void IndexSet::intersection(const IndexSet& s1, const IndexSet& s2) {
  int start = std::max(s1.offset(), s2.offset());
  int end = std::min(s1.offset() + s1.size(), s2.offset() + s2.size());
  int interN = end - start;
  if(interN < 0) {
      interN = 0;
      start = -1;
  this->offset_ = start;
  this->size_ = interN;
void SegmentScan::split(const PointScan &pscan, const IndexSet &idx)
    /* No segment to fit */
    if(idx.size() < 2) return;

    /* Fit line segment between first and last point
       (only do least squares fitting when splitting has ended) */
    LineSegment segment(pscan[idx.indexBegin()], pscan[idx.indexEnd() - 1]);

#if 0
    /* Minimal segment */
    if(idx.size() == 2) {
        const UncertainLineSegment usegment = fittingFunction(pscan, idx);
        const LineSegmentTuple tuple = { usegment, idx };

    /* Find most distant point from the line */
    int maxDistIdx;
    double maxDist =
            findMaximumDistance(pscan, idx, segment, &maxDistIdx);

    /* Split recursively if necessary, otherwise add the segment to the list */
    if(maxDist > SQUARE(Config::SLAM::splitThreshold)) {
        //ldbg << "split 1: " << idx.firstHalfSplit(maxDistIdx) << endl;
        //ldbg << "split 2: " << idx.secondHalfSplit(maxDistIdx) << endl;
        split(pscan, idx.firstHalfSplit(maxDistIdx));
        split(pscan, idx.secondHalfSplit(maxDistIdx));
    } else {
        const UncertainLineSegment usegment = fittingFunction(pscan, idx);
        const LineSegmentTuple tuple(usegment, idx);

void CombinedProfile::printDrift(const CombinedProfile& other,
                                 llvm::raw_ostream& stream) const

    // build union of non-zero histograms
    IndexSet I;

    for(unsigned i = 0, E = size(); i < E; ++i)
        if( (_histograms[i] != NULL) && _histograms[i]->nonZero() )

    for(unsigned i = 0, E = other.size(); i < E; ++i)
        if( (other._histograms[i] != NULL) && other._histograms[i]->nonZero() )

    if(I.size() == 0)
        errs() << "Warning: no histograms\n";

    // Compute and print drift
    stream << "#" << getNameStr() << "Index\t0-out\t0-in\n";
    for(IndexSet::iterator i = I.begin(), E = I.end(); i != E; ++i)
        // check for 0-overlap (100% drift) cases
        if( (*i > size()) || (*i > other.size())
                || (_histograms[*i] == NULL) || (other._histograms[*i] == NULL)
                || !_histograms[*i]->nonZero() || !other._histograms[*i]->nonZero() )
            errs() << "Warning: histogram " << *i << " only exists in one profile!\n";
            stream << *i << "\t1.0\t1.0\n";

        CPHistogram* h1 = _histograms[*i];
        CPHistogram* h2 = other._histograms[*i];

        if( h1->isPoint() && h2->isPoint() && (h1->min() != h2->min()))
            errs() << "Warning: histogram " << *i << " has different point values\n";
            stream << *i << "\t1.0\t1.0\n";

        // finally, no exceptional situations!
        stream << *i << "\t" << 1-h1->overlap(*h2, false) << "\t"
               << 1-h1->overlap(*h2, true) << "\n";

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if (argc != 8) {
        cout << "usage " << argv[0] << " d d_ c radius jmin max_level W_XBSpline" << endl;

    int d=atoi(argv[1]), d_=atoi(argv[2]);
    T   c=atof(argv[3]);
    T   radius    =atof(argv[4]);
    int jmin =atoi(argv[5]);
    int max_level =atoi(argv[6]);
    int W_XBSpline=atoi(argv[7]);

