MakeViewPart::MakeViewPart(QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList &)
    : KDevMakeFrontend(&data, parent, name)


    m_dcop = new KDevMakeFrontendIface(this);

    m_widget = new MakeWidget(this);
    m_widget->setIcon( SmallIcon("exec") );
    m_widget->setCaption(i18n("Messages Output"));
    QWhatsThis::add(m_widget, i18n("<b>Messages output</b><p>"
                                   "The messages window shows the output of the compiler and "
                                   "used build tools like make, ant, uic, dcopidl etc. "
                                   "For compiler error messages, click on the error message. "
                                   "This will automatically open the source file and set the "
                                   "cursor to the line that caused the compiler error/warning."));

    mainWindow()->embedOutputView(m_widget, i18n("Messages"), i18n("Compiler output messages"));

    KAction *action;
    action = new KAction( i18n("&Next Error"), Key_F4, m_widget, SLOT(nextError()),
                          actionCollection(), "view_next_error");
    action->setToolTip( i18n("Go to the next error") );
    action->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>Next error</b><p>Switches to the file and line where the next error was reported from."));
    action = new KAction( i18n("&Previous Error"), SHIFT+Key_F4, m_widget, SLOT(prevError()),
                          actionCollection(), "view_previous_error");
    action->setToolTip( i18n("Go to the previous error") );
    action->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>Previous error</b><p>Switches to the file and line where the previous error was reported from."));

    connect( core(), SIGNAL(stopButtonClicked(KDevPlugin*)),
             this, SLOT(slotStopButtonClicked(KDevPlugin*)) );
TodoPlugin::TodoPlugin( KontactInterface::Core *core, const QVariantList & )
  : KontactInterface::Plugin( core, core, "korganizer", "todo" ), mIface( 0 )
  setComponentData( KontactPluginFactory::componentData() );
  KIconLoader::global()->addAppDir( "korganizer" );
  KIconLoader::global()->addAppDir( "kdepim" );

  KAction *action =
    new KAction( KIcon( "task-new" ),
                 i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "New To-do..." ), this );
  actionCollection()->addAction( "new_todo", action );
  action->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_T ) );
    i18nc( "@info:status", "Create a new to-do" ) );
    i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
           "You will be presented with a dialog where you can create a new to-do item." ) );
  connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotNewTodo()) );
  insertNewAction( action );

  KAction *syncAction =
    new KAction( KIcon( "view-refresh" ),
                 i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "Sync To-do List" ), this );
    i18nc( "@info:status", "Synchronize groupware to-do list" ) );
    i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
           "Choose this option to synchronize your groupware to-do list." ) );
  connect( syncAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotSyncTodos()) );
  insertSyncAction( syncAction );

  mUniqueAppWatcher = new KontactInterface::UniqueAppWatcher(
    new KontactInterface::UniqueAppHandlerFactory<KOrganizerUniqueAppHandler>(), this );
KJotsPlugin::KJotsPlugin( KontactInterface::Core *core, const QVariantList & )
  : KontactInterface::Plugin( core, core, "kjots" ), m_interface( 0 )
  setComponentData( KontactPluginFactory::componentData() );

  KAction *action =
    new KAction( KIcon( "document-new" ),
                 i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "New KJots Page" ), this );
  actionCollection()->addAction( "new_kjots_page", action );
  action->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_P ) );
    i18nc( "@info:status", "Create a new jots page" ) );
    i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
           "You will be presented with a dialog where you can create a new jots page." ) );
  connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT( newPage()) );
  insertNewAction( action );

  action = new KAction( KIcon( "address-book-new" ),
                        i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "New KJots Book" ), this );
  actionCollection()->addAction( "new_kjots_book", action );
  action->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_B ) );
    i18nc( "@info:status", "Create a new jots book" ) );
    i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
           "You will be presented with a dialog where you can create a new jots book." ) );
  connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT( newBook()) );
  insertNewAction( action );

  mUniqueAppWatcher = new KontactInterface::UniqueAppWatcher(
    new KontactInterface::UniqueAppHandlerFactory<KJotsUniqueAppHandler>(), this );
KNotesPlugin::KNotesPlugin( KontactInterface::Core *core, const QVariantList & )
  : KontactInterface::Plugin( core, core, "knotes" ), mAboutData( 0 )
  setComponentData( KontactPluginFactory::componentData() );

  KAction *action =
    new KAction( KIcon( "knotes" ),
                 i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "New Popup Note..." ), this );
  actionCollection()->addAction( "new_note", action );
  connect( action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotNewNote()) );
  action->setShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_N ) );
    i18nc( "@info:status", "Create new popup note" ) );
    i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
           "You will be presented with a dialog where you can create a new popup note." ) );
  insertNewAction( action );

  KAction *syncAction =
    new KAction( KIcon( "view-refresh" ),
                 i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "Sync Popup Notes" ), this );
  actionCollection()->addAction( "knotes_sync", syncAction );
  connect( syncAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SLOT(slotSyncNotes()) );
    i18nc( "@info:status", "Synchronize groupware notes" ) );
    i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
           "Choose this option to synchronize your groupware notes." ) );
  insertSyncAction( syncAction );
KAction *create(StandardAction id, const QObject *recvr, const char *slot, QObject *parent)
    KAction *pAction = 0;
    const Info* pInfo = infoPtr(id);

    if (pInfo) {
        pAction = new KAction(parent);
        KShortcut cut(pInfo->shortcut);
        if (!cut.isEmpty())
        if (pInfo->psIconName)

    if (recvr && slot)
        QObject::connect(pAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), recvr, slot);

    if (pAction) {
        KActionCollection *collection = qobject_cast<KActionCollection *>(parent);
        if (collection)
            collection->addAction(pAction->objectName(), pAction);
    return pAction;
ReplacePart::ReplacePart(QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList& )
        : KDevPlugin( &data, parent, name ? name : "ReplacePart" )

    m_widget = new ReplaceWidget(this);
    m_widget->setIcon( SmallIcon("filefind") );

        (m_widget, i18n("<b>Replace</b><p>"
                        "This window shows a preview of a string replace "
                        "operation. Uncheck a line to exclude that replacement. "
                        "Uncheck a file to exclude the whole file from the "
                        "operation. "
                        "Clicking on a line in the list will automatically "
                        "open the corresponding source file and set the "
                        "cursor to the line with the match." ));

    mainWindow()->embedOutputView( m_widget, i18n("Replace"), i18n("Project wide string replacement") );
    mainWindow()->setViewAvailable( m_widget, false );

    KAction * action = new KAction(i18n("Find-Select-Replace..."), 0,
                                   CTRL+SHIFT+Key_R, this, SLOT(slotReplace()), actionCollection(), "edit_replace_across");
    action->setToolTip( i18n("Project wide string replacement") );
    action->setWhatsThis( i18n("<b>Find-Select-Replace</b><p>"
                               "Opens the project wide string replacement dialog. There you "
                               "can enter a string or a regular expression which is then "
                               "searched for within all files in the locations "
                               "you specify. Matches will be displayed in the <b>Replace</b> window, you "
                               "can replace them with the specified string, exclude them from replace operation or cancel the whole replace.") );

	connect( core(), SIGNAL(contextMenu(QPopupMenu *, const Context *)), this, SLOT(contextMenu(QPopupMenu *, const Context *)) );
RubySupportPart::RubySupportPart(QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList& )
  : KDevLanguageSupport (&data, parent, name ? name : "RubySupportPart" )

