static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL constructJSWebAssemblyInstance(ExecState* exec)
    auto& vm = exec->vm();
    auto throwScope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);
    auto* globalObject = exec->lexicalGlobalObject();

    // If moduleObject is not a WebAssembly.Module instance, a TypeError is thrown.
    JSWebAssemblyModule* jsModule = jsDynamicCast<JSWebAssemblyModule*>(vm, exec->argument(0));
    if (!jsModule)
        return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("first argument to WebAssembly.Instance must be a WebAssembly.Module"), defaultSourceAppender, runtimeTypeForValue(exec->argument(0)))));
    const Wasm::ModuleInformation& moduleInformation = jsModule->moduleInformation();

    // If the importObject parameter is not undefined and Type(importObject) is not Object, a TypeError is thrown.
    JSValue importArgument = exec->argument(1);
    JSObject* importObject = importArgument.getObject();
    if (!importArgument.isUndefined() && !importObject)
        return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("second argument to WebAssembly.Instance must be undefined or an Object"), defaultSourceAppender, runtimeTypeForValue(importArgument))));

    // If the list of module.imports is not empty and Type(importObject) is not Object, a TypeError is thrown.
    if (moduleInformation.imports.size() && !importObject)
        return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("second argument to WebAssembly.Instance must be Object because the WebAssembly.Module has imports"), defaultSourceAppender, runtimeTypeForValue(importArgument))));

    Identifier moduleKey = Identifier::fromUid(PrivateName(PrivateName::Description, "WebAssemblyInstance"));
    WebAssemblyModuleRecord* moduleRecord = WebAssemblyModuleRecord::create(exec, vm, globalObject->webAssemblyModuleRecordStructure(), moduleKey, moduleInformation);
    RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());

    Structure* instanceStructure = InternalFunction::createSubclassStructure(exec, exec->newTarget(), globalObject->WebAssemblyInstanceStructure());
    RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());

    JSWebAssemblyInstance* instance = JSWebAssemblyInstance::create(vm, instanceStructure, jsModule, moduleRecord->getModuleNamespace(exec));
    RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());
        // Always start with a dummy Memory, so that wasm -> wasm thunks avoid checking for a nullptr Memory when trying to set pinned registers.
        Wasm::Memory memory;
        instance->setMemory(vm, JSWebAssemblyMemory::create(vm, exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->WebAssemblyMemoryStructure(), WTFMove(memory)));

    // Let funcs, memories and tables be initially-empty lists of callable JavaScript objects, WebAssembly.Memory objects and WebAssembly.Table objects, respectively.
    // Let imports be an initially-empty list of external values.
    unsigned numImportFunctions = 0;
    unsigned numImportGlobals = 0;

    bool hasMemoryImport = false;
    bool hasTableImport = false;
    // For each import i in module.imports:
    for (auto& import : moduleInformation.imports) {
        // 1. Let o be the resultant value of performing Get(importObject, i.module_name).
        JSValue importModuleValue = importObject->get(exec, import.module);
        RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());
        // 2. If Type(o) is not Object, throw a TypeError.
        if (!importModuleValue.isObject())
            return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createTypeError(exec, ASCIILiteral("import must be an object"), defaultSourceAppender, runtimeTypeForValue(importModuleValue))));

        // 3. Let v be the value of performing Get(o, i.item_name)
        JSObject* object = jsCast<JSObject*>(importModuleValue);
        JSValue value = object->get(exec, import.field);
        RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());

        switch (import.kind) {
        case Wasm::ExternalKind::Function: {
            // 4. If i is a function import:
            // i. If IsCallable(v) is false, throw a WebAssembly.LinkError.
            if (!value.isFunction())
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("import function must be callable"))));
            JSCell* cell = value.asCell();
            // ii. If v is an Exported Function Exotic Object:
            if (WebAssemblyFunction* importedExport = jsDynamicCast<WebAssemblyFunction*>(vm, cell)) {
                // a. If the signature of v does not match the signature of i, throw a WebAssembly.LinkError.
                Wasm::SignatureIndex importedSignatureIndex = importedExport->signatureIndex();
                Wasm::SignatureIndex expectedSignatureIndex = moduleInformation.importFunctionSignatureIndices[import.kindIndex];
                if (importedSignatureIndex != expectedSignatureIndex)
                    return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("imported function's signature doesn't match the provided WebAssembly function's signature"))));
                // b. Let closure be v.[[Closure]].
            // iii. Otherwise:
            // a. Let closure be a new host function of the given signature which calls v by coercing WebAssembly arguments to JavaScript arguments via ToJSValue and returns the result, if any, by coercing via ToWebAssemblyValue.
            // Note: done as part of Plan compilation.
            // iv. Append v to funcs.
            // Note: adding the JSCell to the instance list fulfills closure requirements b. above (the WebAssembly.Instance wil be kept alive) and v. below (the JSFunction).
            instance->setImportFunction(vm, cell, numImportFunctions++);
            // v. Append closure to imports.
        case Wasm::ExternalKind::Table: {
            RELEASE_ASSERT(!hasTableImport); // This should be guaranteed by a validation failure.
            // 7. Otherwise (i is a table import):
            hasTableImport = true;
            JSWebAssemblyTable* table = jsDynamicCast<JSWebAssemblyTable*>(vm, value);
            // i. If v is not a WebAssembly.Table object, throw a WebAssembly.LinkError.
            if (!table)
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Table import is not an instance of WebAssembly.Table"))));

