void PDBFileWriter::writeSecstr(qlib::PrintStream &prs)
  MolResiduePtr pRes1;

  int nhx = 1;
  MolCoordPtr pMol(m_pMol);
  ResidIterator riter(pMol); //(MolCoordPtr(m_pMol));

  // Write HELIX records
  for (riter.first(); riter.hasMore(); riter.next()) {
    LString sec;
    LString pfx;
    MolResiduePtr pRes = riter.get();
    pRes->getPropStr("secondary2", sec);

    // MB_DPRINTLN("%s%d => %s", pRes->getChainName().c_str(), pRes->getIndex().first, sec.c_str());

    if (sec.length()>=2)
      pfx= sec.substr(1,1);
    if (!(sec.startsWith("H")||sec.startsWith("G")||sec.startsWith("I")))

    if (pfx.equals("s"))
      pRes1 = pRes;
    else if (pfx.equals("e")) {
      LString resn1 = pRes1->getName().substr(0,3);
      LString chn1 = pRes1->getChainName().substr(0,1);
      ResidIndex resix1 = pRes1->getIndex();
      char ins1 = resix1.second;
        if (ins1=='\0') ins1 = ' ';
      LString resn2 = pRes->getName().substr(0,3);
      LString chn2 = pRes->getChainName().substr(0,1);
      ResidIndex resix2 = pRes->getIndex();
      char ins2 = resix2.second;
      if (ins2=='\0') ins2 = ' ';
      prs.print("HELIX ");
      // helix seqno
      prs.format(" %3d", nhx);
        // helix ID
      prs.format(" %3d", nhx);
      // start resname
      prs.format(" %3s", resn1.c_str());
      prs.format(" %1s", chn1.c_str());
      prs.format(" %4d", resix1.first);
      prs.format("%c", ins1);
      // end resname
      prs.format(" %3s", resn2.c_str());
      prs.format(" %1s", chn2.c_str());
      prs.format(" %4d", resix2.first);
      prs.format("%c", ins2);
      // typeof helix
      int ntype = 1;
      if (sec.startsWith("G"))
        ntype = 5;
      else if (sec.startsWith("I"))
        ntype = 3;
      prs.format("%2d", ntype);

  // Write SHEET records
  int nsh = 1;
  for (riter.first(); riter.hasMore(); riter.next()) {
    LString sec;
    LString pfx;
    MolResiduePtr pRes = riter.get();
    pRes->getPropStr("secondary2", sec);

    // MB_DPRINTLN("%s%d => %s", pRes->getChainName().c_str(), pRes->getIndex().first, sec.c_str());

    if (sec.length()>=2)
      pfx= sec.substr(1,1);
    if (!(sec.startsWith("E")))

    if (pfx.equals("s"))
      pRes1 = pRes;
    else if (pfx.equals("e")) {
      LString resn1 = pRes1->getName().substr(0,3);
      LString chn1 = pRes1->getChainName().substr(0,1);
      ResidIndex resix1 = pRes1->getIndex();
      char ins1 = resix1.second;
      if (ins1=='\0') ins1 = ' ';
      LString resn2 = pRes->getName().substr(0,3);
      LString chn2 = pRes->getChainName().substr(0,1);
      ResidIndex resix2 = pRes->getIndex();
      char ins2 = resix2.second;
      if (ins2=='\0') ins2 = ' ';
      prs.print("SHEET ");
      // helix seqno
      prs.format(" %3d", nsh);
      // helix ID
      prs.format(" %3d", nsh);
      // num of strands
      prs.print(" 1");

      // start resname
      prs.format(" %3s", resn1.c_str());
      prs.format(" %1s", chn1.c_str());
      prs.format("%4d", resix1.first);
      prs.format("%c", ins1);
      // end resname
      prs.format(" %3s", resn2.c_str());
      prs.format(" %1s", chn2.c_str());
      prs.format("%4d", resix2.first);
      prs.format("%c", ins2);
      // direction
      prs.print(" 0");

  } // for

void SceneXMLReader::procDataSrcLoad(qlib::LDom2InStream &ois, LDom2Node *pNode)
  // Recursively check the data src load requests

  LDom2Node::NodeList::const_iterator iter = pNode->childBegin();
  LDom2Node::NodeList::const_iterator eiter = pNode->childEnd();
  for (; iter!=eiter; ++iter) {
    LDom2Node *pChNode = *iter;
    if (pChNode!=NULL)
      procDataSrcLoad(ois, pChNode);

  // Do data source loading

  LDataSrcContainer *pCnt = pNode->getDataSrcContainer();
  if (pCnt==NULL)
  LString src = pNode->getDataSrc();
  LString altsrc = pNode->getDataAltSrc();
  LString srctype = pNode->getDataSrcType();

  if (src.isEmpty())

  if (srctype.isEmpty()) {
    // ERROR!! (TO DO: handling)
    LOG_DPRINTLN("SceneXML> src %s: srctype is not defined. (ignored)", src.c_str());

  if (src.startsWith("datachunk:") && src.length()==15) {
    // Data source is in datachunk
    // --> Prepare for reading from data chunk of the stream
    MB_DPRINTLN("Data chunk found %s, %s ",
                src.c_str(), srctype.c_str());
    // addChunkMap(src, pCnt, srctype);
    ois.addChunkMap(src, pCnt);
  //robj->readFromPath(src, altsrc, m_pClient);
  bool bAlt = false;
  LString basedir = m_pClient->getBasePath();
  LString abs_path = pCnt->readFromSrcAltSrc(src, altsrc, basedir, bAlt);

  // ATTN 14/06/29:
  // Update src/altsrc properties based on where the data source has been loaded.
  // (In the qsc file, there are two alternative sources. However, only one src is actually loaded.)
  // This is required to keep consistency between the "src prop" and "actual data src".
  if (bAlt) {
    // loaded from altsrc; altsrc --> src
    if (!qlib::isAbsolutePath(altsrc))
      altsrc = qlib::makeAbsolutePath(altsrc, basedir);
  else {
    // loaded from src; keep src
    if (!qlib::isAbsolutePath(src))
      src = qlib::makeAbsolutePath(src, basedir);
