/** * Attempts to load a grouping information referenced by IDF. * @param instrument :: Intrument which we went the grouping for * @param mainFieldDirection :: (MUSR) orientation of the instrument * @return Grouping information */ boost::shared_ptr<Grouping> getGroupingFromIDF(Instrument_const_sptr instrument, const std::string& mainFieldDirection) { std::string parameterName = "Default grouping file"; // Special case for MUSR, because it has two possible groupings if (instrument->getName() == "MUSR") { parameterName.append(" - " + mainFieldDirection); } std::vector<std::string> groupingFiles = instrument->getStringParameter(parameterName); if ( groupingFiles.size() == 1 ) { const std::string groupingFile = groupingFiles[0]; // Get search directory for XML instrument definition files (IDFs) std::string directoryName = ConfigService::Instance().getInstrumentDirectory(); auto loadedGrouping = boost::make_shared<Grouping>(); loadGroupingFromXML(directoryName + groupingFile, *loadedGrouping); return loadedGrouping; } else { throw std::runtime_error("Multiple groupings specified for the instrument"); } }
/** Executes the algorithm * * @throw Exception::FileError If the grouping file cannot be opened or read successfully * @throw runtime_error If unable to run one of the Child Algorithms successfully */ void ReadGroupsFromFile::exec() { MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws = getProperty("InstrumentWorkspace"); // Get the instrument. Instrument_const_sptr inst = ws->getInstrument(); // Create a copy (without the data) of the workspace - it will contain the Workspace2D_sptr localWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Workspace2D>(WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(ws, ws->getNumberHistograms(), 2, 1)); if (!localWorkspace) throw std::runtime_error("Failed when creating a Workspace2D from the input!"); const std::string groupfile=getProperty("GroupingFilename"); if ( ! groupfile.empty() ) { std::string filename(groupfile); std::transform(filename.begin(), filename.end(), filename.begin(), tolower); if ( filename.find(".xml") != std::string::npos ) { readXMLGroupingFile(groupfile); } else { readGroupingFile(groupfile); } } // Get the instrument. const int64_t nHist=localWorkspace->getNumberHistograms(); // Determine whether the user wants to see unselected detectors or not const std::string su=getProperty("ShowUnselected"); bool showunselected=(!su.compare("True")); bool success=false; for (int64_t i=0;i<nHist;i++) { ISpectrum * spec = localWorkspace->getSpectrum(i); const std::set<detid_t> & dets = spec->getDetectorIDs(); if (dets.empty()) // Nothing { spec->dataY()[0]=0.0; continue; } // Find the first detector ID in the list calmap::const_iterator it=calibration.find(*dets.begin()); if (it==calibration.end()) //Could not find the detector { spec->dataY()[0]=0.0; continue; } if (showunselected) { if (((*it).second).second==0) spec->dataY()[0]=0.0; else spec->dataY()[0]=static_cast<double>(((*it).second).first); } else spec->dataY()[0]=static_cast<double>(((*it).second).first); if (!success) success=true; //At least one detector is found in the cal file } progress(1); calibration.clear(); if (!success) //Do some cleanup { localWorkspace.reset(); throw std::runtime_error("Fail to found a detector in "+groupfile+" existing in instrument "+inst->getName()); } setProperty("OutputWorkspace",localWorkspace); return; }
