TEST_F(LListIntTest, ConcatenationENominal){
	LListInt newList;
	LListInt finalList;
	newList.insert(0, 3);
	newList.insert(1, 4);
	newList.insert(2, 5);
	finalList = list + newList;

	EXPECT_EQ(finalList.size(), list.size() + newList.size());

	for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++)
		EXPECT_EQ(finalList[i], list[i]);

	for(int i=0; i<newList.size(); i++)
		EXPECT_EQ(finalList[i+list.size()], newList[i]);
* Concatenation Operator (other should be appended to the end of this)
LListInt LListInt::operator+(const LListInt& other) const{

	LListInt temp = *this; // new temporary LinkedList that will be returned

	for(int i = 0; i < other.size(); i++){
		temp.insert(i + this->size(), other.get(i)); // inserting to the end of the object on the left hand side

	return temp;
TEST_F(LListIntTest, AssignmentOffNominal){
	LListInt newList;
	newList.insert(0, 5);
	newList.insert(1, 9);

	newList = list;

	EXPECT_EQ(newList.size(), list.size());

	for(int i=0; i<newList.size(); i++)
		EXPECT_EQ(newList[i], list[i]);
TEST_F(llisttest, addNominal) {

	LListInt add;

	for(int i = 5; i < 10; i++){
		add.insert(i-5, i);

	list = list + add;

	for (int i = 0 ; i < 10; i++) {
		EXPECT_EQ(list.get(i), i);
int main() {
  LListInt * list = new LListInt();

  // Check if the list is initially empty.
  if (list->empty()) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List is empty initially." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List is not empty initially when it should be." << endl;

  // Calls to insert function
  list->insert(0, 88);
  list->insert(1, 3);
  list->insert(2, 14);
  list->insert(1, 5);
  list->insert(4, 28);
  list->insert(-3, 31);
  //current list is: 88 5 3 14 28

  // Check if the list is still empty.
  if (!list->empty()) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List is not empty after 5 insertions." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List is empty after 5 insertions." << endl;
  // Check if there are 5 items in the list.
  if (list->size() == 5) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 5 after the insertions." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after 5 insertions." << endl;

  // Check if the value is correct.
  if (list->get(0) == 88) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 88 is at the 1st index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 88 is not at the 1st index of the list, " << list->get(1) << " is instead." << endl;

  // Check if the value is correct.
  if (list->get(2) == 14) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 14 is at the 2nd index of the list, remove function worked" << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 14 is not at the 2nd index of the list, " << list->get(2) << " is instead." << endl;

  // Clean up memory.
  delete list;
TEST_F(llisttest, assignNominal) {

	LListInt assign;

	for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
		assign.insert(i, i+1);

	for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
		EXPECT_EQ(assign.get(i), i+1);

	assign = list;

	for (int i = 0 ; i < 5; i++) {
		EXPECT_EQ(assign.get(i), i);
int main() {
  LListInt * list = new LListInt();

  // Check if the list is initially empty.
  if (list->empty()) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List is empty initially." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List is not empty initially when it should be." << endl;

  // Test -> Insert an item at the head
  list->insert(0, 3);

  // Check if the list is still empty
  if (!list->empty()) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List is not empty after one insertion." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List is empty after one insertion." << endl;

  // Check if the size
  if (list->size() == 1) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 1 after one insertion." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after one insertion.";
    cout << endl;

  // Check if the value is correct.
  if (list->get(0) == 3) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 3 is at the 0th index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 3 is not at the 0th index of the list, " << list->get(0);
    cout << " is instead." << endl;

  // Test -> Insert an item at the beginning
  list->insert(0, 2);

  if (list->get(0) == 2) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 2 is at the 0th index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 2 is not at the 0th index of the list, " << list->get(0);
    cout << " is instead." << endl;

  // Test -> Insert an item at the end
  list->insert(2, 5);

  if (list->get(2) == 5) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 5 is at the 2th index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 5 is not at the 2th index of the list, " << list->get(0);
    cout << " is instead." << endl;

  // Test -> Insert item in the middle 
  list->insert(2, 4);

  if (list->get(2) == 4) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 4 is at the 2th index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 4 is not at the 2th index of the list, " << list->get(0);
    cout << " is instead." << endl;

