LTBOOL ScaleSprite::Update()
	if (m_bStartOn)
		g_pCommonLT->SetObjectFlags(m_hObject, OFT_User, USRFLG_VISIBLE, USRFLG_VISIBLE);

		g_pCommonLT->SetObjectFlags(m_hObject, OFT_Flags, FLAG_VISIBLE, FLAG_VISIBLE);

	// BUG - This isn't quite right.  Sometimes this works (flipping the sprite)
	// other times the sprite shouldn't be flipped...Not sure what the bug is.
	// For some reason the sprites are sometimes backwards...Get the rotation
	// so we can flip it...

    LTRotation rRot;
    LTVector vPos, vDir, vU, vR, vF;
	g_pLTServer->GetObjectPos(m_hObject, &vPos);
	g_pLTServer->GetObjectRotation(m_hObject, &rRot);
	vU = rRot.Up();
	vR = rRot.Right();
	vF = rRot.Forward();

	if (m_bFlushWithWorld)
		// Align the sprite to the surface directly behind the sprite
		// (i.e., opposite the forward vector)...

		VEC_MULSCALAR(vDir, vF, -1.0f);

		// Determine where on the surface to place the sprite...

		IntersectInfo iInfo;
		IntersectQuery qInfo;

		VEC_COPY(qInfo.m_From, vPos);
		VEC_COPY(qInfo.m_Direction, vDir);
        qInfo.m_FilterFn = LTNULL;

        if (g_pLTServer->CastRay(&qInfo, &iInfo))
            LTVector vTemp;
			VEC_COPY(vPos, iInfo.m_Point);
			VEC_COPY(vDir, iInfo.m_Plane.m_Normal);

			// Place the sprite just above the surface...

			VEC_MULSCALAR(vTemp, vDir, 1.0f);
			VEC_ADD(vPos, vPos, vTemp);

			g_pLTServer->SetObjectPos(m_hObject, &vPos);

    return LTTRUE;
bool CFallingStuffFX::Init(ILTClient *pClientDE, FX_BASEDATA *pBaseData, const CBaseFXProps *pProps)
    // Perform base class initialisation

    if (!CBaseFX::Init(pClientDE, pBaseData, pProps))
        return false;

    // Store the first position as the last position

    m_vLastPos = pBaseData->m_vPos;

    // If we have a parent object, get it and apply it's rotation
    // to the plane direction
    m_vPlaneDir = GetProps()->m_vPlaneDir;
    if (m_hParent)
        LTRotation orient;
        m_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation(m_hParent, &orient);

        LTMatrix mRot;
        Mat_SetBasisVectors(&mRot, &orient.Right(), &orient.Up(), &orient.Forward());

        LTVector vTmp = m_vPlaneDir;

        MatVMul(&m_vPlaneDir, &mRot, &vTmp);

    LTVector vUp;
    vUp.x = 0.0f;
    vUp.y = 1.0f;
    vUp.z = 0.0f;

    LTVector vTest = m_vPlaneDir;
    vTest.x = (float)fabs(vTest.x);
    vTest.y = (float)fabs(vTest.y);
    vTest.z = (float)fabs(vTest.z);

    if (vTest == vUp)
        // Gotsta use another axis

        vUp.x = -1.0f;
        vUp.y = 0.0f;
        vUp.z = 0.0f;

    m_vRight = m_vPlaneDir.Cross(vUp);
    m_vUp = m_vPlaneDir.Cross(m_vRight);

    // Create the base object


    // Success !!

    return true;
LTBOOL CLaserTriggerFX::CalcBeamCoords()
    if (!m_hServerObject) return LTFALSE;

	// The beam is relative to the server object's dims...

    LTVector vPos;
	g_pLTClient->GetObjectPos(m_hServerObject, &vPos);

    LTRotation rRot;
	g_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation(m_hServerObject, &rRot);

    LTVector vU, vR, vF;
	vU = rRot.Up();
	vR = rRot.Right();
	vF = rRot.Forward();

	// Okay, the beam is always along the object's longest dim...

    LTVector vDir = vF;
    LTFLOAT fLongestDim = m_cs.vDims.z; // Assume forward first...

	m_pls.fMaxWidth = (m_cs.vDims.x + m_cs.vDims.y); // Assume x/y are same...

	if (m_cs.vDims.y > fLongestDim)
		vDir = vU;
		fLongestDim =  m_cs.vDims.y;
		m_pls.fMaxWidth = (m_cs.vDims.x + m_cs.vDims.z);
	if (m_cs.vDims.x > fLongestDim)
		vDir = vR;
		fLongestDim =  m_cs.vDims.x;
		m_pls.fMaxWidth = (m_cs.vDims.y + m_cs.vDims.z);

	m_pls.vStartPos = vPos + (vDir * fLongestDim);
	m_pls.vEndPos	= vPos - (vDir * fLongestDim);

    return LTTRUE;
void CFlashLight3rdPerson::GetLightPositions(LTVector& vStartPos, LTVector& vEndPos, LTVector& vUOffset, LTVector& vROffset)
	if ( !m_hObj ) return;

	if ( LT_OK == g_pModelLT->GetSocket(m_hObj, "LeftHand", hSocket) )
		LTransform tf;

		if ( LT_OK == g_pModelLT->GetSocketTransform(m_hObj, hSocket, tf, LTTRUE) )
			LTVector vPos = tf.m_Pos;
			LTRotation rRot = tf.m_Rot;

			LTVector vRight, vUp, vForward;
			vRight = rRot.Right();
			vUp = rRot.Up();
			vForward = rRot.Forward();

			//vStartPos = vPos - vUp*4.0f + vForward*8.0f;
			//vEndPos = vPos + vForward*200.0f;
			//vUOffset = vUp;
			//vROffset = vRight;

			vStartPos = vPos;
			vEndPos = vPos + (vForward * g_cvarFLLightOffsetForward.GetFloat());

  			vROffset = (vRight * g_cvarFLLightOffsetRight.GetFloat());
  			vUOffset = (vUp * g_cvarFLLightOffsetUp.GetFloat());

			// Update the Start/End position to addjust for any offset...

			vEndPos += vROffset;
			vEndPos += vUOffset;

			vStartPos += vROffset;
			vStartPos += vUOffset;
void CLaserBeam::Update(LTVector &vBeamStartPos, const LTRotation* pRDirRot,
                        LTBOOL b3rdPerson, LTBOOL bDetect)
	if (!m_bOn) return;

	// Calculate beam position...

