void load_mutation_category(JsonObject &jsobj)
    mutation_category_trait new_category;
    std::string id = jsobj.get_string("id");
    new_category.name =_(jsobj.get_string("name").c_str());
    new_category.category =jsobj.get_string("category").c_str();
    new_category.mutagen_message = _(jsobj.get_string("mutagen_message", "You drink your mutagen").c_str());
    new_category.mutagen_hunger  = jsobj.get_int("mutagen_hunger", 10);
    new_category.mutagen_thirst  = jsobj.get_int("mutagen_thirst", 10);
    new_category.mutagen_pain    = jsobj.get_int("mutagen_pain", 2);
    new_category.mutagen_fatigue = jsobj.get_int("mutagen_fatigue", 5);
    new_category.mutagen_morale  = jsobj.get_int("mutagen_morale", 0);
    new_category.iv_message = _(jsobj.get_string("iv_message", "You inject yourself").c_str());
    new_category.iv_min_mutations    = jsobj.get_int("iv_min_mutations", 1);
    new_category.iv_additional_mutations = jsobj.get_int("iv_additional_mutations", 2);
    new_category.iv_additional_mutations_chance = jsobj.get_int("iv_additional_mutations_chance", 3);
    new_category.iv_hunger   = jsobj.get_int("iv_hunger", 10);
    new_category.iv_thirst   = jsobj.get_int("iv_thirst", 10);
    new_category.iv_pain     = jsobj.get_int("iv_pain", 2);
    new_category.iv_fatigue  = jsobj.get_int("iv_fatigue", 5);
    new_category.iv_morale   = jsobj.get_int("iv_morale", 0);
    new_category.iv_morale_max   = jsobj.get_int("iv_morale_max", 0);
    new_category.iv_sound = jsobj.get_bool("iv_sound", false);
    new_category.iv_sound_message = _(jsobj.get_string("iv_sound_message", "You inject yoursel-arRGH!").c_str());
    new_category.iv_noise = jsobj.get_int("iv_noise", 0);
    new_category.iv_sleep = jsobj.get_bool("iv_sleep", false);
    new_category.iv_sleep_message =_(jsobj.get_string("iv_sleep_message", "Fell asleep").c_str());
    new_category.iv_sleep_dur = jsobj.get_int("iv_sleep_dur", 0);
    new_category.memorial_message = _(jsobj.get_string("memorial_message", "Crossed a threshold").c_str());
    new_category.junkie_message = _(jsobj.get_string("junkie_message", "Oh, yeah! That's the stuff!").c_str());

    mutation_category_traits[id] = new_category;
void MonsterGroupManager::LoadMonsterGroup(JsonObject &jo)
    MonsterGroup g;

    g.name = mongroup_id( jo.get_string("name") );
    g.defaultMonster = mtype_id( jo.get_string("default") );
    if (jo.has_array("monsters")) {
        JsonArray monarr = jo.get_array("monsters");

        while (monarr.has_more()) {
            JsonObject mon = monarr.next_object();
            const mtype_id name = mtype_id( mon.get_string("monster") );
            int freq = mon.get_int("freq");
            int cost = mon.get_int("cost_multiplier");
            int pack_min = 1;
            int pack_max = 1;
            if(mon.has_member("pack_size")) {
                JsonArray packarr = mon.get_array("pack_size");
                pack_min = packarr.next_int();
                pack_max = packarr.next_int();
            int starts = 0;
            int ends = 0;
            if(mon.has_member("starts")) {
                    starts = mon.get_int("starts") * ACTIVE_WORLD_OPTIONS["MONSTER_UPGRADE_FACTOR"];
                } else {
                    // Default value if the monster upgrade factor is set to 0.0 - off
                    starts = mon.get_int("starts");
            if(mon.has_member("ends")) {
                    ends = mon.get_int("ends") * ACTIVE_WORLD_OPTIONS["MONSTER_UPGRADE_FACTOR"];
                } else {
                    // Default value if the monster upgrade factor is set to 0.0 - off
                    ends = mon.get_int("ends");
            MonsterGroupEntry new_mon_group = MonsterGroupEntry(name, freq, cost, pack_min, pack_max, starts,
            if(mon.has_member("conditions")) {
                JsonArray conditions_arr = mon.get_array("conditions");
                while(conditions_arr.has_more()) {

    g.replace_monster_group = jo.get_bool("replace_monster_group", false);
    g.new_monster_group = mongroup_id( jo.get_string("new_monster_group_id", mongroup_id::NULL_ID.str() ) );
    g.monster_group_time = jo.get_int("replacement_time", 0);
    g.is_safe = jo.get_bool( "is_safe", false );

    monsterGroupMap[g.name] = g;
mon_effect_data load_mon_effect_data( JsonObject &e )
    return mon_effect_data( efftype_id( e.get_string( "id" ) ), e.get_int( "duration", 0 ),
                            e.get_bool( "affect_hit_bp", false ),
                            get_body_part_token( e.get_string( "bp", "NUM_BP" ) ),
                            e.get_bool( "permanent", false ),
                            e.get_int( "chance", 100 ) );
void load_technique(JsonObject &jo)
    ma_technique tec;

    tec.id = jo.get_string("id");
    tec.name = jo.get_string("name", "");
	if (!tec.name.empty()) {
		tec.name = _(tec.name.c_str());

    JsonArray jsarr = jo.get_array("messages");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {

    tec.reqs.unarmed_allowed = jo.get_bool("unarmed_allowed", false);
    tec.reqs.melee_allowed = jo.get_bool("melee_allowed", false);
    tec.reqs.min_melee = jo.get_int("min_melee", 0);
    tec.reqs.min_unarmed = jo.get_int("min_unarmed", 0);

    tec.reqs.min_bashing = jo.get_int("min_bashing", 0);
    tec.reqs.min_cutting = jo.get_int("min_cutting", 0);
    tec.reqs.min_stabbing = jo.get_int("min_stabbing", 0);

    tec.reqs.min_bashing_damage = jo.get_int("min_bashing_damage", 0);
    tec.reqs.min_cutting_damage = jo.get_int("min_cutting_damage", 0);

    tec.reqs.req_buffs = jo.get_tags("req_buffs");
    tec.reqs.req_flags = jo.get_tags("req_flags");

