float dist(const Indiv& ind)
        cv::Mat tmp(ind.image());

        assert(tmp.cols == _image.cols);
        assert(tmp.rows == _image.rows);

        float total_distance = 0;

        // Change specific color of every pixel in the image
        for (int x = 0; x < tmp.cols; ++x)
            for (int y = 0; y < tmp.rows; ++y)
                cv::Vec3b color_2 = _image.at<cv::Vec3b>(cv::Point(x,y));

                cv::Vec3b color_1 = tmp.at<cv::Vec3b >(cv::Point(x,y));

                // Three color values H, S, L
                for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
                    float d = color_1[c] - color_2[c];
                    total_distance += d * d;	// Add the square of this distance

        return sqrtf(total_distance);
			void eval(const Indiv& ind)
				if (Params::image::color)
					// Convert image to BGR before evaluating
					cv::Mat output;

					// Convert HLS into BGR because imwrite uses BGR color space
					cv::cvtColor(ind.image(), output, CV_HLS2BGR);

					// Create an empty list to store get 1000 probabilities
				else	// Grayscale
					// Create an empty list to store get 1000 probabilities