  // Test -> inserting at a wrong location
  list->insert(5, 0);

  // Clean up memory.
  delete list;
int main(){
	LListInt* list = new LListInt();

	cout << "BEGINNING 15 TEST CASES..." << endl;

	// We can assume that the following will work if and only if get(), size() and empty() work
	// get() and set() will throw a core dump if given bad location

	// 1. Check if the list is initially empty.
	if (list->empty()) cout << "SUCCESS: (1) List is empty initially." << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (1) List is not empty initially when it should be." << endl;

	// 2. Check: insert into empty list with bad location
	list->insert(1, 5);
	if(list->empty()) cout << "SUCCESS: (2) List is still empty." << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (2) List now has " << list->size() << " element(s)" << endl;

	// 3. Check: insert into empty list with loc = 0
	list->insert(0,5); // 5
		if(list->get(0)==5) cout << "SUCCESS";
		else cout << "FAIL";
		string temp = printlist(list);
		cout << ": (3) list is " << temp << endl;

	else cout << "FAIL: (3) list has size " << list->size() << " instead of 1" << endl;

	// 4. Check: insert element to end of list. (loc == size)
	list->insert(1,8); // 5, 8
		if(list->get(0)==5 && list->get(1)==8) cout << "SUCCESS";
		else cout << "FAIL";
		string temp = printlist(list);
		cout << ": (4) list is " << temp << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (4) list has size " << list->size() << " instead of 2" << endl;

	// 5. Check: insert element to front of list
	list->insert(0,2); // 2, 5, 8
		if(list->get(0)==2 && list->get(1)==5 && list->get(2)==8) cout << "SUCCESS";
		else cout << "FAIL";
		string temp = printlist(list);
		cout << ": (5) list is " << temp << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (5) list has size " << list->size() << " instead of 3" << endl;

	// 6. Check: insert element to middle of list
	list->insert(2,3); // 2, 5, 3, 8
		if(list->get(0)==2 && list->get(1)==5 && list->get(2)==3 && list->get(3)==8)
			cout << "SUCCESS";
		else cout << "FAIL";
		string temp = printlist(list);
		cout << ": (6) list is " << temp << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (6) list has size " << list->size() << " instead of 4" << endl;

	// 7. Check: insert element in bad location
	list->insert(5,0); // 2, 5, 3, 8
		if(list->get(0)==2 && list->get(1)==5 && list->get(2)==3 && list->get(3)==8)
			cout << "SUCCESS";
		else cout << "FAIL";
		string temp = printlist(list);
		cout << ": (7) list is " << temp << endl;
	else if(list->size()==5) 
		cout << "FAIL: (7) the 5th element " << list->get(5) << " was incorrectly inserted" << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (7) list has size " << list->size() << " instead of 4" << endl;

	// 8. Check: remove element from loc == size (bad location)
		if(list->get(0)==2 && list->get(1)==5 && list->get(2)==3 && list->get(3)==8)
			cout << "SUCCESS";
		else cout << "FAIL";
		string temp = printlist(list);
		cout << ": (8) list is " << temp << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (8) list has size " << list->size() << " instead of 4" << endl;

	// 9. Check: remove element from loc > size (bad location)
		if(list->get(0)==2 && list->get(1)==5 && list->get(2)==3 && list->get(3)==8)
			cout << "SUCCESS";
		else cout << "FAIL";
		string temp = printlist(list);
		cout << ": (9) list is " << temp << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (9) list has size " << list->size() << " instead of 4" << endl;

	// 10. Check: remove element from end of list
	list->remove(3); // 2, 5, 3
		if(list->get(0)==2 && list->get(1)==5 && list->get(2)==3)
			cout << "SUCCESS";
		else cout << "FAIL";
		string temp = printlist(list);
		cout << ": (10) list is " << temp << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (10) list has size " << list->size() << " instead of 3" << endl;

	// 11. Check: removing from beginning of list
	list->remove(0); // 5, 3
		if(list->get(0)==5 && list->get(1)==3)
			cout << "SUCCESS";
		else cout << "FAIL";
		string temp = printlist(list);
		cout << ": (11) list is " << temp << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (11) list has size " << list->size() << " instead of 2" << endl;