/** Execute the algorithm. */ void CreateChunkingFromInstrument::exec() { // get the instrument Instrument_const_sptr inst = this->getInstrument(); // setup the output workspace ITableWorkspace_sptr strategy = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().createTable("TableWorkspace"); strategy->addColumn("str", "BankName"); this->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", strategy); // get the correct level of grouping string groupLevel = this->getPropertyValue(PARAM_CHUNK_BY); vector<string> groupNames = getGroupNames(this->getPropertyValue(PARAM_CHUNK_NAMES)); if (groupLevel.compare("All") == 0) { return; // nothing to do } else if (inst->getName().compare("SNAP") == 0 && groupLevel.compare("Group") == 0) { groupNames.clear(); groupNames.push_back("East"); groupNames.push_back("West"); } // set up a progress bar with the "correct" number of steps int maxBankNum = this->getProperty(PARAM_MAX_BANK_NUM); Progress progress(this, .2, 1., maxBankNum); // search the instrument for the bank names int maxRecurseDepth = this->getProperty(PARAM_MAX_RECURSE); map<string, vector<string>> grouping; // cppcheck-suppress syntaxError PRAGMA_OMP(parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1) ) for (int num = 0; num < maxBankNum; ++num) { PARALLEL_START_INTERUPT_REGION ostringstream mess; mess << "bank" << num; IComponent_const_sptr comp = inst->getComponentByName(mess.str(), maxRecurseDepth); PARALLEL_CRITICAL(grouping) if (comp) { // get the name of the correct parent string parent; if (groupNames.empty()) { parent = parentName(comp, groupLevel); } else { parent = parentName(comp, groupNames); } // add it to the correct chunk if (!parent.empty()) { if (grouping.count(parent) == 0) grouping[parent] = vector<string>(); grouping[parent].push_back(comp->getName()); } } progress.report(); PARALLEL_END_INTERUPT_REGION } PARALLEL_CHECK_INTERUPT_REGION // check to see that something happened if (grouping.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to find any banks in the instrument"); // fill in the table workspace for (auto group = grouping.begin(); group != grouping.end(); ++group) { stringstream banks; for (auto bank = group->second.begin(); bank != group->second.end(); ++bank) banks << (*bank) << ","; // remove the trailing comma string banksStr = banks.str(); banksStr = banksStr.substr(0, banksStr.size() - 1); // add it to the table TableRow row = strategy->appendRow(); row << banksStr; } }
/** Executes the algorithm * * @throw Exception::FileError If the grouping file cannot be opened or read successfully * @throw runtime_error If unable to run one of the Child Algorithms successfully */ void CreateDummyCalFile::exec() { // Get the input workspace MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputW = getProperty("InputWorkspace"); if (!inputW) throw std::invalid_argument("No InputWorkspace"); //Get some stuff from the input workspace Instrument_const_sptr inst = inputW->getInstrument(); std::string instname = inst->getName(); // Check that the instrument is in store // Get only the first 3 letters std::string instshort=instname; std::transform(instshort.begin(),instshort.end(),instshort.begin(),toupper); instshort=instshort+"_Definition.xml"; // Determine the search directory for XML instrument definition files (IDFs) std::string directoryName = Kernel::ConfigService::Instance().getInstrumentDirectory(); // Set up the DOM parser and parse xml file DOMParser pParser; Document* pDoc; try { pDoc = pParser.parse(directoryName+instshort); } catch(...) { g_log.error("Unable to parse file " + m_filename); throw Kernel::Exception::FileError("Unable to parse File:" , m_filename); } // Get pointer to root element Element* pRootElem = pDoc->documentElement(); if ( !pRootElem->hasChildNodes() ) { g_log.error("XML file: " + m_filename + "contains no root element."); throw Kernel::Exception::InstrumentDefinitionError("No root element in XML instrument file", m_filename); } // Handle used in the singleton constructor for instrument file should append the value // of the last-modified tag inside the file to determine if it is already in memory so that // changes to the instrument file will cause file to be reloaded. auto temp = instshort + pRootElem->getAttribute("last-modified");// Generate the mangled name by hand (old-style) // If instrument not in store, insult the user if (!API::InstrumentDataService::Instance().doesExist(temp)) { Mantid::Geometry::IDFObject