    tec.crit_tec = jo.get_bool("crit_tec", false);
    tec.defensive = jo.get_bool("defensive", false);
    tec.disarms = jo.get_bool("disarms", false);
    tec.dodge_counter = jo.get_bool("dodge_counter", false);
    tec.block_counter = jo.get_bool("block_counter", false);
    tec.miss_recovery = jo.get_bool("miss_recovery", false);
    tec.grab_break = jo.get_bool("grab_break", false);
    tec.flaming = jo.get_bool("flaming", false);    

    tec.hit = jo.get_int("pain", 0);
    tec.bash = jo.get_int("bash", 0);
    tec.cut = jo.get_int("cut", 0);
    tec.pain = jo.get_int("pain", 0);

    tec.weighting = jo.get_int("weighting", 1);

    tec.bash_mult = jo.get_float("bash_mult", 1.0);
    tec.cut_mult = jo.get_float("cut_mult", 1.0);
    tec.speed_mult = jo.get_float("speed_mult", 1.0);

    tec.down_dur = jo.get_int("down_dur", 0);
    tec.stun_dur = jo.get_int("stun_dur", 0);
    tec.knockback_dist = jo.get_int("knockback_dist", 0);
    tec.knockback_spread = jo.get_int("knockback_spread", 0);

    tec.aoe = jo.get_string("aoe", "");
    tec.flags = jo.get_tags("flags");
    ma_techniques[tec.id] = tec;
void mutation_branch::load( JsonObject &jsobj )
    const std::string id = jsobj.get_string( "id" );
    mutation_branch &new_mut = mutation_data[id];

    JsonArray jsarr;
    new_mut.name = _(jsobj.get_string("name").c_str());
    new_mut.description = _(jsobj.get_string("description").c_str());
    new_mut.points = jsobj.get_int("points");
    new_mut.visibility = jsobj.get_int("visibility", 0);
    new_mut.ugliness = jsobj.get_int("ugliness", 0);
    new_mut.startingtrait = jsobj.get_bool("starting_trait", false);
    new_mut.mixed_effect = jsobj.get_bool("mixed_effect", false);
    new_mut.activated = jsobj.get_bool("active", false);
    new_mut.cost = jsobj.get_int("cost", 0);
    new_mut.cooldown = jsobj.get_int("time",0);
    new_mut.hunger = jsobj.get_bool("hunger",false);
    new_mut.thirst = jsobj.get_bool("thirst",false);
    new_mut.fatigue = jsobj.get_bool("fatigue",false);
    new_mut.valid = jsobj.get_bool("valid", true);
    new_mut.purifiable = jsobj.get_bool("purifiable", true);
    new_mut.initial_ma_styles = jsobj.get_string_array( "initial_ma_styles" );
    new_mut.threshold = jsobj.get_bool("threshold", false);
    new_mut.profession = jsobj.get_bool("profession", false);

    load_mutation_mods(jsobj, "passive_mods", new_mut.mods);
    /* Not currently supported due to inability to save active mutation state
    load_mutation_mods(jsobj, "active_mods", new_mut.mods); */

    new_mut.prereqs = jsobj.get_string_array( "prereqs" );
    // Helps to be able to have a trait require more than one other trait
    // (Individual prereq-lists are "OR", not "AND".)
    // Traits shoud NOT appear in both lists for a given mutation, unless
    // you want that trait to satisfy both requirements.
    // These are additional to the first list.
    new_mut.prereqs2 = jsobj.get_string_array( "prereqs2" );
    // Dedicated-purpose prereq slot for Threshold mutations
    // Stuff like Huge might fit in more than one mutcat post-threshold, so yeah
    new_mut.threshreq = jsobj.get_string_array( "threshreq" );
    new_mut.cancels = jsobj.get_string_array( "cancels" );
    new_mut.replacements = jsobj.get_string_array( "changes_to" );
    new_mut.additions = jsobj.get_string_array( "leads_to" );
    jsarr = jsobj.get_array("category");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        std::string s = jsarr.next_string();
    jsarr = jsobj.get_array("wet_protection");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        JsonObject jo = jsarr.next_object();
        std::string part_id = jo.get_string("part");
        int ignored = jo.get_int("ignored", 0);
        int neutral = jo.get_int("neutral", 0);
        int good = jo.get_int("good", 0);
        tripoint protect = tripoint(ignored, neutral, good);
        new_mut.protection[part_id] = mutation_wet(body_parts[part_id], protect);
bool map_bash_info::load(JsonObject &jsobj, std::string member, bool isfurniture) {
    if( !jsobj.has_object(member) ) {
        return false;

    JsonObject j = jsobj.get_object(member);
    str_min = j.get_int("str_min", 0);
    str_max = j.get_int("str_max", 0);

    str_min_blocked = j.get_int("str_min_blocked", -1);
    str_max_blocked = j.get_int("str_max_blocked", -1);

    str_min_supported = j.get_int("str_min_supported", -1);
    str_max_supported = j.get_int("str_max_supported", -1);

    str_min_roll = j.get_int("str_min_roll", str_min);
    str_max_roll = j.get_int("str_min_roll", str_max);

    explosive = j.get_int("explosive", -1);

    sound_vol = j.get_int("sound_vol", -1);
    sound_fail_vol = j.get_int("sound_fail_vol", -1);

    collapse_radius = j.get_int( "collapse_radius", 1 );

    destroy_only = j.get_bool("destroy_only", false);

    bash_below = j.get_bool("bash_below", false);

    sound = j.get_string("sound", _("smash!"));
    sound_fail = j.get_string("sound_fail", _("thump!"));

    if( isfurniture ) {
        furn_set = j.get_string("furn_set", "f_null");
    } else {
        ter_set = j.get_string( "ter_set" );

    if( j.has_member( "items" ) ) {
        JsonIn& stream = *j.get_raw( "items" );
        drop_group = item_group::load_item_group( stream, "collection" );
    } else {
        drop_group = "EMPTY_GROUP";

    if( j.has_array("tent_centers") ) {
        load_map_bash_tent_centers( j.get_array("tent_centers"), tent_centers );

    return true;
void auto_pickup::deserialize(JsonIn &jsin)
    vRules[(bChar) ? CHARACTER : GLOBAL].clear();

    while (!jsin.end_array()) {
        JsonObject jo = jsin.get_object();

        const std::string sRule = jo.get_string("rule");
        const bool bActive = jo.get_bool("active");
        const bool bExclude = jo.get_bool("exclude");

        vRules[(bChar) ? CHARACTER : GLOBAL].push_back(cRules(sRule, bActive, bExclude));
void trap::load( JsonObject &jo )
    std::unique_ptr<trap> trap_ptr( new trap() );
    trap &t = *trap_ptr;

