// @SmartReturn Object Prototype.get(Symbol symbol) static KMETHOD Prototype_get(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp) { KClass *targetClass = KGetReturnType(sfp); DBG_P("requesting type=%s", KClass_text(targetClass)); ksymbol_t symbol = sfp[1].intValue; KKeyValue *kvs = KLIB kObjectProto_GetKeyValue(kctx, sfp[0].asObject, symbol); if(kvs != NULL) { KClass *c = KClass_(kvs->attrTypeId); if(targetClass == c) { if(KClass_Is(UnboxType, targetClass)) { KReturnUnboxValue(kvs->unboxValue); } else { KReturnField(kvs->ObjectValue); } } DBG_P("requesting type=%s instanceof %s ? %d", KClass_text(c), KClass_text(targetClass), c->isSubType(kctx, c, targetClass)); if(c->isSubType(kctx, c, targetClass)) { if(KClass_Is(UnboxType, c)) { if(KClass_Is(UnboxType, targetClass)) { KReturnUnboxValue(kvs->unboxValue); } else { DBG_P("boxing type=%s instanceof %s ? %d", KClass_text(c), KClass_text(targetClass), c->isSubType(kctx, c, targetClass)); KReturn(KLIB new_kObject(kctx, OnStack, c, kvs->unboxValue)); } } KReturnField(kvs->ObjectValue); } } KReturnUnboxValue(0); // return default value }
// @SmartReturn Object Object.as(Object target) static KMETHOD Object_as(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp) { KClass *selfClass = kObject_class(sfp[0].asObject), *targetClass = KGetReturnType(sfp); kObject *returnValue; if(selfClass == targetClass || selfClass->isSubType(kctx, selfClass, targetClass)) { returnValue = sfp[0].asObject; } else { returnValue = KLIB Knull(kctx, targetClass); } KStackSetUnboxValue(sfp[K_RTNIDX].unboxValue, kObject_Unbox(returnValue)); KReturn(returnValue); }
static void KStackReturnTypeCheck(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp, kMethod *mtd, KClass *reqType, KClass *thisClass) { if(!kMethod_Is(SmartReturn, mtd)) { KClass *returnType = kMethod_GetReturnType(mtd); returnType = returnType->realtype(kctx, returnType, thisClass); if(reqType == returnType || returnType->isSubType(kctx, returnType, reqType)) { if(KClass_Is(UnboxType, returnType) && !KClass_Is(UnboxType, reqType)) { KReturn(KLIB new_kObject(kctx, OnStack, returnType, sfp[K_RTNIDX].unboxValue)); } } else { ThrowTypeError(kctx, sfp, -1); } } }
static void KStackDynamicTypeCheck(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp, kMethod *mtd, KClass *thisClass) { kushort_t i; kParam *pa = kMethod_GetParam(mtd); for(i = 0; i < pa->psize; i++) { KClass *objectType = kObject_class(sfp[i+1].asObject); KClass *paramType = KClass_(pa->paramtypeItems[i].attrTypeId); paramType = paramType->realtype(kctx, paramType, thisClass); if(objectType == paramType || objectType->isSubType(kctx, objectType, paramType)) { if(KClass_Is(UnboxType, paramType)) { KStackSetUnboxValue(sfp[i+1].unboxValue, kObject_Unbox(sfp[i+1].asObject)); } continue; // OK } ThrowTypeError(kctx, sfp, i + 1); } }
static KMETHOD TypeCheck_as(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp) { VAR_TypeCheck2(stmt, expr, ns, reqc); kNode *targetNode = SUGAR TypeCheckNodeAt(kctx, expr, 2, ns, KClass_INFER, 0); kNode *selfNode = SUGAR TypeCheckNodeAt(kctx, expr, 1, ns, KClass_(targetNode->attrTypeId), TypeCheckPolicy_NoCheck); if(selfNode != K_NULLNODE && targetNode != K_NULLNODE) { KClass *selfClass = KClass_(selfNode->attrTypeId), *targetClass = KClass_(targetNode->attrTypeId); if(selfClass->typeId == targetClass->typeId || selfClass->isSubType(kctx, selfClass, targetClass)) { KReturn(selfNode); } if(selfClass->isSubType(kctx, targetClass, selfClass)) { kNameSpace *ns = kNode_ns(stmt); kMethod *mtd = KLIB kNameSpace_GetMethodByParamSizeNULL(kctx, ns, KClass_Object, KMethodName_("as"), 0, KMethodMatch_CamelStyle); DBG_ASSERT(mtd != NULL); KReturn(SUGAR TypeCheckMethodParam(kctx, mtd, expr, ns, targetClass)); } KReturn(SUGAR MessageNode(kctx, selfNode, NULL, ns, ErrTag, "unable to downcast: %s as %s", KType_text(selfNode->attrTypeId), KType_text(targetNode->attrTypeId))); } }
static KMETHOD TypeCheck_InstanceOf(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp) { VAR_TypeCheck2(stmt, expr, ns, reqc); /* selfNode and targetNode allow void type * e.g. "'a' instanceof void" */ kNode *selfNode = SUGAR TypeCheckNodeAt(kctx, expr, 1, ns, KClass_INFER, TypeCheckPolicy_AllowVoid); kNode *targetNode = SUGAR TypeCheckNodeAt(kctx, expr, 2, ns, KClass_INFER, TypeCheckPolicy_AllowVoid); if(selfNode != K_NULLNODE && targetNode != K_NULLNODE) { KClass *selfClass = KClass_(selfNode->attrTypeId), *targetClass = KClass_(targetNode->attrTypeId); if(KClass_Is(Final, selfClass)) { kbool_t staticSubType = (selfClass == targetClass || selfClass->isSubType(kctx, selfClass, targetClass)); KReturn(SUGAR kNode_SetUnboxConst(kctx, expr, KType_Boolean, staticSubType)); } kNameSpace *ns = kNode_ns(stmt); kMethod *mtd = KLIB kNameSpace_GetMethodByParamSizeNULL(kctx, ns, KClass_Object, KMethodName_("instanceof"), 1, KMethodMatch_NoOption); DBG_ASSERT(mtd != NULL); kNode *classValue = SUGAR kNode_SetConst(kctx, expr->NodeList->NodeVarItems[2], NULL, KLIB Knull(kctx, targetClass)); KFieldSet(expr->NodeList, expr->NodeList->NodeItems[2], classValue); KReturn(SUGAR TypeCheckMethodParam(kctx, mtd, expr, ns, KClass_Boolean)); } }
static KMETHOD TypeCheck_to(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp) { VAR_TypeCheck2(stmt, expr, ns, reqc); kNode *targetNode = SUGAR TypeCheckNodeAt(kctx, expr, 2, ns, KClass_INFER, 0); kNode *selfNode = SUGAR TypeCheckNodeAt(kctx, expr, 1, ns, KClass_(targetNode->attrTypeId), TypeCheckPolicy_NoCheck); if(selfNode != K_NULLNODE && targetNode != K_NULLNODE) { KClass *selfClass = KClass_(selfNode->attrTypeId), *targetClass = KClass_(targetNode->attrTypeId); if(selfNode->attrTypeId == targetNode->attrTypeId || selfClass->isSubType(kctx, selfClass, targetClass)) { SUGAR MessageNode(kctx, selfNode, NULL, ns, InfoTag, "no need: %s to %s", KType_text(selfNode->attrTypeId), KType_text(targetNode->attrTypeId)); KReturn(selfNode); } kNameSpace *ns = kNode_ns(stmt); kMethod *mtd = KLIB kNameSpace_GetCoercionMethodNULL(kctx, ns, selfClass, targetClass); if(mtd == NULL) { mtd = KLIB kNameSpace_GetMethodByParamSizeNULL(kctx, ns, selfClass, KMethodName_("to"), 0, KMethodMatch_CamelStyle); DBG_ASSERT(mtd != NULL); // because Object.to is found. if(mtd->typeId != selfClass->typeId) { KReturn(SUGAR MessageNode(kctx, selfNode, NULL, ns, ErrTag, "undefined coercion: %s to %s", KClass_text(selfClass), KClass_text(targetClass))); } } KReturn(SUGAR TypeCheckMethodParam(kctx, mtd, expr, ns, targetClass)); } }
// boolean Object.instanceOf(Object o) static KMETHOD Object_instanceOf(KonohaContext *kctx, KonohaStack *sfp) { KClass *selfClass = kObject_class(sfp[0].asObject), *targetClass = kObject_class(sfp[1].asObject); KReturnUnboxValue(selfClass == targetClass || selfClass->isSubType(kctx, selfClass, targetClass)); }