float getTime(InterpolatedPath& path, int index,
              const MotionConstraints& motionConstraints, float startSpeed,
              float endSpeed) {
    return Trapezoidal::getTime(
        path.length(0, index), path.length(), motionConstraints.maxSpeed,
        motionConstraints.maxAcceleration, startSpeed, endSpeed);
TEST(InterpolatedPath, evaluate) {
    Point p0(1, 1), p1(1, 2), p2(2, 2);

    InterpolatedPath path;
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(p0, Point()), 0s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(p1, p1), 3s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(p2, Point()), 6s);

    // path should be invalid and at end state when t > duration
    auto out = path.evaluate(1000s);
InterpolatedPath* RRTPlanner::runRRT(MotionInstant start, MotionInstant goal,
                                     const MotionConstraints& motionConstraints,
                                     const Geometry2d::ShapeSet* obstacles) {
    InterpolatedPath* path = new InterpolatedPath();

    // Initialize two RRT trees
    FixedStepTree startTree;
    FixedStepTree goalTree;
    startTree.init(start.pos, obstacles);
    goalTree.init(goal.pos, obstacles);
    startTree.step = goalTree.step = .15f;

    // Run bi-directional RRT algorithm
    Tree* ta = &startTree;
    Tree* tb = &goalTree;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _maxIterations; ++i) {
        Geometry2d::Point r = RandomFieldLocation();

        Tree::Point* newPoint = ta->extend(r);

        if (newPoint) {
            // try to connect the other tree to this point
            if (tb->connect(newPoint->pos)) {
                // trees connected
                // done with global path finding
                // the path is from start to goal
                // runRRT will handle the rest

        swap(ta, tb);

    Tree::Point* p0 = startTree.last();
    Tree::Point* p1 = goalTree.last();

    // sanity check
    if (!p0 || !p1 || p0->pos != p1->pos) {
        return path;

    // extract path from RRTs
    // add the start tree first...normal order (aka from root to p0)
    startTree.addPath(*path, p0);
    // add the goal tree in reverse (aka p1 to root)
    goalTree.addPath(*path, p1, true);

    path = optimize(*path, obstacles, motionConstraints, start.vel, goal.vel);

    return path;
std::unique_ptr<Path> RRTPlanner::run(
    MotionInstant start, const MotionCommand* cmd,
    const MotionConstraints& motionConstraints,
    const Geometry2d::ShapeSet* obstacles, std::unique_ptr<Path> prevPath) {
    // This planner only works with commands of type 'PathTarget'
    assert(cmd->getCommandType() == Planning::MotionCommand::PathTarget);
    Planning::PathTargetCommand target =
        *static_cast<const Planning::PathTargetCommand*>(cmd);

    MotionInstant goal = target.pathGoal;

    // Simple case: no path
    if (start.pos == goal.pos) {
        InterpolatedPath* path = new InterpolatedPath();
            MotionInstant(start.pos, Geometry2d::Point()), 0);
        return unique_ptr<Path>(path);

    // Locate a goal point that is obstacle-free
    boost::optional<Geometry2d::Point> prevGoal;
    if (prevPath) prevGoal = prevPath->end().motion.pos;
    goal.pos = EscapeObstaclesPathPlanner::findNonBlockedGoal(
        goal.pos, prevGoal, *obstacles);

    // Replan if needed, otherwise return the previous path unmodified
    if (shouldReplan(start, goal, motionConstraints, obstacles,
                     prevPath.get())) {
        // Run bi-directional RRT to generate a path.
        auto points = runRRT(start, goal, motionConstraints, obstacles);

        // Optimize out uneccesary waypoints
        optimize(points, obstacles, motionConstraints, start.vel, goal.vel);

        // Check if Planning or optimization failed
        if (points.size() < 2) {
            debugLog("PathPlanning Failed");
            auto path = make_unique<InterpolatedPath>();
            path->waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(start.pos, Point()), 0);
            path->waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(start.pos, Point()), 0);
            return std::move(path);

