bool StateGraph::isValid(const IntPairSet& L,
                         const StlBoolMatrix& LL,
                         const SubDigraph& T,
                         const StlIntMatrix& V) const
  for (IntPairSetIt it = L.begin(); it != L.end(); ++it)
    int x = it->first;
    int y = it->second;
    if (V[x][y] == 0)
      return false;
  // check #2: all leaves are in L
  for (SubNodeIt v(T); v != lemon::INVALID; ++v)
    bool leaf = SubOutArcIt(T, v) == lemon::INVALID;
    if (leaf && !LL[_x[v]][_y[v]])
      return false;
  return true;
int StateGraph::enumerate(const IntPairSet& L,
                          bool includeMutationEdge)
  BoolNodeMap filterNodesT(_G, false);
  BoolArcMap filterArcsT(_G, false);
  SubDigraph T(_G, filterNodesT, filterArcsT);
  BoolNodeMap filterNodesG(_G, true);
  BoolArcMap filterArcsG(_G, true);
  SubDigraph subG(_G, filterNodesG, filterArcsG);
  ArcList F;
  init(includeMutationEdge, subG, T, F);
  Arc a = lemon::INVALID;
  StlIntMatrix V(_max_x+1, StlIntVector(_max_x+1, 0));
  V[1][1] = 1;
  StlBoolMatrix LL(_max_x+1, StlBoolVector(_max_x+1, false));
  for (IntPairSetIt it = L.begin(); it != L.end(); ++it)
    int x = it->first;
    int y = it->second;
    LL[x][y] = true;
  grow(L, LL, includeMutationEdge, subG, T, F, V, a);
  return _result.size();
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  int size = -1;
  std::string filterString;
  int verbosityLevel = 1;
  int cliqueLimit = -1;
  lemon::ArgParser ap(argc, argv);
  ap.boolOption("-version", "Show version number")
    .refOption("v", "Verbosity level (default: 1)", verbosityLevel)
    .refOption("s", "Maximal clique size (default: -1 (maximum))", size)
    .refOption("f", "Filter (default : \"\")", filterString)
    .refOption("l", "Clique limit (default : -1 (unlimited))", cliqueLimit)
    .other("input", "Input file");
  g_verbosity = static_cast<VerbosityLevel>(verbosityLevel);
  if (ap.given("-version"))
    std::cout << "Version number: " << SPRUCE_VERSION << std::endl;
    return 0;
  if (ap.files().size() == 0)
    std::cerr << "Error: missing input file" << std::endl;
    return 1;
  const std::string& inputFilename(ap.files()[0]);
  std::ifstream inFile(inputFilename.c_str());
  if (!inFile.good())
    std::cerr << "Unable to open '" << inputFilename
              << "' for reading" << std::endl;
    return 1;
  IntPairSet filter;
  IntSet whiteList;
  if (!filterString.empty())
    StringVector s;
    boost::split(s, filterString, boost::is_any_of(";"));
    for (const std::string& str : s)
      StringVector ss;
      boost::split(ss, str, boost::is_any_of(","));
      filter.insert(std::make_pair(boost::lexical_cast<int>(ss[0]), boost::lexical_cast<int>(ss[1])));

  CharacterMatrix M;
    inFile >> M;
  catch (std::runtime_error& e)
    std::cerr << "File: '" << ap.files()[0].c_str() << "'. " << e.what() << std::endl;
    return 1;
  CompatibilityGraph G(M);
  G.init(filter, size);
  return 0;
void NoisyCnaEnumerate::collapse(const StlIntVector& mapNewCharToOldChar,
                                 const StlIntVector& mapOldCharToNewChar,
                                 RootedCladisticNoisyAncestryGraph& G)
  typedef std::set<IntPair> IntPairSet;
  int k = _M.k();
  const auto& intervals = _M.intervals();
  for (const IntSet& interval : intervals)
    IntSet remappedInterval;
    for (int c : interval)
      int cc = mapOldCharToNewChar[c];
      if (cc != -1)
    if (remappedInterval.size() > 1)
      // get the copy states
      IntPairSet XY;
      const StateTree& S = G.S(*remappedInterval.begin());
      for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
        if (S.isPresent(i))
          const auto& xyz = _M.stateToTriple(i);
          // skip state 1,1
          if (xyz._x != 1 || xyz._y != 1)
            XY.insert(IntPair(xyz._x, xyz._y));
      for (const IntPair& xy : XY)
        assert(xy.first != 1 || xy.second != 1);
        // collect all char-state pairs correspond to CNAs
        IntPairSet toCollapse;
        for (int c : remappedInterval)
          const StateTree& S_c = G.S(c);
          for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
            if (S_c.isPresent(i) && _M.stateToTriple(i)._x == xy.first && _M.stateToTriple(i)._y == xy.second)
              int pi_i = S_c.parent(i);
              assert(0 <= pi_i && pi_i < k);
              if (_M.stateToTriple(pi_i)._x != xy.first || _M.stateToTriple(pi_i)._y != xy.second)
                // we got a CNA state
                toCollapse.insert(IntPair(c, i));
void NoisyCnaEnumerate::fixTrunk(const RealTensor& F_ub,
                                 const StateTreeVector& S,
                                 const StlIntVector& mapNewCharToOldChar,
                                 const StlIntVector& mapOldCharToNewChar,
                                 RootedCladisticNoisyAncestryGraph& G)
  const int m = F_ub.m();
  const int k = F_ub.k();
  const int n = F_ub.n();
  typedef std::set<IntPair> IntPairSet;
  IntPairSet truncalCharacters;
  for (int c = 0; c < n; ++c)
    std::cerr << "Character " << _M(0, mapNewCharToOldChar[c]).characterLabel() << " (" << mapNewCharToOldChar[c] << ") : ";
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    bool truncal = true;
    int mutation_i = -1;
    for (int p = 0; p < m; ++p)
      double ccf = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i)
        if (!S[c].isPresent(i))
        const auto& xyz = _M.stateToTriple(i);
        if (xyz._z >= 1)
          ccf += F_ub(i, p, c);
          const auto& pi_xyz = _M.stateToTriple(S[c].parent(i));
          if (pi_xyz._z == 0 && xyz._z == 1)
            mutation_i = i;
      ccf /= _purityValues[p];
      if (g_tol.less(ccf, 1))
        truncal = false;
    if (truncal)
      assert(mutation_i != -1);
      const StateTree& S_c = S[c];
      truncalCharacters.insert(IntPair(c, mutation_i));
      while ((mutation_i = S_c.parent(mutation_i)) != 0)
        truncalCharacters.insert(IntPair(c, mutation_i));
  std::cerr << "Truncal:" << std::endl;
  for (auto ci : truncalCharacters)
    auto xyz = _M.stateToTriple(ci.second);
    std::cerr << _M(0, mapNewCharToOldChar[ci.first]).characterLabel()
              << " , (" << xyz._x << "," << xyz._y << "," << xyz._z << ")" << std::endl;
  Digraph::Node monoClonalRoot = G.collapse(truncalCharacters);