void LLInventoryPanel::setSelection(const LLUUID& obj_id, BOOL take_keyboard_focus)
	LLFolderViewItem* itemp = mFolders->getItemByID(obj_id);
	if(itemp && itemp->getListener())
void LLInventoryPanel::setSelection(const LLUUID& obj_id, BOOL take_keyboard_focus)
	LLFolderViewItem* itemp = mFolders->getItemByID(obj_id);
	if(itemp && itemp->getListener())
		itemp->getListener()->arrangeAndSet(itemp, TRUE, take_keyboard_focus);
		// save the desired item to be selected later (if/when ready)
		mSelectThisID = obj_id;
void LLLandmarksPanel::onAddAction(const LLSD& userdata) const
	std::string command_name = userdata.asString();
	if("add_landmark" == command_name)
		LLViewerInventoryItem* landmark = LLLandmarkActions::findLandmarkForAgentPos();
			LLSideTray::getInstance()->showPanel("panel_places", LLSD().with("type", "create_landmark"));
	else if ("category" == command_name)
		LLFolderViewItem* item = getCurSelectedItem();
		if (item && mCurrentSelectedList == mLandmarksInventoryPanel)
			LLFolderViewEventListener* folder_bridge = NULL;
			if (item-> getListener()->getInventoryType()
					== LLInventoryType::IT_LANDMARK)
				// for a landmark get parent folder bridge
				folder_bridge = item->getParentFolder()->getListener();
			else if (item-> getListener()->getInventoryType()
					== LLInventoryType::IT_CATEGORY)
				// for a folder get its own bridge
				folder_bridge = item->getListener();

					dynamic_cast<LLFolderBridge*> (folder_bridge), LLSD(
							"category"), gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(
			//in case My Landmarks tab is completely empty (thus cannot be determined as being selected)
			menu_create_inventory_item(mLandmarksInventoryPanel->getRootFolder(), NULL, LLSD("category"), 

			if (mMyLandmarksAccordionTab)
void LLLandmarksPanel::onMenuVisibilityChange(LLUICtrl* ctrl, const LLSD& param)
	bool new_visibility = param["visibility"].asBoolean();

	// We don't have to update items visibility if the menu is hiding.
	if (!new_visibility) return;

	BOOL are_any_items_in_trash = FALSE;
	BOOL are_all_items_in_trash = TRUE;

	LLFolderView* root_folder_view = mCurrentSelectedList ? mCurrentSelectedList->getRootFolder() : NULL;
		const LLUUID trash_id = gInventory.findCategoryUUIDForType(LLFolderType::FT_TRASH);

		std::set<LLUUID> selected_uuids = root_folder_view->getSelectionList();

		// Iterate through selected items to find out if any of these items are in Trash
		// or all the items are in Trash category.
		for (std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator iter = selected_uuids.begin(); iter != selected_uuids.end(); ++iter)
			LLFolderViewItem* item = root_folder_view->getItemByID(*iter);

			// If no item is found it might be a folder id.
			if (!item)
				item = root_folder_view->getFolderByID(*iter);
			if (!item) continue;

			LLFolderViewEventListener* listenerp = item->getListener();
			if(!listenerp) continue;

			// Trash category itself should not be included because it can't be
			// actually restored from trash.
			are_all_items_in_trash &= listenerp->isItemInTrash() && *iter != trash_id;

			// If there are any selected items in Trash including the Trash category itself
			// we show "Restore Item" in context menu and hide other irrelevant items.
			are_any_items_in_trash |= listenerp->isItemInTrash();

	// Display "Restore Item" menu entry if at least one of the selected items
	// is in Trash or the Trash category itself is among selected items.
	// Hide other menu entries in this case.
	// Enable this menu entry only if all selected items are in the Trash category.
	toggle_restore_menu((LLMenuGL*)ctrl, are_any_items_in_trash, are_all_items_in_trash);
void LLInventoryPanel::modelChanged(U32 mask)
	LLFastTimer t2(LLFastTimer::FTM_REFRESH);

	bool handled = false;
	if(mask & LLInventoryObserver::LABEL)
		handled = true;
		// label change - empty out the display name for each object
		// in this change set.
		const std::set<LLUUID>& changed_items = gInventory.getChangedIDs();
		std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator id_it = changed_items.begin();
		std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator id_end = changed_items.end();
		LLFolderViewItem* view = NULL;
		LLInvFVBridge* bridge = NULL;
		for (;id_it != id_end; ++id_it)
			view = mFolders->getItemByID(*id_it);
				// request refresh on this item (also flags for filtering)
				bridge = (LLInvFVBridge*)view->getListener();
				{	// Clear the display name first, so it gets properly re-built during refresh()
	if((mask & (LLInventoryObserver::STRUCTURE
				| LLInventoryObserver::ADD
				| LLInventoryObserver::REMOVE)) != 0)
		handled = true;
		// Record which folders are open by uuid.
		LLInventoryModel* model = getModel();
		if (model)
			const std::set<LLUUID>& changed_items = gInventory.getChangedIDs();

			std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator id_it = changed_items.begin();
			std::set<LLUUID>::const_iterator id_end = changed_items.end();
			for (;id_it != id_end; ++id_it)
				// sync view with model
				LLInventoryObject* model_item = model->getObject(*id_it);
				LLFolderViewItem* view_item = mFolders->getItemByID(*id_it);

				if (model_item)
					if (!view_item)
						// this object was just created, need to build a view for it
						if ((mask & LLInventoryObserver::ADD) != LLInventoryObserver::ADD)
							llwarns << *id_it << " is in model but not in view, but ADD flag not set" << llendl;
						// select any newly created object
						// that has the auto rename at top of folder
						// root set
							setSelection(*id_it, FALSE);
						// this object was probably moved, check its parent
						if ((mask & LLInventoryObserver::STRUCTURE) != LLInventoryObserver::STRUCTURE)
							llwarns << *id_it << " is in model and in view, but STRUCTURE flag not set" << llendl;