	HOBJECT hCamera = g_pPlayerMgr->GetCamera();
	if (!hCamera) return;

    HLOCALOBJ hPlayerObj = g_pLTClient->GetClientObject();
	if (!hPlayerObj) return;

    HOBJECT hFilterList[] = {hPlayerObj, g_pPlayerMgr->GetMoveMgr()->GetObject(), LTNULL};

	IntersectQuery qInfo;
	IntersectInfo iInfo;

    LTVector vPos(0, 0, 0);
    LTRotation rRot;

    LTVector vU, vR, vF;

	if (pRDirRot && b3rdPerson)
		vPos = vBeamStartPos;

		vU = pRDirRot->Up();
		vR = pRDirRot->Right();
		vF = pRDirRot->Forward();
		g_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation(hCamera, &rRot);
		g_pLTClient->GetObjectPos(hCamera, &vPos);

		vU = rRot.Up();
		vR = rRot.Right();
		vF = rRot.Forward();

		if (g_cvarLaserBeamDebug.GetFloat() == 0.0f)
			vBeamStartPos += vPos;
		else if (g_cvarLaserBeamDebug.GetFloat() == 1.0f)
			vBeamStartPos = vPos;
		else if (pRDirRot)
			vU = pRDirRot->Up();
			vR = pRDirRot->Right();
			vF = pRDirRot->Forward();
			vBeamStartPos = vBeamStartPos;


    LTVector vEndPos = vPos + (vF * 10000.0f);

	qInfo.m_From = vPos;
	qInfo.m_To   = vEndPos;

	qInfo.m_FilterFn = ObjListFilterFn;
	qInfo.m_pUserData = hFilterList;

    if (g_pLTClient->IntersectSegment(&qInfo, &iInfo))
		vEndPos = iInfo.m_Point;

	// Show the light beam...

    LTVector vColor = LTVector(GetRandom(235.0f, 255.0f), GetRandom(35.0f, 55.0f), GetRandom(35.0f, 55.0f));;

    LTFLOAT fAlpha = g_cvarLaserBeamAlpha.GetFloat();

	if (iInfo.m_hObject && bDetect)
        uint32 dwUsrFlgs = 0;
        g_pCommonLT->GetObjectFlags(iInfo.m_hObject, OFT_User, dwUsrFlgs);

		if (dwUsrFlgs & USRFLG_CHARACTER)
			fAlpha	= 0.95f;
			vColor.Init(GetRandom(35.0f, 55.0f), GetRandom(235.0f, 255.0f), GetRandom(35.0f, 55.0f));;

    LTFLOAT fWidth = g_cvarLaserBeamThickness.GetFloat();
	fWidth = b3rdPerson ? fWidth*2.0f : fWidth;

	vBeamStartPos += (vF * g_cvarLaserBeamFOffset.GetFloat());
	vBeamStartPos += (vR * g_cvarLaserBeamROffset.GetFloat());
	vBeamStartPos += (vU * g_cvarLaserBeamUOffset.GetFloat());


	if (g_cvarLaserBeamDebug.GetFloat() >= 0.0f)
        // g_pLTClient->CPrint("StartPos = %.2f, %.2f, %.2f", VEC_EXPAND(vBeamStartPos));
        // g_pLTClient->CPrint("EndPos = %.2f, %.2f, %.2f", VEC_EXPAND(vEndPos));

	pls.vStartPos			= vBeamStartPos;
	pls.vEndPos				= vEndPos;
	pls.vInnerColorStart	= vColor;
	pls.vInnerColorEnd		= pls.vInnerColorStart;
    pls.vOuterColorStart    = LTVector(0, 0, 0);
    pls.vOuterColorEnd      = LTVector(0, 0, 0);
	pls.fAlphaStart			= fAlpha;
	pls.fAlphaEnd			= fAlpha;
	pls.fMinWidth			= 0;
	pls.fMaxWidth			= fWidth;
	pls.fMinDistMult		= 1.0f;
	pls.fMaxDistMult		= 1.0f;
	pls.fLifeTime			= 1.0f;
	pls.fAlphaLifeTime		= 1.0f;
	pls.fPerturb			= 0.0f;
    pls.bAdditive           = LTTRUE;
    pls.bAlignFlat          = b3rdPerson ? LTFALSE : LTTRUE;
	pls.nWidthStyle			= PLWS_CONSTANT;
	pls.nNumSegments		= (int)g_cvarLaserBeamNumSegments.GetFloat();

	if (m_LightBeam.HasBeenDrawn())
		// Keep the light beam in the vis list...


		// Hide the beam in portals if 1st person...Also set flag really
		// close to true...

        uint32 dwFlags2, dwFlags;

		dwFlags = m_LightBeam.GetFlags();
		dwFlags2 = m_LightBeam.GetFlags2();

		if (b3rdPerson)
			dwFlags &= ~FLAG_REALLYCLOSE;
			if (g_cvarLaserBeamDebug.GetFloat() > 1.0f)
				dwFlags |= FLAG_REALLYCLOSE;
                pls.bUseObjectRotation = LTTRUE;



void CLightningFX::EmitBolts( float tmFrameTime )
	// Make sure enough time between emissions has passed...
	m_tmElapsedEmission += tmFrameTime;

	if( m_fDelay < m_tmElapsedEmission )
		LTransform		lTrans;
		LTVector		vAttractorPos;
		ILTModel		*pModelLT = m_pLTClient->GetModelLT();

		uint32	nActiveBolts = GetRandom( (int)GetProps()->m_nMinNumBolts, (int)GetProps()->m_nMaxNumBolts );
		uint32	nBolt;

		bool	bCanUseAttractors = (m_lstAttractors.size() > 0);
		bool	bCanUseRadius = (GetProps()->m_fOmniDirectionalRadius >= 1.0f);

