void Containment::restore(KConfigGroup &group) { /* #ifndef NDEBUG // qDebug() << "!!!!!!!!!!!!initConstraints" << group.name() << d->type; // qDebug() << " location:" << group.readEntry("location", (int)d->location); // qDebug() << " geom:" << group.readEntry("geometry", geometry()); // qDebug() << " formfactor:" << group.readEntry("formfactor", (int)d->formFactor); // qDebug() << " screen:" << group.readEntry("screen", d->screen); #endif */ setLocation((Plasma::Types::Location)group.readEntry("location", (int)d->location)); setFormFactor((Plasma::Types::FormFactor)group.readEntry("formfactor", (int)d->formFactor)); d->lastScreen = group.readEntry("lastScreen", d->lastScreen); setWallpaper(group.readEntry("wallpaperplugin", ContainmentPrivate::defaultWallpaper)); d->activityId = group.readEntry("activityId", QString()); flushPendingConstraintsEvents(); restoreContents(group); setImmutability((Types::ImmutabilityType)group.readEntry("immutability", (int)Types::Mutable)); if (isContainment()) { KConfigGroup cfg = KConfigGroup(corona()->config(), "ActionPlugins"); cfg = KConfigGroup(&cfg, QString::number(containmentType())); //qDebug() << cfg.keyList(); if (cfg.exists()) { foreach (const QString &key, cfg.keyList()) { //qDebug() << "loading" << key; setContainmentActions(key, cfg.readEntry(key, QString())); } } else { //shell defaults
ControlModules::ControlModules() { const KConfigGroup config = KGlobal::config()->group("mangonel_controlmodules"); foreach(const QString &key, config.keyList()) { QList<QVariant> values = config.readEntry<QList<QVariant> >(key, QList<QVariant>()); popularity pop; pop.count = values[0].toInt(); pop.lastUse = values[1].toInt(); m_popularities.insert(key, pop); } }
void KonfUpdate::copyOrMoveGroup(const QStringList &srcGroupPath, const QStringList &dstGroupPath) { KConfigGroup cg = KConfigUtils::openGroup(m_oldConfig1, srcGroupPath); // Keys Q_FOREACH(const QString &key, cg.keyList()) { copyOrMoveKey(srcGroupPath, key, dstGroupPath, key); } // Subgroups Q_FOREACH(const QString &group, cg.groupList()) { QStringList groupPath = QStringList() << group; copyOrMoveGroup(srcGroupPath + groupPath, dstGroupPath + groupPath); } }
QMap<QString, QVariant> Service::parametersFromDescription(const KConfigGroup &description) { QMap<QString, QVariant> params; if (!d->config || !description.isValid()) { return params; } const QString op = description.name(); foreach (const QString &key, description.keyList()) { KConfigSkeletonItem *item = d->config->findItem(op, key); if (item) { params.insert(key, description.readEntry(key, item->property())); } } return params; }
void UserAgentDlg::save() { Q_ASSERT (m_config); // Put all the groups except the default into the delete list. QStringList deleteList = m_config->groupList(); //Remove all the groups that DO NOT contain a "UserAgent" entry... QStringList::ConstIterator endIt = deleteList.constEnd(); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = deleteList.constBegin(); it != endIt; ++it) { if ( (*it) == QLatin1String ("<default>")) continue; KConfigGroup cg (m_config, *it); if (!cg.hasKey ("UserAgent")) deleteList.removeAll (*it); } QString domain; QTreeWidgetItem* item; int itemCount = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); // Save and remove from the delete list all the groups that were // not deleted by the end user. for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { item = ui.sitePolicyTreeWidget->topLevelItem (i); domain = item->text (0); KConfigGroup cg (m_config, domain); cg.writeEntry ("UserAgent", item->text (2)); deleteList.removeAll (domain); qDebug ("UserAgentDlg::save: Removed [%s] from delete list", domain.toLatin1().constData()); } // Write the global configuration information... KConfigGroup cg (m_config, QString()); cg.writeEntry ("SendUserAgent", ui.sendUACheckBox->isChecked()); cg.writeEntry ("UserAgentKeys", m_ua_keys); // Sync up all the changes so far... m_config->sync(); // If delete list is not empty, delete the specified domains. if (!deleteList.isEmpty()) { // Remove entries from local file. endIt = deleteList.constEnd(); KConfig cfg (QStringLiteral("kio_httprc"), KConfig::SimpleConfig); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = deleteList.constBegin(); it != endIt; ++it) { KConfigGroup cg (&cfg, *it); cg.deleteEntry ("UserAgent"); qDebug ("UserAgentDlg::save: Deleting UserAgent of group [%s]", (*it).toLatin1().constData()); if (cg.keyList().count() < 1) cg.deleteGroup(); } // Sync up the configuration... cfg.sync(); // Check everything is gone, reset to blank otherwise. m_config->reparseConfiguration(); endIt = deleteList.constEnd(); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = deleteList.constBegin(); it != endIt; ++it) { KConfigGroup cg (m_config, *it); if (cg.hasKey ("UserAgent")) cg.writeEntry ("UserAgent", QString()); } // Sync up the configuration... m_config->sync(); } KSaveIOConfig::updateRunningIOSlaves (this); configChanged (false); }
