void KnobGuiColor::onDialogCurrentColorChanged(const QColor & color) { KnobColorPtr knob = _knob.lock(); bool isSimple = _useSimplifiedUI; int nDims = knob->getDimension(); if (nDims == 1) { knob->setValue(color.redF(), ViewSpec::all(), 0); } else if (nDims == 3) { knob->setValues(isSimple ? color.redF() : Color::from_func_srgb( color.redF() ), isSimple ? color.greenF() : Color::from_func_srgb( color.greenF() ), isSimple ? color.blueF() : Color::from_func_srgb( color.blueF() ), ViewSpec::all(), eValueChangedReasonNatronInternalEdited); } else if (nDims == 4) { knob->setValues(isSimple ? color.redF() : Color::from_func_srgb( color.redF() ), isSimple ? color.greenF() : Color::from_func_srgb( color.greenF() ), isSimple ? color.blueF() : Color::from_func_srgb( color.blueF() ), color.alphaF(), ViewSpec::all(), eValueChangedReasonNatronInternalEdited); } if ( getGui() ) { getGui()->setDraftRenderEnabled(true); } }
void KnobGuiColor::onDimensionsFolded() { KnobColorPtr knob = _knob.lock(); int nDims = knob->getDimension(); for (int i = 0; i < nDims; ++i) { SpinBox* sb = 0; getSpinBox(i, &sb); assert(sb); sb->setUseLineColor(false, Qt::red); } Q_EMIT dimensionSwitchToggled(false); }
void KnobGuiColor::onDimensionsExpanded() { QColor colors[4]; colors[0].setRgbF(0.851643, 0.196936, 0.196936); colors[1].setRgbF(0, 0.654707, 0); colors[2].setRgbF(0.345293, 0.345293, 1); colors[3].setRgbF(0.398979, 0.398979, 0.398979); KnobColorPtr knob = _knob.lock(); int nDims = knob->getDimension(); for (int i = 0; i < nDims; ++i) { SpinBox* sb = 0; Label* label = 0; getSpinBox(i, &sb, &label); assert(sb); sb->setUseLineColor(true, colors[i]); } Q_EMIT dimensionSwitchToggled(true); }
void KnobGuiColor::showColorDialog() { QColorDialog dialog( _colorLabel->parentWidget() ); dialog.setOption(QColorDialog::DontUseNativeDialog); KnobColorPtr knob = _knob.lock(); const int nDims = knob->getDimension(); double curR = knob->getValue(0); _lastColor[0] = curR; double curG = curR; double curB = curR; double curA = 1.; if (nDims > 1) { curG = knob->getValue(1); _lastColor[1] = curG; curB = knob->getValue(2); _lastColor[2] = curB; } if (nDims > 3) { dialog.setOption(QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel); curA = knob->getValue(3); _lastColor[3] = curA; } bool isSimple = _useSimplifiedUI; QColor curColor; curColor.setRgbF( Image::clamp<qreal>(isSimple ? curR : Color::to_func_srgb(curR), 0., 1.), Image::clamp<qreal>(isSimple ? curG : Color::to_func_srgb(curG), 0., 1.), Image::clamp<qreal>(isSimple ? curB : Color::to_func_srgb(curB), 0., 1.), Image::clamp<qreal>(curA, 0., 1.) ); dialog.setCurrentColor(curColor); QObject::connect( &dialog, SIGNAL(currentColorChanged(QColor)), this, SLOT(onDialogCurrentColorChanged(QColor)) ); if ( !dialog.exec() ) { if (nDims == 3) { knob->setValues(_lastColor[0], _lastColor[1], _lastColor[2], ViewSpec::all(), eValueChangedReasonNatronGuiEdited); } else if (nDims == 4) { knob->setValues(_lastColor[0], _lastColor[1], _lastColor[2], _lastColor[3], ViewSpec::all(), eValueChangedReasonNatronGuiEdited); } else if (nDims == 1) { knob->setValue(_lastColor[0], ViewSpec::all(), 0, eValueChangedReasonNatronGuiEdited); } } else { QColor userColor = dialog.currentColor(); std::vector<double> color(4); color[0] = isSimple ? userColor.redF() : Color::from_func_srgb( userColor.redF() ); color[1] = isSimple ? userColor.greenF() : Color::from_func_srgb( userColor.greenF() ); color[2] = isSimple ? userColor.blueF() : Color::from_func_srgb( userColor.blueF() ); color[3] = userColor.alphaF(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { SpinBox* sb = 0; getSpinBox(i, &sb); assert(sb); sb->setValue(color[i]); } // Refresh the last value so that the undo command retrieves the value that was prior to opening the dialog if (nDims == 3) { knob->setValues(_lastColor[0], _lastColor[1], _lastColor[2], ViewSpec::all(), eValueChangedReasonUserEdited); } else if (nDims == 4) { knob->setValues(_lastColor[0], _lastColor[1], _lastColor[2], _lastColor[3], ViewSpec::all(), eValueChangedReasonUserEdited); } else if (nDims == 1) { knob->setValue(_lastColor[0], ViewSpec::all(), 0, eValueChangedReasonUserEdited); } onSpinBoxValueChanged(); } if ( getGui() ) { getGui()->setDraftRenderEnabled(false); } //knob->evaluateValueChange(0, knob->getCurrentTime(), ViewIdx(0), eValueChangedReasonNatronGuiEdited); } // showColorDialog