		CLightningBolt *pBolt = LTNULL;
		LightningBolts::iterator iter;

		for( nBolt = 0, iter = m_lstBolts.begin(); iter != m_lstBolts.end(), nBolt < nActiveBolts; ++iter, ++nBolt )
			pBolt = *iter;
			pBolt->m_fWidth = GetRandom( GetProps()->m_fMinBoltWidth, GetProps()->m_fMaxBoltWidth );
			pBolt->m_fLifetime = GetRandom( GetProps()->m_fMinLifetime, GetProps()->m_fMaxLifetime );
			pBolt->m_tmElapsed = 0.0f;
			pBolt->m_bActive = true;
			// Grab the position of the object to compensate for offset
			if( m_hTarget )
				m_pLTClient->GetObjectPos( m_hTarget, &vAttractorPos );
				vAttractorPos = m_vTargetPos;

			// Decide if we should use an attractor or radius for the end pos...
			if( bCanUseAttractors && (!bCanUseRadius || GetRandom(0,1)) )
				uint8	nIndex = GetRandom( 0, (int)(m_lstAttractors.size()) - 1 );
				CAttractor cAttractor = m_lstAttractors[nIndex];

				if( cAttractor.GetTransform( lTrans, true ) == LT_OK )
					vAttractorPos = lTrans.m_Pos;
			else if( bCanUseRadius )
				LTVector vRandomPos;
				vRandomPos.x = GetRandom( -1.0f, 1.0f );
				vRandomPos.y = GetRandom( -1.0f, 1.0f );
				vRandomPos.z = GetRandom( -1.0f, 1.0f );
				vRandomPos *= GetRandom( -GetProps()->m_fOmniDirectionalRadius, GetProps()->m_fOmniDirectionalRadius );

				vAttractorPos = m_vPos + vRandomPos;

				IntersectQuery	iQuery;
				IntersectInfo	iInfo;

				iQuery.m_From	= m_vPos;
				iQuery.m_To		= vAttractorPos;

				if( m_pLTClient->IntersectSegment( &iQuery, &iInfo ))
					vAttractorPos = iInfo.m_Point;

			LTVector vNew = m_vPos;
			LTVector vDir = vAttractorPos - vNew;
			float fStep = vDir.Length() / (float)pBolt->m_nNumSegments;
			float fPerturb = GetRandom( GetProps()->m_fMinPerturb, GetProps()->m_fMaxPerturb );
			LTRotation rRot = LTRotation( vDir, LTVector( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ));
			CLinkListNode<PT_TRAIL_SECTION> *pNode = pBolt->m_collPathPts.GetHead();
			while( pNode )
				pNode->m_Data.m_vPos = vNew;
				pNode->m_Data.m_tmElapsed = 0.0f;
				// Add in some perturb going in the direction of the attractor pos for the next section...
				vNew +=	(rRot.Forward() * fStep );
				vNew += (rRot.Up() * GetRandom( -fPerturb, fPerturb ));
				vNew += (rRot.Right() * GetRandom( -fPerturb, fPerturb ));

				// Make sure the last section goes to the end pos...

				if( !pNode->m_pNext )
					pNode->m_Data.m_vPos = vAttractorPos;

				pNode = pNode->m_pNext;

		// Decide when the next emission will be...

		m_tmElapsedEmission = 0.0f;
		m_fDelay = GetRandom( GetProps()->m_fMinDelay, GetProps()->m_fMaxDelay );
void CFlashLightPlayer::GetLightPositions(LTVector& vStartPos, LTVector& vEndPos, LTVector& vUOffset, LTVector& vROffset)

	CMoveMgr* pMoveMgr = g_pPlayerMgr->GetMoveMgr();
	if (!pMoveMgr) return;

	LTRotation rRot;

	if (pMoveMgr->GetVehicleMgr()->IsVehiclePhysics())
		if (g_pPlayerMgr->IsFirstPerson())
			pMoveMgr->GetVehicleMgr()->GetVehicleLightPosRot(vStartPos, rRot);
		else // 3rd person vehicle
			// Get light pos on 3rd-person vehicle...

			HLOCALOBJ hPlayerObj = g_pLTClient->GetClientObject();
			if (hPlayerObj)
				g_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation(hPlayerObj, &rRot);
				g_pLTClient->GetObjectPos(hPlayerObj, &vStartPos);
	else if (g_pPlayerMgr->IsFirstPerson())
		HOBJECT hCamera = g_pPlayerMgr->GetCamera();
		if (!hCamera) return;

		g_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation(hCamera, &rRot);
		g_pLTClient->GetObjectPos(hCamera, &vStartPos);
	else // 3rd person
		// Get light pos from 3rd-person model...

		HLOCALOBJ hPlayerObj = g_pLTClient->GetClientObject();
		if (hPlayerObj)
			// g_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation(hPlayerObj, &rRot);
			// g_pLTClient->GetObjectPos(hPlayerObj, &vStartPos);

			if ( LT_OK == g_pModelLT->GetSocket(hPlayerObj, "LeftHand", hSocket) )
				LTransform tf;

				if ( LT_OK == g_pModelLT->GetSocketTransform(hPlayerObj, hSocket, tf, LTTRUE) )
					vStartPos = tf.m_Pos;
					rRot = tf.m_Rot;

	vEndPos = vStartPos + (rRot.Forward() * g_cvarFLLightOffsetForward.GetFloat());

  	if (g_pPlayerMgr->IsFirstPerson())
  		vROffset = (rRot.Right() * g_cvarFLLightOffsetRight.GetFloat());
  		vUOffset = (rRot.Up() * g_cvarFLLightOffsetUp.GetFloat());

		// Update the Start/End position to addjust for any offset...

		vEndPos += vROffset;
		vEndPos += vUOffset;

		vStartPos += vROffset;
		vStartPos += vUOffset;
void DebugLineSystem::AddOrientation( const LTVector& vCenter, const LTRotation& rRot, float fLength, uint8 nAlpha)
	AddArrow(vCenter, vCenter + rRot.Right() * fLength, Color::Red, nAlpha);
	AddArrow(vCenter, vCenter + rRot.Up() * fLength, Color::Green, nAlpha);
	AddArrow(vCenter, vCenter + rRot.Forward() * fLength, Color::Blue, nAlpha);
//function that handles the custom rendering
void CParticleSystemGroup::RenderParticleSystem(ILTCustomRenderCallback* pInterface, const LTRigidTransform& tCamera)
	//track our performance
	CTimedSystemBlock TimingBlock(g_tsClientFXParticles);

	//setup our vertex declaration
	if(pInterface->SetVertexDeclaration(g_ClientFXVertexDecl.GetTexTangentSpaceDecl()) != LT_OK)

