void RefinedStart::Cluster(const MatType& data,
                           const size_t clusters,
                           arma::Col<size_t>& assignments) const

  // This will hold the sampled datasets.
  const size_t numPoints = size_t(percentage * data.n_cols);
  MatType sampledData(data.n_rows, numPoints);
  // vector<bool> is packed so each bool is 1 bit.
  std::vector<bool> pointsUsed(data.n_cols, false);
  arma::mat sampledCentroids(data.n_rows, samplings * clusters);

  // We will use these objects repeatedly for clustering.
  arma::Col<size_t> sampledAssignments;
  arma::mat centroids;
  KMeans<> kmeans;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < samplings; ++i)
    // First, assemble the sampled dataset.
    size_t curSample = 0;
    while (curSample < numPoints)
      // Pick a random point in [0, numPoints).
      size_t sample = (size_t) math::RandInt(data.n_cols);

      if (!pointsUsed[sample])
        // This point isn't used yet.  So we'll put it in our sample.
        pointsUsed[sample] = true;
        sampledData.col(curSample) = data.col(sample);

    // Now, using the sampled dataset, run k-means.  In the case of an empty
    // cluster, we re-initialize that cluster as the point furthest away from
    // the cluster with maximum variance.  This is not *exactly* what the paper
    // implements, but it is quite similar, and we'll call it "good enough".
    kmeans.Cluster(sampledData, clusters, sampledAssignments, centroids);

    // Store the sampled centroids.
    sampledCentroids.cols(i * clusters, (i + 1) * clusters - 1) = centroids;

    pointsUsed.assign(data.n_cols, false);

  // Now, we run k-means on the sampled centroids to get our final clusters.
  kmeans.Cluster(sampledCentroids, clusters, sampledAssignments, centroids);

  // Turn the final centroids into assignments.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < data.n_cols; ++i)
    // Find the closest centroid to this point.
    double minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    size_t closestCluster = clusters;

    for (size_t j = 0; j < clusters; ++j)
      const double distance = kmeans.Metric().Evaluate(data.col(i),

      if (distance < minDistance)
        minDistance = distance;
        closestCluster = j;

    // Assign the point to its closest cluster.
    assignments[i] = closestCluster;