    if( jo.has_member( "drops" ) ) {
        JsonArray drops_list = jo.get_array( "drops" );
        while( drops_list.has_more() ) {
            t.components.push_back( drops_list.next_string() );
    t.name = jo.get_string( "name" );
    if( !t.name.empty() ) {
        t.name = _( t.name.c_str() );
    t.id = trap_str_id( jo.get_string( "id" ) );
    t.loadid = trap_id( traplist.size() );
    t.color = color_from_string( jo.get_string( "color" ) );
    t.sym = jo.get_string( "symbol" ).at( 0 );
    t.visibility = jo.get_int( "visibility" );
    t.avoidance = jo.get_int( "avoidance" );
    t.difficulty = jo.get_int( "difficulty" );
    t.act = trap_function_from_string( jo.get_string( "action" ) );
    t.benign = jo.get_bool( "benign", false );
    t.funnel_radius_mm = jo.get_int( "funnel_radius", 0 );
    t.trigger_weight = jo.get_int( "trigger_weight", -1 );

    trapmap[t.id] = t.loadid;
    traplist.push_back( &t );
    if( t.is_funnel() ) {
        funnel_traps.push_back( &t );
void game::load_trap(JsonObject &jo)
    std::vector<std::string> drops;
    if(jo.has_member("drops")) {
        JsonArray drops_list = jo.get_array("drops");
        while(drops_list.has_more()) {

    trap *new_trap = new trap(
            jo.get_string("id"), // "tr_beartrap"
            g->traps.size(),     // tr_beartrap
            jo.get_string("name"), // "bear trap"
    new_trap->benign = jo.get_bool("benign", false);
    new_trap->funnel_radius_mm = jo.get_int("funnel_radius", 0);
    trapmap[new_trap->id] = new_trap->loadid;
void it_artifact_armor::deserialize(JsonObject &jo)
    id = jo.get_string("id");
    name = jo.get_string("name");
    description = jo.get_string("description");
    sym = jo.get_int("sym");
    color = int_to_color(jo.get_int("color"));
    price = jo.get_int("price");
    m1 = jo.get_string("m1");
    m2 = jo.get_string("m2");
    volume = jo.get_int("volume");
    weight = jo.get_int("weight");
    melee_dam = jo.get_int("melee_dam");
    melee_cut = jo.get_int("melee_cut");
    m_to_hit = jo.get_int("m_to_hit");
    item_tags = jo.get_tags("item_flags");

    covers = jo.get_int("covers");
    encumber = jo.get_int("encumber");
    coverage = jo.get_int("coverage");
    thickness = jo.get_int("material_thickness");
    env_resist = jo.get_int("env_resist");
    warmth = jo.get_int("warmth");
    storage = jo.get_int("storage");
    power_armor = jo.get_bool("power_armor");

    JsonArray ja = jo.get_array("effects_worn");
    while (ja.has_more()) {
void load_trap(JsonObject &jo)
    std::vector<std::string> drops;
    if(jo.has_member("drops")) {
        JsonArray drops_list = jo.get_array("drops");
        while(drops_list.has_more()) {

    std::string name = jo.get_string("name");
    if (!name.empty()) {
        name = _(name.c_str());
    trap *new_trap = new trap(
            jo.get_string("id"), // "tr_beartrap"
            traplist.size(),     // tr_beartrap
            name, // "bear trap"

    new_trap->benign = jo.get_bool("benign", false);
    new_trap->funnel_radius_mm = jo.get_int("funnel_radius", 0);
    new_trap->trigger_weight = jo.get_int("trigger_weight", -1);
    trapmap[new_trap->id] = new_trap->loadid;
// Load an item group from JSON
void Item_factory::load_item_group(JsonObject &jsobj)
    Item_tag group_id = jsobj.get_string("id");
    Item_group *current_group;
    if (m_template_groups.count(group_id) > 0) {
        current_group = m_template_groups[group_id];
    } else {
        current_group = new Item_group(group_id);
        m_template_groups[group_id] = current_group;

    current_group->m_guns_have_ammo = jsobj.get_bool("guns_have_ammo", current_group->m_guns_have_ammo);

    JsonArray items = jsobj.get_array("items");
    while (items.has_more()) {
        JsonArray pair = items.next_array();
        current_group->add_entry(pair.get_string(0), pair.get_int(1));

    JsonArray groups = jsobj.get_array("groups");
    while (groups.has_more()) {
        JsonArray pair = groups.next_array();
        std::string name = pair.get_string(0);
        int frequency = pair.get_int(1);
        if (m_template_groups.count(name) == 0) {
            m_template_groups[name] = new Item_group(name);
        current_group->add_group(m_template_groups[name], frequency);
bool map_bash_info::load(JsonObject &jsobj, std::string member, bool isfurniture) {
    if( jsobj.has_object(member) ) {
        JsonObject j = jsobj.get_object(member);
        str_min = j.get_int("str_min", 0);
        str_max = j.get_int("str_max", 0);

        str_min_blocked = j.get_int("str_min_blocked", -1);
        str_max_blocked = j.get_int("str_max_blocked", -1);

        str_min_roll = j.get_int("str_min_roll", str_min);
        str_max_roll = j.get_int("str_min_roll", str_max);

        explosive = j.get_int("explosive", -1);

        destroy_only = j.get_bool("destroy_only", false);

        sound = j.get_string("sound", _("smash!"));
        sound_fail = j.get_string("sound_fail", _("thump!"));

        if (isfurniture) {
            furn_set = j.get_string("furn_set", "f_null");
        } else {
            ter_set = j.get_string("ter_set");

        if ( j.has_array("items") ) {
            load_map_bash_item_drop_list(j.get_array("items"), items);

        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
void gun_actor::load( JsonObject &obj )
    // Mandatory
    gun_type = obj.get_string( "gun_type" );
    ammo_type = obj.get_string( "ammo_type" );

    JsonArray jarr = obj.get_array( "fake_skills" );
    while( jarr.has_more() ) {
        JsonArray cur = jarr.next_array();
        fake_skills[skill_id( cur.get_string( 0 ) )] = cur.get_int( 1 );

    range = obj.get_float( "range" );
    description = obj.get_string( "description" );
    move_cost = obj.get_int( "move_cost" );
    targeting_cost = obj.get_int( "targeting_cost" );