        // Generate and return a cubic bezier path using the waypoints
        return generateCubicBezier(points, *obstacles, motionConstraints,
                                   start.vel, goal.vel);
    } else {
        return prevPath;
TEST(Path, nearestSegment) {
    Point p0, p1(1.0, 0.0), p2(2.0, 0.0), p3(3.0, 0.0);

    InterpolatedPath path;
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(p0, Point()), 0s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(p1, Point()), 0s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(p2, Point()), 0s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(p3, Point()), 0s);

    Segment actSeg = path.nearestSegment(Point(0.5, -0.5));
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(p0.x(), actSeg.pt[0].x());
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(p0.y(), actSeg.pt[0].y());
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(p1.x(), actSeg.pt[1].x());
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(p1.y(), actSeg.pt[1].y());
std::unique_ptr<Path> RRTPlanner::run(
    MotionInstant start, const MotionCommand* cmd,
    const MotionConstraints& motionConstraints,
    const Geometry2d::ShapeSet* obstacles, std::unique_ptr<Path> prevPath) {
    // This planner only works with commands of type 'PathTarget'
    assert(cmd->getCommandType() == Planning::MotionCommand::PathTarget);
    Planning::PathTargetCommand target =
        *static_cast<const Planning::PathTargetCommand*>(cmd);

    MotionInstant goal = target.pathGoal;

    // Simple case: no path
    if (start.pos == goal.pos) {
        InterpolatedPath* path = new InterpolatedPath();
            MotionInstant(start.pos, Geometry2d::Point()), 0);
        return unique_ptr<Path>(path);

    // Locate a goal point that is obstacle-free
    boost::optional<Geometry2d::Point> prevGoal;
    if (prevPath) prevGoal = prevPath->end().pos;
    goal.pos = EscapeObstaclesPathPlanner::findNonBlockedGoal(
        goal.pos, prevGoal, *obstacles);

    // Replan if needed, otherwise return the previous path unmodified
    if (shouldReplan(start, goal, motionConstraints, obstacles,
                     prevPath.get())) {
        // Run bi-directional RRT to generate a path.
        InterpolatedPath* path =
            runRRT(start, goal, motionConstraints, obstacles);

        // If RRT failed, the path will be empty, so we need to add a single
        // point to make it valid.
        if (path && path->waypoints.empty()) {
                MotionInstant(start.pos, Geometry2d::Point()), 0);
        return unique_ptr<Path>(path);
    } else {
        return prevPath;
TEST(InterpolatedPath, subPath1) {
    InterpolatedPath path;
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(1, 1), Point(0, 0)), 0s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(1, 2), Point(1, 1)), 3s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(1, 3), Point(0, 0)), 6s);

    //  test invalid parameters to subPath()
    EXPECT_THROW(path.subPath(-1s, 5s), invalid_argument);
    EXPECT_THROW(path.subPath(8s, 20s),
                 invalid_argument);  //  start time beyond bounds of path
    EXPECT_THROW(path.subPath(5s, -2s), invalid_argument);

    //  make a subpath that cuts off one second from the start and end of the
    //  original
    unique_ptr<Path> subPath = path.subPath(1s, 5s);
    RJ::Seconds midTime((5 - 1) / 2.0);
    auto mid = subPath->evaluate(midTime);
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(Point(1, 1).x(), mid->motion.vel.x());

    //  mid velocity of subpath should be the same as velocity of original path
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(Point(1, 1).y(), mid->motion.vel.y());

    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(1, mid->motion.pos.x());
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(2, mid->motion.pos.y());

    //  test the subpath at t = 0
    auto start = subPath->evaluate(0s);

    //  the starting velocity of the subpath should be somewhere between the 0
    //  and the velocity at the middle
    EXPECT_GT(start->motion.vel.mag(), 0);
    EXPECT_LT(start->motion.vel.mag(), Point(1, 1).mag());