            uint32_t expectedInitial = moduleInformation.tableInformation.initial();
            uint32_t actualInitial = table->size();
            if (actualInitial < expectedInitial)
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Table import provided an 'initial' that is too small"))));

            if (std::optional<uint32_t> expectedMaximum = moduleInformation.tableInformation.maximum()) {
                std::optional<uint32_t> actualMaximum = table->maximum();
                if (!actualMaximum) {
                    return JSValue::encode(
                        throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Table import does not have a 'maximum' but the module requires that it does"))));
                if (*actualMaximum > *expectedMaximum) {
                    return JSValue::encode(
                        throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Imported Table's 'maximum' is larger than the module's expected 'maximum'"))));

            // ii. Append v to tables.
            // iii. Append v.[[Table]] to imports.
            instance->setTable(vm, table);
        case Wasm::ExternalKind::Memory: {
            // 6. If i is a memory import:
            RELEASE_ASSERT(!hasMemoryImport); // This should be guaranteed by a validation failure.
            hasMemoryImport = true;
            JSWebAssemblyMemory* memory = jsDynamicCast<JSWebAssemblyMemory*>(vm, value);
            // i. If v is not a WebAssembly.Memory object, throw a WebAssembly.LinkError.
            if (!memory)
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Memory import is not an instance of WebAssembly.Memory"))));

            Wasm::PageCount expectedInitial = moduleInformation.memory.initial();
            Wasm::PageCount actualInitial = memory->memory()->initial();
            if (actualInitial < expectedInitial)
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Memory import provided an 'initial' that is too small"))));

            if (Wasm::PageCount expectedMaximum = moduleInformation.memory.maximum()) {
                Wasm::PageCount actualMaximum = memory->memory()->maximum();
                if (!actualMaximum) {
                    return JSValue::encode(
                        throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Memory import did not have a 'maximum' but the module requires that it does"))));

                if (actualMaximum > expectedMaximum) {
                    return JSValue::encode(
                        throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("Memory imports 'maximum' is larger than the module's expected 'maximum'"))));
            // ii. Append v to memories.
            // iii. Append v.[[Memory]] to imports.
            instance->setMemory(vm, memory);
        case Wasm::ExternalKind::Global: {
            // 5. If i is a global import:
            // i. If i is not an immutable global, throw a TypeError.
            ASSERT(moduleInformation.globals[import.kindIndex].mutability == Wasm::Global::Immutable);
            // ii. If Type(v) is not Number, throw a TypeError.
            if (!value.isNumber())
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(exec, vm, ASCIILiteral("imported global must be a number"))));
            // iii. Append ToWebAssemblyValue(v) to imports.
            switch (moduleInformation.globals[import.kindIndex].type) {
            case Wasm::I32:
                instance->setGlobal(numImportGlobals++, value.toInt32(exec));
            case Wasm::F32:
                instance->setGlobal(numImportGlobals++, bitwise_cast<uint32_t>(value.toFloat(exec)));
            case Wasm::F64:
                instance->setGlobal(numImportGlobals++, bitwise_cast<uint64_t>(value.asNumber()));

        if (!!moduleInformation.memory && moduleInformation.memory.isImport()) {
            // We should either have a Memory import or we should have thrown an exception.

        if (moduleInformation.memory && !hasMemoryImport) {
            // We create a memory when it's a memory definition.
            bool failed;
            Wasm::Memory memory(moduleInformation.memory.initial(), moduleInformation.memory.maximum(), failed);
            if (failed)
                return JSValue::encode(throwException(exec, throwScope, createOutOfMemoryError(exec)));
               JSWebAssemblyMemory::create(vm, exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->WebAssemblyMemoryStructure(), WTFMove(memory)));

        if (!!moduleInformation.tableInformation && moduleInformation.tableInformation.isImport()) {
            // We should either have a Table import or we should have thrown an exception.

        if (!!moduleInformation.tableInformation && !hasTableImport) {
            // We create a Table when it's a Table definition.
            JSWebAssemblyTable* table = JSWebAssemblyTable::create(exec, vm, exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->WebAssemblyTableStructure(),
                moduleInformation.tableInformation.initial(), moduleInformation.tableInformation.maximum());
            // We should always be able to allocate a JSWebAssemblyTable we've defined.
            // If it's defined to be too large, we should have thrown a validation error.
            instance->setTable(vm, table);

