void MultiJoin::synthLogPropWithMJReuse(NormWA * normWAPtr) { // Check to see whether this GA has already been associated // with a logExpr for synthesis. If so, no need to resynthesize // for this equivalent log. expression. if (getGroupAttr()->existsLogExprForSynthesis()) { Join * joinExprForSynth = (Join *) getGroupAttr()->getLogExprForSynthesis(); if(joinExprForSynth->isJoinFromMJSynthLogProp()) return; } NABoolean reUseMJ = TRUE; CMPASSERT ( (jbbSubset_.getGB() == NULL_CA_ID)); const CANodeIdSet & jbbcs = jbbSubset_.getJBBCs(); // Instead of always picking the first JBBC as the right child // pick the one with minimum JBBC connections. This will avoid // all unnecessary crossproducts CANodeId jbbcRight; jbbcRight = jbbcs.getJBBCwithMinConnectionsToThisJBBSubset(); CANodeIdSet right(jbbcRight); CANodeIdSet left(jbbcs); left -= jbbcRight; Join* join = splitSubset(*(left.jbbcsToJBBSubset()), *(right.jbbcsToJBBSubset()), reUseMJ); //if the left is a MultiJoin, synthesize it using reUse //this has to be done before join->synthLogProp to avoid //calling MultiJoin::synthLogProp on the left MultiJoin //because that does not reUse if(left.entries() > 1) { RelExpr * leftRelExpr = join->child(0)->castToRelExpr(); if(leftRelExpr && leftRelExpr->getOperator() == REL_MULTI_JOIN) ((MultiJoin *) leftRelExpr)->synthLogPropWithMJReuse(normWAPtr); } join->synthLogProp(normWAPtr); join->setJoinFromMJSynthLogProp(); getGroupAttr()->setLogExprForSynthesis(join); jbbSubset_.setSubsetMJ(this); CMPASSERT ( getGroupAttr()->getNumJoinedTables() >= getArity()); }
// LCOV_EXCL_START // Used for other RelExpr but not MultiJoin void MultiJoin::synthEstLogProp(const EstLogPropSharedPtr& inputEstLogProp) { CMPASSERT(inputEstLogProp->getNodeSet()); Join * preferredJoin = jbbSubset_.getPreferredJoin(); CMPASSERT(preferredJoin->isJoinFromMJSynthLogProp()); EstLogPropSharedPtr myEstLogProp = preferredJoin->getGroupAttr()->outputLogProp(inputEstLogProp); getGroupAttr()->addInputOutputLogProp (inputEstLogProp, myEstLogProp, NULL); } // MultiJoin::synthEstLogProp