	// 12. Check: removing from middle of list
	list->insert(1,9); // 5, 9, 3
	list->remove(1); // 5, 3
		if(list->get(0)==5 && list->get(1)==3)
			cout << "SUCCESS";
		else cout << "FAIL";
		string temp = printlist(list);
		cout << ": (12) list is " << temp << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (12) list has size " << list->size() << " instead of 2" << endl;

	// 13. Check: setting
	list->set(0, 3); // 3, 3
	list->set(1, 5); // 3, 5
		if(list->get(1)==5 && list->get(0)==3)
			cout << "SUCCESS";
		else cout << "FAIL";
		string temp = printlist(list);
		cout << ": (13) list is " << temp << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (13) list has size " << list->size() << " instead of 2" << endl;

	// 14. Check: clear
	string temp = printlist(list);
	if (list->empty()) cout << "SUCCESS: (14) List is emptied." << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (14) List is not empty: " << temp << endl;

	// 15. Check: remove
	temp = printlist(list);
	if (list->empty()) cout << "SUCCESS: (15) List is empty and ok." << endl;
	else cout << "FAIL: (15) List is not empty: " << temp << endl;


	delete list;

	return 0;

int main() {
  LListInt * list = new LListInt();

  // Check if the list is initially empty.
  if (list->empty()) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List is empty initially." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List is not empty initially when it should be." << endl;

  // Remove an item from an empty list

  // Insert an item from invalid location
  //list->insert(-1, 1);
  //list->insert(3, 3);

  // Insert an item at the head.
  list->insert(0, 3);

  // Check if the list is still empty.
  if (!list->empty()) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List is not empty after one insertion." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List is empty after one insertion." << endl;

  if (list->size() == 1) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 1 after one insertion." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after one insertion.";
    cout << endl;

  // Insert an item from invalid location
  //list->insert(3, 3);

  // Insert an item to the end of an existing list
  list->insert(1, 2);
  list->insert(2, 1);

  if (list->size() == 3) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 3 after three insertion." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after three insertion.";
    cout << endl;

  // Check if the value is correct.
  if (list->get(0) == 3) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 3 is at the 0th index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 3 is not at the 0th index of the list, " << list->get(0);
    cout << " is instead." << endl;

  // Check if the value is correct.
  if (list->get(1) == 2) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 2 is at the 1st index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 2 is not at the 1st index of the list, " << list->get(2);
    cout << " is instead." << endl;

  // Check if the value is correct.
  if (list->get(2) == 1) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 1 is at the 2nd index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 1 is not at the 2nd index of the list, " << list->get(2);
    cout << " is instead." << endl;

  // Insert an item into middle of an existing list
  list->insert(1, 3);
  list->insert(0, 10);

  if (list->size() == 5) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 5 after five insertion." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after five insertion.";
    cout << endl;

  // Check if the value is correct.
  if (list->get(0) == 10) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 10 is at the 0th index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 10 is not at the 0th index of the list, " << list->get(0);
    cout << " is instead." << endl;

  // Check if the value is correct.
  if (list->get(1) == 3) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 3 is at the 1st index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 3 is not at the 1st index of the list, " << list->get(1);
    cout << " is instead." << endl;

  // Check if the value is correct.
  if (list->get(2) == 3) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 3 is at the 2nd index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 3 is not at the 2nd index of the list, " << list->get(2);
    cout << " is instead." << endl;

  // Remove item from invalid location

  // Remove item from ends of the list

  if (list->size() == 3) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 3 after two removals." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after two removals.";
    cout << endl;

  // Check if the value is correct.
  if (list->get(0) == 3) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 3 is at the 0th index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 3 is not at the 0th index of the list, " << list->get(0);
    cout << " is instead." << endl;

  // Check if the value is correct.
  if (list->get(2) == 2) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 2 is at the 3rd index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 2 is not at the 3rd index of the list, " << list->get(2);
    cout << " is instead." << endl;

  // Remove item from middle of an array

  if (list->size() == 2) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 2 after three removals." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after three removals.";
    cout << endl;

  // Check if the value is correct.
  if (list->get(1) == 2) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: 2 is at the 1st index of the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: 2 is not at the 1st index of the list, " << list->get(1);
    cout << " is instead." << endl;

