// Return the input group with the specified ID, loading it from the database if necessary.
static InputGroup *
igroup(int igroup_id)
    InputGroups::iterator found = igroup_cache.find(igroup_id);
    if (found!=igroup_cache.end())
        return found->second;

    InputGroup *igroup = new InputGroup;
    if (!igroup->load(transaction, igroup_id)) {
        delete igroup;
        igroup_cache.insert(std::make_pair(igroup_id, (InputGroup*)0));
        return NULL;

    igroup_cache.insert(std::make_pair(igroup_id, igroup));
    return igroup;
    void operator()() {
        // Database connections don't survive over fork() according to SqLite and PostgreSQL documentation, so open it again
        SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr tx = SqlDatabase::Connection::create(databaseUrl)->transaction();

        // Use zero for the number of tests ran so that this child process doesn't try to update the semantic_history table.
        // If two or more processes try to change the same row (which they will if there's a non-zero number of tests) then
        // they will deadlock with each other.
        static const size_t NO_TESTS_RAN = 0;

        NameSet builtin_function_names;

        InputGroup igroup;
        WorkItem prevWorkItem;
        SgAsmInterpretation *prev_interp = NULL;
        MemoryMap ro_map;
        Disassembler::AddressSet whitelist_exports;         // dynamic functions that should be called
        PointerDetectors pointers;
        InsnCoverage insn_coverage;
        DynamicCallGraph dynamic_cg;
        Tracer tracer;
        ConsumedInputs consumed_inputs;
        FuncAnalyses funcinfo;
        OutputGroups ogroups; // do not load from database (that might take a very long time)
        time_t last_checkpoint = time(NULL);
        for (size_t workIdx=0; workIdx<work.size(); ++workIdx) {
            WorkItem &workItem = work[workIdx];

            // Load the input group from the database if necessary.
            if (workItem.igroup_id!=prevWorkItem.igroup_id) {
                if (!igroup.load(tx, workItem.igroup_id)) {
                    std::cerr <<argv0 <<": input group " <<workItem.igroup_id <<" is empty or does not exist\n";

            // Find the function to test
            IdFunctionMap::iterator func_found = functions.find(workItem.func_id);
            SgAsmFunction *func = func_found->second;
            if (opt.verbosity>=LACONIC) {
                if (opt.verbosity>=EFFUSIVE)
                    std::cerr <<argv0 <<": " <<std::string(100, '=') <<"\n";
                std::cerr <<argv0 <<": processing function " <<function_to_str(func, function_ids) <<"\n";
            SgAsmInterpretation *interp = SageInterface::getEnclosingNode<SgAsmInterpretation>(func);

            // Do per-interpretation stuff
            if (interp!=prev_interp) {
                prev_interp = interp;
                ro_map = *interp->get_map();
                Disassembler::AddressSet whitelist_imports = get_import_addresses(interp, builtin_function_names);
                whitelist_exports.clear(); // imports are addresses of import table slots; exports are functions
                overmap_dynlink_addresses(interp, *insns, opt.params.follow_calls, &ro_map, GOTPLT_VALUE,
                                          whitelist_imports, whitelist_exports/*out*/);
                if (opt.verbosity>=EFFUSIVE) {
                    std::cerr <<argv0 <<": memory map for SgAsmInterpretation:\n";
                    interp->get_map()->dump(std::cerr, argv0+":   ");

            // Run the test
            std::cerr <<"process " <<getpid() <<" about to run test " <<workIdx <<"/" <<work.size() <<" " <<workItem <<"\n";
            runOneTest(tx, workItem, pointers, func, function_ids, insn_coverage, dynamic_cg, tracer, consumed_inputs,
                       interp, whitelist_exports, cmd_id, igroup, funcinfo, *insns, &ro_map, *entry2id, ogroups);

            // Checkpoint
            if (opt.checkpoint>0 && time(NULL)-last_checkpoint > opt.checkpoint) {
                if (!opt.dry_run)
                    tx = checkpoint(tx, ogroups, tracer, insn_coverage, dynamic_cg, consumed_inputs, NULL, NO_TESTS_RAN,
                last_checkpoint = time(NULL);

            prevWorkItem = workItem;
        std::cerr <<"process " <<getpid() <<" is done testing; now finishing up...\n";

        if (!tx->is_terminated()) {
            SqlDatabase::StatementPtr stmt = tx->statement("insert into semantic_funcpartials"
                                             " (func_id, ncalls, nretused, ntests, nvoids) values"
                                             " (?,       ?,      ?,        ?,      ?)");
            for (FuncAnalyses::iterator fi=funcinfo.begin(); fi!=funcinfo.end(); ++fi) {
                stmt->bind(0, fi->first);
                stmt->bind(1, fi->second.ncalls);
                stmt->bind(2, fi->second.nretused);
                stmt->bind(3, fi->second.ntests);
                stmt->bind(4, fi->second.nvoids);

        // Cleanup
        if (!tx->is_terminated() && !opt.dry_run) {
            std::cerr <<"process " <<getpid() <<" is doing the final checkpoint\n";
            checkpoint(tx, ogroups, tracer, insn_coverage, dynamic_cg, consumed_inputs, NULL, NO_TESTS_RAN, cmd_id);

        std::cerr <<"process " <<getpid() <<" finished\n";