// Name: XBUtil_CreateNormalizationCubeMap()
// Desc: Creates a cubemap and fills it with normalized RGBA vectors
HRESULT XBUtil_CreateNormalizationCubeMap( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pd3dDevice, 
                                           DWORD dwSize, 
                                           LPDIRECT3DCUBETEXTURE8* ppCubeMap )
    HRESULT hr;

    // Create the cube map
    if( FAILED( hr = pd3dDevice->CreateCubeTexture( dwSize, 1, 0, D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8, 
                                                    D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, ppCubeMap ) ) )
        return E_FAIL;
    // Allocate temp space for swizzling the cubemap surfaces
    DWORD* pSourceBits = new DWORD[ dwSize * dwSize ];

    // Fill all six sides of the cubemap
    for( DWORD i=0; i<6; i++ )
        // Lock the i'th cubemap surface
        LPDIRECT3DSURFACE8 pCubeMapFace;
        (*ppCubeMap)->GetCubeMapSurface( (D3DCUBEMAP_FACES)i, 0, &pCubeMapFace );

        // Write the RGBA-encoded normals to the surface pixels
        DWORD*      pPixel = pSourceBits;
        D3DXVECTOR3 n;
        FLOAT       w, h;

        for( DWORD y = 0; y < dwSize; y++ )
            h  = (FLOAT)y / (FLOAT)(dwSize-1);  // 0 to 1
            h  = ( h * 2.0f ) - 1.0f;           // -1 to 1
            for( DWORD x = 0; x < dwSize; x++ )
                w = (FLOAT)x / (FLOAT)(dwSize-1);   // 0 to 1
                w = ( w * 2.0f ) - 1.0f;            // -1 to 1

                // Calc the normal for this texel
                switch( i )
                    case D3DCUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_X:    // +x
                        n.x = +1.0;
                        n.y = -h;
                        n.z = -w;
                    case D3DCUBEMAP_FACE_NEGATIVE_X:    // -x
                        n.x = -1.0;
                        n.y = -h;
                        n.z = +w;
                    case D3DCUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_Y:    // y
                        n.x = +w;
                        n.y = +1.0;
                        n.z = +h;
                    case D3DCUBEMAP_FACE_NEGATIVE_Y:    // -y
                        n.x = +w;
                        n.y = -1.0;
                        n.z = -h;
                    case D3DCUBEMAP_FACE_POSITIVE_Z:    // +z
                        n.x = +w;
                        n.y = -h;
                        n.z = +1.0;
                    case D3DCUBEMAP_FACE_NEGATIVE_Z:    // -z
                        n.x = -w;
                        n.y = -h;
                        n.z = -1.0;

                // Store the normal as an RGBA color
                D3DXVec3Normalize( &n, &n );
                *pPixel++ = XBUtil_VectorToRGBA( &n );
        // Swizzle the result into the cubemap face surface
        D3DLOCKED_RECT lock;
        pCubeMapFace->LockRect( &lock, 0, 0L );
        XGSwizzleRect( pSourceBits, 0, NULL, lock.pBits, dwSize, dwSize,
                       NULL, sizeof(DWORD) );

        // Release the cubemap face

    // Free temp space
    SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( pSourceBits );

    return S_OK;