void LLViewerImageList::shutdown()
	// clear out preloads

	// Write out list of currently loaded textures for precaching on startup
	typedef std::set<std::pair<S32,LLViewerImage*> > image_area_list_t;
	image_area_list_t image_area_list;
	for (image_priority_list_t::iterator iter = mImageList.begin();
		 iter != mImageList.end(); ++iter)
		LLViewerImage* image = *iter;
		if (!image->getUseDiscard() ||
			image->needsAux() ||
			image->getTargetHost() != LLHost::invalid)
			continue; // avoid UI, baked, and other special images
		S32 desired = image->getDesiredDiscardLevel();
		if (desired >= 0 && desired < MAX_DISCARD_LEVEL)
			S32 pixel_area = image->getWidth(desired) * image->getHeight(desired);
			image_area_list.insert(std::make_pair(pixel_area, image));
	LLSD imagelist;
	const S32 max_count = 1000;
	S32 count = 0;
	for (image_area_list_t::reverse_iterator riter = image_area_list.rbegin();
		 riter != image_area_list.rend(); ++riter)
		LLViewerImage* image = riter->second;
		imagelist[count]["area"] = riter->first;
		imagelist[count]["uuid"] = image->getID();
		if (++count >= max_count)
	if (count > 0 && !gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, "").empty())
		std::string filename = gDirUtilp->getExpandedFilename(LL_PATH_PER_SL_ACCOUNT, get_texture_list_name());
		llofstream file;
		LLSDSerialize::toPrettyXML(imagelist, file);
	// Clean up "loaded" callbacks.
	// Flush all of the references
void LLViewerImageList::dump()
	llinfos << "LLViewerImageList::dump()" << llendl;
	for (image_priority_list_t::iterator it = mImageList.begin(); it != mImageList.end(); ++it)
		LLViewerImage* image = *it;
		llinfos << "priority " << image->getDecodePriority()
		<< " boost " << image->getBoostLevel()
		<< " size " << image->getWidth() << "x" << image->getHeight()
		<< " discard " << image->getDiscardLevel()
		<< " desired " << image->getDesiredDiscardLevel()
		<< " http://asset.siva.lindenlab.com/" << image->getID() << ".texture"
		<< llendl;
BOOL LLVLComposition::generateTexture(const F32 x, const F32 y,
									  const F32 width, const F32 height)
	llassert(x >= 0.f);
	llassert(y >= 0.f);

	LLTimer gen_timer;

	// Generate raw data arrays for surface textures

	// These have already been validated by generateComposition.
	U8* st_data[4];
	S32 st_data_size[4]; // for debugging

	for (S32 i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		if (mRawImages[i].isNull())
			// Read back a raw image for this discard level, if it exists
			mRawImages[i] = new LLImageRaw;
			S32 min_dim = llmin(mDetailTextures[i]->getWidth(0), mDetailTextures[i]->getHeight(0));
			S32 ddiscard = 0;
			while (min_dim > BASE_SIZE && ddiscard < MAX_DISCARD_LEVEL)
				min_dim /= 2;
			mRawImages[i] = mDetailTextures[i]->getCachedRawImage() ;
			if (!mRawImages[i])
				llwarns << "no cached raw data for terrain detail texture: " << mDetailTextures[i]->getID() << llendl;
				return FALSE;
			if (mDetailTextures[i]->getWidth(ddiscard) != BASE_SIZE ||
				mDetailTextures[i]->getHeight(ddiscard) != BASE_SIZE ||
				mDetailTextures[i]->getComponents() != 3)
				LLPointer<LLImageRaw> newraw = new LLImageRaw(BASE_SIZE, BASE_SIZE, 3);
				mRawImages[i] = newraw; // deletes old
		st_data[i] = mRawImages[i]->getData();
		st_data_size[i] = mRawImages[i]->getDataSize();

	// Generate and clamp x/y bounding box.

