {
     for ( iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i ) {
         IndexCatalogEntry* e = *i;
         if ( e->descriptor()->indexName() == name )
             return e;
     return NULL;
    IndexCatalogEntry* IndexCatalogEntryContainer::find( const IndexDescriptor* desc ) {
        if ( desc->_cachedEntry )
            return desc->_cachedEntry;

        for ( iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i ) {
            IndexCatalogEntry* e = *i;
            if ( e->descriptor() == desc )
                return e;
        return NULL;
 IndexCatalogEntry* IndexCatalogEntryContainer::release( const IndexDescriptor* desc ) {
     for ( std::vector<IndexCatalogEntry*>::iterator i = _entries.mutableVector().begin();
           i != _entries.mutableVector().end();
           ++i ) {
         IndexCatalogEntry* e = *i;
         if ( e->descriptor() != desc )
         _entries.mutableVector().erase( i );
         return e;
     return NULL;
    Status BtreeBasedBulkAccessMethod::commit(set<DiskLoc>* dupsToDrop,
                                              CurOp* op,
                                              bool mayInterrupt) {
        DiskLoc oldHead = _real->_btreeState->head();

        // XXX: do we expect the tree to be empty but have a head set?  Looks like so from old code.
        _real->_btreeState->setHead(_txn, DiskLoc());
        _real->_btreeState->recordStore()->deleteRecord(_txn, oldHead);

        if (_isMultiKey) {
            _real->_btreeState->setMultikey( _txn );


        Timer timer;
        IndexCatalogEntry* entry = _real->_btreeState;

        bool dupsAllowed = !entry->descriptor()->unique()
                           || ignoreUniqueIndex(entry->descriptor());

        bool dropDups = entry->descriptor()->dropDups() || inDBRepair;

        scoped_ptr<BSONObjExternalSorter::Iterator> i(_sorter->iterator());

        // verifies that pm and op refer to the same ProgressMeter
        ProgressMeter& pm = op->setMessage("Index Bulk Build: (2/3) btree bottom up",
                                           "Index: (2/3) BTree Bottom Up Progress",

        scoped_ptr<BtreeBuilderInterface> builder;

        builder.reset(_interface->getBulkBuilder(_txn, dupsAllowed));

        while (i->more()) {
            // Get the next datum and add it to the builder.
            ExternalSortDatum d = i->next();
            Status status = builder->addKey(d.first, d.second);

            if (!status.isOK()) {
                if (ErrorCodes::DuplicateKey != status.code()) {
                    return status;

                // If we're here it's a duplicate key.
                if (dropDups) {
                    static const size_t kMaxDupsToStore = 1000000;
                    if (dupsToDrop->size() > kMaxDupsToStore) {
                        return Status(ErrorCodes::InternalError,
                                      "Too many dups on index build with dropDups = true");
                else if (!dupsAllowed) {
                    return status;

            // If we're here either it's a dup and we're cool with it or the addKey went just
            // fine.


        op->setMessage("Index Bulk Build: (3/3) btree-middle",
                       "Index: (3/3) BTree Middle Progress");

        LOG(timer.seconds() > 10 ? 0 : 1 ) << "\t done building bottom layer, going to commit";

        unsigned long long keysCommit = builder->commit(mayInterrupt);

        if (!dropDups && (keysCommit != _keysInserted)) {
            warning() << "not all entries were added to the index, probably some "
                      << "keys were too large" << endl;
        return Status::OK();
StatusWith<CompactStats> compactCollection(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                           Collection* collection,
                                           const CompactOptions* compactOptions) {
    dassert(opCtx->lockState()->isCollectionLockedForMode(collection->ns().toString(), MODE_X));

    DisableDocumentValidation validationDisabler(opCtx);

    auto recordStore = collection->getRecordStore();
    auto indexCatalog = collection->getIndexCatalog();

    if (!recordStore->compactSupported())
        return StatusWith<CompactStats>(ErrorCodes::CommandNotSupported,
                                            << "cannot compact collection with record store: "
                                            << recordStore->name());

    if (recordStore->compactsInPlace()) {
        CompactStats stats;
        Status status = recordStore->compact(opCtx);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return StatusWith<CompactStats>(status);

        // Compact all indexes (not including unfinished indexes)
        std::unique_ptr<IndexCatalog::IndexIterator> ii(
            indexCatalog->getIndexIterator(opCtx, false));
        while (ii->more()) {
            IndexCatalogEntry* entry = ii->next();
            IndexDescriptor* descriptor = entry->descriptor();
            IndexAccessMethod* iam = entry->accessMethod();