	//bind a quad index stream
	if(pInterface->BindQuadIndexStream() != LT_OK)

	//set the fact that we were visible
	*m_pVisibleFlag = true;

	//now determine the largest number of particles that we can render at any time
	uint32 nMaxParticlesPerBatch = QUAD_RENDER_INDEX_STREAM_SIZE / 6;
	nMaxParticlesPerBatch = LTMIN(nMaxParticlesPerBatch, DYNAMIC_RENDER_VERTEX_STREAM_SIZE / (sizeof(STexTangentSpaceVert) * 4));

	//determine the screen orientation
	LTRotation rCamera = tCamera.m_rRot;

	if (m_pProps->m_bObjectSpace)
		LTRotation rObjectRotation;
		g_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation(m_hCustomRender, &rObjectRotation);
		rCamera = rObjectRotation.Conjugate() * rCamera;

	LTVector vUp = rCamera.Up();
	LTVector vRight = rCamera.Right();

	//create some vectors to offset to each corner (avoids adding for displacement in the inner loop)
	//Each one can just be scaled by the size of the particle to get the final offset
	static const float kfHalfRoot2 = 0.5f * MATH_SQRT2;

	//premultiplied versions of up and right scaled by half the square root of two
	LTVector vUpHalfRoot2 = vUp * kfHalfRoot2;
	LTVector vRightHalfRoot2 = vRight * kfHalfRoot2;

	//precalculate the diagonals for non-rotating particles since these are constant
	LTVector vDiagonals[4];
	vDiagonals[0] =  vUpHalfRoot2 - vRightHalfRoot2; 
	vDiagonals[1] =  vUpHalfRoot2 + vRightHalfRoot2; 
	vDiagonals[2] = -vUpHalfRoot2 + vRightHalfRoot2; 
	vDiagonals[3] = -vUpHalfRoot2 - vRightHalfRoot2; 

	uint32 nNumParticlesLeft = m_Particles.GetNumParticles();

	//precalculate some data for the basis space of the particles
	LTVector	vNormal		= -rCamera.Forward();
	LTVector	vTangent	= vRight;
	LTVector	vBinormal	= -vUp;

	//the U scale for particle images
	float		fUImageWidth = 1.0f / (float)m_pProps->m_nNumImages;

	//variables used within the inner loop
	float		fSize;
	uint32		nColor;

	//now run through all the particles and render
	CParticleIterator itParticles = m_Particles.GetIterator();
	while(nNumParticlesLeft > 0)
		//determine our batch size
		uint32 nBatchSize = LTMIN(nNumParticlesLeft, nMaxParticlesPerBatch);

		//lock down our buffer for rendering
		SDynamicVertexBufferLockRequest LockRequest;
		if(pInterface->LockDynamicVertexBuffer(nBatchSize * 4, LockRequest) != LT_OK)

		//fill in a batch of particles
		STexTangentSpaceVert* pCurrOut = (STexTangentSpaceVert*)LockRequest.m_pData;

			//we need to render the particles rotated
			for(uint32 nBatchParticle = 0; nBatchParticle < nBatchSize; nBatchParticle++)
				//sanity check
				LTASSERT(!itParticles.IsDone(), "Error: Particle count and iterator mismatch");

				//get the particle from the iterator
				SParticle* pParticle = (SParticle*)itParticles.GetParticle();

				GetParticleSizeAndColor(pParticle, nColor, fSize);

				//determine the sin and cosine of this particle angle
				float fAngle = pParticle->m_fAngle;
				float fSinAngle = LTSin(fAngle);
				float fCosAngle = LTCos(fAngle);

				LTVector vRotRight = (vRightHalfRoot2 * fCosAngle + vUpHalfRoot2 * fSinAngle) * fSize;
				LTVector vRotUp    = vNormal.Cross(vRotRight);

				LTVector vRotTangent  = vTangent * fCosAngle + vBinormal * fSinAngle;
				LTVector vRotBinormal = vTangent * fSinAngle + vBinormal * fCosAngle;

				SetupParticle(	pCurrOut, 
					pParticle->m_Pos + vRotUp - vRotRight,
					pParticle->m_Pos + vRotUp + vRotRight,
					pParticle->m_Pos - vRotUp + vRotRight,
					pParticle->m_Pos - vRotUp - vRotRight,
					nColor, vNormal, vRotTangent, vRotBinormal, 
					pParticle->m_nUserData & PARTICLE_IMAGE_MASK, fUImageWidth);

				//move onto the next set of particles
				pCurrOut += 4;

				//move onto the next particle for processing
		else if (m_pProps->m_bStreak)
			//the particles are non-rotated but streaked along their velocity
			for(uint32 nBatchParticle = 0; nBatchParticle < nBatchSize; nBatchParticle++)
				//sanity check
				LTASSERT(!itParticles.IsDone(), "Error: Particle count and iterator mismatch");

				//get the particle from the iterator
				SParticle* pParticle = (SParticle*)itParticles.GetParticle();

				GetParticleSizeAndColor(pParticle, nColor, fSize);

				//in order to render the streak, we determine a line that passes through
				//the particle and runs in the direction of the velocity of the particle

				//we need to project the velocity onto the screen
				LTVector2 vScreen;
				vScreen.x = -(pParticle->m_Velocity.Dot(vRight));
				vScreen.y = -(pParticle->m_Velocity.Dot(vUp));

				//we know that the up and right vectors are normalized, so we can save some work by
				//just doing a 2d normalization
				float fMag = vScreen.Mag();
				if(fMag == 0.0f)
					vScreen.Init(fSize, 0.0f);
					vScreen *= fSize / fMag;

				//determine our actual screen space velocity
				LTVector vScreenRight = vUp * vScreen.y + vRight * vScreen.x;
				LTVector vScreenUp = vUp * -vScreen.x + vRight * vScreen.y;

				//and now compute the endpoint of the streak
				LTVector vEndPos = pParticle->m_Pos - pParticle->m_Velocity * m_pProps->m_fStreakScale;

				SetupParticle(	pCurrOut, 
					pParticle->m_Pos	- vScreenRight - vScreenUp,
					vEndPos				+ vScreenRight - vScreenUp,
					vEndPos				+ vScreenRight + vScreenUp,
					pParticle->m_Pos	- vScreenRight + vScreenUp,
					nColor, vNormal, vScreenRight, vScreenUp, 
					pParticle->m_nUserData & PARTICLE_IMAGE_MASK, fUImageWidth);

