bool Interactor2DNavigate::ProcessMouseDownEvent( QMouseEvent* event, RenderView* renderview ) { if (m_nCurrentLandmark < 0) return Interactor2D::ProcessMouseDownEvent(event, renderview); RenderView2D* view = ( RenderView2D* )renderview; if ( event->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) { if ( event->modifiers() & CONTROL_MODIFIER && event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ) { return Interactor2D::ProcessMouseDownEvent( event, renderview ); } LayerLandmarks* landmarks = (LayerLandmarks*)MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->GetSupplementLayer("Landmarks"); if ( !landmarks ) { emit Error( "Landmarks non-exist", landmarks ); } else { m_bEditing = true; double pos[3]; view->MousePositionToRAS( event->x(), event->y(), pos ); landmarks->SetLandmarkPosition(m_nCurrentLandmark, pos); } return false; } else { return Interactor2D::ProcessMouseDownEvent( event, renderview ); // pass down the event } }
void DialogTransformVolume::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { LayerLandmarks* landmarks = (LayerLandmarks*)MainWindow::GetMainWindow() ->GetSupplementLayer("Landmarks"); if (landmarks) landmarks->SetVisible(false); QDialog::closeEvent(e); }
void DialogTransformVolume::OnActiveLayerChanged() { if ( isVisible() ) { UpdateUI(); } LayerMRI* layer = (LayerMRI* )MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->GetActiveLayer( "MRI" ); LayerLandmarks* landmarks = (LayerLandmarks*)MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->GetSupplementLayer( "Landmarks" ); landmarks->SetMRIRef(layer); OnSampleMethodChanged(); }
void DialogTransformVolume::OnRestore() { LayerMRI* layer = ( LayerMRI* )MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->GetActiveLayer( "MRI" ); if ( layer ) { layer->Restore(); UpdateUI(); } LayerLandmarks* landmarks = (LayerLandmarks*)MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->GetSupplementLayer("Landmarks"); landmarks->Restore(); }
void DialogTransformVolume::OnRadioButtonLandmark(bool bChecked) { if (!bChecked) { for (int i = 0; i < m_btnPickLandmark.size(); i++) this->m_btnPickLandmark[i]->setChecked(false); } LayerLandmarks* landmarks = (LayerLandmarks*)MainWindow::GetMainWindow() ->GetSupplementLayer("Landmarks"); if (landmarks) landmarks->SetVisible(bChecked); }
void DialogTransformVolume::OnActiveLayerChanged() { if ( isVisible() ) { UpdateUI(); } LayerMRI* layer = (LayerMRI* )MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->GetActiveLayer( "MRI" ); if (!layer) return; connect(layer->GetProperty(), SIGNAL(ColorMapChanged()), this, SLOT(OnActiveLayerChanged()), Qt::UniqueConnection); LayerLandmarks* landmarks = (LayerLandmarks*)MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->GetSupplementLayer( "Landmarks" ); landmarks->SetMRIRef(layer); if (layer->GetProperty()->GetColorMap() == LayerPropertyMRI::LUT) ui->radioButtonNearestNeighbor->setChecked(true); else ui->radioButtonCubic->setChecked(true); OnSampleMethodChanged(); }
bool Interactor2DNavigate::ProcessMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* event, RenderView* renderview ) { RenderView2D* view = ( RenderView2D* )renderview; if ( m_bEditing && m_nCurrentLandmark >= 0 ) { UpdateCursor( event, view ); LayerLandmarks* landmarks = (LayerLandmarks*)MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->GetSupplementLayer("Landmarks"); if ( landmarks ) { double pos[3]; view->MousePositionToRAS( event->x(), event->y(), pos ); landmarks->SetLandmarkPosition(m_nCurrentLandmark, pos); } return false; } else { return Interactor2D::ProcessMouseMoveEvent( event, renderview ); } }
void DialogTransformVolume::UpdateLandmarkColors() { LayerLandmarks* landmarks = (LayerLandmarks*)MainWindow::GetMainWindow() ->GetSupplementLayer("Landmarks"); for (int i = 0; i < m_colorPickerLandmark.size(); i++) { if (qobject_cast<QtColorPicker*>(sender()) == m_colorPickerLandmark[i]) { landmarks->SetLandmarkColor(i, m_colorPickerLandmark[i]->currentColor()); break; } } QList<QColor> colors; for (int i = 0; i < m_colorPickerLandmark.size(); i++) colors << landmarks->GetLandmark(i).color; foreach (QComboBox* cbox, m_comboLandmark) { for (int i = 0; i < m_colorPickerLandmark.size(); i++) cbox->setItemIcon(i, MakeIcon(colors[i], 12)); } }