idf(directoryName+instshort); temp = idf.getMangledName(); // new style. if (!API::InstrumentDataService::Instance().doesExist(temp)) { g_log.error("Instrument "+instshort+" is not present in data store."); throw std::runtime_error("Instrument "+instshort+" is not present in data store."); } } // Get the names of groups groups=instname; // Split the names of the group and insert in a vector, throw if group empty std::vector<std::string> vgroups; boost::split( vgroups, instname, boost::algorithm::detail::is_any_ofF<char>(",/*")); if (vgroups.empty()) { g_log.error("Could not determine group names. Group names should be separated by / or ,"); throw std::runtime_error("Could not determine group names. Group names should be separated by / or ,"); } // Assign incremental number to each group std::map<std::string,int> group_map; int index=0; for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it=vgroups.begin(); it!=vgroups.end(); ++it) group_map[(*it)]=++index; // Not needed anymore vgroups.clear(); // Find Detectors that belong to groups typedef boost::shared_ptr<const Geometry::ICompAssembly> sptr_ICompAss; typedef boost::shared_ptr<const Geometry::IComponent> sptr_IComp; typedef boost::shared_ptr<const Geometry::IDetector> sptr_IDet; std::queue< std::pair<sptr_ICompAss,int> > assemblies; sptr_ICompAss current=boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Geometry::ICompAssembly>(inst); sptr_IDet currentDet; sptr_IComp currentIComp; sptr_ICompAss currentchild; int top_group, child_group; if (current.get()) { top_group=group_map[current->getName()]; // Return 0 if not in map assemblies.push(std::make_pair(current,top_group)); } std::string filename=getProperty("CalFilename"); // Plan to overwrite file, so do not check if it exists bool overwrite=false; int number=0; Progress prog(this,0.0,0.8,assemblies.size()); while(!assemblies.empty()) //Travel the tree from the instrument point { current=assemblies.front().first; top_group=assemblies.front().second; assemblies.pop(); int nchilds=current->nelements(); if (nchilds!=0) { for (int i=0; i<nchilds; ++i) { currentIComp=(*(current.get()))[i]; // Get child currentDet=boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Geometry::IDetector>(currentIComp); if (currentDet.get())// Is detector { if (overwrite) // Map will contains udet as the key instrcalib[currentDet->getID()]=std::make_pair(number++,top_group); else // Map will contains the entry number as the key instrcalib[number++]=std::make_pair(currentDet->getID(),top_group); } else // Is an assembly, push in the queue { currentchild=boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Geometry::ICompAssembly>(currentIComp); if (currentchild.get()) { child_group=group_map[currentchild->getName()]; if (child_group==0) child_group=top_group; assemblies.push(std::make_pair(currentchild,child_group)); } } } } prog.report(); } // Write the results in a file saveGroupingFile(filename,overwrite); progress(0.2); return; }
/** Execute the algorithm. */ void SaveIsawPeaks::exec() { // Section header std::string header = "2 SEQN H K L COL ROW CHAN L2 2_THETA AZ WL D IPK INTI SIGI RFLG"; std::string filename = getPropertyValue("Filename"); PeaksWorkspace_sptr ws = getProperty("InputWorkspace"); std::vector<Peak> peaks = ws->getPeaks(); // We must sort the peaks first by run, then bank #, and save the list of workspace indices of it typedef std::map<int, std::vector<size_t> > bankMap_t; typedef std::map<int, bankMap_t> runMap_t; std::set<int> uniqueBanks; runMap_t runMap; for (size_t i=0; i < peaks.size(); ++i) { Peak & p = peaks[i]; int run = p.getRunNumber(); int bank = 0; std::string bankName = p.getBankName(); if (bankName.size() <= 4) { g_log.information() << "Could not interpret bank number of peak " << i << "(" << bankName << ")\n"; continue; } // Take out the "bank" part of the bank name and convert to an int bankName = bankName.substr(4, bankName.size()-4); Strings::convert(bankName, bank); // Save in the map runMap[run][bank].push_back(i); // Track unique bank numbers uniqueBanks.insert(bank); } Instrument_const_sptr inst = ws->getInstrument(); if (!inst) throw std::runtime_error("No instrument in PeaksWorkspace. Cannot save peaks file."); double l1; V3D beamline; double beamline_norm; V3D samplePos; inst->getInstrumentParameters(l1, beamline, beamline_norm, samplePos); std::ofstream out; bool append = getProperty("AppendFile"); if (append) { out.open( filename.c_str(), std::ios::app); } else { out.open( filename.c_str()); out << "Version: 2.0 Facility: SNS " ; out << " Instrument: " << inst->getName() << " Date: " ; //TODO: The experiment date might be more useful than the instrument date. // For now, this allows the proper instrument to be loaded back after saving. Kernel::DateAndTime expDate = inst->getValidFromDate() + 1.0; out << expDate.to_ISO8601_string() << std::endl; out << "6 L1 T0_SHIFT" << std::endl; out << "7 "<< std::setw( 10 ) ; out << std::setprecision( 4 ) << std::fixed << ( l1*100 ) ; out << std::setw( 12 ) << std::setprecision( 3 ) << std::fixed ; // Time offset of 0.00 for now out << "0.000" << std::endl; // ============================== Save .detcal info ========================================= if (true) { out << "4 DETNUM NROWS NCOLS WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH DETD CenterX CenterY CenterZ BaseX BaseY BaseZ UpX UpY UpZ" << std::endl; // Here would save each detector... std::set<int>::iterator it; for (it = uniqueBanks.begin(); it != uniqueBanks.end(); it++) { // Build up the bank name int bank = *it; std::ostringstream mess; mess << "bank" << bank; std::string bankName = mess.str(); // Retrieve it RectangularDetector_const_sptr det = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const RectangularDetector>(inst->getComponentByName(bankName)); if (det) { // Center of the detector V3D center = det->getPos(); // Distance to center of detector double detd = (center - inst->getSample()->getPos()).norm(); // Base unit vector (along the horizontal, X axis) V3D base = det->getAtXY(det->xpixels()-1,0)->getPos() - det->getAtXY(0,0)->getPos(); base.normalize(); // Up unit vector (along the vertical, Y axis) V3D up = det->getAtXY(0,det->ypixels()-1)->getPos() - det->getAtXY(0,0)->getPos(); up.normalize(); // Write the line out << "5 " << std::setw(6) << std::right << bank << " " << std::setw(6) << std::right << det->xpixels() << " " << std::setw(6) << std::right << det->ypixels() << " " << std::setw(7) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << 100.0*det->xsize() << " " << std::setw(7) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << 100.0*det->ysize() << " " << " 0.2000 " << std::setw(6) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << 100.0*detd << " " << std::setw(9) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << 100.0*center.X() << " " << std::setw(9) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << 100.0*center.Y() << " " << std::setw(9) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << 100.0*center.Z() << " " << std::setw(8) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5) << base.X() << " " << std::setw(8) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5) << base.Y() << " " << std::setw(8) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5) << base.Z() << " " << std::setw(8) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5) << up.X() << " " << std::setw(8) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5) << up.Y() << " " << std::setw(8) << std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(5) << up.Z() << " " << std::endl; } } } } // ============================== Save all Peaks ========================================= // Sequence number int seqNum = 1; // Go in order of run numbers runMap_t::iterator runMap_it; for (runMap_it = runMap.begin(); runMap_it != runMap.end(); runMap_it++) { // Start