bool checkLTSumConsistency(LinearTermPtr a, LinearTermPtr b, DofOrderingPtr dofOrdering, BasisCachePtr basisCache)
  double tol = 1e-14;

  int numCells = basisCache->cellIDs().size();
  int numDofs = dofOrdering->totalDofs();
  bool forceBoundaryTerm = false;
  FieldContainer<double> aValues(numCells,numDofs), bValues(numCells,numDofs), sumValues(numCells,numDofs);
  (a+b)->integrate(sumValues, dofOrdering, basisCache, forceBoundaryTerm);

  int size = aValues.size();

  for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
    double expectedValue = aValues[i] + bValues[i];
    double diff = abs( expectedValue - sumValues[i] );
    if (diff > tol)
      return false;
  return true;
void LagrangeConstraints::getCoefficients(FieldContainer<double> &lhs, FieldContainer<double> &rhs,
    int elemConstraintIndex, DofOrderingPtr trialOrdering,
    BasisCachePtr basisCache)
  LinearTermPtr lt = _constraints[elemConstraintIndex].linearTerm();
  TFunctionPtr<double> f = _constraints[elemConstraintIndex].f();
  lt->integrate(lhs, trialOrdering, basisCache);
  bool onBoundary = f->boundaryValueOnly();
  if ( !onBoundary )
    f->integrate(rhs, basisCache);
    int numSides = basisCache->cellTopology()->getSideCount();
    for (int sideIndex=0; sideIndex<numSides; sideIndex++)
      f->integrate(rhs, basisCache->getSideBasisCache(sideIndex), true); // true: sumInto
bool LinearTermTests::testMixedTermConsistency()
  bool success = true;

  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactoryPtr varFactory = VarFactory::varFactory();
  VarPtr tau = varFactory->testVar("\\tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory->testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // define trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory->traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory->fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta \\cdot n u - \\sigma_{n}}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory->fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma1 = varFactory->fieldVar("\\sigma_1");
  VarPtr sigma2 = varFactory->fieldVar("\\sigma_2");

  vector<double> beta;
  double eps = .01;

  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM   ///////////////////////

  BFPtr confusionBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  // tau terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma1 / eps, tau->x());
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma2 / eps, tau->y());
  confusionBF->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  confusionBF->addTerm(uhat, -tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma1, v->dx() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma2, v->dy() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( -u, beta * v->grad() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);

  ////////////////////   BUILD MESH   ///////////////////////
  // define nodes for mesh
  int H1Order = 1;
  int pToAdd = 1;

  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int nCells = 1;
  int horizontalCells = nCells, verticalCells = nCells;
  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> myMesh = MeshFactory::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
                              confusionBF, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd);

  ElementTypePtr elemType = myMesh->getElement(0)->elementType();
  //  DofOrderingPtr testOrder = elemType->testOrderPtr;
  BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp(new BasisCache(elemType, myMesh, true));

  LinearTermPtr integrandIBP = Teuchos::rcp(new LinearTerm);// residual

  vector<double> e1(2); // (1,0)
  vector<double> e2(2); // (0,1)
  e1[0] = 1;
  e2[1] = 1;
  FunctionPtr n = Function::normal();
  FunctionPtr X = Function::xn(1);
  FunctionPtr Y = Function::yn(1);
  FunctionPtr testFxn1 = X;
  FunctionPtr testFxn2 = Y;
  FunctionPtr divTestFxn = testFxn1->dx() + testFxn2->dy();
  FunctionPtr vectorTest = testFxn1*e1 + testFxn2*e2;

  integrandIBP->addTerm(vectorTest*n*v + -vectorTest*v->grad()); // boundary term

  // define dummy IP to initialize riesz rep class, but just integrate RHS
  IPPtr dummyIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  Teuchos::RCP<RieszRep> riesz = Teuchos::rcp(new RieszRep(myMesh, dummyIP, integrandIBP));
  map<GlobalIndexType,FieldContainer<double> > rieszRHS = riesz->integrateFunctional();

  set<GlobalIndexType> cellIDs = myMesh->cellIDsInPartition();
  for (set<GlobalIndexType>::iterator cellIDIt=cellIDs.begin(); cellIDIt !=cellIDs.end(); cellIDIt++)
    GlobalIndexType cellID = *cellIDIt;

    ElementTypePtr elemTypePtr = myMesh->getElementType(cellID);
    DofOrderingPtr testOrderingPtr = elemTypePtr->testOrderPtr;
    int numTestDofs = testOrderingPtr->totalDofs();

    BasisCachePtr basisCache = BasisCache::basisCacheForCell(myMesh, cellID, true);

