void ImportTracker::send_shape(LLSD& prim)
	LLMessageSystem* msg = gMessageSystem;
	msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID());
	msg->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID());
	msg->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_ObjectLocalID, prim["LocalID"].asInteger());
	LLVolumeParams params;
	LLVolumeMessage::packVolumeParams(&params, msg);
	void llprimitive_object_t::test<6>()
		set_test_name("Test setVolume creation of new NOT-unique volume.");
		LLPrimitive primitive;
		LLVolumeParams params;
		// Make sure volume starts off null
		ensure(primitive.getVolume() == NULL);
		// Make sure we have no texture entries before setting the volume
		ensure_equals(primitive.getNumTEs(), 0);
		// Test that GEOMETRY has not been flagged as changed.
		// Make sure setVolume returns true
		ensure(primitive.setVolume(params, 0, false) == TRUE);
		LLVolume* new_volume = primitive.getVolume();
		// make sure new volume was actually created
		ensure(new_volume != NULL);
		// Make sure that now that we've set the volume we have texture entries
		ensure_not_equals(primitive.getNumTEs(), 0);
		// Make sure that the number of texture entries equals the number of faces in the volume (should be 6)
		ensure_equals(new_volume->getNumFaces(), 6);
		ensure_equals(primitive.getNumTEs(), new_volume->getNumFaces());
		// Test that GEOMETRY has been flagged as changed.
		// Run it twice to make sure it doesn't create a different one if params are the same
		ensure(primitive.setVolume(params, 0, false) == FALSE);
		ensure(new_volume == primitive.getVolume());
		// Change the param definition and try setting it again.
		ensure(primitive.setVolume(params, 0, false) == TRUE); 
		// Ensure that we now have a different volume
		ensure(new_volume != primitive.getVolume());
// static
bool LLVolumeMessage::constrainVolumeParams(LLVolumeParams& params)
	U32 bad = 0;

	// This is called immediately after an unpack. feed the raw data
	// through the checked setters to constraint it to a valid set of
	// volume params.
	bad |= params.setType(params.getProfileParams().getCurveType(),
						 params.getPathParams().getCurveType()) ? 0 : 1;
	bad |= params.setBeginAndEndS(params.getProfileParams().getBegin(),
								  params.getProfileParams().getEnd()) ? 0 : 2;
	bad |= params.setBeginAndEndT(params.getPathParams().getBegin(),
								  params.getPathParams().getEnd()) ? 0 : 4;
	bad |= params.setHollow(params.getProfileParams().getHollow()) ? 0 : 8;
	bad |= params.setTwistBegin(params.getPathParams().getTwistBegin()) ? 0 : 0x10;
	bad |= params.setTwistEnd(params.getPathParams().getTwistEnd()) ? 0 : 0x20;
	bad |= params.setRatio(params.getPathParams().getScaleX(),
						   params.getPathParams().getScaleY()) ? 0 : 0x40;
	bad |= params.setShear(params.getPathParams().getShearX(),
						   params.getPathParams().getShearY()) ? 0 : 0x80;
	bad |= params.setTaper(params.getPathParams().getTaperX(),
						   params.getPathParams().getTaperY()) ? 0 : 0x100;
	bad |= params.setRevolutions(params.getPathParams().getRevolutions()) ? 0 : 0x200;
	bad |= params.setRadiusOffset(params.getPathParams().getRadiusOffset()) ? 0 : 0x400;
	bad |= params.setSkew(params.getPathParams().getSkew()) ? 0 : 0x800;
		LL_WARNS() << "LLVolumeMessage::constrainVolumeParams() - "
				<< "forced to constrain incoming volume params: "
				<< llformat("0x%04x",bad) << LL_ENDL;
	return bad ? false : true;
LLSD JCExportTracker::subserialize(LLViewerObject* linkset)
	//Chalice - Changed to support exporting linkset groups.
	LLViewerObject* object = linkset;
	//if(!linkset)return LLSD();
	// Create an LLSD object that will hold the entire tree structure that can be serialized to a file
	LLSD llsd;

	//if (!node)
	//	return llsd;