  KAction *action;
  action = new KAction( i18n("&Run"), "exec", SHIFT + Key_F9,
                        this, SLOT(slotRun()),
                        actionCollection(), "build_execute" );
  action->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>Run</b><p>Starts an application."));

  action = new KAction( i18n("Run Test Under Cursor"), "exec", ALT + Key_F9,
                        this, SLOT(slotRunTestUnderCursor()),
                        actionCollection(), "build_execute_test_function" );
  action->setToolTip(i18n("Run Test Under Cursor"));
  action->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>Run Test Under Cursor</b><p>Runs the function under the cursor as test."));

  action = new KAction( i18n("Launch Browser"), "network", 0, this, SLOT(slotBrowse()), actionCollection(), "build_launch_browser" );
  action->setToolTip(i18n("Launch Browser"));
  action->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>Launch Browser</b><p>Opens a web browser pointing to the Ruby Rails server") );

  action = new KAction( i18n("Switch To Controller"), 0, CTRL+ALT+Key_1, this, SLOT(slotSwitchToController()), actionCollection(), "switch_to_controller" );
  action = new KAction( i18n("Switch To Model"), 0, CTRL+ALT+Key_2, this, SLOT(slotSwitchToModel()), actionCollection(), "switch_to_model" );
  action = new KAction( i18n("Switch To View"), 0, CTRL+ALT+Key_3, this, SLOT(slotSwitchToView()), actionCollection(), "switch_to_view" );
  action = new KAction( i18n("Switch To Test"), 0, CTRL+ALT+Key_4, this, SLOT(slotSwitchToTest()), actionCollection(), "switch_to_test" );

  kdDebug() << "Creating RubySupportPart" << endl;

  m_shellWidget = new KDevShellWidget( 0, "irb console");
  m_shellWidget->setIcon( SmallIcon("ruby_config.png", KIcon::SizeMedium, KIcon::DefaultState, RubySupportPart::instance()));
  m_shellWidget->setCaption(i18n("Ruby Shell"));
  mainWindow()->embedOutputView( m_shellWidget, i18n("Ruby Shell"), i18n("Ruby Shell"));
  mainWindow()->raiseView( m_shellWidget );

  connect( core(), SIGNAL(projectOpened()), this, SLOT(projectOpened()) );
  connect( core(), SIGNAL(projectClosed()), this, SLOT(projectClosed()) );
  connect( core(), SIGNAL(contextMenu(QPopupMenu *, const Context *)),
        this, SLOT(contextMenu(QPopupMenu *, const Context *)) );
  connect( partController(), SIGNAL(savedFile(const KURL&)),
  	this, SLOT(savedFile(const KURL&)) );
  connect( core(), SIGNAL(projectConfigWidget(KDialogBase*)),
        this, SLOT(projectConfigWidget(KDialogBase*)) );
void KateViewManager::setupActions ()
  KAction *a;

   * view splitting
  a = m_mainWindow->actionCollection()->addAction("view_split_vert");
  a->setIcon( KIcon("view-split-left-right") );
  a->setText( i18n("Split Ve&rtical") );
  a->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_L );
  connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSplitViewSpaceVert()));

  a->setWhatsThis(i18n("Split the currently active view vertically into two views."));

  a = m_mainWindow->actionCollection()->addAction("view_split_horiz");
  a->setIcon( KIcon("view-split-top-bottom") );
  a->setText( i18n("Split &Horizontal") );
  a->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_T );
  connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSplitViewSpaceHoriz()));

  a->setWhatsThis(i18n("Split the currently active view horizontally into two views."));

  m_closeView = m_mainWindow->actionCollection()->addAction("view_close_current_space");
  m_closeView->setIcon( KIcon("view-close") );
  m_closeView->setText( i18n("Cl&ose Current View") );
  m_closeView->setShortcut( Qt::CTRL + Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_R );
  connect(m_closeView, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCloseCurrentViewSpace()));

  m_closeView->setWhatsThis(i18n("Close the currently active splitted view"));

  goNext = m_mainWindow->actionCollection()->addAction( "go_next_split_view" );
  goNext->setText( i18n("Next Split View") );
  goNext->setShortcut( Qt::Key_F8 );
  connect(goNext, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(activateNextView()));

  goNext->setWhatsThis(i18n("Make the next split view the active one."));

  goPrev = m_mainWindow->actionCollection()->addAction( "go_prev_split_view" );
  goPrev->setText( i18n("Previous Split View") );
  goPrev->setShortcut( Qt::SHIFT + Qt::Key_F8 );
  connect(goPrev, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(activatePrevView()));

  goPrev->setWhatsThis(i18n("Make the previous split view the active one."));
ValgrindPart::ValgrindPart( QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList& )
  : KDevPlugin( &data, parent, name ? name : "ValgrindPart" )
  setInstance( ValgrindFactory::instance() );
  setXMLFile( "kdevpart_valgrind.rc" );

  proc = new KShellProcess();
  connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout( KProcess*, char*, int )),
           this, SLOT(receivedStdout( KProcess*, char*, int )) );
  connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedStderr( KProcess*, char*, int )),
           this, SLOT(receivedStderr( KProcess*, char*, int )) );
  connect( proc, SIGNAL(processExited( KProcess* )),
           this, SLOT(processExited( KProcess* )) );
  connect( core(), SIGNAL(stopButtonClicked(KDevPlugin*)),
           this, SLOT(slotStopButtonClicked(KDevPlugin*)) );
  connect( core(), SIGNAL(projectOpened()),
           this, SLOT(projectOpened()) );

  m_widget = new ValgrindWidget( this );
  m_widget->setIcon( SmallIcon("fork") );
  m_widget->setCaption(i18n("Valgrind Output"));

  QWhatsThis::add( m_widget, i18n( "<b>Valgrind</b><p>Shows the output of the valgrind. Valgrind detects<br>"
    "use of uninitialized memory<br>"
    "reading/writing memory after it has been free'd<br>"
    "reading/writing off the end of malloc'd blocks<br>"
    "reading/writing inappropriate areas on the stack<br>"
    "memory leaks -- where pointers to malloc'd blocks are lost forever<br>"
    "passing of uninitialised and/or unaddressable memory to system calls<br>"
    "mismatched use of malloc/new/new [] vs free/delete/delete []<br>"
    "some abuses of the POSIX pthread API." ) );

  KAction* action = new KAction( i18n("&Valgrind Memory Leak Check"), 0, this,
	       SLOT(slotExecValgrind()), actionCollection(), "tools_valgrind" );
  action->setToolTip(i18n("Valgrind memory leak check"));
  action->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>Valgrind memory leak check</b><p>Runs Valgrind - a tool to help you find memory-management problems in your programs."));

  action = new KAction( i18n("P&rofile with KCachegrind"), 0, this,
	       SLOT(slotExecCalltree()), actionCollection(), "tools_calltree" );
  action->setToolTip(i18n("Profile with KCachegrind"));
  action->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>Profile with KCachegrind</b><p>Runs your program in calltree and then displays profiler information in KCachegrind."));

  mainWindow()->embedOutputView( m_widget, "Valgrind", i18n("Valgrind memory leak check") );
void KAddressBookMain::initActions()
    KStandardAction::quit( this, SLOT( close() ), actionCollection() );