				//move onto the next set of particles
				pCurrOut += 4;

				//move onto the next particle for processing
			//the particles are non-rotated
			for(uint32 nBatchParticle = 0; nBatchParticle < nBatchSize; nBatchParticle++)
				//sanity check
				LTASSERT(!itParticles.IsDone(), "Error: Particle count and iterator mismatch");

				//get the particle from the iterator
				SParticle* pParticle = (SParticle*)itParticles.GetParticle();

				GetParticleSizeAndColor(pParticle, nColor, fSize);

				SetupParticle(	pCurrOut, 
					pParticle->m_Pos + vDiagonals[0] * fSize,
					pParticle->m_Pos + vDiagonals[1] * fSize,
					pParticle->m_Pos + vDiagonals[2] * fSize,
					pParticle->m_Pos + vDiagonals[3] * fSize,
					nColor, vNormal, vTangent, vBinormal, 
					pParticle->m_nUserData & PARTICLE_IMAGE_MASK, fUImageWidth);

				//move onto the next set of particles
				pCurrOut += 4;

				//move onto the next particle for processing

		//unlock and render the batch
		pInterface->RenderIndexed(	eCustomRenderPrimType_TriangleList, 
			0, nBatchSize * 6, LockRequest.m_nStartIndex, 
			0, nBatchSize * 4);

		nNumParticlesLeft -= nBatchSize;
LTBOOL CShellCasingFX::Update()
    if (!m_hObject || !m_pClientDE) return LTFALSE;

	if (g_pGameClientShell->IsServerPaused())
		return LTTRUE;

	m_fElapsedTime += g_pGameClientShell->GetFrameTime();
	m_fDieTime -= g_pGameClientShell->GetFrameTime();
    if (m_fDieTime <= 0.0f) return LTFALSE;

	// Update object scale if necessary...

	LTVector vScale;
	m_pClientDE->GetObjectScale(m_hObject, &vScale);

	if (vScale != m_vFinalScale)
		if (m_fElapsedTime <= g_vtShellScaleTime.GetFloat())
			LTVector vScaleRange = (m_vFinalScale - m_vInitialScale);

			vScale = m_vInitialScale + (vScaleRange * (m_fElapsedTime/g_vtShellScaleTime.GetFloat()));

			if (vScale > m_vFinalScale)
				vScale = m_vFinalScale;

			m_pClientDE->SetObjectScale(m_hObject, &vScale);
			m_pClientDE->SetObjectScale(m_hObject, &m_vFinalScale);

    if (m_bResting) return LTTRUE;

    LTRotation rRot;
	g_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation(m_hObject, &rRot);

	// If velocity slows enough, and we're on the ground, just stop bouncing and just wait to expire.

	if (m_movingObj.m_dwPhysicsFlags & MO_RESTING)
        m_bResting = LTTRUE;

		// Stop the spinning...

		rRot.Rotate(rRot.Up(), m_fYaw);
		g_pLTClient->SetObjectRotation(m_hObject, &rRot);

		// Shell is at rest, we can add a check here to see if we really want
		// to keep it around depending on detail settings...

		//HLOCALOBJ hObjs[1];
        //uint32 nNumFound, nBogus;
		//m_pClientDE->FindObjectsInSphere(&m_movingObj.m_vPos, 64.0f, hObjs, 1, &nBogus, &nNumFound);

		// Remove thyself...
        //if (nNumFound > 15) return LTFALSE;
		if (m_fPitchVel != 0 || m_fYawVel != 0)
            LTFLOAT fDeltaTime = g_pGameClientShell->GetFrameTime();

			m_fPitch += m_fPitchVel * fDeltaTime;
			m_fYaw   += m_fYawVel * fDeltaTime;

			rRot.Rotate(rRot.Up(), m_fYaw);
			rRot.Rotate(rRot.Right(), m_fPitch);
			g_pLTClient->SetObjectRotation(m_hObject, &rRot);

    LTVector vNewPos;
    if (UpdateMovingObject(LTNULL, &m_movingObj, vNewPos))
		ClientIntersectInfo info;
		LTBOOL bBouncedOnGround = LTFALSE;
        if (BounceMovingObject(LTNULL, &m_movingObj, vNewPos, &info, 
			INTERSECT_HPOLY, true, bBouncedOnGround))
			// If we hit the sky/invisible surface we're done...

			SurfaceType eType = GetSurfaceType(info);
			if (eType == ST_SKY || eType == ST_INVISIBLE)
                return LTFALSE;

			if (m_nBounceCount >= MAX_BOUNCE_COUNT)
				if (!(m_movingObj.m_dwPhysicsFlags & MO_LIQUID))
					SURFACE* pSurf = g_pSurfaceMgr->GetSurface(eType);
					if (pSurf)
						// Play appropriate sound...

						if (pSurf->szShellImpactSnds[0])
							g_pClientSoundMgr->PlaySoundFromPos(vNewPos, pSurf->szShellImpactSnds[0], pSurf->fShellSndRadius,

			// Adjust the bouncing..

			m_fPitchVel *= 0.75f;
			m_fYawVel	*= -0.75f;


			if (m_nBounceCount <= 0)
				m_movingObj.m_dwPhysicsFlags |= MO_RESTING;

		m_movingObj.m_vPos = vNewPos;

        if (g_pCommonLT->GetPointStatus(&vNewPos) == LT_OUTSIDE)
            return LTFALSE;

		g_pLTClient->SetObjectPos(m_hObject, &vNewPos);

    return LTTRUE;
void CPolyGridFX::CreateModelWaves(uint32 nKernalSize, uint32 nBuffer, float fFrameTime)
	//maximum number of objects to find intersecting the grid
	static const uint32 knMaxObjToFind = 32;

	//find the radius of our polygrid
	float fPolyRad = m_vDims.Mag();

	//amount to displace for a model
	float fDisplaceAmount = m_fModelDisplace * fFrameTime;

	//just bail if the models aren't going to displace at all
	if(fDisplaceAmount < 0.01f)

	HLOCALOBJ hFound[knMaxObjToFind];
	uint32 nFound = 0;

	LTVector vPGPos;
	m_pClientDE->GetObjectPos(m_hObject, &vPGPos);