	S32 x_begin, y_begin, x_end, y_end;
	x_begin = (S32)(x * mScaleInv);
	y_begin = (S32)(y * mScaleInv);
	x_end = llround( (x + width) * mScaleInv );
	y_end = llround( (y + width) * mScaleInv );

	if (x_end > mWidth)
		llwarns << "x end > width" << llendl;
		x_end = mWidth;
	if (y_end > mWidth)
		llwarns << "y end > width" << llendl;
		y_end = mWidth;

	// Generate target texture information, stride ratios.

	LLViewerImage *texturep;
	U32 tex_width, tex_height, tex_comps;
	U32 tex_stride;
	F32 tex_x_scalef, tex_y_scalef;
	S32 tex_x_begin, tex_y_begin, tex_x_end, tex_y_end;
	F32 tex_x_ratiof, tex_y_ratiof;

	texturep = mSurfacep->getSTexture();
	tex_width = texturep->getWidth();
	tex_height = texturep->getHeight();
	tex_comps = texturep->getComponents();
	tex_stride = tex_width * tex_comps;

	S32 st_comps = 3;
	S32 st_width = BASE_SIZE;
	S32 st_height = BASE_SIZE;
	if (tex_comps != st_comps)
		llwarns << "Base texture comps != input texture comps" << llendl;
		return FALSE;

	tex_x_scalef = (F32)tex_width / (F32)mWidth;
	tex_y_scalef = (F32)tex_height / (F32)mWidth;
	tex_x_begin = (S32)((F32)x_begin * tex_x_scalef);
	tex_y_begin = (S32)((F32)y_begin * tex_y_scalef);
	tex_x_end = (S32)((F32)x_end * tex_x_scalef);
	tex_y_end = (S32)((F32)y_end * tex_y_scalef);

	tex_x_ratiof = (F32)mWidth*mScale / (F32)tex_width;
	tex_y_ratiof = (F32)mWidth*mScale / (F32)tex_height;

	LLPointer<LLImageRaw> raw = new LLImageRaw(tex_width, tex_height, tex_comps);
	U8 *rawp = raw->getData();

	F32 tex_width_inv = 1.f/tex_width;
	F32 tex_height_inv = 1.f/tex_height;

	F32 st_x_stride, st_y_stride;
	st_x_stride = ((F32)st_width / (F32)mTexScaleX)*((F32)mWidth / (F32)tex_width);
	st_y_stride = ((F32)st_height / (F32)mTexScaleY)*((F32)mWidth / (F32)tex_height);

	llassert(st_x_stride > 0.f);
	llassert(st_y_stride > 0.f);
	// Iterate through the target texture, striding through the
	// subtextures and interpolating appropriately.

	F32 sti, stj;
	S32 st_offset;
	sti = (tex_x_begin * st_x_stride) - st_width*(llfloor((tex_x_begin * st_x_stride)/st_width));
	stj = (tex_y_begin * st_y_stride) - st_height*(llfloor((tex_y_begin * st_y_stride)/st_height));

	st_offset = (llfloor(stj * st_width) + llfloor(sti)) * st_comps;
	for (S32 j = tex_y_begin; j < tex_y_end; j++)
		U32 offset = j * tex_stride + tex_x_begin * tex_comps;
		sti = (tex_x_begin * st_x_stride) - st_width*((U32)(tex_x_begin * st_x_stride)/st_width);
		for (S32 i = tex_x_begin; i < tex_x_end; i++)
			S32 tex0, tex1;
			F32 composition = getValueScaled(i*tex_x_ratiof, j*tex_y_ratiof);

			tex0 = llfloor( composition );
			tex0 = llclamp(tex0, 0, 3);
			composition -= tex0;
			tex1 = tex0 + 1;
			tex1 = llclamp(tex1, 0, 3);