    KAction *action;
    action = KStandardAction::keyBindings( this, SLOT( configureKeyBindings() ), actionCollection() );
    action->setWhatsThis( i18n( "You will be presented with a dialog, where you can configure the application wide shortcuts." ) );

    KStandardAction::configureToolbars( this, SLOT( configureToolbars() ), actionCollection() );
KAction* KexiProjectNavigator::addAction(const QString& name, const KIcon& icon, const QString& text,
                                const QString& toolTip, const QString& whatsThis, const char* slot)
    KAction *action = new KAction(icon, text, this);
    d->actions->addAction(name, action);
    connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, slot);
    return action;
PythonSupportPart::PythonSupportPart(QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList &)
    : KDevLanguageSupport(&data, parent, name ? name : "PythonSupportPart")


    connect( core(), SIGNAL(projectOpened()), this, SLOT(projectOpened()) );
    connect( core(), SIGNAL(projectClosed()), this, SLOT(projectClosed()) );
    connect( partController(), SIGNAL(savedFile(const KURL&)),
             this, SLOT(savedFile(const KURL&)) );
    connect( core(), SIGNAL(projectConfigWidget(KDialogBase*)),
             this, SLOT(projectConfigWidget(KDialogBase*)) );
    connect( core(), SIGNAL(contextMenu(QPopupMenu *, const Context *)),
             this, SLOT(contextMenu(QPopupMenu *, const Context *)) );

    KAction *action;

    action = new KAction( i18n("Execute Program"), "exec", 0,
                          this, SLOT(slotExecute()),
                          actionCollection(), "build_exec" );
    action->setToolTip( i18n("Execute program") );
    action->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>Execute program</b><p>Runs the Python program."));

    action = new KAction( i18n("Execute String..."), "exec", 0,
                          this, SLOT(slotExecuteString()),
                          actionCollection(), "build_execstring" );
    action->setToolTip( i18n("Execute string") );
    action->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>Execute String</b><p>Executes a string as Python code."));

    action = new KAction( i18n("Start Python Interpreter"), "exec", 0,
                          this, SLOT(slotStartInterpreter()),
                          actionCollection(), "build_runinterpreter" );
    action->setToolTip( i18n("Start Python interpreter") );
    action->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>Start python interpreter</b><p>Starts the Python interpreter without a program"));

    action = new KAction( i18n("Python Documentation..."), 0,
                          this, SLOT(slotPydoc()),
                          actionCollection(), "help_pydoc" );
    action->setToolTip( i18n("Python documentation") );
    action->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>Python documentation</b><p>Shows a Python documentation page."));
void ViewManager::initActions()
    mActionSelectView = new KSelectAction(i18n("Select View"), 0, mCore->actionCollection(), "select_view");
#if KDE_VERSION >= 309
    connect(mActionSelectView, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)),
            SLOT(setActiveView(const QString &)));

    KAction *action;

    action = new KAction(i18n("Modify View..."), "configure", 0, this,
                         SLOT(editView()), mCore->actionCollection(),
        i18n("By pressing this button a dialog opens that allows you to modify the view of the addressbook. There you can add or remove fields that you want to be shown or hidden in the addressbook like the name for example."));

    action = new KAction(i18n("Add View..."), "window_new", 0, this,
                         SLOT(addView()), mCore->actionCollection(),
        i18n("You can add a new view by choosing one from the dialog that appears after pressing the button. You have to give the view a name, so that you can distinguish between the different views."));

    mActionDeleteView = new KAction(i18n("Delete View"), "view_remove", 0,
                                    this, SLOT(deleteView()),
                                    mCore->actionCollection(), "view_delete");
    mActionDeleteView->setWhatsThis(i18n("By pressing this button you can delete the actual view, which you have added before."));

    action = new KAction(i18n("Refresh View"), "reload", 0, this,
                         SLOT(refreshView()), mCore->actionCollection(),
    action->setWhatsThis(i18n("The view will be refreshed by pressing this button."));

    action = new KAction(i18n("Edit &Filters..."), "filter", 0, this,
                         SLOT(configureFilters()), mCore->actionCollection(),
    action->setWhatsThis(i18n("Edit the contact filters<p>You will be presented with a dialog, where you can add, remove and edit filters."));
void MainWindow::initActions()
  KStandardAction::quit( this, SLOT(close()), actionCollection() );

  KAction *action =
    KStandardAction::keyBindings( this, SLOT(configureKeyBindings()), actionCollection() );
    i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
           "You will be presented with a dialog where you can configure "
           "the application-wide shortcuts." ) );

  KStandardAction::configureToolbars( this, SLOT(configureToolbars()), actionCollection() );
  KStandardAction::preferences( this, SLOT(configure()), actionCollection() );
PartExplorerPlugin::PartExplorerPlugin(  QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList & )
    : KDevPlugin( &data, parent, name ? name : "PartExplorerPlugin" )
    // we need an instance
    setInstance( PartExplorerPluginFactory::instance() );

    setXMLFile( "kdevpartexplorer.rc" );

    // this should be your custom internal widget
    m_widget = new PartExplorerForm( mainWindow()->main() );
//    mainWindow()->embedSelectView( m_widget, i18n("PartExplorer"), i18n("Query system services"));

    KAction *action = new KAction( i18n("&Part Explorer"), 0, this, SLOT(slotShowForm()),
        actionCollection(), "show_partexplorerform" );
    action->setToolTip(i18n("KTrader query execution"));
    action->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>Part explorer</b><p>Shows a dialog for KTrader query execution. Search your KDE documentation for more information about KDE services and KTrader."));
void Part::createGUIClients()//KexiMainWindow *win)
// d->mainWin = win;
    if (!d->guiClient) {
        //create part's gui client
        d->guiClient = new GUIClient(this, false, "part");

        //default actions for part's gui client:
        KAction *act = new KAction(
            instanceCaption() + "...",
        QString defaultToolTip(i18n("Create new object of type \"%1\"", instanceCaption().toLower()));
        act->setToolTip(internalPropertyValue("instanceToolTip", defaultToolTip).toString());
        QString defaultWhatsThis(i18n("Creates new object of type \"%1\"", instanceCaption().toLower()));
        act->setWhatsThis(internalPropertyValue("instanceWhatsThis", defaultWhatsThis).toString());
        connect(act, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCreate()));
        KexiMainWindowIface::global()->actionCollection()->addAction(act->objectName(), act);
#ifdef __GNUC__
#warning TODO  KexiMainWindowIface::global()->guiFactory()->addClient(d->guiClient); //this client is added permanently
#pragma WARNING( TODO  KexiMainWindowIface::global()->guiFactory()->addClient(d->guiClient); )

