QByteArray getArchiveFile(const KArchive &archive, const QString &filename, qint64 maxlen) { const KArchiveEntry *e = archive.directory()->entry(filename); if(!e || !e->isFile()) return QByteArray(); const KArchiveFile *ef = static_cast<const KArchiveFile*>(e); if(ef->size()>maxlen) { qWarning() << "archive file" << filename << "too long:" << ef->size() << "maximum is" << maxlen; return QByteArray(); } return ef->data(); }
QStringList KEmoticons::installTheme(const QString &archiveName) { QStringList foundThemes; KArchiveEntry *currentEntry = 0L; KArchiveDirectory* currentDir = 0L; KArchive *archive = 0L; QString localThemesDir(KStandardDirs::locateLocal("emoticons", QString())); if (localThemesDir.isEmpty()) { kError() << "Could not find a suitable place in which to install the emoticon theme"; return QStringList(); } const QString currentBundleMimeType = KMimeType::findByPath(archiveName, 0, false)->name(); if (currentBundleMimeType == "application/zip" || currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-zip" || currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-zip-compressed") { archive = new KZip(archiveName); } else if (currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-compressed-tar" || currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" || currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-lzma-compressed-tar" || currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-xz-compressed-tar" || currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-gzip" || currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-bzip" || currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-lzma" || currentBundleMimeType == "application/x-xz") { archive = new KTar(archiveName); } else if (archiveName.endsWith(QLatin1String("jisp")) || archiveName.endsWith(QLatin1String("zip"))) { archive = new KZip(archiveName); } else { archive = new KTar(archiveName); } if (!archive || !archive->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { kError() << "Could not open" << archiveName << "for unpacking"; delete archive; return QStringList(); } const KArchiveDirectory* rootDir = archive->directory(); // iterate all the dirs looking for an emoticons.xml file const QStringList entries = rootDir->entries(); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it) { currentEntry = const_cast<KArchiveEntry*>(rootDir->entry(*it)); if (currentEntry->isDirectory()) { currentDir = dynamic_cast<KArchiveDirectory*>(currentEntry); for (int i = 0; i < d->m_loaded.size(); ++i) { QString fName = d->m_loaded.at(i)->property("X-KDE-EmoticonsFileName").toString(); if (currentDir && currentDir->entry(fName) != NULL) { foundThemes.append(currentDir->name()); } } } } if (foundThemes.isEmpty()) { kError() << "The file" << archiveName << "is not a valid emoticon theme archive"; archive->close(); delete archive; return QStringList(); } for (int themeIndex = 0; themeIndex < foundThemes.size(); ++themeIndex) { const QString &theme = foundThemes[themeIndex]; currentEntry = const_cast<KArchiveEntry *>(rootDir->entry(theme)); if (currentEntry == 0) { kDebug() << "couldn't get next archive entry"; continue; } if (currentEntry->isDirectory()) { currentDir = dynamic_cast<KArchiveDirectory*>(currentEntry); if (currentDir == 0) { kDebug() << "couldn't cast archive entry to KArchiveDirectory"; continue; } currentDir->copyTo(localThemesDir + theme); } } archive->close(); delete archive; return foundThemes; }
bool PackageJobThread::installPackage(const QString &src, const QString &dest, OperationType operation) { QDir root(dest); if (!root.exists()) { QDir().mkpath(dest); if (!root.exists()) { d->errorMessage = i18n("Could not create package root directory: %1", dest); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::RootCreationError; //qWarning() << "Could not create package root directory: " << dest; return false; } } QFileInfo fileInfo(src); if (!fileInfo.exists()) { d->errorMessage = i18n("No such file: %1", src); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::PackageFileNotFoundError; return false; } QString path; QTemporaryDir tempdir; bool archivedPackage = false; if (fileInfo.isDir()) { // we have a directory, so let's just install what is in there path = src; // make sure we end in a slash! if (!path.endsWith('/')) { path.append('/'); } } else { KArchive *archive = 0; QMimeDatabase db; QMimeType mimetype = db.mimeTypeForFile(src); if (mimetype.inherits(QStringLiteral("application/zip"))) { archive = new KZip(src); } else if (mimetype.inherits(QStringLiteral("application/x-compressed-tar")) || mimetype.inherits(QStringLiteral("application/x-tar")) || mimetype.inherits(QStringLiteral("application/x-bzip-compressed-tar")) || mimetype.inherits(QStringLiteral("application/x-xz")) || mimetype.inherits(QStringLiteral("application/x-lzma"))) { archive = new KTar(src); } else { //qWarning() << "Could not open package file, unsupported archive format:" << src << mimetype.name(); d->errorMessage = i18n("Could not open package file, unsupported archive format: %1 %2", src, mimetype.name()); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::UnsupportedArchiveFormatError; return