    // Optional:
    max_ammo = obj.get_int( "max_ammo", INT_MAX );

    fake_str = obj.get_int( "fake_str", 8 );
    fake_dex = obj.get_int( "fake_dex", 8 );
    fake_int = obj.get_int( "fake_int", 8 );
    fake_per = obj.get_int( "fake_per", 8 );

    require_targeting_player = obj.get_bool( "require_targeting_player", true );
    require_targeting_npc = obj.get_bool( "require_targeting_npc", false );
    require_targeting_monster = obj.get_bool( "require_targeting_monster", false );
    targeting_timeout = obj.get_int( "targeting_timeout", 8 );
    targeting_timeout_extend = obj.get_int( "targeting_timeout_extend", 3 );

    burst_limit = obj.get_int( "burst_limit", INT_MAX );

    laser_lock = obj.get_bool( "laser_lock", false );

    range_no_burst = obj.get_float( "range_no_burst", range + 1 );

    if( obj.has_member( "targeting_sound" ) || obj.has_member( "targeting_volume" ) ) {
        // Both or neither, but not just one
        targeting_sound = obj.get_string( "targeting_sound" );
        targeting_volume = obj.get_int( "targeting_volume" );

    // Sound of no ammo
    no_ammo_sound = obj.get_string( "no_ammo_sound", "" );
void mutation_category_trait::load( JsonObject &jsobj )
    mutation_category_trait new_category;
    new_category.id = jsobj.get_string( "id" );
    new_category.raw_name = jsobj.get_string( "name" );
    new_category.threshold_mut = trait_id( jsobj.get_string( "threshold_mut" ) );

    new_category.raw_mutagen_message = jsobj.get_string( "mutagen_message" );
    new_category.mutagen_hunger  = jsobj.get_int( "mutagen_hunger", 10 );
    new_category.mutagen_thirst  = jsobj.get_int( "mutagen_thirst", 10 );
    new_category.mutagen_pain    = jsobj.get_int( "mutagen_pain", 2 );
    new_category.mutagen_fatigue = jsobj.get_int( "mutagen_fatigue", 5 );
    new_category.mutagen_morale  = jsobj.get_int( "mutagen_morale", 0 );
    new_category.raw_iv_message = jsobj.get_string( "iv_message" );
    new_category.iv_min_mutations    = jsobj.get_int( "iv_min_mutations", 1 );
    new_category.iv_additional_mutations = jsobj.get_int( "iv_additional_mutations", 2 );
    new_category.iv_additional_mutations_chance = jsobj.get_int( "iv_additional_mutations_chance", 3 );
    new_category.iv_hunger   = jsobj.get_int( "iv_hunger", 10 );
    new_category.iv_thirst   = jsobj.get_int( "iv_thirst", 10 );
    new_category.iv_pain     = jsobj.get_int( "iv_pain", 2 );
    new_category.iv_fatigue  = jsobj.get_int( "iv_fatigue", 5 );
    new_category.iv_morale   = jsobj.get_int( "iv_morale", 0 );
    new_category.iv_morale_max   = jsobj.get_int( "iv_morale_max", 0 );
    new_category.iv_sound = jsobj.get_bool( "iv_sound", false );
    new_category.raw_iv_sound_message = jsobj.get_string( "iv_sound_message",
                                        translate_marker( "You inject yoursel-arRGH!" ) );
    new_category.raw_iv_sound_id = jsobj.get_string( "iv_sound_id", "shout" );
    new_category.raw_iv_sound_variant = jsobj.get_string( "iv_sound_variant", "default" );
    new_category.iv_noise = jsobj.get_int( "iv_noise", 0 );
    new_category.iv_sleep = jsobj.get_bool( "iv_sleep", false );
    new_category.raw_iv_sleep_message = jsobj.get_string( "iv_sleep_message",
                                        translate_marker( "You fall asleep." ) );
    new_category.iv_sleep_dur = jsobj.get_int( "iv_sleep_dur", 0 );
    static_cast<void>( translate_marker_context( "memorial_male", "Crossed a threshold" ) );
    static_cast<void>( translate_marker_context( "memorial_female", "Crossed a threshold" ) );
    new_category.raw_memorial_message = jsobj.get_string( "memorial_message",
                                        "Crossed a threshold" );
    new_category.raw_junkie_message = jsobj.get_string( "junkie_message",
                                      translate_marker( "Oh, yeah! That's the stuff!" ) );

    mutation_category_traits[new_category.id] = new_category;
void safemode::deserialize( JsonIn &jsin )
    auto &temp_rules = ( is_character ) ? character_rules : global_rules;

    while( !jsin.end_array() ) {
        JsonObject jo = jsin.get_object();

        const std::string rule = jo.get_string( "rule" );
        const bool active = jo.get_bool( "active" );
        const bool whitelist = jo.get_bool( "whitelist" );
        const Creature::Attitude attitude = ( Creature::Attitude ) jo.get_int( "attitude" );
        const int proximity = jo.get_int( "proximity" );

            rules_class( rule, active, whitelist, attitude, proximity )
void leap_actor::load( JsonObject &obj )
    // Mandatory:
    max_range = obj.get_float( "max_range" );
    // Optional:
    min_range = obj.get_float( "min_range", 1.0f );
    allow_no_target = obj.get_bool( "allow_no_target", true );
    move_cost = obj.get_int( "move_cost", 150 );
    min_consider_range = obj.get_float( "min_consider_range", 0.0f );
    max_consider_range = obj.get_float( "max_consider_range", 200.0f );
void it_artifact_armor::deserialize(JsonObject &jo)
    id = jo.get_string("id");
    name = jo.get_string("name");
    description = jo.get_string("description");
    sym = jo.get_int("sym");
    color = int_to_color(jo.get_int("color"));
    price = jo.get_int("price");
    // LEGACY: Since it seems artifacts get serialized out to disk, and they're
    // dynamic, we need to allow for them to be read from disk for, oh, I guess
    // quite some time. Loading and saving once will write things out as a JSON
    // array.
    if (jo.has_string("m1")) {
    if (jo.has_string("m2")) {
    // Assumption, perhaps dangerous, that we won't wind up with m1 and m2 and
    // a materials array in our serialized objects at the same time.
    if (jo.has_array("materials")) {
        JsonArray jarr = jo.get_array("materials");
        for (int i = 0; i < jarr.size(); ++i) {
    if (materials.size() == 0) {
        // I don't think we need this, but a lot of code seems to want at least
        // one material and I'm not sure I found every single corner case.
    volume = jo.get_int("volume");
    weight = jo.get_int("weight");
    melee_dam = jo.get_int("melee_dam");
    melee_cut = jo.get_int("melee_cut");
    m_to_hit = jo.get_int("m_to_hit");
    item_tags = jo.get_tags("item_flags");

    jo.read( "covers", covers);
    encumber = jo.get_int("encumber");
    coverage = jo.get_int("coverage");
    thickness = jo.get_int("material_thickness");
    env_resist = jo.get_int("env_resist");
    warmth = jo.get_int("warmth");
    storage = jo.get_int("storage");
    power_armor = jo.get_bool("power_armor");

