int main(int argc, char **argv) { if( argc <= 1 ){ cerr << "Missing input file "<< argv[0] <<" [infile]" << endl; return -1; } string fileName = argv[1]; vector<SequenceRead>* gfaReads; string ctg_seg = ""; if (argc > 2) { fileName = argv[2]; GfaParser* gfaParser = new GfaParser; gfaReads = gfaParser->parseGfaFormat(fileName); ctg_seg = gfaParser->segments[0].sequence; fileName = argv[1]; } InputParser* parser = InputParserFactory::instantiateParser(fileName); vector<pair<string, string>> data = argc > 2 ? parser->parseInputWithGfa(fileName, gfaReads) : parser->parseInput(fileName); POAGraph *poaGraph = new POAGraph(ctg_seg, "contig"); for (auto it = gfaReads->begin(); it!=gfaReads->end(); ++it) { cout << it->readName << endl << "Num of nodes: " << poaGraph->numberOfNodes << endl; BandwidthAlignment *alignment = new BandwidthAlignment(it->read, poaGraph, it->firstNode, it->lastNode, poaGraph->numberOfNodes); alignment->align(); poaGraph->incorporateSequenceAlignment(alignment, it->read, it->readName); delete alignment; } auto alignments = poaGraph->generateAlignmentStrings(); delete poaGraph; // for (auto pair : alignments) { // cout << pair.first << "\t" << pair.second << endl; // } return 0; }
void InputConverterOPEquilibria::convert(std::istream& i, std::ostream& o) { InputParser p; p.parse(i, pcd.mcs()); writeProgram(o, pcd.mcs()); }
bool Shell::mainLoop(std::istream &in, Environment &env) const { InputParser iParser; ShellCommand::Args args; const Shell *oldShell =; = this; bool success = true; do { if(env.interactive()) cout << endl << "dbxml> "; env.lineNo() += iParser.parse(in, args); string command = args.empty() ? string("") : args.front(); try { ShellCommand *cmd = findCommand(command); if (cmd) cmd->execute(args, env); else if(!args.empty()) { throw CommandException("Unknown command"); } } //catches XmlException catch(exception &e) { cerr << env.streamName() << ":" << env.lineNo() << ": " << command << " failed, "; cerr << e.what() << endl; success = false; if(!env.interactive() && !env.ignoreErrors()) env.quit() = true; } catch(...) { cerr << env.streamName() << ":" << env.lineNo() << ": " << command << " failed" << endl; success = false; if(!env.interactive() && !env.ignoreErrors()) env.quit() = true; } } while(!env.quit() && !in.eof() && !env.sigBlock().isInterrupted()); = oldShell; return success; }
void debugLots() { lots.clear(); debugOffset = 0.005; vector<Polygon> debugBlocks; Polygon p; p.vertices.push_back(Vector3d(0.398803, 0.363752, 0)); p.vertices.push_back(Vector3d(0.407103, 0.352854, 0)); p.vertices.push_back(Vector3d(0.414602, 0.357363, 0)); p.vertices.push_back(Vector3d(0.408383, 0.371349, 0)); p.vertices.push_back(Vector3d(0.401586, 0.36584, 0)); debugBlocks.push_back(p); lg = LotGenerator(debugBlocks, parser.get(LOT_EDGE_MAX_WIDTH)*wMult, 0, //area parser.get(LOT_SPLIT_DEVIANCE), is); lg.getLots(lots); gotLots = true; debug = true; stage = CS_BUILDINGS; }
void InputReader::parseFile(istream& fin, InputParser& parser) { string line; string token; // ... reset input file fin.clear(); fin.seekg(0); section = -1; // ... read each line from input file for (;;) { if ( errcount >= MAXERRS ) break; getline(fin, line, '\n'); if ( { if ( fin.eof() ) break; // end of file reached - normal termination } // ... remove any comment from input line trimLine(line); // ... read 1st token from input line sin.clear(); // clear string stream status flags sin.str(line); // assign input line to string stream sin >> token; // read 1st token from string stream // ... skip blank lines if ( || token[0] == '\0' ) continue; try { // ... see if at start of new input section if ( token[0] == '[' ) findSection(token); // ... otherwise parse input line of data else parser.parseLine(line, section); } catch (InputError& e) { errcount++; if ( section >= 0 ) {>msgLog << e.msg << " at following line of " << sections[section] << "] section:\n"; } else {>msgLog << e.msg << " at following line of file:\n"; }>msgLog << line << "\n"; } catch (...) { errcount++; } } // ... throw general input file exception if errors were found if ( errcount > 0 ) throw InputError(InputError::ERRORS_IN_INPUT_DATA, ""); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { string ModelConf, FileOut; try { // get the name of the current directory char dir[255]; getcwd(dir,255); // set filenames options_description desc("Allowed (positional) options"); string inputFile(dir), outputFile(dir); inputFile += "/tests/StandardModel.conf"; outputFile += "/tests/LEP2test.root"; desc.add_options() ("modconf", value<string>()->default_value(inputFile), "model config filename (1st)") ("rootfile", value<string>()->default_value(outputFile), "output root filename (2nd)") ("help", "help message") ; positional_options_description pd; pd.add("modconf", 1); pd.add("rootfile", 1); variables_map vm; store(command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(pd).run(), vm); notify(vm); if (vm.count("help")) { cout << desc << endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } ModelConf = vm["modconf"].as<string > (); FileOut = vm["rootfile"].as<string>(); cout << "# set " << ModelConf << " for the model config file" << endl; cout << "# set " << FileOut << " for the output file" << endl; // read parameters InputParser myInputParser; std::vector<ModelParameter> ModPars; std::vector<Observable> Obs; std::vector<Observable2D> Obs2D; std::vector<CorrelatedGaussianObservables> CGO; std::vector<ModelParaVsObs> ParaObs; std::map<string, double> DP; cout << "# Model: " << myInputParser.ReadParameters(ModelConf, ModPars, Obs, Obs2D, CGO, ParaObs) << endl; for (std::vector<ModelParameter>::iterator it = ModPars.begin(); it < ModPars.end(); it++) DP[it->name] = it->ave; if (!myInputParser.getMyModel()->Init(DP)) { cout << "parameter(s) missing in model initialization" << endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEST for inputs //cout << "Mz = " << myInputParser.getMyModel()->getMz() << endl; ZFitterWrapper* ZF = new ZFitterWrapper(*myInputParser.getMyModel()); ZF->FlagInfo(); // TESTs //ZF->printIntermediateResults(); //ZF->printInputs(); //ZF->printConstants(); ZFMw* myZFMw = new ZFMw(*ZF); cout << "Mw = " << myZFMw->computeThValue() << " " << endl << endl; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Differential cross sections const double cos_theta[11] = {-1.0, -0.8, -0.6, -0.4, -0.2, 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0}; ZFDsigmaQuarksLEP2* myZFDsigmaQuarks[11]; ZFDsigmaMuLEP2* myZFDsigmaMu[11]; ZFDsigmaTauLEP2* myZFDsigmaTau[11]; cout << "sqrt{s} cos(theta) dsigma(q)/dcos_theta dsigma(mu)/dcos_theta dsigma(tau)/dcos_theta" << endl; for (int i=0; i<11; i++) { myZFDsigmaQuarks[i] = new ZFDsigmaQuarksLEP2(*ZF,200.0,cos_theta[i]); myZFDsigmaMu[i] = new ZFDsigmaMuLEP2(*ZF,200.0,cos_theta[i]); myZFDsigmaTau[i] = new ZFDsigmaTauLEP2(*ZF,200.0,cos_theta[i]); cout << " 200.0 " << setw(6) << cos_theta[i] << setw(20) << myZFDsigmaQuarks[i]->computeThValue() << setw(20) << myZFDsigmaMu[i]->computeThValue() << setw(20) << myZFDsigmaTau[i]->computeThValue() << endl; } cout << endl; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LEP2 CM energies const double sqrt_s[12] = {130.0, 136.0, 161.0, 172.0, 183.0, 189.0, 192.0, 196.0, 200.0, 202.0, 205.0, 207.0}; // LEP2 CM energies for heavy flavors const double sqrt_s_HF[10] = {133.0, 167.0, 183.0, 189.0, 192.0, 196.0, 200.0, 202.0, 205.0, 207.0}; ZFsigmaQuarksLEP2* myZFsigmaQuarks[12]; ZFsigmaMuLEP2* myZFsigmaMu[12]; ZFsigmaTauLEP2* myZFsigmaTau[12]; ZFAFBmuLEP2* myZFAFBmu[12]; ZFAFBtauLEP2* myZFAFBtau[12]; cout << "sqrt{s} sigma(q) sigma(mu) sigma(tau) A_FB(mu) A_FB(tau)" << endl; for (int i=0; i<12; i++) { myZFsigmaQuarks[i] = new ZFsigmaQuarksLEP2(*ZF,sqrt_s[i]); myZFsigmaMu[i] = new ZFsigmaMuLEP2(*ZF,sqrt_s[i]); myZFsigmaTau[i] = new ZFsigmaTauLEP2(*ZF,sqrt_s[i]); myZFAFBmu[i] = new ZFAFBmuLEP2(*ZF,sqrt_s[i]); myZFAFBtau[i] = new ZFAFBtauLEP2(*ZF,sqrt_s[i]); cout << setw(6) << sqrt_s[i] << setw(10) << myZFsigmaQuarks[i]->computeThValue() << setw(10) << myZFsigmaMu[i]->computeThValue() << setw(10) << myZFsigmaTau[i]->computeThValue() << setw(10) << myZFAFBmu[i]->computeThValue() << setw(10) << myZFAFBtau[i]->computeThValue() << endl; //ZF->CutInfo();// TEST } cout << endl; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const int INTF_NEW = 2; ZF->setFlag("INTF",INTF_NEW); // with ISR/FSR interference contribution cout << "Flag update: INTF=2" << endl << endl; ZFRbottomLEP2* myZFRbottom[10]; ZFAFBbottomLEP2* myZFAFBbottom[10]; ZFRcharmLEP2* myZFRcharm[10]; ZFAFBcharmLEP2* myZFAFBcharm[10]; cout << "sqrt{s} R_b A_FB(b) R_c A_FB(c)" << endl; for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { myZFRbottom[i] = new ZFRbottomLEP2(*ZF,sqrt_s_HF[i]); myZFAFBbottom[i] = new ZFAFBbottomLEP2(*ZF,sqrt_s_HF[i]); myZFRcharm[i] = new ZFRcharmLEP2(*ZF,sqrt_s_HF[i]); myZFAFBcharm[i] = new ZFAFBcharmLEP2(*ZF,sqrt_s_HF[i]); cout << setw(6) << sqrt_s_HF[i] << setw(10) << myZFRbottom[i]->computeThValue() << setw(10) << myZFAFBbottom[i]->computeThValue() << setw(10) << myZFRcharm[i]->computeThValue() << setw(10) << myZFAFBcharm[i]->computeThValue() << endl; } cout << endl; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cout << "Test finished" << endl; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } catch (const runtime_error& e) { cerr << e.what() << endl; return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { opt::options_description visibleOptions("Allowed options"); visibleOptions.add_options() ("help,h","Display this help message.") ("output,o",opt::value<string>(),"Write output to specified file.") ("undef,u","Generate an undefines file.") ("version,v","Show version information."); opt::options_description options("All program options"); options.add(visibleOptions); options.add_options()("input",opt::value<vector<string> >(),"Input..."); opt::positional_options_description pos; pos.add("input",-1); opt::variables_map vm; opt::store(opt::command_line_parser(argc,argv).options(options).positional(pos).run(),vm); opt::notify(vm); if(vm.count("help")) { cout<<"Usage: "<<argv[0]<<" [OPTION]... [FILE]..."<<endl <<"Generate Verilog include file from XML variable"<<endl <<"definitions file."<<endl <<endl<<visibleOptions<<endl <<"If supplied, input is read from the listed files."<<endl <<"By default, input is taken from stdin and output"<<endl <<"is written to stdout."<<endl; return 0; } else if(vm.count("version")) { cout<<PACKAGE_STRING<<endl <<"Compiled "<<__DATE__<<" "<<__TIME__<<"."<<endl <<endl <<"Report bugs to "<<PACKAGE_BUGREPORT<<"."<<endl; return 0; } //Parse input files. map<string,MacroEntry*> vars; vector<string> verilog; int errorCount=0; if(vm.count("input")) { vector<string> inputFiles=vm["input"].as<vector<string> >(); for(vector<string>::iterator i=inputFiles.begin(); i!=inputFiles.end(); i++) { InputParser in(*i); errorCount+=in.Parse(vars,verilog); } } else { InputParser in; errorCount+=in.Parse(vars,verilog); } //Print output file. if(errorCount==0) { ofstream outFile; ostream *out=NULL; if(!vm.count("output"))out=&cout; else {["output"].as<string>().c_str()); if(outFile.good())out=&outFile; else cerr<<"Error: unable to open output file '" <<vm["output"].as<string>()<<"'."<<endl; } if(out!=NULL) { int errorCount=0; string output; output="//Generated by "+string(PACKAGE_STRING)+", compiled on "+string(__DATE__)+" "+string(__TIME__)+".\n"; output+="//This file has been automatically generated.\n"; output+="//Edit contents with extreme caution.