        //default actions for part instance's gui client:
        //let init specific actions for part instances
        for (int mode = 1; mode <= 0x01000; mode <<= 1) {
            if (d->supportedViewModes & (Kexi::ViewMode)mode) {
                GUIClient *instanceGuiClient = new GUIClient(
                    this, true, Kexi::nameForViewMode((Kexi::ViewMode)mode).toLatin1());
                d->instanceGuiClients.insert((Kexi::ViewMode)mode, instanceGuiClient);
        // also add an instance common for all modes (mode==0)
        GUIClient *instanceGuiClient = new GUIClient(this, true, "allViews");
        d->instanceGuiClients.insert(Kexi::AllViewModes, instanceGuiClient);

//  initActions();
void KKameraConfig::displayGPSuccessDialogue(void)
	// set the kcontrol module buttons
	setButtons(Help | Apply | Cancel | Ok);

	// create a layout with two vertical boxes
	QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this, 0, 0);
	m_toolbar = new KToolBar(this, "ToolBar");
	// create list of devices
	m_deviceSel = new KIconView(this);

	connect(m_deviceSel, SIGNAL(rightButtonClicked(QIconViewItem *, const QPoint &)),
		SLOT(slot_deviceMenu(QIconViewItem *, const QPoint &)));
	connect(m_deviceSel, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QIconViewItem *)),
	connect(m_deviceSel, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QIconViewItem *)),
		SLOT(slot_deviceSelected(QIconViewItem *)));

	m_deviceSel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
	// create actions
	KAction *act;
	act = new KAction(i18n("Add"), "camera", 0, this, SLOT(slot_addCamera()), m_actions, "camera_add");
	act->setWhatsThis(i18n("Click this button to add a new camera."));
	act = new KAction(i18n("Test"), "camera_test", 0, this, SLOT(slot_testCamera()), m_actions, "camera_test");
	act->setWhatsThis(i18n("Click this button to remove the selected camera from the list."));
	act = new KAction(i18n("Remove"), "edittrash", 0, this, SLOT(slot_removeCamera()), m_actions, "camera_remove");
	act->setWhatsThis(i18n("Click this button to remove the selected camera from the list."));
	act = new KAction(i18n("Configure..."), "configure", 0, this, SLOT(slot_configureCamera()), m_actions, "camera_configure");
	act->setWhatsThis(i18n("Click this button to change the configuration of the selected camera.<br><br>The availability of this feature and the contents of the Configuration dialog depend on the camera model."));
	act = new KAction(i18n("Information"), "hwinfo", 0, this, SLOT(slot_cameraSummary()), m_actions, "camera_summary");
	act->setWhatsThis(i18n("Click this button to view a summary of the current status of the selected camera.<br><br>The availability of this feature and the contents of the Configuration dialog depend on the camera model."));
	act = new KAction(i18n("Cancel"), "stop", 0, this, SLOT(slot_cancelOperation()), m_actions, "camera_cancel");
	act->setWhatsThis(i18n("Click this button to cancel the current camera operation."));
BashSupportPart::BashSupportPart(QObject *parent, const char *name, const QStringList& )
: KDevLanguageSupport (&data, parent, name ? name : "BashSupportPart" )

	KAction *action;
	action = new KAction( i18n("&Run"), "exec",Key_F9,this, SLOT(slotRun()),actionCollection(), "build_execute" );
    action->setWhatsThis(i18n("<b>Run</b><p>Starts an application."));

	kdDebug() << "Creating BashSupportPart" << endl;

	connect( core(), SIGNAL(projectConfigWidget(KDialogBase*)),
		this, SLOT(projectConfigWidget(KDialogBase*)) );
	connect( core(), SIGNAL(projectOpened()), this, SLOT(projectOpened()) );
	connect( core(), SIGNAL(projectClosed()), this, SLOT(projectClosed()) );
	connect( partController(), SIGNAL(savedFile(const KURL&)), this, SLOT(savedFile(const KURL&)) );
 	connect(partController(), SIGNAL(activePartChanged(KParts::Part*)),
		this, SLOT(slotActivePartChanged(KParts::Part *)));

	m_cc = new BashCodeCompletion();
void K3b::VideoDVDRippingView::initActions()
    d->actionCollection = new KActionCollection( this );

    KAction* actionCheck = new KAction( this );
    connect( actionCheck, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotCheck()) );
    actionCollection()->addAction( "check_tracks", actionCheck );

    KAction* actionUncheck = new KAction( this );
    connect( actionUncheck, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotUncheck()) );
    actionCollection()->addAction( "uncheck_tracks", actionUncheck );

    KAction* actionStartRip = new KAction( KIcon( "tools-rip-video-dvd" ), i18n("Start Ripping"), this );
    actionStartRip->setToolTip( i18n("Open the Video DVD ripping dialog") );
    actionStartRip->setWhatsThis( i18n("<p>Rips single titles from a video DVD "
                                       "into a compressed format such as XviD. Menu structures are completely ignored."
                                       "<p>If you intend to copy the plain Video DVD vob files from the DVD "
                                       "(including decryption) for further processing with another application, "
                                       "please use \"Show files\" button."
                                       "<p>If you intend to make a copy of the entire Video DVD including all menus "
                                       "and extras it is recommended to use the K3b Copy tool.") );
    connect( actionStartRip, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotStartRipping()) );
    actionCollection()->addAction( "start_rip", actionStartRip );
    KAction* actionSelectAll = KStandardAction::selectAll( d->view, SLOT(selectAll()), actionCollection() );

    // setup the popup menu
    d->popupMenu = new KMenu( this );
    d->popupMenu->addAction( actionCheck );
    d->popupMenu->addAction( actionUncheck );
    d->popupMenu->addAction( actionSelectAll );
    d->popupMenu->addAction( actionStartRip );
    connect( d->popupMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(slotContextMenuAboutToShow()) );
KEBApp::KEBApp(const QString &bookmarksFile, bool readonly, const QString &address, bool browser, const QString &caption)
    : KMainWindow(), m_dcopIface(0), m_bookmarksFilename(bookmarksFile), m_caption(caption), m_readOnly(readonly), m_browser(browser)

    m_cmdHistory = new CmdHistory(actionCollection());

    s_topLevel = this;

    int h = 20;

    QSplitter *vsplitter = new QSplitter(this);

    KToolBar *quicksearch = new KToolBar(vsplitter, "search toolbar");

    KAction *resetQuickSearch = new KAction(i18n("Reset Quick Search"), QApplication::reverseLayout() ? "clear_left" : "locationbar_erase", 0,
                                            actionCollection(), "reset_quicksearch");
        i18n("<b>Reset Quick Search</b><br>"
             "Resets the quick search so that all bookmarks are shown again."));

    QLabel *lbl = new QLabel(i18n("Se&arch:"), quicksearch, "kde toolbar widget");

    KListViewSearchLine *searchLineEdit = new KEBSearchLine(quicksearch, 0, "KListViewSearchLine");
    connect(resetQuickSearch, SIGNAL(activated()), searchLineEdit, SLOT(clear()));
    connect(searchLineEdit, SIGNAL(searchUpdated()), SLOT(updateActions()));

    searchLineEdit->setListView(static_cast< KListView * >(ListView::self()->widget()));

    m_bkinfo = new BookmarkInfoWidget(vsplitter);

    vsplitter->setSizes(QValueList< int >() << h << 380 << m_bkinfo->sizeHint().height());

    resize(ListView::self()->widget()->sizeHint().width(), vsplitter->sizeHint().height());


    m_dcopIface = new KBookmarkEditorIface();

    connect(kapp->clipboard(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()), SLOT(slotClipboardDataChanged()));



    m_canPaste = false;