    JsonArray ja = jo.get_array("effects_worn");
    while (ja.has_more()) {
void load_bionic(JsonObject &jsobj)
    std::string id = jsobj.get_string("id");
    std::string name = _(jsobj.get_string("name").c_str());
    std::string description = _(jsobj.get_string("description").c_str());
    int cost = jsobj.get_int("cost", 0);
    int time = jsobj.get_int("time", 0);
    bool faulty = jsobj.get_bool("faulty", false);
    bool power_source = jsobj.get_bool("power_source", false);
    bool active = jsobj.get_bool("active", false);

    if (faulty) {
    if (power_source) {
    if (!active) {

    bionics[id] = new bionic_data(name, power_source, active, cost, time, description, faulty);
void MonsterGroupManager::LoadMonsterGroup(JsonObject &jo)
    MonsterGroup g;

    g.name = jo.get_string("name");
    g.defaultMonster = jo.get_string("default");
    if (jo.has_array("monsters")) {
        JsonArray monarr = jo.get_array("monsters");

        while (monarr.has_more()) {
            JsonObject mon = monarr.next_object();
            std::string name = mon.get_string("monster");
            int freq = mon.get_int("freq");
            int cost = mon.get_int("cost_multiplier");
            int pack_min = 1;
            int pack_max = 1;
            if(mon.has_member("pack_size")) {
                JsonArray packarr = mon.get_array("pack_size");
                pack_min = packarr.next_int();
                pack_max = packarr.next_int();
            int starts = 0;
            int ends = 0;
            if(mon.has_member("starts")) {
                starts = mon.get_int("starts") * ACTIVE_WORLD_OPTIONS["MONSTER_GROUP_DIFFICULTY"];
            if(mon.has_member("ends")) {
                ends = mon.get_int("ends") * ACTIVE_WORLD_OPTIONS["MONSTER_GROUP_DIFFICULTY"];
            MonsterGroupEntry new_mon_group = MonsterGroupEntry(name, freq, cost, pack_min, pack_max, starts,
            if(mon.has_member("conditions")) {
                JsonArray conditions_arr = mon.get_array("conditions");
                while(conditions_arr.has_more()) {

    g.replace_monster_group = jo.get_bool("replace_monster_group", false);
    g.new_monster_group = jo.get_string("new_monster_group_id", "NULL");
    g.monster_group_time = jo.get_int("replacement_time", 0);

    monsterGroupMap[g.name] = g;
void Item_factory::load_armor(JsonObject& jo)
    it_armor* armor_template = new it_armor();

    armor_template->encumber = jo.get_int("encumbrance");
    armor_template->coverage = jo.get_int("coverage");
    armor_template->thickness = jo.get_int("material_thickness");
    armor_template->env_resist = jo.get_int("enviromental_protection");
    armor_template->warmth = jo.get_int("warmth");
    armor_template->storage = jo.get_int("storage");
    armor_template->power_armor = jo.get_bool("power_armor", false);
    armor_template->covers = jo.has_member("covers") ?
        flags_from_json(jo, "covers", "bodyparts") : 0;

    itype *new_item_template = armor_template;
    load_basic_info(jo, new_item_template);
void faction::load_faction(JsonObject &jsobj)
    faction fac;
    fac.id = jsobj.get_string("id");
    fac.name = jsobj.get_string("name");
    fac.likes_u = jsobj.get_int("likes_u");
    fac.respects_u = jsobj.get_int("respects_u");
    fac.known_by_u = jsobj.get_bool("known_by_u");
    fac.size = jsobj.get_int("size");
    fac.power = jsobj.get_int("power");
    fac.good = jsobj.get_int("good");
    fac.strength = jsobj.get_int("strength");
    fac.sneak = jsobj.get_int("sneak");
    fac.crime = jsobj.get_int("crime");
    fac.cult = jsobj.get_int("cult");
    fac.desc = jsobj.get_string("description");
    _all_faction[jsobj.get_string("id")] = fac;
faction_template::faction_template( JsonObject &jsobj )
    : name( jsobj.get_string( "name" ) )
    , likes_u( jsobj.get_int( "likes_u" ) )
    , respects_u( jsobj.get_int( "respects_u" ) )
    , known_by_u( jsobj.get_bool( "known_by_u" ) )
    , id( faction_id( jsobj.get_string( "id" ) ) )
    , desc( jsobj.get_string( "description" ) )
    , strength( jsobj.get_int( "strength" ) )
    , sneak( jsobj.get_int( "sneak" ) )
    , crime( jsobj.get_int( "crime" ) )
    , cult( jsobj.get_int( "cult" ) )
    , good( jsobj.get_int( "good" ) )
    , size( jsobj.get_int( "size" ) )
    , power( jsobj.get_int( "power" ) )
    , combat_ability( jsobj.get_int( "combat_ability" ) )
    , food_supply( jsobj.get_int( "food_supply" ) )
    , wealth( jsobj.get_int( "wealth" ) )
void sfx::load_playlist( JsonObject &jsobj )
    if( !sound_init_success ) {

    JsonArray jarr = jsobj.get_array( "playlists" );
    while( jarr.has_more() ) {
        JsonObject playlist = jarr.next_object();

        const std::string playlist_id = playlist.get_string( "id" );
        music_playlist playlist_to_load;
        playlist_to_load.shuffle = playlist.get_bool( "shuffle", false );

        JsonArray files = playlist.get_array( "files" );
        while( files.has_more() ) {
            JsonObject entry = files.next_object();
            const music_playlist::entry e{ entry.get_string( "file" ),  entry.get_int( "volume" ) };
            playlist_to_load.entries.push_back( e );

        playlists[playlist_id] = std::move( playlist_to_load );
void MonsterGroupManager::LoadMonsterGroup( JsonObject &jo )
    float mon_upgrade_factor = get_option<float>( "MONSTER_UPGRADE_FACTOR" );