    Basis1D basis(d,d_,jmin);
    HelmholtzBilinearForm1D Bil(basis,c);
    Preconditioner1D P(basis);
    Compression_W_XBSpline1D  compression_w_XBSpline(basis);
    Compression_WO_XBSpline1D compression_wo_XBSpline(basis);
    MA_W_XBSpline  A_w_XBSpline(Bil,P,compression_w_XBSpline);
    MA_WO_XBSpline A_wo_XBSpline(Bil,P,compression_wo_XBSpline);

    cout << "Chosen parameters: d=" << d << ", d_=" << d_ << ", c=" << c << ", radius="<< radius
         << ", jmin=" << jmin << ", max_level=" << max_level << endl;

    if (W_XBSpline==1) {
        std::stringstream filename;
        filename << "eigenvalues_helmholtz_W_XBSpline_" << jmin << "_" << d << "_" << d_  << ".dat";
        std::ofstream file_eigenvalues(filename.str().c_str());
        for (int jmax=0; jmax<=max_level; jmax+=1) {
            for (T r=1.; r<=radius; r+=1.) {
                IndexSet<Index1D> Lambda = LambdaForEigenvalues(jmin, jmax, basis, r, true);
                int N = Lambda.size();
                cout << "Size of Lambda: " << N << endl;
                flens::SparseGeMatrix<CRS<T,CRS_General> > A_flens(N,N);
                toFlensSparseMatrix(A_w_XBSpline, Lambda, Lambda, A_flens);
                flens::GeMatrix<flens::FullStorage<T, cxxblas::ColMajor> > A_dense;

                T cB, CB;
                computeEV(A_dense, cB, CB);
                file_eigenvalues << " " << jmax << " " << r
                                 << " " << cB << " " << " " << CB << endl;
                cout             << " " << jmax << " " << r
                                 << " " << cB << " " << " " << CB << endl;
    else {
        std::stringstream filename;
        filename << "eigenvalues_helmholtz_WO_XBSpline_" << jmin << "_" << d << "_" << d_  << ".dat";
        std::ofstream file_eigenvalues(filename.str().c_str());
        for (int jmax=0; jmax<=max_level; jmax+=1) {
            for (T r=1.; r<=radius; r+=1.) {
                IndexSet<Index1D> Lambda = LambdaForEigenvalues(jmin, jmax, basis, r, false);
                int N = Lambda.size();
                cout << "Size of Lambda: " << N << endl;
                flens::SparseGeMatrix<CRS<T,CRS_General> > A_flens(N,N);
                toFlensSparseMatrix(A_wo_XBSpline, Lambda, Lambda, A_flens);
                flens::GeMatrix<flens::FullStorage<T, cxxblas::ColMajor> > A_dense;

                T cB, CB;
                computeEV(A_dense, cB, CB);
                file_eigenvalues << " " << jmax << " " << r
                                 << " " << cB << " " << " " << CB << endl;
                cout             << " " << jmax << " " << r
                                 << " " << cB << " " << " " << CB << endl;


    return 0;
    DenseVector     sings;
    GeMat           deltas(3,2);

    std::vector<GeMat> _deltas;
    Function        x2f(x2, sings);
    Function        onef(one, sings);
    Function        x3f(x3, sings);
    Function        cosf(mycos, sings);
    Function        sinf(mysin, sings);
    Function        expf(myexp, sings);
    Basis           basis(4);
    basis.template enforceBoundaryCondition<lawa::DirichletBC>();
    IndexSet        indexset;
    Coeff1D         coeff;

    std::vector<Function> fvec;

    int rank = 2;
    int dim  = 64;

    for (int i=1; i<=32; ++i) {

    SepCoeff        coeffs(rank, dim);
    IndexSetVec     indexsetvec(dim);
    lawa::SeparableFunctionD<T> F(fvec, rank, dim);
    MatInt                      derivs(rank, dim);
    for (int i=1; i<=rank; ++i) {
        for (int j=1; j<=dim; ++j) {
            derivs(i,j) = 0;

    lawa::SeparableRHSD<T, Basis>   Fint(basis, F, _deltas, derivs);

    getFullIndexSet(basis, indexset, 2);

    std::cout << "The index set size is\n" << indexset.size()
              << std::endl;

    for (int l=0; (unsigned)l<indexsetvec.size(); ++l) {
        indexsetvec[l] = indexset;

