ViewerNodePrivate::refreshInputChoices(bool resetChoiceIfNotFound)
    // Refresh the A and B input choices
    KnobChoicePtr aInputKnob = aInputNodeChoiceKnob.lock();
    KnobChoicePtr bInputKnob = bInputNodeChoiceKnob.lock();

    ViewerCompositingOperatorEnum operation = (ViewerCompositingOperatorEnum)blendingModeChoiceKnob.lock()->getValue();
    bInputKnob->setEnabled(operation != eViewerCompositingOperatorNone);

    std::vector<ChoiceOption> entries;
    entries.push_back(ChoiceOption("-", "", ""));

    int nInputs = _publicInterface->getMaxInputCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < nInputs; ++i) {
        NodePtr inputNode = _publicInterface->getNode()->getRealInput(i);
        if (!inputNode) {

        std::string optionID;
            std::stringstream ss;
            ss << i;
            optionID = ss.str();

        entries.push_back(ChoiceOption(optionID, inputNode->getLabel(), ""));

    ChoiceOption currentAChoice = aInputKnob->getActiveEntry();
    ChoiceOption currentBChoice = bInputKnob->getActiveEntry();


    if (resetChoiceIfNotFound) {
        if (currentAChoice.id == "-" || !aInputKnob->isActiveEntryPresentInEntries(ViewIdx(0))) {
            aInputKnob->setValue(entries.size() > 1 ? 1 : 0);
        if (currentBChoice.id == "-" || !bInputKnob->isActiveEntryPresentInEntries(ViewIdx(0))) {
            bInputKnob->setValue(entries.size() > 1 ? 1 : 0);

    if (uiContext) {
        if ( (operation == eViewerCompositingOperatorNone) || !bInputKnob->isEnabled()  || bInputKnob->getActiveEntry().id.empty() ) {
            uiContext->setInfoBarVisible(1, false);
        } else if (operation != eViewerCompositingOperatorNone) {
            uiContext->setInfoBarVisible(1, true);
} // refreshInputChoices
KnobGuiChoice::updateGUI(int /*dimension*/)
    ///we don't use setCurrentIndex because the signal emitted by combobox will call onCurrentIndexChanged and
    ///change the internal value of the knob again...
    ///The slot connected to onCurrentIndexChanged is reserved to catch user interaction with the combobox.
    ///This function is called in response to an internal change.
    KnobChoicePtr knob = _knob.lock();
    std::string activeEntry = knob->getActiveEntryText_mt_safe();

    if ( !activeEntry.empty() ) {
        bool activeIndexPresent = knob->isActiveEntryPresentInEntries();
        if (!activeIndexPresent) {
            QString error = tr("The value set to this parameter no longer exist in the menu. Right click and press Refresh Menu to update the menu and then pick a new value.");
            setWarningValue( KnobGui::eKnobWarningChoiceMenuOutOfDate, GuiUtils::convertFromPlainText(error, Qt::WhiteSpaceNormal) );
        } else {
            setWarningValue( KnobGui::eKnobWarningChoiceMenuOutOfDate, QString() );
    if ( _comboBox->isCascading() || activeEntry.empty() ) {
        _comboBox->setCurrentIndex_no_emit( knob->getValue() );
    } else {
        _comboBox->setCurrentText( QString::fromUtf8( activeEntry.c_str() ) );
    KnobChoicePtr knob = _knob.lock();

    std::vector<std::string> entries = knob->getEntries_mt_safe();
    const std::vector<std::string> help =  knob->getEntriesHelp_mt_safe();
    std::string activeEntry = knob->getActiveEntryText_mt_safe();

    for (U32 i = 0; i < entries.size(); ++i) {
        std::string helpStr;
        if ( !help.empty() && !help[i].empty() ) {
            helpStr = help[i];

        _comboBox->addItem( QString::fromUtf8( entries[i].c_str() ), QIcon(), QKeySequence(), QString::fromUtf8( helpStr.c_str() ) );
    // the "New" menu is only added to known parameters (e.g. the choice of output channels)
    if ( knob->getHostCanAddOptions() &&
         ( ( knob->getName() == kNatronOfxParamOutputChannels) || ( knob->getName() == kOutputChannelsKnobName) ) ) {
    ///we don't use setCurrentIndex because the signal emitted by combobox will call onCurrentIndexChanged and
    ///we don't want that to happen because the index actually didn't change.
    if ( _comboBox->isCascading() || activeEntry.empty() ) {
        _comboBox->setCurrentIndex_no_emit( knob->getValue() );
    } else {
        _comboBox->setCurrentText_no_emit( QString::fromUtf8( activeEntry.c_str() ) );

    if ( !activeEntry.empty() ) {
        bool activeIndexPresent = knob->isActiveEntryPresentInEntries();
        if (!activeIndexPresent) {
            QString error = tr("The value set to this parameter no longer exist in the menu. Right click and press Refresh Menu to update the menu and then pick a new value.");
            setWarningValue( KnobGui::eKnobWarningChoiceMenuOutOfDate, GuiUtils::convertFromPlainText(error, Qt::WhiteSpaceNormal) );
        } else {
            setWarningValue( KnobGui::eKnobWarningChoiceMenuOutOfDate, QString() );
    ///we don't use setCurrentIndex because the signal emitted by combobox will call onCurrentIndexChanged and
    ///change the internal value of the knob again...
    ///The slot connected to onCurrentIndexChanged is reserved to catch user interaction with the combobox.
    ///This function is called in response to an internal change.
    KnobChoicePtr knob = _knob.lock();
    if (!knob) {

    ChoiceOption activeEntry = knob->getCurrentEntry();

    QString activeEntryLabel;
    if (!activeEntry.label.empty()) {
        activeEntryLabel = QString::fromUtf8(activeEntry.label.c_str());
    } else {
        activeEntryLabel = QString::fromUtf8(activeEntry.id.c_str());
    if ( !activeEntry.id.empty() ) {
        bool activeIndexPresent = knob->isActiveEntryPresentInEntries(getView());
        if (!activeIndexPresent) {
            QString error = tr("The value %1 no longer exists in the menu").arg(activeEntryLabel);
            getKnobGui()->setWarningValue( KnobGui::eKnobWarningChoiceMenuOutOfDate, NATRON_NAMESPACE::convertFromPlainText(error, NATRON_NAMESPACE::WhiteSpaceNormal) );
        } else {
            getKnobGui()->setWarningValue( KnobGui::eKnobWarningChoiceMenuOutOfDate, QString() );
    if ( _comboBox->isCascading() || activeEntry.id.empty() ) {
        _comboBox->setCurrentIndex( knob->getValue(), false );
    } else {
        _comboBox->setCurrentIndexFromLabel( activeEntryLabel, false /*emitSignal*/ );