false; } if (!archive->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { //qWarning() << "Could not open package file:" << src; delete archive; d->errorMessage = i18n("Could not open package file: %1", src); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::PackageOpenError; return false; } archivedPackage = true; path = tempdir.path() + '/'; d->installPath = path; const KArchiveDirectory *source = archive->directory(); source->copyTo(path); QStringList entries = source->entries(); if (entries.count() == 1) { const KArchiveEntry *entry = source->entry(entries[0]); if (entry->isDirectory()) { path.append(entry->name()).append("/"); } } delete archive; } QDir packageDir(path); QFileInfoList entries = packageDir.entryInfoList(*metaDataFiles); KPluginMetaData meta; if (!entries.isEmpty()) { const QString metadataFilePath = entries.first().filePath(); if (metadataFilePath.endsWith(QLatin1String(".desktop"))) meta = KPluginMetaData(metadataFilePath); else { QFile f(metadataFilePath); if(!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ qWarning() << "Couldn't open metadata file" << src << path; d->errorMessage = i18n("Could not open metadata file: %1", src); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::MetadataFileMissingError; return false; } QJsonObject metadataObject = QJsonDocument::fromJson(f.readAll()).object(); meta = KPluginMetaData(metadataObject, QString(), metadataFilePath); } } if (!meta.isValid()) { qDebug() << "No metadata file in package" << src << path; d->errorMessage = i18n("No metadata file in package: %1", src); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::MetadataFileMissingError; return false; } QString pluginName = meta.pluginId(); qDebug() << "pluginname: " << meta.pluginId(); if (pluginName.isEmpty()) { //qWarning() << "Package plugin name not specified"; d->errorMessage = i18n("Package plugin name not specified: %1", src); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::PluginNameMissingError; return false; } // Ensure that package names are safe so package uninstall can't inject // bad characters into the paths used for removal. QRegExp validatePluginName("^[\\w-\\.]+$"); // Only allow letters, numbers, underscore and period. if (!validatePluginName.exactMatch(pluginName)) { //qDebug() << "Package plugin name " << pluginName << "contains invalid characters"; d->errorMessage = i18n("Package plugin name %1 contains invalid characters", pluginName); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::PluginNameInvalidError; return false; } QString targetName = dest; if (targetName[targetName.size() - 1] != '/') { targetName.append('/'); } targetName.append(pluginName); if (QFile::exists(targetName)) { if (operation == Update) { KPluginMetaData oldMeta(targetName + QLatin1String("/metadata.desktop")); if (oldMeta.serviceTypes() != meta.serviceTypes()) { d->errorMessage = i18n("The new package has a different type from the old version already installed.", meta.version(), meta.pluginId(), oldMeta.version()); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::UpdatePackageTypeMismatchError; } else if (isVersionNewer(oldMeta.version(), meta.version())) { const bool ok = uninstallPackage(targetName); if (!ok) { d->errorMessage = i18n("Impossible to remove the old installation of %1 located at %2. error: %3", pluginName, targetName, d->errorMessage); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::OldVersionRemovalError; } } else { d->errorMessage = i18n("Not installing version %1 of %2. Version %3 already installed.", meta.version(), meta.pluginId(), oldMeta.version()); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::NewerVersionAlreadyInstalledError; } } else { d->errorMessage = i18n("%1 already exists", targetName); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::PackageAlreadyInstalledError; } if (d->errorCode != KJob::NoError) { d->installPath = targetName; return false; } } //install dependencies const QStringList dependencies = KPluginMetaData::readStringList(meta.rawData(), QStringLiteral("X-KPackage-Dependencies")); for(const QString &dep : dependencies) { QUrl depUrl(dep); if (!installDependency(depUrl)) { d->errorMessage = i18n("Could not install dependency: %1", dep); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::PackageCopyError; return false; } } if (archivedPackage) { // it's in a temp dir, so just move it over. const bool ok = copyFolder(path, targetName); removeFolder(path); if (!ok) { //qWarning() << "Could not move package to destination:" << targetName; d->errorMessage = i18n("Could not move package to destination: %1", targetName); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::PackageMoveError; return false; } } else { // it's a directory containing the stuff, so copy the contents rather // than move them const bool ok = copyFolder(path, targetName); if (!ok) { //qWarning() << "Could not copy package to destination:" << targetName; d->errorMessage = i18n("Could not copy package to destination: %1", targetName); d->errorCode = Package::JobError::PackageCopyError; return false; } } if (archivedPackage) { // no need to remove the temp dir (which has been successfully moved if it's an archive) tempdir.setAutoRemove(false); } indexDirectory(dest, QStringLiteral("kpluginindex.json")); d->installPath = targetName; //qWarning() << "Not updating kbuildsycoca4, since that will go away. Do it yourself for now if needed."; return true; }