    /* Map */
    lawa::Mapwavind<Index1D> map(dim);

    genCoefficients(coeffs, Fint, indexsetvec);
    lawa::HTCoefficients<T, Basis>    f(dim, basis, map);
    lawa::HTCoefficients<T, Basis>    u(dim, basis, map);
    lawa::HTCoefficients<T, Basis>    r(dim, basis, map);

    Laplace1D       LaplaceBil(basis);
    RefLaplace1D    RefLaplaceBil(basis.refinementbasis);
    Identity1D      IdentityBil(basis);
    RefIdentity1D   RefIdentityBil(basis.refinementbasis);
    LOp_Lapl1D      lapl(basis, basis, RefLaplaceBil, LaplaceBil);

    Sepop A(lapl, dim, dim);

    lawa::Sepdiagscal<Basis>    S(dim, basis);
    setScaling(S, 0.5);

    lawa::HTAWGM_Params  params;
    params.maxit_pcg  = 100;
    params.maxit_awgm = 100;
    params.tol_awgm   = 1e-08;
    params.delta1_pcg = 1e-01;
    params.delta2_pcg = 1e-01;
    params.delta3_pcg = 1e-01;
    params.alpha      = 0.95;
    params.recompr    = 1e-02;
    params.gamma      = 0.1;
    params.theta      = 1e-08;

    std::cout << "HTAWGM params =\n";
    std::cout << params << std::endl;

    unsigned its;
    double   res;

    its = htawgm(A, S, u, Fint, indexsetvec, res, params);

    std::cout << "htawgm took " << its << " iterations to reach "
              << res << " accuracy" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Final scaling set to\n" << S << std::endl;

    return 0;
void RegularCutRefinement::refine_marked(Mesh& refined_mesh,
                                  const Mesh& mesh,
                                  const std::vector<int>& refinement_markers,
                                  const IndexSet& marked_edges)
  // Count the number of cells in refined mesh
  std::size_t num_cells = 0;

  // Data structure to hold a cell
  std::vector<std::size_t> cell_data(3);

  for (CellIterator cell(mesh); !cell.end(); ++cell)
    const int marker = refinement_markers[cell->index()];
    switch (marker)
    case no_refinement:
      num_cells += 1;
    case regular_refinement:
      num_cells += 4;
    case backtrack_bisection:
      num_cells += 2;
    case backtrack_bisection_refine:
      num_cells += 3;
      num_cells += 2;

  // Initialize mesh editor
  const std::size_t num_vertices = mesh.num_vertices() + marked_edges.size();
  MeshEditor editor;
  editor.open(refined_mesh, mesh.topology().dim(), mesh.geometry().dim());

  // Set vertex coordinates
  std::size_t current_vertex = 0;
  for (VertexIterator vertex(mesh); !vertex.end(); ++vertex)
    editor.add_vertex(current_vertex, vertex->point());
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < marked_edges.size(); i++)
    Edge edge(mesh, marked_edges[i]);
    editor.add_vertex(current_vertex, edge.midpoint());

  // Get bisection data for old mesh
  const std::size_t D = mesh.topology().dim();
  const std::vector<std::size_t>*  bisection_twins = NULL;
  if (mesh.data().exists("bisection_twins", D))
    bisection_twins = &(mesh.data().array("bisection_twins", D));

  // Markers for bisected cells pointing to their bisection twins in
  // refined mesh
  std::vector<std::size_t>& refined_bisection_twins
    = refined_mesh.data().create_array("bisection_twins", D);
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_cells; i++)
    refined_bisection_twins[i] = i;

  // Mapping from old to new unrefined cells (-1 means refined or not
  // yet processed)
  std::vector<int> unrefined_cells(mesh.num_cells());
  std::fill(unrefined_cells.begin(), unrefined_cells.end(), -1);