	//object = root_object = node->getObject();
	if (!object)
		return llsd;
	if(!(!object->isAvatar() && object->permYouOwner() && object->permModify() && object->permCopy() && object->permTransfer() && !gAgent.getGodLevel()))
		return llsd;
	// Build a list of everything that we'll actually be exporting
	LLDynamicArray<LLViewerObject*> export_objects;
	// Add the root object to the export list
	// Iterate over all of this objects children
	LLViewerObject::child_list_t child_list = object->getChildren();
	for (LLViewerObject::child_list_t::iterator i = child_list.begin(); i != child_list.end(); ++i)
		LLViewerObject* child = *i;
			// Put the child objects on the export list
	S32 object_index = 0;
	while ((object_index < export_objects.count()))
		object = export_objects.get(object_index++);
		LLUUID id = object->getID();
		llinfos << "Exporting prim " << object->getID().asString() << llendl;
		// Create an LLSD object that represents this prim. It will be injected in to the overall LLSD
		// tree structure
		LLSD prim_llsd;
		if (object_index == 1)
			LLVOAvatar* avatar = find_avatar_from_object(object);
			if (avatar)
				LLViewerJointAttachment* attachment = avatar->getTargetAttachmentPoint(object);
				U8 attachment_id = 0;
				if (attachment)
					for (LLVOAvatar::attachment_map_t::iterator iter = avatar->mAttachmentPoints.begin();
										iter != avatar->mAttachmentPoints.end(); ++iter)
						if (iter->second == attachment)
							attachment_id = iter->first;
					// interpret 0 as "default location"
					attachment_id = 0;
				prim_llsd["Attachment"] = attachment_id;
				prim_llsd["attachpos"] = object->getPosition().getValue();
				prim_llsd["attachrot"] = ll_sd_from_quaternion(object->getRotation());
			prim_llsd["position"] = LLVector3(0, 0, 0).getValue();
			prim_llsd["rotation"] = ll_sd_from_quaternion(object->getRotation());
			prim_llsd["position"] = object->getPosition().getValue();
			prim_llsd["rotation"] = ll_sd_from_quaternion(object->getRotation());
		//prim_llsd["name"] = "";//node->mName;
		//prim_llsd["description"] = "";//node->mDescription;
		// Transforms
		prim_llsd["scale"] = object->getScale().getValue();
		// Flags
		prim_llsd["shadows"] = object->flagCastShadows();
		prim_llsd["phantom"] = object->flagPhantom();
		prim_llsd["physical"] = (BOOL)(object->mFlags & FLAGS_USE_PHYSICS);
		LLVolumeParams params = object->getVolume()->getParams();
		prim_llsd["volume"] = params.asLLSD();
		if (object->isFlexible())
			LLFlexibleObjectData* flex = (LLFlexibleObjectData*)object->getParameterEntry(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_FLEXIBLE);
			prim_llsd["flexible"] = flex->asLLSD();
		if (object->getParameterEntryInUse(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_LIGHT))
			LLLightParams* light = (LLLightParams*)object->getParameterEntry(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_LIGHT);
			prim_llsd["light"] = light->asLLSD();
		if (object->getParameterEntryInUse(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_SCULPT))
			LLSculptParams* sculpt = (LLSculptParams*)object->getParameterEntry(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_SCULPT);
			prim_llsd["sculpt"] = sculpt->asLLSD();

		// Textures
		LLSD te_llsd;
		U8 te_count = object->getNumTEs();
		for (U8 i = 0; i < te_count; i++)

			std::string path = asset_dir + gDirUtilp->getDirDelimiter();
			for (U8 i = 0; i < te_count; i++)
				LLUUID asset_id = object->getTE(i)->getID();
				JCAssetInfo* info = new JCAssetInfo;
				info->path = path + asset_id.asString() + ".j2c";
				info->name = "Prim Texture";
				//gAssetStorage->getAssetData(asset_id, LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE, JCAssetExportCallback, info,1);
				if(requested_textures.count(asset_id) == 0)
					LLViewerImage* img = gImageList.getImage(asset_id, MIPMAP_TRUE, FALSE);
					img->setLoadedCallback( JCExportTracker::onFileLoadedForSave, 
									0, TRUE, FALSE, info );
					llinfos << "Requesting texture " << asset_id.asString() << llendl;

		//JCExportTracker::mirror(asset, obj, asset_dir, asset->getUUID().asString());
		prim_llsd["textures"] = te_llsd;

		prim_llsd["id"] = object->getID().asString();
			////cmdline_printchat(llformat("yes %d",export_properties));
			propertyqueries += 1;
			gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_AgentID, gAgent.getID());
			gMessageSystem->addUUIDFast(_PREHASH_SessionID, gAgent.getSessionID());

            gMessageSystem->addU32Fast(_PREHASH_ObjectLocalID, object->getLocalID());

				invqueries += 1;
		}//else //cmdline_printchat(llformat("no %d",export_properties));
		totalprims += 1;

