bool KDcraw::loadFullImage(QImage& image, const QString& path, const RawDecodingSettings& settings)
    QFileInfo fileInfo(path);
    QString   rawFilesExt(rawFiles());
    QString   ext = fileInfo.suffix().toUpper();

    if (!fileInfo.exists() || ext.isEmpty() || !rawFilesExt.toUpper().contains(ext))
        return false;

    qCDebug(LIBKDCRAW_LOG) << "Try to load full RAW picture...";

    RawDecodingSettings prm = settings;
    prm.sixteenBitsImage    = false;
    QByteArray imgData;
    int width, height, rgbmax;

    KDcraw decoder;
    bool ret = decoder.decodeRAWImage(path, prm, imgData, width, height, rgbmax);

    if (!ret)
        qCDebug(LIBKDCRAW_LOG) << "Failled to load full RAW picture";
        return false;

    uchar* sptr  = (uchar*)imgData.data();
    uchar tmp8[2];

    // Set RGB color components.
    for (int i = 0 ; i < width * height ; ++i)
        // Swap Red and Blue
        tmp8[0] = sptr[2];
        tmp8[1] = sptr[0];
        sptr[0] = tmp8[0];
        sptr[2] = tmp8[1];

        sptr += 3;

    image      = QImage(width, height, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
    uint* dptr = reinterpret_cast<uint*>(image.bits());
    sptr       = (uchar*)imgData.data();

    for (int i = 0 ; i < width * height ; ++i)
        *dptr++ = qRgba(sptr[2], sptr[1], sptr[0], 0xFF);
        sptr += 3;

    qCDebug(LIBKDCRAW_LOG) << "Load full RAW picture done";

    return true;