  // Iterate over all cells and add new cells
  std::size_t current_cell = 0;
  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t> > cells(4, std::vector<std::size_t>(3));
  for (CellIterator cell(mesh); !cell.end(); ++cell)
    // Get marker
    const int marker = refinement_markers[cell->index()];

    if (marker == no_refinement)
      // No refinement: just copy cell to new mesh

      std::vector<std::size_t> vertices;
      for (VertexIterator vertex(*cell); !vertex.end(); ++vertex)
      editor.add_cell(current_cell++, vertices);

      // Store mapping to new cell index
      unrefined_cells[cell->index()] = current_cell - 1;

      // Remember unrefined bisection twins
      if (bisection_twins)
        const std::size_t bisection_twin = (*bisection_twins)[cell->index()];
        const int twin_marker = refinement_markers[bisection_twin];
        dolfin_assert(twin_marker == no_refinement);
        if (unrefined_cells[bisection_twin] >= 0)
          const std::size_t i = current_cell - 1;
          const std::size_t j = unrefined_cells[bisection_twin];
          refined_bisection_twins[i] = j;
          refined_bisection_twins[j] = i;
    else if (marker == regular_refinement)
      // Regular refinement: divide into subsimplicies
      dolfin_assert(unrefined_cells[cell->index()] == -1);

      // Get vertices and edges
      const unsigned int* v = cell->entities(0);
      const unsigned int* e = cell->entities(1);

      // Get offset for new vertex indices
      const std::size_t offset = mesh.num_vertices();

      // Compute indices for the six new vertices
      const std::size_t v0 = v[0];
      const std::size_t v1 = v[1];
      const std::size_t v2 = v[2];
      const std::size_t e0 = offset + marked_edges.find(e[0]);
      const std::size_t e1 = offset + marked_edges.find(e[1]);
      const std::size_t e2 = offset + marked_edges.find(e[2]);

      // Create four new cells
      cells[0][0] = v0; cells[0][1] = e2; cells[0][2] = e1;
      cells[1][0] = v1; cells[1][1] = e0; cells[1][2] = e2;
      cells[2][0] = v2; cells[2][1] = e1; cells[2][2] = e0;
      cells[3][0] = e0; cells[3][1] = e1; cells[3][2] = e2;

      // Add cells
      std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t> >::const_iterator _cell;
      for (_cell = cells.begin(); _cell != cells.end(); ++_cell)
        editor.add_cell(current_cell++, *_cell);
    else if (marker == backtrack_bisection || marker == backtrack_bisection_refine)
      // Special case: backtrack bisected cells
      dolfin_assert(unrefined_cells[cell->index()] == -1);

      // Get index for bisection twin
      const std::size_t bisection_twin = (*bisection_twins)[cell->index()];
      dolfin_assert(bisection_twin != cell->index());

      // Let lowest number twin handle refinement
      if (bisection_twin < cell->index())

      // Get marker for twin
      const int twin_marker = refinement_markers[bisection_twin];

      // Find common edge(s) and bisected edge(s)
      const std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> common_edges
        = find_common_edges(*cell, mesh, bisection_twin);
      const std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> bisection_edges
        = find_bisection_edges(*cell, mesh, bisection_twin);
      const std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> bisection_vertices
        = find_bisection_vertices(*cell, mesh, bisection_twin, bisection_edges);

      // Get list of vertices and edges for both cells
      const Cell twin(mesh, bisection_twin);
      const unsigned int* vertices_0 = cell->entities(0);
      const unsigned int* vertices_1 = twin.entities(0);
      const unsigned int* edges_0 = cell->entities(1);
      const unsigned int* edges_1 = twin.entities(1);

      // Get offset for new vertex indices
      const std::size_t offset = mesh.num_vertices();