of a new run int run = runMap_it->first; bankMap_t & bankMap = runMap_it->second; bankMap_t::iterator bankMap_it; for (bankMap_it = bankMap.begin(); bankMap_it != bankMap.end(); bankMap_it++) { // Start of a new bank. int bank = bankMap_it->first; std::vector<size_t> & ids = bankMap_it->second; if (ids.size() > 0) { // Write the bank header out << "0 NRUN DETNUM CHI PHI OMEGA MONCNT" << std::endl; out << "1" << std::setw( 5 ) << run << std::setw( 7 ) << std::right << bank; // Determine goniometer angles by calculating from the goniometer matrix of a peak in the list Goniometer gon(peaks[ids[0]].getGoniometerMatrix()); std::vector<double> angles = gon.getEulerAngles("yzy"); double phi = angles[2]; double chi = angles[1]; double omega = angles[0]; out << std::setw( 7 ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 2 ) << chi << " "; out << std::setw( 7 ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 2 ) << phi << " "; out << std::setw( 7 ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 2 ) << omega << " "; out << std::setw( 7 ) << (int)( 0 ) << std::endl; out << header << std::endl; // Go through each peak at this run / bank for (size_t i=0; i < ids.size(); i++) { size_t wi = ids[i]; Peak & p = peaks[wi]; // Sequence (run) number out << "3" << std::setw( 7 ) << seqNum; // HKL is flipped by -1 due to different q convention in ISAW vs mantid. out << std::setw( 5 ) << Utils::round(-p.getH()) << std::setw( 5 ) << Utils::round(-p.getK()) << std::setw( 5 ) << Utils::round(-p.getL()); // Row/column out << std::setw( 8 ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 2 ) << static_cast<double>(p.getCol()) << " "; out << std::setw( 8 ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 2 ) << static_cast<double>(p.getRow()) << " "; out << std::setw( 8 ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 0 ) << p.getTOF() << " "; out << std::setw( 9 ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 3 ) << (p.getL2()*100.0) << " "; // This is the scattered beam direction V3D dir = p.getDetPos() - inst->getSample()->getPos(); double scattering, azimuth; // Two-theta = polar angle = scattering angle = between +Z vector and the scattered beam scattering = dir.angle( V3D(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) ); // "Azimuthal" angle: project the beam onto the XY plane, and measure the angle between that and the +X axis (right-handed) azimuth = atan2( dir.Y(), dir.X() ); out << std::setw( 9 ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 5 ) << scattering << " "; //two-theta scattering out << std::setw( 9 ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 5 ) << azimuth << " "; out << std::setw( 10 ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 6 ) << p.getWavelength() << " "; out << std::setw( 9 ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 4 ) << p.getDSpacing() << " "; out << std::setw( 8 ) << std::fixed << int(p.getBinCount()) << std::setw( 10 ) << " " << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 2 ) << p.getIntensity() << " "; out << std::setw( 7 ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 2 ) << p.getSigmaIntensity() << " "; int thisReflag = 310; out << std::setw( 5 ) << thisReflag; out << std::endl; // Count the sequence seqNum++; } } } } out.flush(); out.close(); // //REMOVE: // std::string line; // std::ifstream myfile (filename.c_str()); // if (myfile.is_open()) // { // while ( myfile.good() ) // { // getline (myfile,line); // std::cout << line << std::endl; // } // myfile.close(); // } }