			F32 xy_int_i, xy_int_j;

			xy_int_i = i * tex_width_inv;
			xy_int_j = j * tex_height_inv;

			st_offset = (lltrunc(sti) + lltrunc(stj)*st_width) * st_comps;
			for (U32 k = 0; k < tex_comps; k++)
				// Linearly interpolate based on composition.
				if (st_offset >= st_data_size[tex0] || st_offset >= st_data_size[tex1])
					// SJB: This shouldn't be happening, but does... Rounding error?
					//llwarns << "offset 0 [" << tex0 << "] =" << st_offset << " >= size=" << st_data_size[tex0] << llendl;
					//llwarns << "offset 1 [" << tex1 << "] =" << st_offset << " >= size=" << st_data_size[tex1] << llendl;
					F32 a = *(st_data[tex0] + st_offset);
					F32 b = *(st_data[tex1] + st_offset);
					rawp[ offset ] = (U8)lltrunc( a + composition * (b - a) );

			sti += st_x_stride;
			if (sti >= st_width)
				sti -= st_width;

		stj += st_y_stride;
		if (stj >= st_height)
			stj -= st_height;

	texturep->setSubImage(raw, tex_x_begin, tex_y_begin, tex_x_end - tex_x_begin, tex_y_end - tex_y_begin);
	LLSurface::sTextureUpdateTime += gen_timer.getElapsedTimeF32();
	LLSurface::sTexelsUpdated += (tex_x_end - tex_x_begin) * (tex_y_end - tex_y_begin);

	for (S32 i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		// Un-boost detatil textures (will get re-boosted if rendering in high detail)
		mDetailTextures[i]->setMinDiscardLevel(MAX_DISCARD_LEVEL + 1);
	return TRUE;
void LLOverlayBar::draw()
	// retrieve rounded rect image
	LLUUID image_id;
	LLViewerImage* imagep = gImageList.getImage(image_id, MIPMAP_FALSE, TRUE);

	if (imagep)
		LLGLSTexture texture_enabled;

		const S32 PAD = gSavedSettings.getS32("StatusBarPad");

		// draw rounded rect tabs behind all children
		LLRect r;
		// focus highlights
		LLColor4 color = gColors.getColor("FloaterFocusBorderColor");
			for (child_list_const_iter_t child_iter = getChildList()->begin();
				child_iter != getChildList()->end(); ++child_iter)
				LLView *view = *child_iter;
				if(view->getEnabled() && view->getVisible())
					r = view->getRect();
					gl_segmented_rect_2d_tex(r.mLeft - PAD/3 - 1, 
											r.mTop + 3, 
											r.mRight + PAD/3 + 1,

		// main tabs
		for (child_list_const_iter_t child_iter = getChildList()->begin();
			child_iter != getChildList()->end(); ++child_iter)
			LLView *view = *child_iter;
			if(view->getEnabled() && view->getVisible())
				r = view->getRect();
				// draw a nice little pseudo-3D outline
				color = gColors.getColor("DefaultShadowDark");
				gl_segmented_rect_2d_tex(r.mLeft - PAD/3 + 1, r.mTop + 2, r.mRight + PAD/3, r.mBottom, 
										 imagep->getWidth(), imagep->getHeight(), 16, ROUNDED_RECT_TOP);
				color = gColors.getColor("DefaultHighlightLight");
				gl_segmented_rect_2d_tex(r.mLeft - PAD/3, r.mTop + 2, r.mRight + PAD/3 - 3, r.mBottom, 
										 imagep->getWidth(), imagep->getHeight(), 16, ROUNDED_RECT_TOP);
				// here's the main background.  Note that it overhangs on the bottom so as to hide the
				// focus highlight on the bottom panel, thus producing the illusion that the focus highlight
				// continues around the tabs
				color = gColors.getColor("FocusBackgroundColor");
				gl_segmented_rect_2d_tex(r.mLeft - PAD/3 + 1, r.mTop + 1, r.mRight + PAD/3 - 1, r.mBottom - 1, 
										 imagep->getWidth(), imagep->getHeight(), 16, ROUNDED_RECT_TOP);

	// draw children on top