    ListView::self()->setCurrent(ListView::self()->getItemAtAddress(address), true);

void KStars::initActions() {
    KIconLoader::global()->addAppDir( "kstars" );
    KAction *ka;

    // ==== File menu ================
    ka = KNS3::standardAction(i18n("Download New Data..."), this, SLOT(slotDownload()), actionCollection(), "get_data")
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_D );
    ka->setWhatsThis(i18n("Downloads new data"));

    actionCollection()->addAction("open_file", this, SLOT(slotOpenFITS()) )
        << i18n("Open FITS...")
        << KIcon("document-open")
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_O );

    actionCollection()->addAction("export_image", this, SLOT( slotExportImage() ) )
        << i18n("&Save Sky Image...")
        << KIcon("document-export-image")
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_I );
    actionCollection()->addAction("run_script", this, SLOT( slotRunScript() ))
        << i18n("&Run Script...")
        << KIcon("system-run" )
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_R );
    actionCollection()->addAction("printing_wizard", this, SLOT(slotPrintingWizard() ) )
            << i18nc("start Printing Wizard", "Printing &Wizard");
    actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::Print, "print", this, SLOT( slotPrint() ) );
    actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::Quit,  "quit",  this, SLOT( close() ) );

    // ==== Time Menu ================
    actionCollection()->addAction("time_to_now", this, SLOT( slotSetTimeToNow() ))
        << i18n("Set Time to &Now")
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_E )
        << KIcon("clock");

    actionCollection()->addAction("time_dialog", this, SLOT( slotSetTime() ) )
        << i18nc("set Clock to New Time", "&Set Time..." )
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_S )
        << KIcon("view-history");

    ka = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("clock_startstop")
        << i18n("Stop &Clock" )
        << KIcon("media-playback-pause" );
    if ( ! StartClockRunning )
    QObject::connect( ka, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotToggleTimer() ) );
    QObject::connect(data()->clock(), SIGNAL(clockToggled(bool)), ka, SLOT(setChecked(bool)) );
    //UpdateTime() if clock is stopped (so hidden objects get drawn)
    QObject::connect(data()->clock(), SIGNAL(clockToggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateTime()) );
    actionCollection()->addAction("time_step_forward", this, SLOT( slotStepForward() ) )
        << i18n("Advance one step forward in time")
        << KIcon("media-skip-forward" )
        << KShortcut( Qt::Key_Greater, Qt::Key_Period );
    actionCollection()->addAction("time_step_backward", this, SLOT( slotStepBackward() ) )
        << i18n("Advance one step backward in time")
        << KIcon("media-skip-backward" )
        << KShortcut( Qt::Key_Less, Qt::Key_Comma );

    // ==== Pointing Menu ================
    actionCollection()->addAction("zenith", this, SLOT( slotPointFocus() ) )
        << i18n("&Zenith")
        << KShortcut("Z");
    actionCollection()->addAction("north", this, SLOT( slotPointFocus() ) )
        << i18n("&North")
        << KShortcut("N");
    actionCollection()->addAction("east", this, SLOT( slotPointFocus() ) )
        << i18n("&East")
        << KShortcut("E");
    actionCollection()->addAction("south", this, SLOT( slotPointFocus() ) )
        << i18n("&South")
        << KShortcut("S");
    actionCollection()->addAction("west", this, SLOT( slotPointFocus() ) )
        << i18n("&West")
        << KShortcut("W");

    actionCollection()->addAction("find_object", this, SLOT( slotFind() ) )
        << i18n("&Find Object...")
        << KIcon("edit-find")
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_F );
    actionCollection()->addAction("track_object", this, SLOT( slotTrack() ) )
        << i18n("Engage &Tracking")
        << KIcon("object-locked" )
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_T  );
    actionCollection()->addAction("manual_focus", this, SLOT( slotManualFocus() ) )
        << i18n("Set Coordinates &Manually..." )
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_M );

    // ==== View Menu ================
    actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::ZoomIn,  "zoom_in",  map(), SLOT( slotZoomIn() ) );
    actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::ZoomOut, "zoom_out", map(), SLOT( slotZoomOut() ) );
    actionCollection()->addAction("zoom_default", map(), SLOT( slotZoomDefault() ) )
        << i18n("&Default Zoom")
        << KIcon("zoom-fit-best" )
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Z );
    actionCollection()->addAction("zoom_set", this, SLOT( slotSetZoom() ) )
        << i18n("&Zoom to Angular Size..." )
        << KIcon("zoom-original" )
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Z );

    actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::FullScreen, this, SLOT( slotFullScreen() ) );

    actionCollection()->addAction("coordsys", this, SLOT( slotCoordSys() ) )
        << (Options::useAltAz() ? i18n("Switch to star globe view (Equatorial &Coordinates)"): i18n("Switch to horizonal view (Horizontal &Coordinates)"))
        << KShortcut("Space" );

    #ifdef HAVE_OPENGL
    Q_ASSERT( SkyMap::Instance() ); // This assert should not fail, because SkyMap is already created by now. Just throwing it in anyway.
    actionCollection()->addAction("opengl", SkyMap::Instance(), SLOT( slotToggleGL() ) )
        << (Options::useGL() ? i18n("Switch to QPainter backend"): i18n("Switch to OpenGL backend"));

    actionCollection()->addAction("project_lambert", this, SLOT( slotMapProjection() ) )
        << i18n("&Lambert Azimuthal Equal-area" )
        << KShortcut("F5" )
        << AddToGroup(projectionGroup)
        << Checked(Options::projection() == SkyMap::Lambert);
    actionCollection()->addAction("project_azequidistant", this, SLOT( slotMapProjection() ) )
        << i18n("&Azimuthal Equidistant" )
        << KShortcut("F6" )
        << AddToGroup(projectionGroup)
        << Checked(Options::projection() == SkyMap::AzimuthalEquidistant);
    actionCollection()->addAction("project_orthographic", this, SLOT( slotMapProjection() ) )
        << i18n("&Orthographic" )
        << KShortcut("F7" )
        << AddToGroup(projectionGroup)
        << Checked(Options::projection() == SkyMap::Orthographic);
    actionCollection()->addAction("project_equirectangular", this, SLOT( slotMapProjection() ) )
        << i18n("&Equirectangular" )
        << KShortcut("F8" )
        << AddToGroup(projectionGroup)
        << Checked(Options::projection() == SkyMap::Equirectangular);
    actionCollection()->addAction("project_stereographic", this, SLOT( slotMapProjection() ) )
        << i18n("&Stereographic" )
        << KShortcut("F9" )
        << AddToGroup(projectionGroup)
        << Checked(Options::projection() == SkyMap::Stereographic);
    actionCollection()->addAction("project_gnomonic", this, SLOT( slotMapProjection() ) )
        << i18n("&Gnomonic" )
        << KShortcut("F10" )
        << AddToGroup(projectionGroup)
        << Checked(Options::projection() == SkyMap::Gnomonic);