/** Reads the calibration file. * * @param calFileName :: path to the old .cal file * @param groupWS :: optional, GroupingWorkspace to save. Will be 0 if not specified. * @param offsetsWS :: optional, OffsetsWorkspace to save. Will be 0.0 if not specified. * @param maskWS :: optional, masking-type workspace to save. Will be 1 (selected) if not specified. */ void SaveCalFile::saveCalFile(const std::string& calFileName, GroupingWorkspace_sptr groupWS, OffsetsWorkspace_sptr offsetsWS, MaskWorkspace_sptr maskWS) { Instrument_const_sptr inst; bool doGroup = false; if (groupWS) { doGroup = true; inst = groupWS->getInstrument(); } bool doOffsets = false; if (offsetsWS) { doOffsets = true; inst = offsetsWS->getInstrument(); } bool doMask = false; if (maskWS) { doMask = true; inst = maskWS->getInstrument(); if (!inst) g_log.warning() << "Mask workspace " << maskWS->name() << " has no instrument associated with." << "\n"; } g_log.information() << "Status: doGroup = " << doGroup << " doOffsets = " << doOffsets << " doMask = " << doMask << "\n"; if (!inst) throw std::invalid_argument("You must give at least one of the grouping, offsets or masking workspaces."); // Header of the file std::ofstream fout(calFileName.c_str()); fout <<"# Calibration file for instrument " << inst->getName() << " written on " << DateAndTime::getCurrentTime().toISO8601String() << ".\n"; fout <<"# Format: number UDET offset select group\n"; // Get all the detectors detid2det_map allDetectors; inst->getDetectors(allDetectors); int64_t number=0; detid2det_map::const_iterator it; for (it = allDetectors.begin(); it != allDetectors.end(); ++it) { detid_t detectorID = it->first; // Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr det = it->second; //Find the offset, if any double offset = 0.0; if (doOffsets) offset = offsetsWS->getValue(detectorID, 0.0); //Find the group, if any int64_t group = 1; if (doGroup) group = static_cast<int64_t>(groupWS->getValue(detectorID, 0.0)); // Find the selection, if any int selected = 1; if (doMask && (maskWS->isMasked(detectorID))) selected = 0; //if(group > 0) fout << std::fixed << std::setw(9) << number << std::fixed << std::setw(15) << detectorID << std::fixed << std::setprecision(7) << std::setw(15)<< offset << std::fixed << std::setw(8) << selected << std::fixed << std::setw(8) << group << "\n"; number++; } }
/** * Make a map of the conversion factors between tof and D-spacing * for all pixel IDs in a workspace. * map vulcan should contain the module/module and stack/stack offset * * @param vulcan :: map between detector ID and vulcan correction factor. * @param offsetsWS :: OffsetsWorkspace to be filled. */ void LoadDspacemap::CalculateOffsetsFromVulcanFactors( std::map<detid_t, double> &vulcan, Mantid::DataObjects::OffsetsWorkspace_sptr offsetsWS) { // Get a pointer to the instrument contained in the workspace // At this point, instrument VULCAN has been created? Instrument_const_sptr instrument = offsetsWS->getInstrument(); g_log.notice() << "Name of instrument = " << instrument->getName() << std::endl; g_log.notice() << "Input map (dict): size = " << vulcan.size() << std::endl; // To get all the detector ID's detid2det_map allDetectors; instrument->getDetectors(allDetectors); detid2det_map::const_iterator it; int numfinds = 0; g_log.notice() << "Input number of detectors = " << allDetectors.size() << std::endl; // Get detector information double l1, beamline_norm; Kernel::V3D beamline, samplePos; instrument->getInstrumentParameters(l1, beamline, beamline_norm, samplePos); /*** A survey of parent detector std::map<detid_t, bool> parents; for (it = allDetectors.begin(); it != allDetectors.end(); it++){ int32_t detid = it->first; // def boost::shared_ptr<const Mantid::Geometry::IDetector> IDetector_const_sptr; std::string parentname = it->second->getParent()->getComponentID()->getName(); g_log.notice() << "Name = " << parentname << std::endl; // parents.insert(parentid, true); } ***/ /*** Here some special configuration for VULCAN is hard-coded here! * Including (1) Super-Parent Information ***/ Kernel::V3D referencePos; detid_t anydetinrefmodule = 21 * 1250 + 5; std::map<detid_t, Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr>::iterator det_iter = allDetectors.find(anydetinrefmodule); if (det_iter == allDetectors.end()) { throw