      // Locate vertices such that v_i is the vertex opposite to
      // the edge e_i on the parent triangle
      const std::size_t v0 = vertices_0[common_edges.first];
      const std::size_t v1 = vertices_1[common_edges.second];
      const std::size_t v2 = vertices_0[bisection_edges.first];
      const std::size_t e0 = offset + marked_edges.find(edges_1[bisection_vertices.second]);
      const std::size_t e1 = offset + marked_edges.find(edges_0[bisection_vertices.first]);
      const std::size_t e2 = vertices_0[bisection_vertices.first];

      // Locate new vertices on bisected edge (if any)
      std::size_t E0 = 0;
      std::size_t E1 = 0;
      if (marker == backtrack_bisection_refine)
        E0 = offset + marked_edges.find(edges_0[bisection_edges.first]);
      if (twin_marker == backtrack_bisection_refine)
        E1 = offset + marked_edges.find(edges_1[bisection_edges.second]);

      // Add middle two cells (always)
      dolfin_assert(cell_data.size() == 3);
      cell_data[0] = e0; cell_data[1] = e1; cell_data[2] = e2;
      editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);

      cell_data[0] = v2; cell_data[1] = e1; cell_data[2] = e0;
      editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);

      // Add one or two remaining cells in current cell (left)
      if (marker == backtrack_bisection)
        cell_data[0] = v0; cell_data[1] = e2; cell_data[2] = e1;
        editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);
        // Add the two cells
        cell_data[0] = v0; cell_data[1] = E0; cell_data[2] = e1;
        editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);

        cell_data[0] = E0; cell_data[1] = e2; cell_data[2] = e1;
        editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);

        // Set bisection twins
        refined_bisection_twins[current_cell - 2] = current_cell - 1;
        refined_bisection_twins[current_cell - 1] = current_cell - 2;

      // Add one or two remaining cells in twin cell (right)
      if (twin_marker == backtrack_bisection)
        cell_data[0] = v1; cell_data[1] = e0; cell_data[2] = e2;
        editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);
        // Add the two cells
        cell_data[0] = v1; cell_data[1] = e0; cell_data[2] = E1;
        editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);

        cell_data[0] = e0; cell_data[1] = e2; cell_data[2] = E1;
        editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);

        // Set bisection twins
        refined_bisection_twins[current_cell - 2] = current_cell - 1;
        refined_bisection_twins[current_cell - 1] = current_cell - 2;
      // One edge marked for refinement: do bisection

      dolfin_assert(unrefined_cells[cell->index()] == -1);

      // Get vertices and edges
      const unsigned int* v = cell->entities(0);
      const unsigned int* e = cell->entities(1);

      // Get edge number (equal to marker)
      dolfin_assert(marker >= 0);
      const std::size_t local_edge_index = static_cast<std::size_t>(marker);
      const std::size_t global_edge_index = e[local_edge_index];
      const std::size_t ee = mesh.num_vertices() + marked_edges.find(global_edge_index);

      // Add the two new cells
      if (local_edge_index == 0)
        cell_data[0] = v[0]; cell_data[1] = ee; cell_data[2] = v[1];
        editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);

        cell_data[0] = v[0]; cell_data[1] = ee; cell_data[2] = v[2];
        editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);
      else if (local_edge_index == 1)
        cell_data[0] = v[1]; cell_data[1] = ee; cell_data[2] = v[0];
        editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);

        cell_data[0] = v[1]; cell_data[1] = ee; cell_data[2] = v[2];
        editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);
        cell_data[0] = v[2]; cell_data[1] = ee; cell_data[2] = v[0];
        editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);

        cell_data[0] = v[2]; cell_data[1] = ee; cell_data[2] = v[1];
        editor.add_cell(current_cell++, cell_data);

      // Set bisection twins
      refined_bisection_twins[current_cell - 2] = current_cell - 1;
      refined_bisection_twins[current_cell - 1] = current_cell - 2;

  // Close mesh editor
  dolfin_assert(num_cells == current_cell);