    //Settings Menu:
    //Info Boxes option actions
    KAction* kaBoxes = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_boxes" )
        << i18nc("Show the information boxes", "Show &Info Boxes")
        << Checked( Options::showInfoBoxes() );
    connect( kaBoxes, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), map(), SLOT(slotToggleInfoboxes(bool)));
    kaBoxes->setChecked( Options::showInfoBoxes() );

    ka = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_time_box")
        << i18nc("Show time-related info box", "Show &Time Box");
    connect(kaBoxes, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), ka,    SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
    connect(ka,      SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), map(), SLOT( slotToggleTimeBox(bool)));
    ka->setChecked( Options::showTimeBox() );
    ka->setEnabled( Options::showInfoBoxes() );

    ka = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_focus_box")
        << i18nc("Show focus-related info box", "Show &Focus Box");
    connect(kaBoxes, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), ka,    SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
    connect(ka,      SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), map(), SLOT( slotToggleFocusBox(bool)));
    ka->setChecked( Options::showFocusBox() );
    ka->setEnabled( Options::showInfoBoxes() );

    ka = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_location_box")
        << i18nc("Show location-related info box", "Show &Location Box");
    connect(kaBoxes, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), ka,    SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) );
    connect(ka,      SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), map(), SLOT( slotToggleGeoBox(bool)));
    ka->setChecked( Options::showGeoBox() );
    ka->setEnabled( Options::showInfoBoxes() );

    //Toolbar options
    newToggleAction( actionCollection(), "show_mainToolBar", i18n("Show Main Toolbar"),
                     toolBar("kstarsToolBar"), SLOT(setVisible(bool)));
    newToggleAction( actionCollection(), "show_viewToolBar", i18n("Show View Toolbar"),
                     toolBar( "viewToolBar" ), SLOT(setVisible(bool)));

    //Statusbar view options
    newToggleAction( actionCollection(), "show_statusBar", i18n("Show Statusbar"),
                     this, SLOT(slotShowGUIItem(bool)));
    newToggleAction( actionCollection(), "show_sbAzAlt",   i18n("Show Az/Alt Field"),
                     this, SLOT(slotShowGUIItem(bool)));
    newToggleAction( actionCollection(), "show_sbRADec",   i18n("Show RA/Dec Field"),
                     this, SLOT(slotShowGUIItem(bool)));

    //Color scheme actions.  These are added to the "colorschemes" KActionMenu.
    colorActionMenu = actionCollection()->add<KActionMenu>("colorschemes" );
    colorActionMenu->setText( i18n("C&olor Schemes" ) );
    addColorMenuItem( i18n("&Classic" ), "cs_classic" );
    addColorMenuItem( i18n("&Star Chart" ), "cs_chart" );
    addColorMenuItem( i18n("&Night Vision" ), "cs_night" );
    addColorMenuItem( i18n("&Moonless Night" ), "cs_moonless-night" );

    //Add any user-defined color schemes:
    QFile file( KStandardDirs::locate("appdata", "colors.dat" ) ); //determine filename in local user KDE directory tree.
    if ( file.exists() && file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
        QTextStream stream( &file );
        while ( !stream.atEnd() ) {
            QString line = stream.readLine();
            QString schemeName = line.left( line.indexOf( ':' ) );
            QString actionname = "cs_" + line.mid( line.indexOf( ':' ) +1, line.indexOf( '.' ) - line.indexOf( ':' ) - 1 );
            addColorMenuItem( i18n( schemeName.toLocal8Bit() ), actionname.toLocal8Bit() );

    //Add FOV Symbol actions
    fovActionMenu = actionCollection()->add<KActionMenu>("fovsymbols" );
    fovActionMenu->setText( i18n("&FOV Symbols" ) );

    actionCollection()->addAction("geolocation", this, SLOT( slotGeoLocator() ) )
        << i18nc("Location on Earth", "&Geographic..." )
        << KIcon("applications-internet" )
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_G );
    actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::Preferences, "configure", this, SLOT( slotViewOps() ) );
    actionCollection()->addAction("startwizard", this, SLOT( slotWizard() ) )
        << i18n("Startup Wizard..." )
        << KIcon("tools-wizard" );

    // Updates actions
    actionCollection()->addAction( "update_comets", this, SLOT( slotUpdateComets() ) )
        << i18n( "Update comets orbital elements" );
    actionCollection()->addAction( "update_asteroids", this, SLOT( slotUpdateAsteroids() ) )
        << i18n( "Update asteroids orbital elements" );
    actionCollection()->addAction("update_supernovae", this, SLOT(slotUpdateSupernovae() ) )
        << i18n( "Update Recent Supernovae data" );
    actionCollection()->addAction("update_satellites", this, SLOT(slotUpdateSatellites() ) )
        << i18n( "Update satellites orbital elements" );

    //Tools Menu:
    actionCollection()->addAction("astrocalculator", this, SLOT( slotCalculator() ) )
        << i18n("Calculator")
        << KIcon("accessories-calculator" )
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_C );

    actionCollection()->addAction("moonphasetool", this, SLOT( slotMoonPhaseTool() ) )
        << i18n("Moon Phase Calendar");

    actionCollection()->addAction("obslist", this, SLOT( slotObsList() ) )
        << i18n("Observation Planner")
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_L );

    actionCollection()->addAction("altitude_vs_time", this, SLOT( slotAVT() ) )
        << i18n("Altitude vs. Time")
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_A );
    actionCollection()->addAction("whats_up_tonight", this, SLOT( slotWUT() ) )
        << i18n("What's up Tonight")
        << KShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_U );
    actionCollection()->addAction("whats_interesting", this, SLOT( slotWISettings() ) )
        << i18n("What's Interesting...")
        << KShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_W );
    actionCollection()->addAction("skycalendar", this, SLOT( slotCalendar() ) )
        << i18n("Sky Calendar");

#ifdef HAVE_INDI_H
#ifndef Q_WS_WIN
        actionCollection()->addAction("ekos", this, SLOT( slotEkos() ) )
            << i18n("Ekos");

//FIXME: implement glossary
//     ka = actionCollection()->addAction("glossary");
//     ka->setText( i18n("Glossary...") );
//     ka->setShortcuts( KShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_K ) );
//     connect( ka, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotGlossary() ) );

    actionCollection()->addAction("scriptbuilder", this, SLOT( slotScriptBuilder() ) )
        << i18n("Script Builder")
        << KShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_B );
    actionCollection()->addAction("solarsystem", this, SLOT( slotSolarSystem() ) )
        << i18n("Solar System")
        << KShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Y );
    actionCollection()->addAction("jmoontool", this, SLOT( slotJMoonTool() ) )
        << i18n("Jupiter's Moons")
        << KShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_J );
    actionCollection()->addAction("flagmanager", this, SLOT( slotFlagManager() ) )
        << i18n("Flags");

    actionCollection()->addAction("ewriter", this, SLOT( slotEquipmentWriter() ) )
        << i18n("Define Equipment...")
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_0 );
    actionCollection()->addAction("obsadd", this, SLOT( slotObserverAdd() ) )
        << i18n( "Add Observer..." )
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_1 );

    // ==== observation menu ================
    ka = actionCollection()->addAction("execute", this, SLOT( slotExecute() ) )
        << i18n( "Execute the session Plan..." )
        << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_2 );