std::invalid_argument("Any Detector ID is Instrument's detector"); } referencePos = det_iter->second->getParent()->getPos(); double refl2 = referencePos.norm(); double halfcosTwoThetaRef = referencePos.scalar_prod(beamline) / (refl2 * beamline_norm); double sinThetaRef = sqrt(0.5 - halfcosTwoThetaRef); double difcRef = sinThetaRef * (l1 + refl2) / CONSTANT; // Loop over all detectors in instrument to find the offset for (it = allDetectors.begin(); it != allDetectors.end(); ++it) { int detectorID = it->first; Geometry::IDetector_const_sptr det = it->second; double offset = 0.0; // Find the vulcan factor; double vulcan_factor = 0.0; std::map<detid_t, double>::const_iterator vulcan_iter = vulcan.find(detectorID); if (vulcan_iter != vulcan.end()) { vulcan_factor = vulcan_iter->second; numfinds++; } // g_log.notice() << "Selected Detector with ID = " << detectorID << " ID2 // = " << id2 << std::endl; proved to be same double intermoduleoffset = 0; double interstackoffset = 0; detid_t intermoduleid = detid_t(detectorID / 1250) * 1250 + 1250 - 2; vulcan_iter = vulcan.find(intermoduleid); if (vulcan_iter == vulcan.end()) { g_log.error() << "Cannot find inter-module offset ID = " << intermoduleid << std::endl; } else { intermoduleoffset = vulcan_iter->second; } detid_t interstackid = detid_t(detectorID / 1250) * 1250 + 1250 - 1; vulcan_iter = vulcan.find(interstackid); if (vulcan_iter == vulcan.end()) { g_log.error() << "Cannot find inter-module offset ID = " << intermoduleid << std::endl; } else { interstackoffset = vulcan_iter->second; } /*** This is the previous way to correct upon DIFC[module center pixel] // The actual factor is 10^(-value_in_the_file) vulcan_factor = pow(10.0,-vulcan_factor); // At this point, tof_corrected = vulcan_factor * tof_input // So this is the offset offset = vulcan_factor - 1.0; ***/ /*** New approach to correct based on DIFC of each pixel * Equation: offset = DIFC^(pixel)/DIFC^(parent)*(1+vulcan_offset)-1 * offset should be close to 0 ***/ // 1. calculate DIFC Kernel::V3D detPos; detPos = det->getPos(); // Now detPos will be set with respect to samplePos detPos -= samplePos; double l2 = detPos.norm(); double halfcosTwoTheta = detPos.scalar_prod(beamline) / (l2 * beamline_norm); double sinTheta = sqrt(0.5 - halfcosTwoTheta); double difc_pixel = sinTheta * (l1 + l2) / CONSTANT; // Kernel::V3D parentPos = det->getParent()->getPos(); // parentPos -= samplePos; // double l2parent = parentPos.norm(); // double halfcosTwoThetaParent = parentPos.scalar_prod(beamline)/(l2 * // beamline_norm); // double sinThetaParent = sqrt(0.5 - halfcosTwoThetaParent); // double difc_parent = sinThetaParent*(l1+l2parent)/CONSTANT; /*** Offset Replicate Previous Result offset = difc_pixel/difc_parent*(pow(10.0, -vulcan_factor))-1.0; ***/ offset = difc_pixel / difcRef * (pow(10.0, -(vulcan_factor + intermoduleoffset + interstackoffset))) - 1.0; // Save in the map try { offsetsWS->setValue(detectorID, offset); if (intermoduleid != 27498 && intermoduleid != 28748 && intermoduleid != 29998 && intermoduleid != 33748 && intermoduleid != 34998 && intermoduleid != 36248) { g_log.error() << "Detector ID = " << detectorID << " Inter-Module ID = " << intermoduleid << std::endl; throw std::invalid_argument("Indexing error!"); } } catch (std::invalid_argument &) { g_log.notice() << "Misses Detector ID = " << detectorID << std::endl; } } // for g_log.notice() << "Number of matched detectors =" << numfinds << std::endl; }
