int operator()(const InputType &x, ValueType& fvec) const { m_decoder.Decode(m_rots, x); Vector3 v = sik.endPosition(m_rots); v -= m_goal; fvec.setZero(); fvec.head<3>() = Eigen::Vector3f::Map(&v.x); // limit-exceed panelaty auto limpanl = fvec.tail(x.size()); for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) { if (x[i] < m_min[i]) limpanl[i] = m_limitPanalty*(x[i] - m_min[i])*(x[i] - m_min[i]); else if (x[i] > m_max[i]) limpanl[i] = m_limitPanalty*(x[i] - m_max[i])*(x[i] - m_max[i]); } if (m_useRef) { limpanl += m_refWeights *(x - m_ref); } return 0; }
int df(const InputType &x, JacobianType& fjac) { m_decoder.Decode(m_rots, x); fjac.setZero(); m_jacb.resize(3, 3 * n); sik.endPositionJaccobiRespectEuler(m_rots, array_view<Vector3>(reinterpret_cast<Vector3*>(,3*n)); m_decoder.EncodeJacobi(m_rots, m_jacb); fjac.topRows<3>() = m_jacb;//Eigen::Matrix3Xf::Map(&m_jac[0].x, 3, 3 * n); // limit-exceed panelaty for (int i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) { if (x[i] < m_min[i]) fjac(3 + i, i) = m_limitPanalty * (x[i] - m_min[i]); else if (x[i] > m_max[i]) fjac(3 + i, i) = m_limitPanalty * (x[i] - m_max[i]); if (m_useRef) { fjac(3 + i, i) += m_refWeights; } } return 0; }
void num_diff(const boost::function<OutputType (const InputType& )>& f , const InputType& cur // current point , int m // output dimension , double epsilon , MatType* out ) { assert (out != nullptr); int n = cur.size(); InputType x = cur; out->resize(m, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { x(i) = cur(i) + epsilon; OutputType fplus = f(x); x(i) = cur(i) - epsilon; OutputType fminus = f(x); out->col(i) = (fplus - fminus) / (2 * epsilon); x(i) = cur(i); } }
std::vector<std::vector<int>> GetCombinationsIterative(const std::vector<int>& input) { typedef std::vector<std::vector<int>> ResultType; typedef std::vector<int> InputType; typedef std::vector<std::tuple<int, InputType>> ProblemType; typedef std::map<int, ProblemType> ProblemListType; typedef std::queue<InputType> LevelResultsType; ResultType result; ProblemListType problemTree; int currentLevel = input.size(); int startLevel = currentLevel; problemTree[currentLevel] = ProblemType { std::tuple<int, InputType> {0, input} }; InputType temp = input; int nodeNr = 1; while (currentLevel > 2) { problemTree[currentLevel - 1] = ProblemType{}; const auto& nodes = problemTree[currentLevel]; for (const auto& node : nodes) { temp = std::get<1>(node); for (const auto& element : temp) { std::vector<int> diffSet = temp; diffSet.erase(std::find(diffSet.begin(), diffSet.end(), element)); problemTree[currentLevel - 1].push_back(std::make_tuple(element, diffSet)); } } currentLevel = currentLevel - 1; } LevelResultsType resultsCurrentLevel; LevelResultsType resultsPreviousLevel; while (currentLevel < startLevel) { resultsCurrentLevel = {}; const auto& nodes = problemTree[currentLevel]; int partitionSize = currentLevel == 2 ? 2 : resultsPreviousLevel.size() / nodes.size(); for (const auto& node : nodes) { temp = std::get<1>(node); if (temp.size() == 2) { resultsPreviousLevel.push({ temp[0], temp[1] }); resultsPreviousLevel.push({ temp[1], temp[0] }); } for (int i = 0; i < partitionSize ; ++i) { auto& previousLevelResult = resultsPreviousLevel.front(); previousLevelResult.insert(previousLevelResult.begin(), std::get<0>(node)); resultsCurrentLevel.push(resultsPreviousLevel.front()); resultsPreviousLevel.pop(); } } resultsPreviousLevel = resultsCurrentLevel; ++currentLevel; } while (!resultsCurrentLevel.empty()) { result.push_back(resultsCurrentLevel.front()); resultsCurrentLevel.pop(); } return result; }
void mitk::GroupDiffusionHeadersFilter::Update() { InputType input = static_cast<InputType>( this->GetInput( ) ); this->SetNthOutput(0, input); InputType dwi; InputType zerodwi; InputType other; bool foundDWI = false; // check each series' first image unsigned int size = input.size(); HeaderPointer header; HeaderPointer dwiHeader; for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i ) { header = input[i]; // list of files if( header->bValue > 0) { header->headerGroup = DHG_NonZeroDiffusionWeighted; if(!foundDWI) dwiHeader = header; foundDWI = true; } else { header->headerGroup = DHG_ZeroDiffusionWeighted; } } if(foundDWI) { for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i ) { header = input[i]; // list of files if( !header->isIdentical(dwiHeader)) { header->headerGroup = DHG_Other; } } } else { for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i ) { header = input[i]; header->headerGroup = DHG_Other; } } for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i ) { header = input[i]; switch (header->headerGroup) { case DHG_Other: other.push_back(header); break; case DHG_ZeroDiffusionWeighted: zerodwi.push_back(header); break; case DHG_NonZeroDiffusionWeighted: dwi.push_back(header); break; case DHG_NotYetGrouped: break; } } this->SetNthOutput(1, dwi); this->SetNthOutput(2, zerodwi); this->SetNthOutput(3, other); }