** Description: Calculates the intersection of two or more sets, returning the set that represents 
** that intersection.
IntSet IntSet::getIntersection(const IntSet& obj) const
	IntSet interSet;

	for (int i = 0; i < obj.size(); i++) //loop through the set given as an argument
		if (this->contains(obj.set[i])) //if the calling set contains the argument's current element...
			interSet.add(obj.set[i]); //add that element to the intersection set
	return interSet; //return the intersection
** Description: Calculates the union of two or more sets, returning the set that represents that union.
IntSet IntSet::getUnion(const IntSet& obj) const
	IntSet unionSet = *this; //initialize a new set with the elements of the calling set

	for (int i = 0; i < obj.size(); i++) //loop through the set given as an argument
		if (!unionSet.contains(obj.set[i])) //if the current element is not already in the union set...
			unionSet.add(obj.set[i]); //add that element to the union set

	return unionSet; //return the union