/** Execute the algorithm. */ void CreateGroupingWorkspace::exec() { MatrixWorkspace_sptr inWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace"); std::string InstrumentName = getPropertyValue("InstrumentName"); std::string InstrumentFilename = getPropertyValue("InstrumentFilename"); std::string OldCalFilename = getPropertyValue("OldCalFilename"); std::string GroupNames = getPropertyValue("GroupNames"); std::string grouping = getPropertyValue("GroupDetectorsBy"); int numGroups = getProperty("FixedGroupCount"); std::string componentName = getPropertyValue("ComponentName"); // Some validation int numParams = 0; if (inWS) numParams++; if (!InstrumentName.empty()) numParams++; if (!InstrumentFilename.empty()) numParams++; if (numParams > 1) throw std::invalid_argument("You must specify exactly ONE way to get an " "instrument (workspace, instrument name, or " "IDF file). You specified more than one."); if (numParams == 0) throw std::invalid_argument("You must specify exactly ONE way to get an " "instrument (workspace, instrument name, or " "IDF file). You specified none."); if (!OldCalFilename.empty() && !GroupNames.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("You must specify either to use the " "OldCalFilename parameter OR GroupNames but " "not both!"); bool sortnames = false; // ---------- Get the instrument one of 3 ways --------------------------- Instrument_const_sptr inst; if (inWS) { inst = inWS->getInstrument(); } else { Algorithm_sptr childAlg = createChildAlgorithm("LoadInstrument", 0.0, 0.2); MatrixWorkspace_sptr tempWS = boost::make_shared<Workspace2D>(); childAlg->setProperty<MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("Workspace", tempWS); childAlg->setPropertyValue("Filename", InstrumentFilename); childAlg->setProperty("RewriteSpectraMap", Mantid::Kernel::OptionalBool(true)); childAlg->setPropertyValue("InstrumentName", InstrumentName); childAlg->executeAsChildAlg(); inst = tempWS->getInstrument(); } if (GroupNames.empty() && OldCalFilename.empty()) { if (grouping.compare("All") == 0) { GroupNames = inst->getName(); } else if (inst->getName().compare("SNAP") == 0 && grouping.compare("Group") == 0) { GroupNames = "East,West"; } else { sortnames = true; GroupNames = ""; int maxRecurseDepth = this->getProperty("MaxRecursionDepth"); // cppcheck-suppress syntaxError PRAGMA_OMP(parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1) ) for (int num = 0; num < 300; ++num) { PARALLEL_START_INTERUPT_REGION std::ostringstream mess; mess << grouping << num; IComponent_const_sptr comp = inst->getComponentByName(mess.str(), maxRecurseDepth); PARALLEL_CRITICAL(GroupNames) if (comp) GroupNames += mess.str() + ","; PARALLEL_END_INTERUPT_REGION } PARALLEL_CHECK_INTERUPT_REGION } } // --------------------------- Create the output -------------------------- auto outWS = boost::make_shared<GroupingWorkspace>(inst); this->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outWS); // This will get the grouping std::map<detid_t, int> detIDtoGroup; Progress prog(this, 0.2, 1.0, outWS->getNumberHistograms()); // Make the grouping one of three ways: if (!GroupNames.empty()) detIDtoGroup = makeGroupingByNames(GroupNames, inst, prog, sortnames); else if (!OldCalFilename.empty()) detIDtoGroup = readGroupingFile(OldCalFilename, prog); else if ((numGroups > 0) && !componentName.empty()) detIDtoGroup = makeGroupingByNumGroups(componentName, numGroups, inst, prog); g_log.information() << detIDtoGroup.size() << " entries in the detectorID-to-group map.\n"; setProperty("NumberGroupedSpectraResult", static_cast<int>(detIDtoGroup.size())); if (detIDtoGroup.empty()) { g_log.warning() << "Creating empty group workspace\n"; setProperty("NumberGroupsResult", static_cast<int>(0)); } else { size_t numNotFound = 0; // Make the groups, if any std::map<detid_t, int>::const_iterator it_end = detIDtoGroup.end(); std::map<detid_t, int>::const_iterator it; std::unordered_set<int> groupCount; for (it = detIDtoGroup.begin(); it != it_end; ++it) { int detID = it->first; int group = it->second; groupCount.insert(group); try { outWS->setValue(detID, double(group)); } catch (std::invalid_argument &) { numNotFound++; } } setProperty("NumberGroupsResult", static_cast<int>(groupCount.size())); if (numNotFound > 0) g_log.warning() << numNotFound << " detector IDs (out of " << detIDtoGroup.size() << ") were not found in the instrument\n."; } }