    // ==== devices Menu ================
#ifdef HAVE_INDI_H
#ifndef Q_WS_WIN

        actionCollection()->addAction("telescope_wizard", this, SLOT( slotTelescopeWizard() ) )
            << i18n("Telescope Wizard...")
            << KIcon("tools-wizard" );
        actionCollection()->addAction("device_manager", this, SLOT( slotINDIDriver() ) )
            << i18n("Device Manager...")
            << KIcon("network-server" );
        ka = actionCollection()->addAction("indi_cpl", this, SLOT( slotINDIPanel() ) )
            << i18n("INDI Control Panel...");


    //Help Menu:
    actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::TipofDay, "help_tipofday", this, SLOT( slotTipOfDay() ) )
	->setWhatsThis(i18n("Displays the Tip of the Day"));

    //	KStandardAction::help(this, SLOT( appHelpActivated() ), actionCollection(), "help_contents" );

    //Add timestep widget for toolbar
    TimeStep = new TimeStepBox( toolBar("kstarsToolBar") );
    // Add a tool tip to TimeStep describing the weird nature of time steps
    QString TSBToolTip = i18nc( "Tooltip describing the nature of the time step control", "Use this to set the rate at which time in the simulation flows.\nFor time step \'X\' up to 10 minutes, time passes at the rate of \'X\' per second.\nFor time steps larger than 10 minutes, frames are displayed at an interval of \'X\'." );
    TimeStep->setToolTip( TSBToolTip );
    TimeStep->tsbox()->setToolTip( TSBToolTip );
    ka = actionCollection()->addAction("timestep_control")
        << i18n("Time step control");
    ka->setDefaultWidget( TimeStep );

    // ==== viewToolBar actions ================
    actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_stars", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) )
        << i18nc("Toggle Stars in the display", "Stars" )
        << KIcon("kstars_stars" )
        << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle stars") );
    actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_deepsky", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) )
        << i18nc("Toggle Deep Sky Objects in the display", "Deep Sky" )
        << KIcon("kstars_deepsky" )
        << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle deep sky objects") );
    actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_planets", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) )
        << i18nc("Toggle Solar System objects in the display", "Solar System" )
        << KIcon("kstars_planets" )
        << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle Solar system objects") );
    actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_clines", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) )
        << i18nc("Toggle Constellation Lines in the display", "Const. Lines" )
        << KIcon("kstars_clines" )
        << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle constellation lines") );
    actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_cnames", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) )
        << i18nc("Toggle Constellation Names in the display", "Const. Names" )
        << KIcon("kstars_cnames" )
        << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle constellation names") );
    actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_cbounds", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) )
        << i18nc("Toggle Constellation Boundaries in the display", "C. Boundaries" )
        << KIcon("kstars_cbound" )
        << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle constellation boundaries") );
    actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_mw", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) )
        << i18nc("Toggle Milky Way in the display", "Milky Way" )
        << KIcon("kstars_mw" )
        << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle milky way") );
    actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_equatorial_grid", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) )
        << i18nc("Toggle Equatorial Coordinate Grid in the display", "Equatorial coord. grid" )
        << KIcon("kstars_grid" )
        << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle equatorial coordinate grid") );
    actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_horizontal_grid", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) )
        << i18nc("Toggle Horizontal Coordinate Grid in the display", "Horizontal coord. grid" )
        << KIcon("kstars_hgrid" )
        << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle horizontal coordinate grid") );
    actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_horizon", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) )
        << i18nc("Toggle the opaque fill of the ground polygon in the display", "Ground" )
        << KIcon("kstars_horizon" )
        << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle opaque ground") );
    actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_flags", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) )
        << i18nc("Toggle flags in the display", "Flags" )
        << KIcon("kstars_flag" )
        << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle flags") );
    actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_satellites", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) )
        << i18nc("Toggle satellites in the display", "Satellites" )
        << KIcon("kstars_satellites" )
        << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle satellites") );
    actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_supernovae", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) )
        << i18nc("Toggle supernovae in the display", "Supernovae" )
        << KIcon("kstars_supernovae" )
        << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle supernovae") );

    setXMLFile("kstarsui.rc" );

    if (Options::fitsDir().isEmpty())
        Options::setFitsDir(QDir:: homePath());
void KTNEFMain::setupActions()
  KStandardAction::quit( this, SLOT(close()), actionCollection() );

  KAction *action =
    KStandardAction::keyBindings( this, SLOT(slotConfigureKeys()), actionCollection() );
    i18nc( "@info:whatsthis",
           "You will be presented with a dialog where you can configure "
           "the application-wide shortcuts." ) );

  KStandardAction::configureToolbars( this, SLOT(slotEditToolbars()), actionCollection() );

  // File menu
  KStandardAction::open( this, SLOT(openFile()), actionCollection() );

  // Action menu
  KAction *openAction = actionCollection()->addAction( "view_file" );
  openAction->setText( i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "View" ) );
  openAction->setIcon( KIcon( "document-open" ) );
  connect( openAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(viewFile()) );

  KAction *openAsAction = actionCollection()->addAction( "view_file_as" );
  openAsAction->setText( i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "View With..." ) );
  connect( openAsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(viewFileAs()) );

  KAction *extractAction = actionCollection()->addAction( "extract_file" );
  extractAction->setText( i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "Extract" ) );
  connect( extractAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(extractFile()) );

  KAction *extractToAction = actionCollection()->addAction( "extract_file_to" );
  extractToAction->setText( i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "Extract To..." ) );
  extractToAction->setIcon( KIcon( "archive-extract" ) );
  connect( extractToAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(extractFileTo()) );

  KAction *extractAllToAction = actionCollection()->addAction( "extract_all_files" );
  extractAllToAction->setText( i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "Extract All To..." ) );
  extractAllToAction->setIcon( KIcon( "archive-extract" ) );
  connect( extractAllToAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(extractAllFiles()) );

  KAction *filePropsAction = actionCollection()->addAction( "properties_file" );
  filePropsAction->setText( i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "Properties" ) );
  filePropsAction->setIcon( KIcon( "document-properties" ) );
  connect( filePropsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(propertiesFile()));

  KAction *messPropsAction = actionCollection()->addAction( "msg_properties" );
  messPropsAction->setText( i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "Message Properties" ) );
  connect( messPropsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotShowMessageProperties()) );

  KAction *messShowAction = actionCollection()->addAction( "msg_text" );
  messShowAction->setText( i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "Show Message Text" ) );
  messShowAction->setIcon( KIcon( "document-preview-archive" ) );
  connect( messShowAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotShowMessageText()) );

  KAction *messSaveAction = actionCollection()->addAction( "msg_save" );
  messSaveAction->setText( i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "Save Message Text As..." ) );
  messSaveAction->setIcon( KIcon( "document-save" ) );
  connect( messSaveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotSaveMessageText()) );

  actionCollection()->action( "view_file" )->setEnabled( false );
  actionCollection()->action( "view_file_as" )->setEnabled( false );
  actionCollection()->action( "extract_file" )->setEnabled( false );
  actionCollection()->action( "extract_file_to" )->setEnabled( false );
  actionCollection()->action( "extract_all_files" )->setEnabled( false );
  actionCollection()->action( "properties_file" )->setEnabled( false );