\n\n"; if(!vm.count("undef") && verilog.size()>0) { for(vector<string>::iterator i=verilog.begin(); i!=verilog.end(); i++) { output+=(*i)+"\n"; } output+="\n"; } map<string,Expression*> expList; for(map<string,MacroEntry*>::iterator i=vars.begin(); i!=vars.end(); i++) { expList[(*i).first]=(*i).second->expression; } boost::regex newline("\\n"); for(map<string,MacroEntry*>::iterator i=vars.begin(); i!=vars.end(); i++) { string variable=(*i).first; MacroEntry *entry=(*i).second; if(vm.count("undef")) { output+="`ifdef "+variable+"\n"; output+=" `undef "+variable+"\n"; output+="`endif\n"; output+="\n"; } else { if(!entry->print)continue; try { if(entry->comments!="") { output+="//"; output+=boost::regex_replace(entry->comments,newline,"\\n//"); output+="\n"; } output+="`ifndef "+variable+"\n"; output+=" `define "+variable+" "+entry->expression->Value(expList)+"\n"; output+="`endif\n"; output+="\n"; } catch(Expression::ExpressionError &e) { errorCount++; e.SetVariable(variable); cerr<<e.what()<<endl; } } } if(errorCount==1)cerr<<"Found 1 error."<<endl; else if(errorCount>0)cerr<<"Found "<<errorCount<<" errors."<<endl; else (*out)<<output; if(vm.count("output"))outFile.close(); } } else { if(errorCount==1)cerr<<"Found 1 error."<<endl; else if(errorCount>0)cerr<<"Found "<<errorCount<<" errors."<<endl; } //Cleanup expressions. for(map<string,MacroEntry*>::iterator i=vars.begin(); i!=vars.end(); i++) { delete (*i).second; } return errorCount!=0; }
void keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { if(key == ' ') { roadsystem.generate(1); } if(key == 'x') { roadsystem.generate(100); } if(key == 'z') { roadsystem.generate(1000); } if(key == 'q') { roadsystem.printStats(); } if(key == 'i') { scale *= 1.1; } if(key == 'k') { scale /= 1.1; } /* if(key == 'u') { wMult += 0.05; debugLots(); } if(key == 'j') { wMult -= 0.05; debugLots(); } */ if(key == 'd') { if(stage >= CS_ROADS) { printf("dumping roads to roads.mel..."); roadsystem.dumpRoads(); printf("done!\n"); } } if(key == 'f') { if(stage >= CS_LOTS) { printf("dumping blocks to blocks.obj..."); roadsystem.dumpPolygons(); printf("done!\n"); } } if(key == 'g') { if(stage >= CS_BUILDINGS) { printf("dumping lots to lots.obj..."); dumpLots(); printf("done!\n"); } } /* if(key == 'f') { printf("debugging\n"); debugLots(); } */ if(key == 'p') { switch(stage) { case(CS_ROADS): printf("extracting blocks..."); roadsystem.getPolygons(); blocks.clear(); roadsystem.extractPolygons(blocks); gotBlocks = true; printf("done!\n"); stage = CS_LOTS; printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("Lot Subdivision\n"); printf("(p) to generate lots\n"); printf("(f) to dump blocks to blocks.obj\n"); printf("(d) to dump roads to roads.mel\n"); printf("The code likes to blow up at this stage :(\n"); printf("If it does, just restart the program\n"); break; case(CS_LOTS): lg = LotGenerator(blocks, parser.get(LOT_EDGE_MAX_WIDTH), parser.get(LOT_MIN_AREA), parser.get(LOT_SPLIT_DEVIANCE), is); lg.getLots(lots); gotLots = true; printf("Done subdividing blocks!\n"); stage = CS_BUILDINGS; printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("Building Generation\n"); printf("(p) to generate buildings\n"); printf("(g) to dump lots to lots.obj\n"); printf("(f) to dump blocks to blocks.obj\n"); printf("(d) to dump roads to roads.mel\n"); printf("output will be written to outputFile.obj\n"); break; case(CS_BUILDINGS): printf("generating buildings..."); bg = BuildingGenerator(lots); bg.getBuildings(parser.get(BUILDING_MAX_HEIGHT), is); bg.generateObjFile(); printf("done!\n"); printf("(p) to quit\n"); printf("(g) to dump lots to lots.obj\n"); printf("(f) to dump blocks to blocks.obj\n"); printf("(d) to dump roads to roads.mel\n"); stage = CS_DONE; break; case(CS_DONE): exit(0); break; } } glutPostRedisplay(); }