    //  the starting position of the subpath should be somewhere between the
    //  start pos of the original path and the middle point
    EXPECT_GT(start->motion.pos.y(), 1);
    EXPECT_LT(start->motion.pos.x(), 2);
TEST(InterpolatedPath, subpath2) {
    // Create a test path
    InterpolatedPath path;
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 0)), 0s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(1, 2), Point(-1, -1)), 1s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(-2, 19), Point(1, 1)), 3s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(1, 6), Point(0, 0)), 9s);

    // Create 6 subPaths of length 1.5
    vector<unique_ptr<Path>> subPaths;
    RJ::Seconds diff = 1500ms;
    for (RJ::Seconds i = 0ms; i < 9s; i += diff) {
        subPaths.push_back(path.subPath(i, i + diff));

    // Compare the subPaths to the origional path and check that the results of
    // evaluating the paths are close enough
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        for (auto j = 0ms; j < 1500ms; j += 1ms) {
            auto time = i * 1500ms + j;
            auto org = path.evaluate(time);
            auto sub = subPaths[i]->evaluate(j);

            EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.vel.x(), sub->motion.vel.x(), 0.000001)
                << "i+j=" << to_string(time);
            EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.vel.y(), sub->motion.vel.y(), 0.000001)
                << "i+j=" << to_string(time);
            EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.pos.x(), sub->motion.pos.x(), 0.000001)
                << "i+j=" << to_string(time);
            EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.pos.y(), sub->motion.pos.y(), 0.00001)
                << "i+j=" << to_string(time);
TEST(CompositePath, CompositeSubPath) {
    // Create a test path
    InterpolatedPath path;
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 0)), 0s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(1, 2), Point(-1, -1)), 1s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(-2, 19), Point(1, 1)), 3s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(1, 6), Point(0, 0)), 9s);

    // Create 6 subPaths and rejoin them together into one compositePath
    CompositePath compositePath;
    auto diff = 1500ms;
    for (auto i = 0ms; i < 7500ms; i += diff) {
        compositePath.append(path.subPath(i, i + diff));

    // Compare that the compositePath and origonal path are mostly equal
    for (RJ::Seconds i = 0ms; i <= 10s; i += 1ms) {
        auto org = path.evaluate(i);
        auto sub = compositePath.evaluate(i);
        if (!org && !sub) break;

        EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.vel.x(), sub->motion.vel.x(), 0.000001)
            << "i=" << to_string(i);
        EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.vel.y(), sub->motion.vel.y(), 0.000001)
            << "i=" << to_string(i);
        EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.pos.x(), sub->motion.pos.x(), 0.000001)
            << "i=" << to_string(i);
        EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.pos.y(), sub->motion.pos.y(), 0.00001)
            << "i=" << to_string(i);

    // Create 9 subPaths from the compositePaths
    vector<unique_ptr<Path>> subPaths;
    diff = 1000ms;
    for (auto i = 0ms; i < 8s; i += diff) {
        subPaths.push_back(compositePath.subPath(i, i + diff));

    // Compare the subPaths of the compositePaths to the origional path and
    // check that the results of evaluating the paths are close enough
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        for (auto j = 0ms; j < 1s; j += 100ms) {
            auto time = i * 1000ms + j;
            auto org = path.evaluate(time);
            auto sub = subPaths[i]->evaluate(j);
            EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.vel.x(), sub->motion.vel.x(), 0.000001)
                << "newPathTime=" << to_string(time);
            EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.vel.y(), sub->motion.vel.y(), 0.000001)
                << "newPathTime=" << to_string(time);
            EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.pos.x(), sub->motion.pos.x(), 0.000001)
                << "newPathTime=" << to_string(time);
            EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.pos.y(), sub->motion.pos.y(), 0.00001)
                << "newPathTime=" << to_string(time);