QString AppWizardPlugin::createProject(const ApplicationInfo& info) { QFileInfo templateInfo(info.appTemplate); if (!templateInfo.exists()) { qWarning() << "Project app template does not exist:" << info.appTemplate; return QString(); } QString templateName = templateInfo.baseName(); QString templateArchive; const QStringList filters = {templateName + QStringLiteral(".*")}; const QStringList matchesPaths = QStandardPaths::locateAll(QStandardPaths::GenericDataLocation, QStringLiteral("kdevappwizard/templates/"), QStandardPaths::LocateDirectory); foreach(const QString& matchesPath, matchesPaths) { const QStringList files = QDir(matchesPath).entryList(filters); if(!files.isEmpty()) { templateArchive = matchesPath + files.first(); } } if(templateArchive.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Template name does not exist in the template list"; return QString(); } QUrl dest = info.location; //prepare variable substitution hash m_variables.clear(); m_variables[QStringLiteral("APPNAME")] = info.name; m_variables[QStringLiteral("APPNAMEUC")] = info.name.toUpper(); m_variables[QStringLiteral("APPNAMELC")] = info.name.toLower(); m_variables[QStringLiteral("APPNAMEID")] = generateIdentifier(info.name); m_variables[QStringLiteral("PROJECTDIR")] = dest.toLocalFile(); // backwards compatibility m_variables[QStringLiteral("dest")] = m_variables[QStringLiteral("PROJECTDIR")]; m_variables[QStringLiteral("PROJECTDIRNAME")] = dest.fileName(); m_variables[QStringLiteral("VERSIONCONTROLPLUGIN")] = info.vcsPluginName; KArchive* arch = nullptr; if( templateArchive.endsWith(QLatin1String(".zip")) ) { arch = new KZip(templateArchive); } else { arch = new KTar(templateArchive, QStringLiteral("application/x-bzip")); } if (arch->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTemporaryDir tmpdir; QString unpackDir = tmpdir.path(); //the default value for all Centralized VCS IPlugin* plugin = core()->pluginController()->loadPlugin( info.vcsPluginName ); if( info.vcsPluginName.isEmpty() || ( plugin && plugin->extension<KDevelop::IDistributedVersionControl>() ) ) { if( !QFileInfo::exists( dest.toLocalFile() ) ) { QDir::root().mkpath( dest.toLocalFile() ); } unpackDir = dest.toLocalFile(); //in DVCS we unpack template directly to the project's directory } else { QUrl url = KIO::upUrl(dest); if(!QFileInfo::exists(url.toLocalFile())) { QDir::root().mkpath(url.toLocalFile()); } } if ( !unpackArchive( arch->directory(), unpackDir ) ) { QString errorMsg = i18n("Could not create new project"); vcsError(errorMsg, tmpdir, QUrl::fromLocalFile(unpackDir)); return QString(); } if( !info.vcsPluginName.isEmpty() ) { if (!plugin) { // Red Alert, serious program corruption. // This should never happen, the vcs dialog presented a list of vcs // systems and now the chosen system doesn't exist anymore?? tmpdir.remove(); return QString(); } IDistributedVersionControl* dvcs = toDVCS(plugin); ICentralizedVersionControl* cvcs = toCVCS(plugin); bool success = false; if (dvcs) { success = initializeDVCS(dvcs, info, tmpdir); } else if (cvcs) { success = initializeCVCS(cvcs, info, tmpdir); } else { if (KMessageBox::Continue == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(nullptr, QStringLiteral("Failed to initialize version control system, " "plugin is neither VCS nor DVCS."))) success = true; } if (!success) return QString(); } tmpdir.remove(); }else { qCDebug(PLUGIN_APPWIZARD) << "failed to open template archive"; return QString(); } QString projectFileName = QDir::cleanPath( dest.toLocalFile() + '/' + info.name + ".kdev4" ); // Loop through the new project directory and try to detect the first .kdev4 file. // If one is found this file will be used. So .kdev4 file can be stored in any subdirectory and the // project templates can be more complex. QDirIterator it(QDir::cleanPath( dest.toLocalFile()), QStringList() << QStringLiteral("*.kdev4"), QDir::NoFilter, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); if(it.hasNext() == true) { projectFileName = it.next(); } qCDebug(PLUGIN_APPWIZARD) << "Returning" << projectFileName << QFileInfo::exists( projectFileName ) ; if( ! QFileInfo::exists( projectFileName ) ) { qCDebug(PLUGIN_APPWIZARD) << "creating .kdev4 file"; KSharedConfigPtr cfg = KSharedConfig::openConfig( projectFileName, KConfig::SimpleConfig ); KConfigGroup project = cfg->group( "Project" ); project.writeEntry( "Name", info.name ); QString manager = QStringLiteral("KDevGenericManager"); QDir d( dest.toLocalFile() ); auto data = ICore::self()->pluginController()->queryExtensionPlugins(QStringLiteral("org.kdevelop.IProjectFileManager")); foreach(const KPluginMetaData& info, data) { QStringList filter = KPluginMetaData::readStringList(info.rawData(), QStringLiteral("X-KDevelop-ProjectFilesFilter")); if (!filter.isEmpty()) { if (!d.entryList(filter).isEmpty()) { manager = info.pluginId(); break; } } }