    MonsterGroup g;

    g.name = mongroup_id( jo.get_string( "name" ) );
    bool extending = false;  //If already a group with that name, add to it instead of overwriting it
    if( monsterGroupMap.count( g.name ) != 0 && !jo.get_bool( "override", false ) ) {
        g = monsterGroupMap[g.name];
        extending = true;
    if( !extending
        || jo.has_string( "default" ) ) { //Not mandatory to specify default if extending existing group
        g.defaultMonster = mtype_id( jo.get_string( "default" ) );
    g.is_animal = jo.get_bool( "is_animal", false );
    if( jo.has_array( "monsters" ) ) {
        JsonArray monarr = jo.get_array( "monsters" );

        while( monarr.has_more() ) {
            JsonObject mon = monarr.next_object();
            const mtype_id name = mtype_id( mon.get_string( "monster" ) );

            int freq = mon.get_int( "freq" );
            int cost = mon.get_int( "cost_multiplier" );
            int pack_min = 1;
            int pack_max = 1;
            if( mon.has_member( "pack_size" ) ) {
                JsonArray packarr = mon.get_array( "pack_size" );
                pack_min = packarr.next_int();
                pack_max = packarr.next_int();
            static const time_duration tdfactor = 1_hours;
            time_duration starts = 0_turns;
            time_duration ends = 0_turns;
            if( mon.has_member( "starts" ) ) {
                starts = tdfactor * mon.get_int( "starts" ) * ( mon_upgrade_factor > 0 ? mon_upgrade_factor : 1 );
            if( mon.has_member( "ends" ) ) {
                ends = tdfactor * mon.get_int( "ends" ) * ( mon_upgrade_factor > 0 ? mon_upgrade_factor : 1 );
            MonsterGroupEntry new_mon_group = MonsterGroupEntry( name, freq, cost, pack_min, pack_max, starts,
                                              ends );
            if( mon.has_member( "conditions" ) ) {
                JsonArray conditions_arr = mon.get_array( "conditions" );
                while( conditions_arr.has_more() ) {
                    new_mon_group.conditions.push_back( conditions_arr.next_string() );

            g.monsters.push_back( new_mon_group );
    g.replace_monster_group = jo.get_bool( "replace_monster_group", false );
    g.new_monster_group = mongroup_id( jo.get_string( "new_monster_group_id",
                                       mongroup_id::NULL_ID().str() ) );
    assign( jo, "replacement_time", g.monster_group_time, false, 1_days );
    g.is_safe = jo.get_bool( "is_safe", false );

    g.freq_total = jo.get_int( "freq_total", ( extending ? g.freq_total : 1000 ) );
    if( jo.get_bool( "auto_total", false ) ) { //Fit the max size to the sum of all freqs
        int total = 0;
        for( MonsterGroupEntry &mon : g.monsters ) {
            total += mon.frequency;
        g.freq_total = total;

    monsterGroupMap[g.name] = g;
ma_buff load_buff(JsonObject &jo)
    ma_buff buff;

    buff.id = jo.get_string("id");

    buff.name = _(jo.get_string("name").c_str());
    buff.description = _(jo.get_string("description").c_str());

    buff.buff_duration = jo.get_int("buff_duration", 2);
    buff.max_stacks = jo.get_int("max_stacks", 1);

    buff.reqs.unarmed_allowed = jo.get_bool("unarmed_allowed", false);
    buff.reqs.melee_allowed = jo.get_bool("melee_allowed", false);

    buff.reqs.min_melee = jo.get_int("min_melee", 0);
    buff.reqs.min_unarmed = jo.get_int("min_unarmed", 0);

    buff.dodges_bonus = jo.get_int("bonus_dodges", 0);
    buff.blocks_bonus = jo.get_int("bonus_blocks", 0);

    buff.hit = jo.get_int("hit", 0);
    buff.bash = jo.get_int("bash", 0);
    buff.cut = jo.get_int("cut", 0);
    buff.dodge = jo.get_int("dodge", 0);
    buff.speed = jo.get_int("speed", 0);
    buff.block = jo.get_int("block", 0);

    buff.arm_bash = jo.get_int("arm_bash", 0);
    buff.arm_cut = jo.get_int("arm_cut", 0);

    buff.bash_stat_mult = jo.get_float("bash_mult", 1.0);
    buff.cut_stat_mult = jo.get_float("cut_mult", 1.0);

    buff.hit_str = jo.get_float("hit_str", 0.0);
    buff.hit_dex = jo.get_float("hit_dex", 0.0);
    buff.hit_int = jo.get_float("hit_int", 0.0);
    buff.hit_per = jo.get_float("hit_per", 0.0);

    buff.bash_str = jo.get_float("bash_str", 0.0);
    buff.bash_dex = jo.get_float("bash_dex", 0.0);
    buff.bash_int = jo.get_float("bash_int", 0.0);
    buff.bash_per = jo.get_float("bash_per", 0.0);

    buff.cut_str = jo.get_float("cut_str", 0.0);
    buff.cut_dex = jo.get_float("cut_dex", 0.0);
    buff.cut_int = jo.get_float("cut_int", 0.0);
    buff.cut_per = jo.get_float("cut_per", 0.0);

    buff.dodge_str = jo.get_float("dodge_str", 0.0);
    buff.dodge_dex = jo.get_float("dodge_dex", 0.0);
    buff.dodge_int = jo.get_float("dodge_int", 0.0);
    buff.dodge_per = jo.get_float("dodge_per", 0.0);

    buff.block_str = jo.get_float("block_str", 0.0);
    buff.block_dex = jo.get_float("block_dex", 0.0);
    buff.block_int = jo.get_float("block_int", 0.0);
    buff.block_per = jo.get_float("block_per", 0.0);

    buff.quiet = jo.get_bool("quiet", false);
    buff.throw_immune = jo.get_bool("throw_immune", false);

    buff.reqs.req_buffs = jo.get_tags("req_buffs");

    ma_buffs[buff.id] = buff;

    return buff;
void load_martial_art(JsonObject &jo)
    martialart ma;
    JsonArray jsarr;

    ma.id = jo.get_string("id");
    ma.name = _(jo.get_string("name").c_str());
    ma.description = _(jo.get_string("description").c_str());

    jsarr = jo.get_array("static_buffs");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        JsonObject jsobj = jsarr.next_object();