		// Changed to use link numbers zero-indexed.
		llsd[object_index - 1] = prim_llsd;
	return llsd;
LLSD LLObjectBackup::primsToLLSD(LLViewerObject::child_list_t child_list, bool is_attachment)
	LLViewerObject* object;
	LLSD llsd;
	char localid[16];

	for (LLViewerObject::child_list_t::iterator i = child_list.begin(); i != child_list.end(); ++i)
		object = (*i);
		LLUUID id = object->getID();

		LL_INFOS("ObjectBackup") << "Exporting prim " << object->getID().asString() << LL_ENDL;

		// Create an LLSD object that represents this prim. It will be injected in to the overall LLSD
		// tree structure
		LLSD prim_llsd;

		if (!object->isRoot())
			// Parent id
			snprintf(localid, sizeof(localid), "%u", object->getSubParent()->getLocalID());
			prim_llsd["parent"] = localid;

		// Name and description
		LLSelectNode* node = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->findNode(object);
		if (node)
			prim_llsd["name"] = node->mName;
			prim_llsd["description"] = node->mDescription;

		// Transforms
		if (is_attachment)
			prim_llsd["position"] = object->getPositionEdit().getValue();
			prim_llsd["rotation"] = ll_sd_from_quaternion(object->getRotationEdit());
			prim_llsd["position"] = object->getPosition().getValue();
			prim_llsd["rotation"] = ll_sd_from_quaternion(object->getRotation());
		prim_llsd["scale"] = object->getScale().getValue();

		// Flags
		prim_llsd["shadows"] = FALSE;
		prim_llsd["phantom"] = object->flagPhantom();
		prim_llsd["physical"] = object->flagUsePhysics();

		// Volume params
		LLVolumeParams params = object->getVolume()->getParams();
		prim_llsd["volume"] = params.asLLSD();

		// Extra paramsb6fab961-af18-77f8-cf08-f021377a7244
		if (object->isFlexible())
			// Flexible
			LLFlexibleObjectData* flex = (LLFlexibleObjectData*)object->getParameterEntry(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_FLEXIBLE);
			prim_llsd["flexible"] = flex->asLLSD();
		if (object->getParameterEntryInUse(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_LIGHT))
			// Light
			LLLightParams* light = (LLLightParams*)object->getParameterEntry(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_LIGHT);
			prim_llsd["light"] = light->asLLSD();
		if (object->getParameterEntryInUse(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_SCULPT))
			// Sculpt
			LLSculptParams* sculpt = (LLSculptParams*)object->getParameterEntry(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_SCULPT);
			prim_llsd["sculpt"] = sculpt->asLLSD();

			LLUUID sculpt_texture = sculpt->getSculptTexture();
			if (sculpt_texture == validateTextureID(sculpt_texture))
				bool alreadyseen = false;
				std::list<LLUUID>::iterator iter;
				for (iter = mTexturesList.begin(); iter != mTexturesList.end(); iter++) 
					if ((*iter) == sculpt_texture)
						alreadyseen = true;
				if (alreadyseen == false)
					LL_INFOS("ObjectBackup") << "Found a sculpt texture, adding to list " << sculpt_texture << LL_ENDL;
				LL_WARNS("ObjectBackup") << "Incorrect permission to export a sculpt texture." << LL_ENDL;
				LLObjectBackup::getInstance()->mExportState = EXPORT_FAILED;

		// Textures
		LLSD te_llsd;
		LLSD this_te_llsd;
		LLUUID t_id;
		U8 te_count = object->getNumTEs();
		for (U8 i = 0; i < te_count; i++)
			bool alreadyseen = false;
			t_id = validateTextureID(object->getTE(i)->getID());
			this_te_llsd = object->getTE(i)->asLLSD();
			this_te_llsd["imageid"] = t_id;
			// Do not export Linden textures even though they don't taint creation.
			if (t_id != LL_TEXTURE_PLYWOOD && 
			    t_id != LL_TEXTURE_BLANK && 
			    t_id != LL_TEXTURE_TRANSPARENT &&
			    t_id != LL_TEXTURE_INVISIBLE &&
			    t_id != LL_TEXTURE_MEDIA)
				std::list<LLUUID>::iterator iter;
				for (iter = mTexturesList.begin(); iter != mTexturesList.end(); iter++) 
					if ((*iter) == t_id)
						alreadyseen = true;
				if (alreadyseen == false)
		prim_llsd["textures"] = te_llsd;