DialogTransformVolume::DialogTransformVolume(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), UIUpdateHelper(), ui(new Ui::DialogTransformVolume) { ui->setupUi(this); ui->groupBoxLandmarks->hide(); ui->pushButtonApply->hide(); QButtonGroup* bg = new QButtonGroup(this); bg->addButton(ui->radioButtonRotateLandmarks); bg->addButton(ui->radioButtonRotateManual); bg->setExclusive(true); m_checkRotate[0] = ui->checkBoxRotateX; m_checkRotate[1] = ui->checkBoxRotateY; m_checkRotate[2] = ui->checkBoxRotateZ; m_comboRotate[0] = ui->comboBoxRotateX; m_comboRotate[1] = ui->comboBoxRotateY; m_comboRotate[2] = ui->comboBoxRotateZ; m_sliderRotate[0] = ui->horizontalSliderRotateX; m_sliderRotate[1] = ui->horizontalSliderRotateY; m_sliderRotate[2] = ui->horizontalSliderRotateZ; m_textAngle[0] = ui->lineEditRotateX; m_textAngle[1] = ui->lineEditRotateY; m_textAngle[2] = ui->lineEditRotateZ; m_scrollTranslate[0] = ui->scrollBarTranslateX; m_scrollTranslate[1] = ui->scrollBarTranslateY; m_scrollTranslate[2] = ui->scrollBarTranslateZ; m_textTranslate[0] = ui->lineEditTranslateX; m_textTranslate[1] = ui->lineEditTranslateY; m_textTranslate[2] = ui->lineEditTranslateZ; m_scrollScale[0] = ui->scrollBarScaleX; m_scrollScale[1] = ui->scrollBarScaleY; m_scrollScale[2] = ui->scrollBarScaleZ; m_textScale[0] = ui->lineEditScaleX; m_textScale[1] = ui->lineEditScaleY; m_textScale[2] = ui->lineEditScaleZ; m_btnPickLandmark << ui->pushButtonLandmarkPick1 << ui->pushButtonLandmarkPick2 << ui->pushButtonLandmarkPick3 << ui->pushButtonLandmarkPick4; m_colorPickerLandmark << ui->colorPickerLandmark1 << ui->colorPickerLandmark2 << ui->colorPickerLandmark3 << ui->colorPickerLandmark4; m_comboLandmark << ui->comboBoxAxis11 << ui->comboBoxAxis12 << ui->comboBoxAxis21 << ui->comboBoxAxis22; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_checkRotate[i]->hide(); m_comboRotate[i]->hide(); } connect(MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->GetLayerCollection("MRI"), SIGNAL(ActiveLayerChanged(Layer*)), this, SLOT(OnActiveLayerChanged())); connect(ui->pushButtonSaveVolumeAs, SIGNAL(clicked()), MainWindow::GetMainWindow(), SLOT(SaveVolumeAs())); LayerLandmarks* landmarks = (LayerLandmarks*)MainWindow::GetMainWindow() ->GetSupplementLayer("Landmarks"); landmarks->SetLandmarkColor(0, Qt::red); landmarks->SetLandmarkColor(1, Qt::green); landmarks->SetLandmarkColor(2, Qt::blue); landmarks->SetLandmarkColor(3, Qt::yellow); for (int i = 0; i < m_colorPickerLandmark.size(); i++) m_colorPickerLandmark[i]->setCurrentColor(landmarks->GetLandmark(i).color); UpdateLandmarkColors(); }
void DialogTransformVolume::DoRotate() { LayerMRI* layer = ( LayerMRI* )MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->GetActiveLayer( "MRI" ); if ( layer ) { std::vector<RotationElement> rotations; RotationElement re; re.SampleMethod = SAMPLE_TRILINEAR; if ( ui->radioButtonNearestNeighbor->isChecked() ) { re.SampleMethod = SAMPLE_NEAREST; } else if (ui->radioButtonCubic->isChecked()) { re.SampleMethod = SAMPLE_CUBIC_BSPLINE; } if (ui->radioButtonRotateManual->isChecked()) { if ( ui->radioButtonAroundCursor->isChecked() ) { MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->GetLayerCollection( "MRI" )-> GetSlicePosition( re.Point ); layer->RemapPositionToRealRAS( re.Point, re.Point ); } else { // use center of the volume to rotate layer->GetRASCenter( re.Point ); } // else if ( m_radioSinc->GetValue() ) // re.SampleMethod = SAMPLE_SINC; for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( GetRotation( i, re.Plane, re.Angle ) ) { rotations.push_back( re ); } } MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->RotateVolume( rotations, false ); } else { layer->GetRASCenter( re.Point ); LayerLandmarks* landmarks = (LayerLandmarks*)MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->GetSupplementLayer("Landmarks"); double* p[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) p[i] = landmarks->GetLandmark(i).pos; // first figure out landmark vectors double v[3][3], ax[3][3]; int n0 = ui->comboBoxAxis11->currentIndex(); int n1 = ui->comboBoxAxis12->currentIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) v[0][i] = p[n1][i] - p[n0][i]; vtkMath::Normalize(v[0]); n0 = ui->comboBoxAxis21->currentIndex(); n1 = ui->comboBoxAxis22->currentIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) v[1][i] = p[n1][i] - p[n0][i]; vtkMath::Normalize(v[1]); vtkMath::Cross(v[0], v[1], v[2]); vtkMath::Normalize(v[2]); vtkMath::Cross(v[2], v[0], v[1]); int n[3]; n[0] = ui->comboBoxAxisTarget1->currentIndex(); n[1] = ui->comboBoxAxisTarget2->currentIndex(); if (n[0] == 0) n[2] = (n[1] == 1 ? 2 : 1); else if (n[0] == 1) n[2] = (n[1] == 0 ? 2 : 0); else n[2] = (n[1] == 0 ? 1 : 0); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) ax[n[i]][j] = v[i][j]; } double m[16]; memset(m, 0, sizeof(double)*16); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (i/4 < 3 && i%4 < 3) m[i] = ax[i/4][i%4]; } m[15] = 1; vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform> tf = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTransform>::New(); tf->Identity(); double pt[3]; layer->RASToTarget( re.Point, pt ); tf->Translate(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]); tf->Concatenate(m); tf->Translate(-pt[0], -pt[1], -pt[2]); vtkMatrix4x4::DeepCopy(m, tf->GetMatrix()); MainWindow::GetMainWindow()->TransformVolume(m, re.SampleMethod); } } }