    jsarr = jo.get_array("onmove_buffs");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        JsonObject jsobj = jsarr.next_object();

    jsarr = jo.get_array("onhit_buffs");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        JsonObject jsobj = jsarr.next_object();

    jsarr = jo.get_array("onattack_buffs");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        JsonObject jsobj = jsarr.next_object();

    jsarr = jo.get_array("ondodge_buffs");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        JsonObject jsobj = jsarr.next_object();

    jsarr = jo.get_array("onblock_buffs");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        JsonObject jsobj = jsarr.next_object();

    jsarr = jo.get_array("ongethit_buffs");
    while (jsarr.has_more()) {
        JsonObject jsobj = jsarr.next_object();

    ma.techniques = jo.get_tags("techniques");
    ma.weapons = jo.get_tags("weapons");

    ma.leg_block = jo.get_int("leg_block", -1);
    ma.arm_block = jo.get_int("arm_block", -1);

    ma.arm_block_with_bio_armor_arms = jo.get_bool("arm_block_with_bio_armor_arms", false);
    ma.leg_block_with_bio_armor_legs = jo.get_bool("leg_block_with_bio_armor_legs", false);

    martialarts[ma.id] = ma;
void input_manager::load(const std::string &file_name, bool is_user_preferences)
    std::ifstream data_file(file_name.c_str(), std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);

    if(!data_file.good()) {
        // Only throw if this is the first file to load, that file _must_ exist,
        // otherwise the keybindings can not be read at all.
        if (action_contexts.empty()) {
            throw "Could not read " + file_name;

    JsonIn jsin(data_file);

    //Crawl through once and create an entry for every definition
    while (!jsin.end_array()) {
        // JSON object representing the action
        JsonObject action = jsin.get_object();

        const std::string action_id = action.get_string("id");
        const std::string context = action.get_string("category", default_context_id);
        t_actions &actions = action_contexts[context];
        if (!is_user_preferences && action.has_member("name")) {
            // Action names are not user preferences. Some experimental builds
            // post-0.A had written action names into the user preferences
            // config file. Any names that exist in user preferences will be
            // ignored.
            actions[action_id].name = action.get_string("name");

        // Iterate over the bindings JSON array
        JsonArray bindings = action.get_array("bindings");
        t_input_event_list events;
        while (bindings.has_more()) {
            JsonObject keybinding = bindings.next_object();
            std::string input_method = keybinding.get_string("input_method");
            input_event new_event;
            if(input_method == "keyboard") {
                new_event.type = CATA_INPUT_KEYBOARD;
            } else if(input_method == "gamepad") {
                new_event.type = CATA_INPUT_GAMEPAD;
            } else if(input_method == "mouse") {
                new_event.type = CATA_INPUT_MOUSE;

            if (keybinding.has_array("key")) {
                JsonArray keys = keybinding.get_array("key");
                while (keys.has_more()) {
            } else { // assume string if not array, and throw if not string


        // An invariant of this class is that user-created, local keybindings
        // with an empty set of input_events do not exist in the
        // action_contexts map. In prior versions of this class, this was not
        // true, so users of experimental builds post-0.A will have empty
        // local keybindings saved in their keybindings.json config.
        // To be backwards compatible with keybindings.json from prior
        // experimental builds, we will detect user-created, local keybindings
        // with empty input_events and disregard them. When keybindings are
        // later saved, these remnants won't be saved.
        if (!is_user_preferences ||
            !events.empty() ||
            context == default_context_id ||
            actions.count(action_id) > 0) {
            // In case this is the second file containing user preferences,
            // this replaces the default bindings with the user's preferences.
            action_attributes &attributes = actions[action_id];
            attributes.input_events = events;
            if (action.has_member("is_user_created")) {
                attributes.is_user_created = action.get_bool("is_user_created");
void MonsterGenerator::load_monster(JsonObject &jo)
    // id
    std::string mid;
    if (jo.has_member("id")) {
        mid = jo.get_string("id");
        if (mon_templates.count(mid) > 0) {
            delete mon_templates[mid];

        mtype *newmon = new mtype;

        newmon->id = mid;
        newmon->name = jo.get_string("name").c_str();
        if(jo.has_member("name_plural")) {
            newmon->name_plural = jo.get_string("name_plural");
        } else {
            // default behaviour: Assume the regular plural form (appending an “s”)
            newmon->name_plural = newmon->name + "s";
        newmon->description = _(jo.get_string("description").c_str());

        newmon->mat = jo.get_string("material");

        newmon->species = jo.get_tags("species");
        newmon->categories = jo.get_tags("categories");

        newmon->sym = jo.get_string("symbol");
        if( utf8_wrapper( newmon->sym ).display_width() != 1 ) {
            jo.throw_error( "monster symbol should be exactly one console cell width", "symbol" );
        newmon->color = color_from_string(jo.get_string("color"));
        newmon->size = get_from_string(jo.get_string("size", "MEDIUM"), size_map, MS_MEDIUM);
        newmon->phase = get_from_string(jo.get_string("phase", "SOLID"), phase_map, SOLID);

        newmon->difficulty = jo.get_int("diff", 0);
        newmon->agro = jo.get_int("aggression", 0);
        newmon->morale = jo.get_int("morale", 0);
        newmon->speed = jo.get_int("speed", 0);
        newmon->melee_skill = jo.get_int("melee_skill", 0);
        newmon->melee_dice = jo.get_int("melee_dice", 0);
        newmon->melee_sides = jo.get_int("melee_dice_sides", 0);
        newmon->melee_cut = jo.get_int("melee_cut", 0);
        newmon->sk_dodge = jo.get_int("dodge", 0);
        newmon->armor_bash = jo.get_int("armor_bash", 0);
        newmon->armor_cut = jo.get_int("armor_cut", 0);
        newmon->hp = jo.get_int("hp", 0);
        jo.read("starting_ammo", newmon->starting_ammo);
        newmon->luminance = jo.get_float("luminance", 0);
        newmon->revert_to_itype = jo.get_string( "revert_to_itype", "" );
        if (jo.has_array("attack_effs")) {
            JsonArray jsarr = jo.get_array("attack_effs");
            while (jsarr.has_more()) {
                JsonObject e = jsarr.next_object();
                mon_effect_data new_eff(e.get_string("id", "null"), e.get_int("duration", 0),
                                    body_parts[e.get_string("bp", "NUM_BP")], e.get_bool("permanent", false),
                                    e.get_int("chance", 100));