	LTVector vPGDims;
	m_pClientDE->Physics()->GetObjectDims(m_hObject, &vPGDims);

	//now run through all the characters and see which ones intersect
	CSpecialFXList* pCharacterList = g_pGameClientShell->GetSFXMgr()->GetFXList(SFX_CHARACTER_ID);

	LTVector vPGMin = vPGPos - vPGDims;
	LTVector vPGMax = vPGPos + vPGDims;

	for(uint32 nCurrChar = 0; nCurrChar < (uint32)pCharacterList->GetNumItems(); nCurrChar++)

		//determine the HOBJECT of this character
		HOBJECT hChar = (*pCharacterList)[nCurrChar]->GetServerObj();


		//get the object position and dimensions
		LTVector vCharPos, vCharDims;
		m_pClientDE->GetObjectPos(hChar, &vCharPos);
		m_pClientDE->Physics()->GetObjectDims(hChar, &vCharDims);

		LTVector vCharMin = vCharPos - vCharDims;
		LTVector vCharMax = vCharPos + vCharDims;

		//if it overlaps, add it to our list
		if( (vPGMin.x < vCharMax.x) && (vPGMax.x > vCharMin.x) &&
			(vPGMin.y < vCharMax.y) && (vPGMax.y > vCharMin.y) &&
			(vPGMin.z < vCharMax.z) && (vPGMax.z > vCharMin.z))
			//they intersect, add it to the list
			hFound[nFound] = hChar;

			//see if we need to stop looking for objects
			if(nFound >= knMaxObjToFind)

	//bail if none
	if(nFound == 0)
		//make sure all objects are cleared from the list
		for(uint32 nCurrRemove = 0; nCurrRemove < MAX_MODELS_TO_TRACK; nCurrRemove++)
			m_hTrackedModels[nCurrRemove] = NULL;

	//precalc info

	//find the orienation of the polygrid
	LTRotation rRot;
	m_pClientDE->GetObjectRotation(m_hObject, &rRot);

	//now get the basis vectors of the object space
	LTVector vRight		= rRot.Right();
	LTVector vForward	= rRot.Forward();

	//make sure the polygrid is valid
	if((m_dwNumPoliesX == 0) || (m_dwNumPoliesY == 0))

	//find the dimensions of the polygons of the polygrid
	float fXPolySize = (m_vDims.x * 2.0f) / (float)m_dwNumPoliesX;
	float fYPolySize = (m_vDims.z * 2.0f) / (float)m_dwNumPoliesY;

	//bail if not a valid size
	if((fXPolySize < 0.01f) || (fYPolySize < 0.01f))

	//flag indicating which tracked models should be kept around
	bool bTouchedTrackedModels[MAX_MODELS_TO_TRACK];

	for(uint32 nCurrTrack = 0; nCurrTrack < MAX_MODELS_TO_TRACK; nCurrTrack++)
		bTouchedTrackedModels[nCurrTrack] = false;

	//ok, now we run through all the objects we found and update our grid accordingly
	for(uint32 nCurrObj = 0; nCurrObj < nFound; nCurrObj++)
		//the object we are checking
		HLOCALOBJ hObj = hFound[nCurrObj];

		//now lets see if this is a tracked model, if it is, we know where it was last
		//update and we can create a wave line, otherwise we have no clue, and should
		//track it for the next update
		bool bTracked = false;
		LTVector vPrevPos;

		LTVector vPos;
		m_pClientDE->GetObjectPos(hObj, &vPos);

		//if we aren't currently tracking it, this is where to put it
		uint32 nInsertPos = MAX_MODELS_TO_TRACK - 1;

		for(uint32 nCurrModel = 0; nCurrModel < MAX_MODELS_TO_TRACK; nCurrModel++)
			if(m_hTrackedModels[nCurrModel] == hObj)
				//we found a match, we need to save this value, move
				//it to the front of the list, and update it
				vPrevPos = m_vTrackedModelsPos[nCurrModel];

				//move all the items back so that this will be in the first slot
				for(uint32 nCurrMove = nCurrModel; nCurrMove > 0; nCurrMove--)
					m_hTrackedModels[nCurrMove] = m_hTrackedModels[nCurrMove - 1];
					m_vTrackedModelsPos[nCurrMove] = m_vTrackedModelsPos[nCurrMove - 1];
					bTouchedTrackedModels[nCurrMove] = bTouchedTrackedModels[nCurrMove - 1];

				//update the first element
				m_hTrackedModels[0] = hObj;
				m_vTrackedModelsPos[0] = vPos;
				bTouchedTrackedModels[0] = true;

				//all done
				bTracked = true;

			//also bail if one of the slots is NULL
			if(m_hTrackedModels[nCurrModel] == NULL)
				nInsertPos = nCurrModel;

		//see if this was tracked or not
			//was not! We need to add it to the list
			m_hTrackedModels[nInsertPos] = hObj;
			m_vTrackedModelsPos[nInsertPos] = vPos;
			bTouchedTrackedModels[nInsertPos] = true;


		//make sure that the model is actually moving
		if((vPrevPos - vPos).MagSqr() < 0.5f)

		//ok, we have a model that intersects our polygrid, let us create some waves

		//find out the endpoints of the line that will displace
		float fX1 = vRight.Dot(vPrevPos - vPGPos) + m_vDims.x;
		float fY1 = vForward.Dot(vPrevPos - vPGPos) + m_vDims.z;
		float fX2 = vRight.Dot(vPos - vPGPos) + m_vDims.x;
		float fY2 = vForward.Dot(vPos - vPGPos) + m_vDims.z;

		//now find the greater delta in polygon units
		float fXDelta = (float)fabs(fX1 - fX2) / fXPolySize;
		float fYDelta = (float)fabs(fY1 - fY2) / fYPolySize;

		//increments for the X and Y directions
		float fXInc, fYInc;
		float fCurrX, fCurrY;

		//the variable to use for threshold comparisons
		float *pfCompare;

		//the threshold
		float fThreshold;