		// The keys in the primitive maps do not have to be localids, they can be any
		// string. We simply use localids because they are a unique identifier
		snprintf(localid, sizeof(localid), "%u", object->getLocalID());
		llsd[(const char*)localid] = prim_llsd;
	return llsd;
LLSD LLObjectBackup::primsToLLSD(LLViewerObject::child_list_t child_list,
								 bool is_attachment)
	LLViewerObject* object;
	LLSD llsd;
	char localid[16];
	LLUUID t_id;

	for (LLViewerObject::child_list_t::iterator i = child_list.begin();
		 i != child_list.end(); ++i)
		object = (*i);
		LLUUID id = object->getID();

		LL_INFOS() << "Exporting prim " << object->getID().asString() << LL_ENDL;

		// Create an LLSD object that represents this prim. It will be injected
		// in to the overall LLSD tree structure
		LLSD prim_llsd;

		if (!object->isRoot())
			// Parent id
			snprintf(localid, sizeof(localid), "%u",
			prim_llsd["parent"] = localid;

		// Name and description
		LLSelectNode* node = LLSelectMgr::getInstance()->getSelection()->findNode(object);
		if (node)
			prim_llsd["name"] = node->mName;
			prim_llsd["description"] = node->mDescription;

		// Transforms
		if (is_attachment)
			prim_llsd["position"] = object->getPositionEdit().getValue();
			prim_llsd["rotation"] = ll_sd_from_quaternion(object->getRotationEdit());
			prim_llsd["position"] = object->getPosition().getValue();
			prim_llsd["rotation"] = ll_sd_from_quaternion(object->getRotation());
		prim_llsd["scale"] = object->getScale().getValue();

		// Flags
		prim_llsd["phantom"] = object->flagPhantom();		// legacy
		prim_llsd["physical"] = object->flagUsePhysics();	// legacy
		prim_llsd["flags"] = (S32)object->getFlags();		// new way

		// Extra physics flags
		if (mGotExtraPhysics)
			LLSD& physics = prim_llsd["ExtraPhysics"];
			physics["PhysicsShapeType"] = object->getPhysicsShapeType();
			physics["Gravity"] = object->getPhysicsGravity();
			physics["Friction"] = object->getPhysicsFriction();
			physics["Density"] = object->getPhysicsDensity();
			physics["Restitution"] = object->getPhysicsRestitution();

		// Click action
		if (S32 action = object->getClickAction()) // Non-zero
			prim_llsd["clickaction"] = action;

		// Prim material
		prim_llsd["material"] = object->getMaterial();

		// Volume params
		LLVolumeParams params = object->getVolume()->getParams();
		prim_llsd["volume"] = params.asLLSD();

		// Extra paramsb6fab961-af18-77f8-cf08-f021377a7244

		if (object->isFlexible())
			// Flexible
			LLFlexibleObjectData* flex;
			flex = (LLFlexibleObjectData*)object->getParameterEntry(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_FLEXIBLE);
			prim_llsd["flexible"] = flex->asLLSD();

		if (object->getParameterEntryInUse(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_LIGHT))
			// Light
			LLLightParams* light;
			light = (LLLightParams*)object->getParameterEntry(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_LIGHT);
			prim_llsd["light"] = light->asLLSD();
		if (object->getParameterEntryInUse(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_LIGHT_IMAGE))
			// Light image
			LLLightImageParams* light_param;
			light_param = (LLLightImageParams*)object->getParameterEntry(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_LIGHT_IMAGE);
			t_id = validateTextureID(light_param->getLightTexture());
			if (mTexturesList.count(t_id) == 0)
				LL_INFOS() << "Found a light texture, adding to list " << t_id
						<< LL_ENDL;
			prim_llsd["light_texture"] = light_param->asLLSD();

		if (object->getParameterEntryInUse(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_SCULPT))
			// Sculpt
			LLSculptParams* sculpt;
			sculpt = (LLSculptParams*)object->getParameterEntry(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_SCULPT);
			prim_llsd["sculpt"] = sculpt->asLLSD();
			if ((sculpt->getSculptType() & LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MASK) != LL_SCULPT_TYPE_MESH)
				LLUUID sculpt_texture = sculpt->getSculptTexture();
				if (sculpt_texture == validateTextureID(sculpt_texture))
					if (mTexturesList.count(sculpt_texture) == 0)
						LL_INFOS() << "Found a sculpt texture, adding to list "
								<< sculpt_texture << LL_ENDL;
					LL_WARNS() << "Incorrect permission to export a sculpt texture."
							<< LL_ENDL;
					mExportState = EXPORT_FAILED;

		// Textures and materials
		LLSD te_llsd;
		LLSD this_te_llsd;
		LLSD te_mat_llsd;
		LLSD this_te_mat_llsd;
		bool has_materials = false;
		for (U8 i = 0, count = object->getNumTEs(); i < count; ++i)
			LLTextureEntry* te = object->getTE(i);
			if (!te) continue;	// Paranoia