        if (jo.has_string("death_drops")) {
            newmon->death_drops = jo.get_string("death_drops");
        } else if (jo.has_object("death_drops")) {
            JsonObject death_frop_json = jo.get_object("death_drops");
            // Make up a group name, should be unique (include the monster id),
            newmon->death_drops = newmon->id + "_death_drops_auto";
            const std::string subtype = death_frop_json.get_string("subtype", "distribution");
            // and load the entry as a standard item group using the made up name.
            item_group::load_item_group(death_frop_json, newmon->death_drops, subtype);
        } else if (jo.has_member("death_drops")) {
            jo.throw_error("invalid type, must be string or object", "death_drops");

        newmon->dies = get_death_functions(jo, "death_function");
        load_special_defense(newmon, jo, "special_when_hit");
        load_special_attacks(newmon, jo, "special_attacks");

        std::set<std::string> flags, anger_trig, placate_trig, fear_trig;
        flags = jo.get_tags("flags");
        anger_trig = jo.get_tags("anger_triggers");
        placate_trig = jo.get_tags("placate_triggers");
        fear_trig = jo.get_tags("fear_triggers");

        newmon->flags = get_set_from_tags(flags, flag_map, MF_NULL);
        newmon->anger = get_set_from_tags(anger_trig, trigger_map, MTRIG_NULL);
        newmon->fear = get_set_from_tags(fear_trig, trigger_map, MTRIG_NULL);
        newmon->placate = get_set_from_tags(placate_trig, trigger_map, MTRIG_NULL);

        mon_templates[mid] = newmon;
void mtype::load( JsonObject &jo )
    MonsterGenerator &gen = MonsterGenerator::generator();

    // Name and name plural are not translated here, but when needed in
    // combination with the actual count in `mtype::nname`.
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "name", name );
    // default behaviour: Assume the regular plural form (appending an “s”)
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "name_plural", name_plural, name + "s" );
    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "description", description, translated_string_reader );

    // Have to overwrite the default { "hflesh" } here
    if( !was_loaded || jo.has_member( "material" ) ) {
        mat = { jo.get_string( "material" ) };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "species", species, auto_flags_reader<species_id> {} );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "categories", categories, auto_flags_reader<> {} );

    // See monfaction.cpp
    if( !was_loaded || jo.has_member( "default_faction" ) ) {
        const auto faction = mfaction_str_id( jo.get_string( "default_faction" ) );
        default_faction = monfactions::get_or_add_faction( faction );

    if( !was_loaded || jo.has_member( "symbol" ) ) {
        sym = jo.get_string( "symbol" );
        if( utf8_wrapper( sym ).display_width() != 1 ) {
            jo.throw_error( "monster symbol should be exactly one console cell width", "symbol" );

    mandatory( jo, was_loaded, "color", color, color_reader{} );
    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( Creature::size_map )> size_reader{ Creature::size_map, "invalid creature size" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "size", size, size_reader, MS_MEDIUM );
    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.phase_map )> phase_reader{ gen.phase_map, "invalid phase id" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "phase", phase, phase_reader, SOLID );

    optional( jo, was_loaded, "diff", difficulty, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "aggression", agro, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "morale", morale, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "speed", speed, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "attack_cost", attack_cost, 100 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "melee_skill", melee_skill, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "melee_dice", melee_dice, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "melee_dice_sides", melee_sides, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "melee_cut", melee_cut, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "dodge", sk_dodge, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_bash", armor_bash, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_cut", armor_cut, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_acid", armor_acid, armor_cut / 2 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_fire", armor_fire, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "hp", hp, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "starting_ammo", starting_ammo );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "luminance", luminance, 0 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "revert_to_itype", revert_to_itype, "" );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "vision_day", vision_day, 40 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "vision_night", vision_night, 1 );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "armor_stab", armor_stab, 0.8f * armor_cut );

    // TODO: allow adding/removing specific entries if `was_loaded` is true
    if( jo.has_array( "attack_effs" ) ) {
        JsonArray jsarr = jo.get_array( "attack_effs" );
        while( jsarr.has_more() ) {
            JsonObject e = jsarr.next_object();
            mon_effect_data new_eff( efftype_id( e.get_string( "id" ) ), e.get_int( "duration", 0 ),
                                     get_body_part_token( e.get_string( "bp", "NUM_BP" ) ), e.get_bool( "permanent", false ),
                                     e.get_int( "chance", 100 ) );
            atk_effs.push_back( new_eff );

    if( jo.has_member( "death_drops" ) ) {
        JsonIn &stream = *jo.get_raw( "death_drops" );
        death_drops = item_group::load_item_group( stream, "distribution" );

    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.death_map )> death_reader{ gen.death_map, "invalid monster death function" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "death_function", dies, death_reader );
    if( dies.empty() ) {
        // TODO: really needed? Is an empty `dies` container not allowed?
        dies.push_back( mdeath::normal );

    // TODO: allow overriding/adding/removing those if `was_loaded` is true
    gen.load_special_defense( this, jo, "special_when_hit" );
    gen.load_special_attacks( this, jo, "special_attacks" );

        // Disable upgrading when JSON contains `"upgrades": false`, but fallback to the
        // normal behavior (including error checking) if "upgrades" is not boolean or not `false`.
    if( jo.has_bool( "upgrades" ) && !jo.get_bool( "upgrades" ) ) {
            upgrade_group = mongroup_id::NULL_ID;
            upgrade_into = mtype_id::NULL_ID;
            upgrades = false;
    } else if( jo.has_member( "upgrades" ) ) {
            JsonObject up = jo.get_object( "upgrades" );
            optional( up, was_loaded, "half_life", half_life, -1 );
            optional( up, was_loaded, "into_group", upgrade_group, auto_flags_reader<mongroup_id> {}, mongroup_id::NULL_ID );
            optional( up, was_loaded, "into", upgrade_into, auto_flags_reader<mtype_id> {}, mtype_id::NULL_ID );
            upgrades = true;

    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.flag_map )> flag_reader{ gen.flag_map, "invalid monster flag" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "flags", flags, flag_reader );

    const typed_flag_reader<decltype( gen.trigger_map )> trigger_reader{ gen.trigger_map, "invalid monster trigger" };
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "anger_triggers", anger, trigger_reader );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "placate_triggers", placate, trigger_reader );
    optional( jo, was_loaded, "fear_triggers", fear, trigger_reader );