		//now scan convert accordingly
		if(fYDelta > fXDelta)
			//make sure Y1 is smaller
			if(fY2 < fY1)
				Swap(fY1, fY2);
				Swap(fX1, fX2);

			fYInc = fYPolySize;
			fXInc = (fX2 - fX1) / (fY2 - fY1) * fYInc;

			fThreshold = fY2 / fYPolySize;
			pfCompare = &fCurrY;
			//make sure Y1 is smaller
			if(fX2 < fX1)
				Swap(fY1, fY2);
				Swap(fX1, fX2);
			fXInc = fXPolySize;
			fYInc = (fY2 - fY1) / (fX2 - fX1) * fXInc;

			fThreshold = fX2 / fXPolySize;
			pfCompare = &fCurrX;

		//start out at the first point
		fCurrY = fY1 / fYPolySize;
		fCurrX = fX1 / fXPolySize;
		fXInc /= fXPolySize;
		fYInc /= fXPolySize;

		float fXFrac;
		float fYFrac;

		uint32 nPrevBuffer = (nBuffer + 1) % 2;

		//we need to scale the displacement amount by the speed at which we are moving
		fDisplaceAmount *= (vPrevPos - vPos).Mag() / (fFrameTime * g_cvarPGDisplaceMoveScale.GetFloat());

		//now scan convert!
		while(*pfCompare < fThreshold)
			//convert this to an integer position
			int32 nXPos = (int32)(fCurrX);
			int32 nYPos = (int32)(fCurrY);

			//handle clipping
			if((nXPos >= (int32)nKernalSize) && (nYPos >= (int32)nKernalSize) &&
				(nXPos < (int32)m_dwNumPoliesX - (int32)nKernalSize - 1) &&
				(nYPos < (int32)m_dwNumPoliesY - (int32)nKernalSize - 1))
				fXFrac = fCurrX - nXPos;
				fYFrac = fCurrY - nYPos;

				m_WaveBuffer[nBuffer].Get(nXPos, nYPos)  += fDisplaceAmount * (1.0f - fXFrac) * (1.0f - fYFrac);
				m_WaveBuffer[nBuffer].Get(nXPos + 1, nYPos) += fDisplaceAmount * fXFrac * (1.0f - fYFrac);
				m_WaveBuffer[nBuffer].Get(nXPos, nYPos + 1) += fDisplaceAmount * (1.0f - fXFrac) * fYFrac;
				m_WaveBuffer[nBuffer].Get(nXPos + 1, nYPos + 1) += fDisplaceAmount * fXFrac * fYFrac;
				m_WaveBuffer[nPrevBuffer].Get(nXPos, nYPos)  += fDisplaceAmount * (1.0f - fXFrac) * (1.0f - fYFrac);
				m_WaveBuffer[nPrevBuffer].Get(nXPos + 1, nYPos) += fDisplaceAmount * fXFrac * (1.0f - fYFrac);
				m_WaveBuffer[nPrevBuffer].Get(nXPos, nYPos + 1) += fDisplaceAmount * (1.0f - fXFrac) * fYFrac;
				m_WaveBuffer[nPrevBuffer].Get(nXPos + 1, nYPos + 1) += fDisplaceAmount * fXFrac * fYFrac;

			//move along
			fCurrX += fXInc;
			fCurrY += fYInc;

	//now that we are done, clear out any models that were not touched
	for(uint32 nCurrRemove = 0; nCurrRemove < MAX_MODELS_TO_TRACK; nCurrRemove++)
			m_hTrackedModels[nCurrRemove] = NULL;
bool CPolyTubeFX::Update(float tmFrameTime)
	// Base class update first
	if (!CBaseFX::Update(tmFrameTime)) 
		return false;

	if ((!m_hTexture) && (!m_bLoadFailed))
		m_pLTClient->GetTexInterface()->CreateTextureFromName(m_hTexture, GetProps()->m_sPath);

		if (m_hTexture)
			// Retrieve texture dims
			uint32 nHeight;
			m_pLTClient->GetTexInterface()->GetTextureDims(m_hTexture, m_dwWidth, nHeight);
			m_bLoadFailed = true;

	if ((m_collPathPts.GetSize() < 2) && IsShuttingDown())
		return true;
	float tmAddPtInterval = GetProps()->m_tmAddPtInterval * 2.0f;

	LTRotation rRot;
	m_pLTClient->GetObjectRotation( m_hObject, &rRot );

	//increase the emission time elapse
	m_tmElapsedEmission += tmFrameTime;

	if (!IsShuttingDown() && 
	    (m_collPathPts.GetSize() < GetProps()->m_nMaxTrailLength) && 
		((m_tmElapsedEmission > GetProps()->m_tmAddPtInterval) || (m_collPathPts.GetSize() == 1)))
		LTVector vNew = m_vPos;
		// Only add the new point if it's not the same as the last one....

		// Add a new trail section

		ts.m_vPos		= vNew;
		ts.m_tmElapsed	= 0.0f;

		switch( GetProps()->m_eAllignment )
			case ePTA_Up:
				ts.m_vBisector = rRot.Up();

			case ePTA_Right:
				ts.m_vBisector = rRot.Right();

			case ePTA_Forward:
				ts.m_vBisector = rRot.Forward();

			case ePTA_Camera:
		// Compute u coordinate

		if (m_collPathPts.GetSize())
			LTVector vPrev = m_collPathPts.GetTail()->m_Data.m_vPos;
			float fUPrev = m_collPathPts.GetTail()->m_Data.m_uVal;
			float fWidth = (float)m_dwWidth;
			float fScalar = fWidth / GetProps()->m_fTrailWidth;

			ts.m_uVal = fUPrev + ((((vNew - vPrev).Mag()) / fWidth) * fScalar);

			ts.m_uVal = 0.0f;

		m_tmElapsedEmission = 0.0f;

	// Render the tube....

	if (m_collPathPts.GetSize() < 2) return true;

	CLinkListNode<PT_TRAIL_SECTION> *pNode = m_collPathPts.GetHead();

	// Fudge the last point to be the current one...

	if( !IsShuttingDown() )
		m_collPathPts.GetTail()->m_Data.m_vPos = m_vPos;

	// Transform the path

	LTMatrix mCam;
	if( m_bReallyClose || (GetProps()->m_eAllignment != ePTA_Camera))
		mCam = GetCamTransform(m_pLTClient, m_hCamera);
	while (pNode)
		MatVMul(&pNode->m_Data.m_vTran, &mCam, &pNode->m_Data.m_vPos);
		pNode = pNode->m_pNext;