    // Globals
        ASSERT(numImportGlobals == moduleInformation.firstInternalGlobal);
        for (size_t globalIndex = numImportGlobals; globalIndex < moduleInformation.globals.size(); ++globalIndex) {
            const auto& global = moduleInformation.globals[globalIndex];
            ASSERT(global.initializationType != Wasm::Global::IsImport);
            if (global.initializationType == Wasm::Global::FromGlobalImport) {
                ASSERT(global.initialBitsOrImportNumber < numImportGlobals);
                instance->setGlobal(globalIndex, instance->loadI64Global(global.initialBitsOrImportNumber));
            } else
                instance->setGlobal(globalIndex, global.initialBitsOrImportNumber);

    moduleRecord->link(exec, instance);
    RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());

    if (verbose)
    JSValue startResult = moduleRecord->evaluate(exec);
    RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(throwScope, encodedJSValue());

    return JSValue::encode(instance);
JSValue WebAssemblyModuleRecord::evaluate(ExecState* state)
    VM& vm = state->vm();
    auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);

        JSWebAssemblyModule* module = m_instance->module();
        const Wasm::ModuleInformation& moduleInformation = module->moduleInformation();
        JSWebAssemblyTable* table = m_instance->table();
        for (const Wasm::Element& element : moduleInformation.elements) {
            // It should be a validation error to have any elements without a table.
            // Also, it could be that a table wasn't imported, or that the table
            // imported wasn't compatible. However, those should error out before
            // getting here.
            if (!element.functionIndices.size())

            uint32_t tableIndex = element.offset;
            uint64_t lastWrittenIndex = static_cast<uint64_t>(tableIndex) + static_cast<uint64_t>(element.functionIndices.size()) - 1;
            if (lastWrittenIndex >= table->size())
                return throwException(state, scope, createJSWebAssemblyLinkError(state, vm, ASCIILiteral("Element is trying to set an out of bounds table index")));

            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < element.functionIndices.size(); ++i) {
                // FIXME: This essentially means we're exporting an import.
                // We need a story here. We need to create a WebAssemblyFunction
                // for the import.
                uint32_t functionIndex = element.functionIndices[i];
                if (functionIndex < module->functionImportCount()) {
                    return JSValue::decode(
                        throwVMRangeError(state, scope, ASCIILiteral("Element is setting the table value with an import. This is not yet implemented. FIXME.")));

                JSWebAssemblyCallee* jsEntrypointCallee = module->jsEntrypointCalleeFromFunctionIndexSpace(functionIndex);
                JSWebAssemblyCallee* wasmEntrypointCallee = module->wasmEntrypointCalleeFromFunctionIndexSpace(functionIndex);
                Wasm::SignatureIndex signatureIndex = module->signatureIndexFromFunctionIndexSpace(functionIndex);
                const Wasm::Signature* signature = Wasm::SignatureInformation::get(&vm, signatureIndex);
                // FIXME: Say we export local function "foo" at funciton index 0.
                // What if we also set it to the table an Element w/ index 0.
                // Does (new Instance(...)) === table.get(0)?
                WebAssemblyFunction* function = WebAssemblyFunction::create(
                    vm, m_instance->globalObject(), signature->argumentCount(), String(), m_instance.get(), jsEntrypointCallee, wasmEntrypointCallee, signatureIndex);

                table->setFunction(vm, tableIndex, function);

        const Vector<Wasm::Segment::Ptr>& data = m_instance->module()->moduleInformation().data;
        JSWebAssemblyMemory* jsMemory = m_instance->memory();
        if (!data.isEmpty()) {
            uint8_t* memory = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(jsMemory->memory()->memory());
            uint64_t sizeInBytes = jsMemory->memory()->size();
            for (auto& segment : data) {
                if (segment->sizeInBytes) {
                    uint32_t offset;
                    if (segment->offset.isGlobalImport())
                        offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(m_instance->loadI32Global(segment->offset.globalImportIndex()));
                        offset = segment->offset.constValue();

                    if (UNLIKELY(sizeInBytes < segment->sizeInBytes))
                        return dataSegmentFail(state, vm, scope, sizeInBytes, segment->sizeInBytes, offset, ASCIILiteral(", segment is too big"));
                    if (UNLIKELY(offset > sizeInBytes - segment->sizeInBytes))
                        return dataSegmentFail(state, vm, scope, sizeInBytes, segment->sizeInBytes, offset, ASCIILiteral(", segment writes outside of memory"));
                    memcpy(memory + offset, &segment->byte(0), segment->sizeInBytes);

    if (JSCell* startFunction = m_startFunction.get()) {
        CallData callData;
        CallType callType = JSC::getCallData(startFunction, callData);
        call(state, startFunction, callType, callData, jsUndefined(), state->emptyList());
        RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, { });

    return jsUndefined();