  // Clean list

  if (list->empty()) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List is empty after clear()." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List is not empty after clear() when it should be." << endl;

  // Clean up memory.
  delete list;
int main() {
	LListInt * list = new LListInt();
 	list->insert(0, 3);
  	//insert an item to the empty list. 

  	if (list->size() == 1) {
    	cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 1 after one insertion." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after one insertion.";
    	cout << endl;

	if (list->get(0) == 3) {
    	cout << "SUCCESS: 3 is at the 0th index of the list." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: 3 is not at the 0th index of the list, " << list->get(0);
    	cout << " is instead." << endl;

  	//insert an item at the valid location SIZE
  	//the tail will be changed and the size would be changed to 2
  	if (list->size() == 2) {
    	cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 2 after one insertion." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after one insertion.";
    	cout << endl;
  	//the second item will have the value 2;
  	if (list->get(1) == 4) {
    	cout << "SUCCESS: 4 is at the 1st index of the list." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: 4 is not at the 1st index of the list, " << list->get(1);
    	cout << " is instead." << endl;

  	//add one item at the location between 0 to Size-1
  	if(list->size() == 3){
  		cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 3 after one insertion." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after one insertion.";
    	cout << endl;

  	if (list->get(1) == 5) {
    	cout << "SUCCESS: 5 is at the 1st index of the list." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: 5 is not at the 1st index of the list, " << list->get(1);
    	cout << " is instead." << endl;
  	//5 should be the new value of the 1st index
  	if (list->get(2) == 4) {
    	cout << "SUCCESS: 4 is at the 2nd index of the list." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: 4 is not at the 2nd index of the list, " << list->get(2);
    	cout << " is instead." << endl;
  	//4 would be pushed to the next position at the 2nd.
	//the substitution is successful.

	//insert an item to the array at the location out of valid range
	if(list->size() == 3){
  		cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 3 after two insertion." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after one insertion.";
    	cout << endl;

	//delete the item in location 1 in the valid range
	if(list->size() == 2){
  		cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 2 after one remove." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after one insertion.";
    	cout << endl;
  	//the size should be 2 now.

	if (list->get(1) == 4) {
    	cout << "SUCCESS: 4 is at the 1st index of the list." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: 4 is not at the 1st index of the list, " << list->get(1);
    	cout << " is instead." << endl;
  	//the item with value 4 will substitute the value at location 1 before

  	//delete the item at the location out of the valid range
  	if(list->size() == 2){
  		cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 2 after one remove." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after one insertion.";
    	cout << endl;
  	//the size should keep 2 now.

  	//insert item with value 5 to the list.
  	//remove the last item(boundary)
  	if(list->size() == 2){
  		cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 2 after one remove." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after one insertion.";
    	cout << endl;
  	//the last item is removed and the size will become 2
  	if (list->get(1) == 4) {
    	cout << "SUCCESS: 4 is at the 1st index of the list." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: 4 is not at the 1st index of the list, " << list->get(1);
    	cout << " is instead." << endl;

  	//remove the first boundary item
  	//the rest items should move left by one spot
  	if(list->size() == 2){
  		cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 2 after one remove." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after one insertion.";
    	cout << endl;
  	//the first item is removed and the size will become 2
  	if (list->get(1) == 5) {
    	cout << "SUCCESS: 5 is at the 1st index of the list." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: 5 is not at the 1st index of the list, " << list->get(1);
    	cout << " is instead." << endl;
  	if(list->size() == 0){
  		cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 0 after one clear." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after one insertion.";
    	cout << endl;
  	if(list->size() == 0){
  		cout << "SUCCESS: List has size 0 after one clear." << endl;
  	else {
    	cout << "FAIL: List has size " << list->size() << " after one insertion.";
    	cout << endl;
  	delete list;
  	return 0;
int main() {

  LListInt * list = new LListInt();

  if (list->empty()) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List is empty initially." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List is not empty initially when it should be." << endl;
  // Testing insert function
  cout << "\nTesting insert function\n";

  if (list->get(0) == 1 && list->get(1) == 5 && list->get(2) == 7) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: Elements 1, 5, 7 are successfully inserted to the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Insertion failed." << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: List after insertion \n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";
  cout << endl << endl;
  //Inserting head
  if (list->get(0) == 0) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: Inserting element from the front of the list" << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Failed to insert element from the front of the list." << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: List after inserting from the front of the list \n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";

  cout << endl << endl;