    FieldContainer<double> rhsIBPValues(1,numTestDofs);
    integrandIBP->integrate(rhsIBPValues, testOrderingPtr, basisCache);
    FieldContainer<double> rieszValues(1,numTestDofs);
    (riesz->getFunctional())->integrate(rieszValues, testOrderingPtr, basisCache);
    double maxDiff;
    double tol = 1e-13;
    FieldContainer<double> rhsIBPVals(numTestDofs);
    for (int i = 0; i< numTestDofs; i++)
      rhsIBPVals(i) = rhsIBPValues(0,i);
      //      cout << "riesz rhs values = " << rieszRHS[cellID](i) << ", rhsIBPValues = " << rhsIBPVals(i) << ", riesz returned values = " << rieszValues(0,i) << endl;
    bool fcsAgree = TestSuite::fcsAgree(rieszRHS[cellID],rhsIBPVals,tol,maxDiff);
    if (!fcsAgree)
      cout << "Failed mixed term consistency test with maxDiff = " << maxDiff << " on cellID " << cellID<< endl;
  return allSuccess(success);

bool LinearTermTests::testBoundaryPlusVolumeTerms()
  bool success = true;

  // notion is integration by parts:
  // (div f, v) = < f * n, v > - (f, grad v)

  // We perform two subtests for each test: first we try with a particular
  // function substituted for the variable.  Second, we integrate over the
  // basis for the mesh (i.e. we test a whole bunch of functions, whose
  // precise definition is a bit complicated).

  // A third test is against the two-term LinearTerm::integrate() method.
  // This doesn't do integration by parts, but rather tests that
  // (u + u->dot_normal(), v) = (u,v) + (u->dot_normal(), v)

  /////////////   FIRST TEST  ////////////////

  // start simply: define f to be (x, 0)
  // (div f, v) = (1, v)
  // < f * n, v > - (f, grad v) = < x n1, v > - ( x, v->dx() )

  FunctionPtr x = Function::xn(1);
  FunctionPtr y = Function::yn(1);
  FunctionPtr x2 = Function::xn(2);
  FunctionPtr y2 = Function::yn(2);
  FunctionPtr x3 = Function::xn(3);
  FunctionPtr y3 = Function::yn(3);

  vector< FunctionPtr > f_fxns;
  f_fxns.push_back( Function::vectorize( x,    Function::zero() ) ); // div of this = 1
  f_fxns.push_back( Function::vectorize( x2 / 6.0, x2 * y / 2.0 ) ); // div of this = x / 3 + x^2 / 2

  for ( vector< FunctionPtr >::iterator fIt = f_fxns.begin(); fIt != f_fxns.end(); fIt++)
    FunctionPtr vector_fxn = *fIt;
    LinearTermPtr lt_v = vector_fxn->div()*v1;

    // part a: substitute v1 = x*y^2

    FunctionPtr v1_value = x*y2;
    map< int, FunctionPtr > var_values;
    var_values[v1->ID()] = v1_value;

    double expectedValue = lt_v->evaluate(var_values, false)->integrate(mesh);

    FunctionPtr n = Function::normal();

    LinearTermPtr ibp = vector_fxn * n * v1 - vector_fxn * v1->grad();

    int numCells = basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints().dimension(0);
    int numPoints = basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints().dimension(1);
    int spaceDim = basisCache->getSpaceDim();
    FieldContainer<double> vector_fxn_values(numCells,numPoints,spaceDim);
//    cout << "vector_fxn values: \n" << vector_fxn_values;

    double boundaryIntegralSum = ibp->evaluate(var_values,true)->integrate(mesh);
    double volumeIntegralSum   = ibp->evaluate(var_values,false)->integrate(mesh);
    double actualValue = boundaryIntegralSum + volumeIntegralSum;

    double tol = 1e-14;
    if (abs(expectedValue - actualValue)>tol)
      success = false;

    // part b: integrate the bases over each of the cells:
    int num_dofs = testOrder->totalDofs();
    FieldContainer<double> integrals_expected( mesh->numActiveElements(), num_dofs );
    FieldContainer<double> integrals_actual( mesh->numActiveElements(), num_dofs );


    double maxDiff = 0;
    if (! fcsAgree(integrals_actual, integrals_expected, tol, maxDiff) )
      cout << "LT integrated by parts does not agree with the original; maxDiff: " << maxDiff << endl;
      success = false;

    // just on the odd chance that ordering makes a difference, repeat this test with the opposite order in ibp:
    ibp =  - vector_fxn * v1->grad() + vector_fxn * n * v1;
    ibp->integrate(integrals_actual,testOrder,basisCache, false, false);

    maxDiff = 0;
    if (! fcsAgree(integrals_actual, integrals_expected, tol, maxDiff) )
      cout << "LT integrated by parts does not agree with the original; maxDiff: " << maxDiff << endl;
      success = false;