	// Do some precalculations

	pNode = m_collPathPts.GetHead();

	float fCurU = 0.0f;

	while (pNode)
		pNode->m_Data.m_tmElapsed += tmFrameTime;

		if( GetProps()->m_eAllignment == ePTA_Camera )
			LTVector vBisector;
			vBisector.z = 0.0f;

			// Compute the midpoint vectors

			if (pNode == m_collPathPts.GetHead())
				LTVector vStart = pNode->m_Data.m_vTran;
				LTVector vEnd   = pNode->m_pNext->m_Data.m_vTran;
				vBisector.x = vEnd.y - vStart.y;
				vBisector.y = -(vEnd.x - vStart.x);
			else if (pNode == m_collPathPts.GetTail())
				LTVector vEnd   = pNode->m_Data.m_vTran;
				LTVector vStart = pNode->m_pPrev->m_Data.m_vTran;
				vBisector.x = vEnd.y - vStart.y;
				vBisector.y = -(vEnd.x - vStart.x);
				LTVector vPrev  = pNode->m_pPrev->m_Data.m_vTran;
				LTVector vStart = pNode->m_Data.m_vTran;
				LTVector vEnd   = pNode->m_pNext->m_Data.m_vTran;

				float x1 = vEnd.y - vStart.y;
				float y1 = -(vEnd.x - vStart.x);
				float z1 = vStart.z - vEnd.z;

				float x2 = vStart.y - vPrev.y;
				float y2 = -(vStart.x - vPrev.x);
				float z2 = vPrev.z - vEnd.z;
				vBisector.x = (x1 + x2) / 2.0f;
				vBisector.y = (y1 + y2) / 2.0f;

			pNode->m_Data.m_vBisector = vBisector;
		LTFLOAT fWidth = CalcCurWidth();
		pNode->m_Data.m_vBisector.Norm( fWidth );

		// Setup the colour
		float r, g, b, a;			
		CalcColour(pNode->m_Data.m_tmElapsed, GetProps()->m_tmSectionLifespan, &r, &g, &b, &a);			

		int ir = (int)(r * 255.0f);
		int ig = (int)(g * 255.0f);
		int ib = (int)(b * 255.0f);
		int ia = (int)(a * 255.0f);

		pNode->m_Data.m_red = Clamp( ir, 0, 255 );
		pNode->m_Data.m_green = Clamp( ig, 0, 255 );
		pNode->m_Data.m_blue = Clamp( ib, 0, 255 );
		pNode->m_Data.m_alpha = Clamp( ia, 0, 255 );
		pNode = pNode->m_pNext;

	pNode = m_collPathPts.GetHead();

	pNode = m_collPathPts.GetHead();

	// Delete any dead nodes

	while (pNode->m_pNext)
		CLinkListNode<PT_TRAIL_SECTION> *pDelNode= NULL;

		if (pNode->m_Data.m_tmElapsed >= GetProps()->m_tmSectionLifespan)
			pDelNode = pNode;
		pNode = pNode->m_pNext;

		if (pDelNode) m_collPathPts.Remove(pDelNode);

	// Increment the offset
	m_uOffset += tmFrameTime * GetProps()->m_uAdd;

	// Success !!

	return true;
LTBOOL CParticleExplosionFX::Update()
    if (!m_hObject || !m_pClientDE) return LTFALSE;

    if (!CBaseParticleSystemFX::Update()) return LTFALSE;

    LTFLOAT fTime = m_pClientDE->GetTime();

	if (m_bFirstUpdate)
        m_bFirstUpdate = LTFALSE;
		m_fStartTime   = fTime;
		m_fLastTime	   = fTime;

	// Check to see if we should start fading the system...

	if (fTime > m_fStartTime + m_fFadeTime)
        LTFLOAT fEndTime = m_fStartTime + m_fLifeTime;
		if (fTime > fEndTime)
            return LTFALSE;

        LTFLOAT fScale = (fEndTime - fTime) / (m_fLifeTime - m_fFadeTime);

        LTFLOAT r, g, b, a;
		m_pClientDE->GetObjectColor(m_hObject, &r, &g, &b, &a);
		m_pClientDE->SetObjectColor(m_hObject, r, g, b, fScale);

	// See if it is time to create a new Particle puff...

	if (fTime >= m_fLastTime + m_fOffsetTime)
		// Loop over our list of Emitters, creating new particles...

		for (int i=0; i < m_nNumEmitters; i++)
			if (m_ActiveEmitters[i])

		m_fLastTime = fTime;

	// Loop over our list of Emitters, updating the position of each

	for (int i=0; i < m_nNumEmitters; i++)
		if (m_ActiveEmitters[i])
            LTBOOL bBounced = LTFALSE;
			if (bBounced = UpdateEmitter(&m_Emitters[i]))
				if (!(m_Emitters[i].m_dwPhysicsFlags & MO_LIQUID) && (m_hDebris[i]))
					char* pSound = GetDebrisBounceSound(DBT_STONE_BIG);

					// Play appropriate sound...

					g_pClientSoundMgr->PlaySoundFromPos(m_Emitters[i].m_Pos, pSound,


				if (m_BounceCount[i] <= 0)
					m_Emitters[i].m_dwPhysicsFlags |= MO_RESTING;

			if (m_Emitters[i].m_dwPhysicsFlags & MO_RESTING)
                m_ActiveEmitters[i] = LTFALSE;
				if (m_hDebris[i])
                    m_hDebris[i] = LTNULL;
			else if (m_hDebris[i])
				g_pLTClient->SetObjectPos(m_hDebris[i], &(m_Emitters[i].m_vPos));

				if (m_bRotateDebris)
					if (bBounced)
						// Adjust due to the bounce...

						m_fPitchVel = GetRandom(-MATH_CIRCLE, MATH_CIRCLE);
						m_fYawVel	= GetRandom(-MATH_CIRCLE, MATH_CIRCLE);

					if (m_fPitchVel != 0 || m_fYawVel != 0)
                        LTFLOAT fDeltaTime = g_pGameClientShell->GetFrameTime();

						m_fPitch += m_fPitchVel * fDeltaTime;
						m_fYaw   += m_fYawVel * fDeltaTime;

                        LTRotation rRot;
						rRot.Rotate(rRot.Up(), m_fYaw);
						rRot.Rotate(rRot.Right(), m_fPitch);
						g_pLTClient->SetObjectRotation(m_hDebris[i], &rRot);

    return LTTRUE;