LLRegion ViewPort::GetLLRegion( const OCPNRegion &region )
    // todo: for these projecetions, improve this calculation by using the
    //       method in SetBoxes here
#ifndef ocpnUSE_GL
    return LLRegion(GetBBox());

        return LLRegion(GetBBox());

    OCPNRegionIterator it( region );
    LLRegion r;
    while( it.HaveRects() ) {
        wxRect rect = it.GetRect();

        int x1 = rect.x, y1 = rect.y, x2 = x1 + rect.width, y2 = y1 + rect.height;
        int p[8] = {x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2};
        double pll[8];
        for(int i=0; i<8; i+=2)
            GetLLFromPix(wxPoint(p[i], p[i+1]), pll+i, pll+i+1);

        // resolve (this works even if rectangle crosses both 0 and 180)
        //if(LLRegion::PointsCCW(4, pll))
        for(int i=0; i<8; i+=2) {
            if(pll[i+1] <= clon - 180)
                pll[i+1] += 360;
            else if(pll[i+1] >= clon + 180)
                pll[i+1] -= 360;

        r.Union(LLRegion(4, pll));
    return r;
LLRegion ViewPort::GetLLRegion( const OCPNRegion &region )
    // todo: for these projecetions, improve this calculation by using the
    //       method in SetBoxes here
#ifndef ocpnUSE_GL
    return LLRegion(GetBBox());

        return LLRegion(GetBBox());

    OCPNRegionIterator it( region );
    LLRegion r;
    while( it.HaveRects() ) {
        wxRect rect = it.GetRect();

        int x1 = rect.x, y1 = rect.y, x2 = x1 + rect.width, y2 = y1 + rect.height;
        int p[8] = {x1, y1, x2, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2};
        double pll[540];
        int j;

        /* if the viewport is rotated, we must split the segments as straight lines in lat/lon
           coordinates map to curves in projected coordinate space */
        if(fabs( rotation ) >= 0.0001) {
            double lastlat, lastlon;
            int li = 6;
            GetLLFromPix(wxPoint(p[li], p[li+1]), &lastlat, &lastlon);
            for(int i=0; i<8; i+=2) {
                double lat, lon;
                GetLLFromPix(wxPoint(p[i], p[i+1]), &lat, &lon);

                // use 2 degree grid
                double grid = 2;
                int lat_splits = floor(fabs(lat-lastlat) / grid);
                double lond = fabs(lon-lastlon);
                int lon_splits = floor((lond > 180 ? 360-lond : lond) / grid);
                int splits = wxMax(lat_splits, lon_splits) + 1;

                for(int k = 1; k<splits; k++) {
                    float d = (float)k / splits;
                    GetLLFromPix(wxPoint((1-d)*p[li] + d*p[i], (1-d)*p[li+1] + d*p[i+1]), pll+j, pll+j+1);
                    j += 2;
                pll[j++] = lat;
                pll[j++] = lon;
                li = i;
                lastlat = lat, lastlon = lon;
        } else {
            for(int i=0; i<j; i+=2)
                GetLLFromPix(wxPoint(p[i], p[i+1]), pll+i, pll+i+1);

        // resolve (this works even if rectangle crosses both 0 and 180)
        for(int i=0; i<j; i+=2) {
            if(pll[i+1] <= clon - 180)
                pll[i+1] += 360;
            else if(pll[i+1] >= clon + 180)
                pll[i+1] -= 360;

        r.Union(LLRegion(j/2, pll));
    return r;