  //Inserting tail
  if (list->get(list->size()-1) == 8) {
  cout << "SUCCESS: Inserting element from the back of the list" << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Failed to insert element from the back of the list." << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: List after inserting from the back of the list\n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";
  cout << endl << endl;

  //Inserting elements in certain positions" << endl;
  if (list->get(2) == 2) {
  cout << "SUCCESS: Inserting element on position 2 in the list" << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Failed to insert element on postion 2 in the list." << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: List after inserting element on position 2 in the list\n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";
  cout << endl << endl;

  //0 1 2 4 5 7 8

  if (list->get(3) == 4) {
  cout << "SUCCESS: Inserting element on position 3 in the list" << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Failed to insert element on postion 3 in the list." << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: List after inserting element on position 3 in the list\n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";
  cout << endl<< endl;

  //0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8

  if (list->get(5) == 6) {
  cout << "SUCCESS: Inserting element on position 5 in the list" << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Failed to insert element on postion 5 in the list." << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: List after inserting element on position 5 in the list\n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";
  cout << endl << endl;

  //0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  if (list->get(3) == 3) {
  cout << "SUCCESS: Inserting element on position 3 in the list" << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Failed to insert element on postion 3 in the list." << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: List after inserting element on position 3 in the list\n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";
  cout << endl << endl;
  int x = list->size();

  //Testing invalid location insertion

  if (list->size() == x) {
  cout << "SUCCESS: Invalid insertion did not alter the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Invalid insertion altered the list." << endl;

   cout << "DISPLAYING: List after attempting to insert in invalid position of the list\n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";

  cout << "\n\nTesting remove function \n";

  //"Removing head\n";
  if (list->get(0) == 1) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: Removing element from the front of the list" << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Failed to remove element from the front of the list." << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: List after removing element from the front of the list \n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";
  cout << endl << endl;

  //Removing tail
  list->remove(list->size() - 1);
  if (list->get(list->size()-1) == 7) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: Removing element from the back of the list" << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Failed to remove element from the back of the list." << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: List after removing element from the back of the list \n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";
  cout << endl << endl;

  //1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  //Removing elements in certain positions\n";
  list->remove(2); //remove 3
  if(list->get(2) == 3) {
  cout << "SUCCESS: Removing element on position 2 in the list" << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Failed to remove element on postion 2 in the list." << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: List after removing element on position 2 in the list\n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";
  cout << endl << endl;

  // 1 2 4 5 6 7
  list->remove(4); //remove 6
  if(list->get(4) == 7) {
  cout << "SUCCESS: Removing element on position 4 in the list" << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Failed to remove element on postion 4 in the list." << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: List after removing element on position 4 in the list\n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";
  cout << endl << endl;

  //1 2 4 5 7
  list->remove(1); //remove 2
  if (list->get(1) == 4) {
  cout << "SUCCESS: Removing element on position 1 in the list" << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Failed to remove element on postion 1 in the list." << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: List after removing element on position 1 in the list\n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";
  cout << endl << endl;

  // 1 4 5 7
  //Testing invalid location for removal

  x = list->size();

  if (list->size() == x) {
  cout << "SUCCESS: Invalid removal did not alter the list." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: Invalid removal altered the list." << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: List after attempting to remove element in invalid position of the list\n";
  for (int i=-0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";
  cout << endl << endl;

  //Removing the rest of the element in the list

  for (int i=0; i<x; i++) {

  if (list->size() == 0) {
  cout << "SUCCESS: Removing the rest of the elements from the list" << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: The list is not empty" << endl;

  cout << "DISPLAYING: The list after removing \n";
  for (int i=0; i < list->size(); i++) {
    cout << list->get(i) << " ";
  cout << endl;

  if (list->empty()) {
    cout << "SUCCESS: List is now empty." << endl;
  } else {
    cout << "FAIL: List is not empty." << endl;

  // Clean up memory.
  delete list;
  list = NULL;