			// Normal texture/diffuse map
			t_id = validateTextureID(te->getID());
			this_te_llsd = te->asLLSD();
			this_te_llsd["imageid"] = t_id;
			// Do not export non-existent default textures
			if (t_id != LL_TEXTURE_BLANK && t_id != LL_TEXTURE_INVISIBLE)
				if (mTexturesList.count(t_id) == 0)

			// Materials
			LLMaterial* mat = te->getMaterialParams().get();
			if (mat)
				has_materials = true;
				this_te_mat_llsd = mat->asLLSD();

				t_id = validateTextureID(mat->getNormalID());
				this_te_mat_llsd["NormMap"] = t_id;
				if (mTexturesList.count(t_id) == 0)

				t_id = validateTextureID(mat->getSpecularID());
				this_te_mat_llsd["SpecMap"] = t_id;
				if (mTexturesList.count(t_id) == 0)

		prim_llsd["textures"] = te_llsd;
		if (has_materials)
			prim_llsd["materials"] = te_mat_llsd;

		// The keys in the primitive maps do not have to be localids, they can
		// be any string. We simply use localids because they are a unique
		// identifier
		snprintf(localid, sizeof(localid), "%u", object->getLocalID());
		llsd[(const char*)localid] = prim_llsd;


	return llsd;
LLSD primbackup::prims_to_llsd(LLViewerObject::child_list_t child_list)

	LLViewerObject* object;
	LLSD llsd;

	char localid[16];

	for (LLViewerObject::child_list_t::iterator i = child_list.begin(); i != child_list.end(); ++i)
		LLUUID id = object->getID();

		llinfos << "Exporting prim " << object->getID().asString() << llendl;

		// Create an LLSD object that represents this prim. It will be injected in to the overall LLSD
		// tree structure
		LLSD prim_llsd;

		if (!object->isRoot())

			// Parent id
			snprintf(localid, sizeof(localid), "%u", object->getSubParent()->getLocalID());
			prim_llsd["parent"] = localid;

		// Transforms
		prim_llsd["position"] = object->getPosition().getValue();
		prim_llsd["scale"] = object->getScale().getValue();
		prim_llsd["rotation"] = ll_sd_from_quaternion(object->getRotation());

		// Flags
		prim_llsd["shadows"] = object->flagCastShadows();
		prim_llsd["phantom"] = object->flagPhantom();
		prim_llsd["physical"] = (BOOL)(object->mFlags & FLAGS_USE_PHYSICS);

		// Volume params
		LLVolumeParams params = object->getVolume()->getParams();
		prim_llsd["volume"] = params.asLLSD();

		// Extra paramsb6fab961-af18-77f8-cf08-f021377a7244
		if (object->isFlexible())
			// Flexible
			LLFlexibleObjectData* flex = (LLFlexibleObjectData*)object->getParameterEntry(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_FLEXIBLE);
			prim_llsd["flexible"] = flex->asLLSD();
		if (object->getParameterEntryInUse(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_LIGHT))
			// Light
			LLLightParams* light = (LLLightParams*)object->getParameterEntry(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_LIGHT);
			prim_llsd["light"] = light->asLLSD();
		if (object->getParameterEntryInUse(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_SCULPT))
			// Sculpt
			LLSculptParams* sculpt = (LLSculptParams*)object->getParameterEntry(LLNetworkData::PARAMS_SCULPT);
			prim_llsd["sculpt"] = sculpt->asLLSD();
			LLUUID sculpt_texture=sculpt->getSculptTexture();
			bool alreadyseen=false;
			std::list<LLUUID>::iterator iter;
			for(iter = textures.begin(); iter != textures.end() ; iter++) 
				if( (*iter)==sculpt_texture)
				llinfos << "Found a sculpt texture, adding to list "<<sculpt_texture<<llendl;

		// Textures
		LLSD te_llsd;
		U8 te_count = object->getNumTEs();
		for (U8 i = 0; i < te_count; i++)
			bool alreadyseen=false;
			std::list<LLUUID>::iterator iter;
			for(iter = textures.begin(); iter != textures.end() ; iter++) 
				if( (*iter)==object->getTE(i)->getID())
		prim_llsd["textures"] = te_llsd;

		// The keys in the primitive maps do not have to be localids, they can be any
		// string. We simply use localids because they are a unique identifier
		snprintf(localid, sizeof(localid), "%u", object->getLocalID());
		llsd[(const char*)localid] = prim_llsd;


	return llsd;