void SettingsCore::loadSettings() { #ifdef ABAKUS_QTONLY //TODO #else KConfigGroup config = KGlobal::config()->group("Settings"); QString mode = config.readEntry("Trigonometric mode", "Degrees"); if(mode == "Degrees") { setTrigMode(Abakus::Degrees); } else { setTrigMode(Abakus::Radians); } int precision = config.readEntry("Decimal Precision", -1); if(precision < -1 || precision > 75) { precision = -1; } Abakus::m_prec = precision; m_historyLimit = config.readEntry("History Limit", 500); config = KGlobal::config()->group("GUI"); m_mathematicalSidebarVisible = config.readEntry("ShowMathematicalSidebar", true); m_mathematicalSidebarActiveView = config.readEntry("MathematicalSidebarActiveTab", "numerals"); m_mathematicalSidebarWidth = config.readEntry("MathematicalSidebarWidth", 200); m_compactMode = config.readEntry("InCompactMode", false); m_windowSize = config.readEntry("Size", QSize(600, 220)); config = KGlobal::config()->group("Variables"); QStringList variableKeys = config.keyList(); QStringList variableValues; Abakus::Number number; for(int i = 0; i < variableKeys.count(); ++i) { variableValues = config.readEntry(variableKeys[i], QStringList()); if(variableValues.count() < 3) continue; number = Abakus::Number(variableValues[1].toLatin1()); number.setNumeralSystem((Abakus::NumeralSystem) variableValues[2].toInt()); NumeralModel::instance()->setValue(variableValues[0], number); } config = KGlobal::config()->group("Functions"); QStringList functionKeys = config.keyList(); QString functionValue; for(int i = 0; i < functionKeys.count(); ++i) { functionValue = config.readEntry(functionKeys[i], QString()); if(functionValue.isEmpty()) continue; QByteArray strValue = "set " + functionValue.toLatin1(); parseString(strValue.data()); // Run the function definitions through the parser } config = KGlobal::config()->group("History"); QStringList historyKeys = config.keyList(); QStringList historyValues; ResultModel* resultModel = ResultModel::instance(); ResultModelItem* resultModelItem; for(int i = historyKeys.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { historyValues = config.readEntry(historyKeys[i], QStringList()); if(historyValues.count() < 1) continue; if(historyValues[0].toInt() == ResultModelItem::Result) { if(historyValues.count() < 4) continue; number = Abakus::Number(historyValues[2].toLatin1()); number.setNumeralSystem((Abakus::NumeralSystem) historyValues[3].toInt()); resultModelItem = new ResultModelItem(historyValues[1], number); } else { if(historyValues.count() < 3) continue; resultModelItem = new ResultModelItem(historyValues[1], historyValues[2]); } resultModel->addResultModelItem(resultModelItem); } m_actionCollection->readSettings(); #endif }
CSVTemplate::CSVTemplate(KConfigBase* config) : m_columns(0) { if (config == 0) return; KConfigGroup columnMap = config->group("csv column map"); const QStringList keyList = columnMap.keyList(); QStringList::const_iterator it = keyList.begin(); QStringList::const_iterator endIt = keyList.end(); for (; it != endIt; ++it) { if ((*it).isEmpty()) continue; bool ok = false; int column = (*it).toInt(&ok); if (!ok) continue; int field = columnMap.readEntry(*it, -1); if (field < 0) continue; m_columnToField.insert(column, field); } KConfigGroup general = config->group("General"); m_datePattern = general.readEntry("DatePattern"); if (m_datePattern.isEmpty()) m_datePattern = "Y-M-D"; createDateFormat(); m_columns = general.readEntry("Columns", 0); if (m_columns < 0) m_columns = 0; switch (general.readEntry("DelimiterType", 0)) { case 1: m_delimiter = ";"; break; case 2: m_delimiter = "\t"; break; case 3: m_delimiter = " "; break; case 4: m_delimiter = general.readEntry("DelimiterOther"); break; default: m_delimiter = ","; } if (m_delimiter.isEmpty()) m_delimiter = ","; switch (general.readEntry("QuoteType", 0)) { case 1: m_quote = "'"; break; case 2: break; default: m_quote = "\""; break; } }