  // Options menu
  KAction *defFolderAction = actionCollection()->addAction( "options_default_dir" );
  defFolderAction->setText( i18nc( "@action:inmenu", "Default Folder..." ) );
  defFolderAction->setIcon( KIcon( "folder-open" ) );
  connect( defFolderAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(optionDefaultDir()) );

void KateMainWindow::setupActions()
  KAction *a;

  actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::New, "file_new", m_viewManager, SLOT(slotDocumentNew()) )
  ->setWhatsThis(i18n("Create a new document"));
  actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::Open, "file_open", m_viewManager, SLOT(slotDocumentOpen()) )
  ->setWhatsThis(i18n("Open an existing document for editing"));

  fileOpenRecent = KStandardAction::openRecent (m_viewManager, SLOT(openUrl(KUrl)), this);
  actionCollection()->addAction(fileOpenRecent->objectName(), fileOpenRecent);
  fileOpenRecent->setWhatsThis(i18n("This lists files which you have opened recently, and allows you to easily open them again."));

  a = actionCollection()->addAction( "file_save_all" );
  a->setIcon( KIcon("document-save-all") );
  a->setText( i18n("Save A&ll") );
  a->setShortcut( QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_L) );
  connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), KateDocManager::self(), SLOT(saveAll()) );
  a->setWhatsThis(i18n("Save all open, modified documents to disk."));

  a = actionCollection()->addAction( "file_reload_all" );
  a->setText( i18n("&Reload All") );
  connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), KateDocManager::self(), SLOT(reloadAll()) );
  a->setWhatsThis(i18n("Reload all open documents."));

  a = actionCollection()->addAction( "file_close_orphaned" );
  a->setText( i18n("Close Orphaned") );
  connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), KateDocManager::self(), SLOT(closeOrphaned()) );
  a->setWhatsThis(i18n("Close all documents in the file list that could not be reopened, because they are not accessible anymore."));

  actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::Close, "file_close", m_viewManager, SLOT(slotDocumentClose()) )
  ->setWhatsThis(i18n("Close the current document."));

  a = actionCollection()->addAction( "file_close_other" );
  a->setText( i18n( "Close Other" ) );
  connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotDocumentCloseOther()) );
  a->setWhatsThis(i18n("Close other open documents."));

  a = actionCollection()->addAction( "file_close_all" );
  a->setText( i18n( "Clos&e All" ) );
  connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotDocumentCloseAll()) );
  a->setWhatsThis(i18n("Close all open documents."));

  a = actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::Quit, "file_quit" );
  // Qt::QueuedConnection: delay real shutdown, as we are inside menu action handling (bug #185708)
  connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slotFileQuit()), Qt::QueuedConnection );
  a->setWhatsThis(i18n("Close this window"));

  a = actionCollection()->addAction( "view_new_view" );
  a->setIcon( KIcon("window-new") );
  a->setText( i18n("&New Window") );
  connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(newWindow()) );
  a->setWhatsThis(i18n("Create a new Kate view (a new window with the same document list)."));

  KToggleAction* showFullScreenAction = KStandardAction::fullScreen( 0, 0, this, this);
  actionCollection()->addAction( showFullScreenAction->objectName(), showFullScreenAction );
  connect( showFullScreenAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotFullScreen(bool)));

  documentOpenWith = new KActionMenu(i18n("Open W&ith"), this);
  actionCollection()->addAction("file_open_with", documentOpenWith);
  documentOpenWith->setWhatsThis(i18n("Open the current document using another application registered for its file type, or an application of your choice."));
  connect(documentOpenWith->menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(mSlotFixOpenWithMenu()));
  connect(documentOpenWith->menu(), SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(slotOpenWithMenuAction(QAction*)));

  a = KStandardAction::keyBindings(this, SLOT(editKeys()), actionCollection());
  a->setWhatsThis(i18n("Configure the application's keyboard shortcut assignments."));

  a = KStandardAction::configureToolbars(this, SLOT(slotEditToolbars()), actionCollection());
  a->setWhatsThis(i18n("Configure which items should appear in the toolbar(s)."));

  QAction* settingsConfigure = KStandardAction::preferences(this, SLOT(slotConfigure()), actionCollection());
  settingsConfigure->setWhatsThis(i18n("Configure various aspects of this application and the editing component."));

  // tip of the day :-)
  actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::TipofDay, this, SLOT(tipOfTheDay()) )
  ->setWhatsThis(i18n("This shows useful tips on the use of this application."));

  if (KatePluginManager::self()->pluginList().count() > 0)
    a = actionCollection()->addAction( "help_plugins_contents" );
    a->setText( i18n("&Plugins Handbook") );
    connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(pluginHelp()) );
    a->setWhatsThis(i18n("This shows help files for various available plugins."));

  a = actionCollection()->addAction( "help_about_editor" );
  a->setText( i18n("&About Editor Component") );
  connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(aboutEditor()) );

  connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(viewChanged()), m_mainWindow, SIGNAL(viewChanged()));
  connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(viewCreated(KTextEditor::View*)), m_mainWindow, SIGNAL(viewCreated(KTextEditor::View*)));
  connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(viewChanged()), this, SLOT(slotWindowActivated()));
  connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(viewChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateOpenWith()));
  connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(viewChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateBottomViewBar()));
  connect(m_viewManager, SIGNAL(viewChanged()), this, SLOT(slotUpdateTopViewBar()));
  slotWindowActivated ();

  // session actions
  a = actionCollection()->addAction( "sessions_new" );
  a->setIcon( KIcon("document-new") );
  a->setText( i18nc("Menu entry Session->New", "&New") );
  // Qt::QueuedConnection to avoid deletion of code that is executed when reducing the amount of mainwindows. (bug #227008)
  connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), KateSessionManager::self(), SLOT(sessionNew()), Qt::QueuedConnection );
  a = actionCollection()->addAction( "sessions_open" );
  a->setIcon( KIcon("document-open") );
  a->setText( i18n("&Open Session") );
  // Qt::QueuedConnection to avoid deletion of code that is executed when reducing the amount of mainwindows. (bug #227008)
  connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), KateSessionManager::self(), SLOT(sessionOpen()), Qt::QueuedConnection );
  a = actionCollection()->addAction( "sessions_save" );
  a->setIcon( KIcon("document-save") );
  a->setText( i18n("&Save Session") );
  connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), KateSessionManager::self(), SLOT(sessionSave()) );
  a = actionCollection()->addAction( "sessions_save_as" );
  a->setIcon( KIcon("document-save-as") );
  a->setText( i18n("Save Session &As...") );
  connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), KateSessionManager::self(), SLOT(sessionSaveAs()) );
  a = actionCollection()->addAction( "sessions_manage" );
  a->setIcon( KIcon("view-choose") );
  a->setText( i18n("&Manage Sessions...") );
  // Qt::QueuedConnection to avoid deletion of code that is executed when reducing the amount of mainwindows. (bug #227008)
  connect( a, SIGNAL(triggered()), KateSessionManager::self(), SLOT(sessionManage()), Qt::QueuedConnection );

  // quick open menu ;)
  a = new KateSessionsAction (i18n("&Quick Open Session"), this);
  actionCollection()->addAction("sessions_list", a);