            LOG(1) << "compacting index: " << descriptor->toString();
            Status status = iam->compact(opCtx);
            if (!status.isOK()) {
                error() << "failed to compact index: " << descriptor->toString();
                return status;

        return StatusWith<CompactStats>(stats);

    if (indexCatalog->numIndexesInProgress(opCtx))
        return StatusWith<CompactStats>(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                        "cannot compact when indexes in progress");

    std::vector<BSONObj> indexSpecs;
        std::unique_ptr<IndexCatalog::IndexIterator> ii(
            indexCatalog->getIndexIterator(opCtx, false));
        while (ii->more()) {
            IndexDescriptor* descriptor = ii->next()->descriptor();

            // Compact always creates the new index in the foreground.
            const BSONObj spec =
            const BSONObj key = spec.getObjectField("key");
            const Status keyStatus =
                index_key_validate::validateKeyPattern(key, descriptor->version());
            if (!keyStatus.isOK()) {
                return StatusWith<CompactStats>(
                    str::stream() << "Cannot compact collection due to invalid index " << spec
                                  << ": "
                                  << keyStatus.reason()
                                  << " For more info see"
                                  << " http://dochub.mongodb.org/core/index-validation");

    // Give a chance to be interrupted *before* we drop all indexes.

        // note that the drop indexes call also invalidates all clientcursors for the namespace,
        // which is important and wanted here
        WriteUnitOfWork wunit(opCtx);
        log() << "compact dropping indexes";
        indexCatalog->dropAllIndexes(opCtx, true);

    CompactStats stats;

    MultiIndexBlockImpl indexer(opCtx, collection);
    indexer.ignoreUniqueConstraint();  // in compact we should be doing no checking

    Status status = indexer.init(indexSpecs).getStatus();
    if (!status.isOK())
        return StatusWith<CompactStats>(status);

    status = recordStore->compact(opCtx);
    if (!status.isOK())
        return StatusWith<CompactStats>(status);

    log() << "starting index commits";
    status = indexer.dumpInsertsFromBulk();
    if (!status.isOK())
        return StatusWith<CompactStats>(status);

        WriteUnitOfWork wunit(opCtx);
        status = indexer.commit();
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return StatusWith<CompactStats>(status);

    return StatusWith<CompactStats>(stats);
        void commit( set<DiskLoc>* dupsToDrop,
                     CurOp* op,
                     bool mayInterrupt ) {

            Timer timer;

            IndexCatalogEntry* entry = _real->_btreeState;

            bool dupsAllowed = !entry->descriptor()->unique() ||
            bool dropDups = entry->descriptor()->dropDups() || inDBRepair;

            BtreeBuilder<V> btBuilder(dupsAllowed, entry);

            BSONObj keyLast;
            scoped_ptr<BSONObjExternalSorter::Iterator> i( _phase1.sorter->iterator() );

            // verifies that pm and op refer to the same ProgressMeter
            ProgressMeter& pm = op->setMessage("Index Bulk Build: (2/3) btree bottom up",
                                               "Index: (2/3) BTree Bottom Up Progress",

            while( i->more() ) {
                RARELY if ( mayInterrupt ) killCurrentOp.checkForInterrupt();
                ExternalSortDatum d = i->next();

                try {
                    if ( !dupsAllowed && dropDups ) {
                        LastError::Disabled led( lastError.get() );
                        btBuilder.addKey(d.first, d.second);
                    else {
                        btBuilder.addKey(d.first, d.second);
                catch( AssertionException& e ) {
                    if ( dupsAllowed ) {
                        // unknown exception??

                    if (ErrorCodes::isInterruption(
                            DBException::convertExceptionCode(e.getCode()))) {

                    if ( ! dropDups )

                    /* we could queue these on disk, but normally there are very few dups,
                     * so instead we keep in ram and have a limit.
                    if ( dupsToDrop ) {
                        uassert( 10092,
                                 "too may dups on index build with dropDups=true",
                                 dupsToDrop->size() < 1000000 );
            op->setMessage("Index Bulk Build: (3/3) btree-middle",
                           "Index: (3/3) BTree Middle Progress");
            LOG(timer.seconds() > 10 ? 0 : 1 ) << "\t done building bottom layer, going to commit";
            btBuilder.commit( mayInterrupt );
            if ( btBuilder.getn() != _phase1.nkeys && ! dropDups ) {
                warning() << "not all entries were added to the index, probably some "
                          << "keys were too large" << endl;