						LLFolderViewFolder* new_parent = (LLFolderViewFolder*)mFolders->getItemByID(model_item->getParentUUID());
						if (view_item->getParentFolder() != new_parent)
							view_item->addToFolder(new_parent, mFolders);
					if (view_item)
						if ((mask & LLInventoryObserver::REMOVE) != LLInventoryObserver::REMOVE)
							llwarns << *id_it << " is not in model but in view, but REMOVE flag not set" << llendl;
						// item in view but not model, need to delete view
						llwarns << *id_it << "Item does not exist in either view or model, but notification triggered" << llendl;

	if (!handled)
		// it's a small change that only requires a refresh.
		// *TODO: figure out a more efficient way to do the refresh
		// since it is expensive on large inventories
BOOL LLPanelMainInventory::isActionEnabled(const LLSD& userdata)
	const std::string command_name = userdata.asString();
	if (command_name == "delete")
		BOOL can_delete = FALSE;
		LLFolderView* root = getActivePanel()->getRootFolder();
		if (root)
			can_delete = TRUE;
			std::set<LLUUID> selection_set = root->getSelectionList();
			if (selection_set.empty()) return FALSE;
			for (std::set<LLUUID>::iterator iter = selection_set.begin();
				 iter != selection_set.end();
				const LLUUID &item_id = (*iter);
				LLFolderViewItem *item = root->getItemByID(item_id);
				const LLFolderViewEventListener *listener = item->getListener();
				if (!listener) return FALSE;
				can_delete &= listener->isItemRemovable();
				can_delete &= !listener->isItemInTrash();
			return can_delete;
		return FALSE;
	if (command_name == "save_texture")
		return isSaveTextureEnabled(userdata);
	if (command_name == "find_original")
		LLFolderViewItem* current_item = getActivePanel()->getRootFolder()->getCurSelectedItem();
		if (!current_item) return FALSE;
		const LLUUID& item_id = current_item->getListener()->getUUID();
		const LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
		if (item && item->getIsLinkType() && !item->getIsBrokenLink())
			return TRUE;
		return FALSE;

	if (command_name == "find_links")
		LLFolderView* root = getActivePanel()->getRootFolder();
		std::set<LLUUID> selection_set = root->getSelectionList();
		if (selection_set.size() != 1) return FALSE;
		LLFolderViewItem* current_item = root->getCurSelectedItem();
		if (!current_item) return FALSE;
		const LLUUID& item_id = current_item->getListener()->getUUID();
		const LLInventoryObject *obj = gInventory.getObject(item_id);
		if (obj && !obj->getIsLinkType() && LLAssetType::lookupCanLink(obj->getType()))
			return TRUE;
		return FALSE;
	// This doesn't currently work, since the viewer can't change an assetID an item.
	if (command_name == "regenerate_link")
		LLFolderViewItem* current_item = getActivePanel()->getRootFolder()->getCurSelectedItem();
		if (!current_item) return FALSE;
		const LLUUID& item_id = current_item->getListener()->getUUID();
		const LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
		if (item && item->getIsBrokenLink())
			return TRUE;
		return FALSE;

	if (command_name == "share")
		LLSidepanelInventory* parent = dynamic_cast<LLSidepanelInventory*>(LLSideTray::getInstance()->getPanel("sidepanel_inventory"));
		return parent ? parent->canShare() : FALSE;

	return TRUE;
BOOL LLPanelOutfitsInventory::isActionEnabled(const LLSD& userdata)
    const std::string command_name = userdata.asString();
    if (command_name == "delete" || command_name == "remove")
        BOOL can_delete = FALSE;
        LLFolderView *folder = getActivePanel()->getRootFolder();
        if (folder)
            std::set<LLUUID> selection_set;
            can_delete = (selection_set.size() > 0);
            for (std::set<LLUUID>::iterator iter = selection_set.begin();
                    iter != selection_set.end();
                const LLUUID &item_id = (*iter);
                LLFolderViewItem *item = folder->getItemByID(item_id);
                can_delete &= item->getListener()->isItemRemovable();
            return can_delete;
        return FALSE;
    if (command_name == "remove_link")
        BOOL can_delete = FALSE;
        LLFolderView *folder = getActivePanel()->getRootFolder();
        if (folder)
            std::set<LLUUID> selection_set;
            can_delete = (selection_set.size() > 0);
            for (std::set<LLUUID>::iterator iter = selection_set.begin();
                    iter != selection_set.end();
                const LLUUID &item_id = (*iter);
                LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
                if (!item || !item->getIsLinkType())
                    return FALSE;
            return can_delete;
        return FALSE;
    if (command_name == "rename" ||
            command_name == "delete_outfit")
        return (getCorrectListenerForAction() != NULL) && hasItemsSelected();

    if (command_name == "wear")
        if (isCOFPanelActive())
            return FALSE;
    if (command_name == "make_outfit")
        return TRUE;

    if (command_name == "edit" ||
            command_name == "add"
        return (getCorrectListenerForAction() != NULL);
    return TRUE;