    // part c: two-term integrals
    FieldContainer<double> integrals_expected_two_term( mesh->numActiveElements(), num_dofs, num_dofs);
    FieldContainer<double> integrals_actual_two_term( mesh->numActiveElements(), num_dofs, num_dofs );
    LinearTermPtr ibp1 = vector_fxn * n * v1;
    LinearTermPtr ibp2 = - vector_fxn * v1->grad();
    lt_v->integrate(integrals_expected_two_term, testOrder, ibp1 + ibp2, testOrder, basisCache, false, false);
    lt_v->integrate(integrals_actual_two_term, testOrder, ibp1, testOrder, basisCache, false, false); // don't forceBoundary, don't sumInto
    lt_v->integrate(integrals_actual_two_term, testOrder, ibp2, testOrder, basisCache, false, true);  // DO sumInto

    maxDiff = 0;
    if (! fcsAgree(integrals_actual_two_term, integrals_expected_two_term, tol, maxDiff) )
      cout << "two-term integration is not bilinear; maxDiff: " << maxDiff << endl;
      success = false;

    // now, same thing but with the roles of ibp{1|2} and lt_v reversed:
    (ibp1 + ibp2)->integrate(integrals_expected_two_term, testOrder, lt_v, testOrder, basisCache, false, false);
    ibp1->integrate(integrals_actual_two_term, testOrder, lt_v, testOrder, basisCache, false, false); // don't forceBoundary, don't sumInto
    ibp2->integrate(integrals_actual_two_term, testOrder, lt_v, testOrder, basisCache, false, true);  // DO sumInto

    maxDiff = 0;
    if (! fcsAgree(integrals_actual_two_term, integrals_expected_two_term, tol, maxDiff) )
      cout << "two-term integration is not bilinear; maxDiff: " << maxDiff << endl;
      success = false;

    // now, test that two-term integration commutes in the two terms:
    ibp1->integrate(integrals_expected_two_term, testOrder, lt_v, testOrder, basisCache, false, false);
    lt_v->integrate(integrals_actual_two_term, testOrder, ibp1, testOrder, basisCache, false, false);

    // we expect the integrals to commute up to a transpose, so let's transpose one of the containers:
    maxDiff = 0;
    if (! fcsAgree(integrals_actual_two_term, integrals_expected_two_term, tol, maxDiff) )
      cout << "two-term integration does not commute for boundary value (ibp1); maxDiff: " << maxDiff << endl;
      success = false;

    ibp2->integrate(integrals_expected_two_term, testOrder, lt_v, testOrder, basisCache, false, false);
    lt_v->integrate(integrals_actual_two_term, testOrder, ibp2, testOrder, basisCache, false, false);

    // we expect the integrals to commute up to a transpose, so let's transpose one of the containers:
    maxDiff = 0;
    if (! fcsAgree(integrals_actual_two_term, integrals_expected_two_term, tol, maxDiff) )
      cout << "two-term integration does not commute for volume value (ibp2); maxDiff: " << maxDiff << endl;
      success = false;

    // part d: to suss out where the integration failure happens in the non-commuting case:
    //         1. Substitute v1 = 1 in ibp2; get a function ibp2_at_v1_equals_one back.
    //         2. Substitute v1 = 1 in lt_v; get a function lt_v_at_v1_equals_one back.
    //         3. Integrate ibp2_at_v1_equals_one * lt_v_at_v1_equals_one over the mesh.  Get a double result.
    //         4. Because basis is nodal, the representation for v1 = 1 is just all 1s for coefficients.
    //            Therefore, the sum of the entries in the integrals_*_two_term matrices will should match
    //            the function integral.  Whichever doesn't match is wrong.

    // first, let's confirm that the v1 basis *is* nodal:
    BasisPtr v1Basis = testOrder->getBasis(v1->ID());
    if (! v1Basis->isNodal())
      cout << "testBoundaryPlusVolumeTerms: final part of test relies on a nodal basis, but the basis is not nodal.";
      cout << "  Exiting test early (with whatever success value we have thus far).\n";
      return success;

    map< int, FunctionPtr > v1_equals_one;
    v1_equals_one[v1->ID()] = Function::constant(1.0);

    FunctionPtr ibp1_at_v1_equals_one = ibp1->evaluate(v1_equals_one,true);  // ibp1 has only a boundary term, so we just ask for this
    FunctionPtr ibp2_at_v1_equals_one = ibp2->evaluate(v1_equals_one,false); // ibp2 has no boundary terms, so we don't ask for these
    FunctionPtr lt_v_at_v1_equals_one = lt_v->evaluate(v1_equals_one,false); // lt_v also has no boundary terms

    if (ibp1_at_v1_equals_one->isZero())
      cout << "ibp1_at_v1_equals_one->isZero() = true.\n";
    if (lt_v_at_v1_equals_one->isZero())
      cout << "lt_v_at_v1_equals_one->isZero() = true.\n";

    FieldContainer<double> integrals_lt_v_first( mesh->numActiveElements(), num_dofs, num_dofs );
    FieldContainer<double> integrals_ibp1_first( mesh->numActiveElements(), num_dofs, num_dofs );
    FieldContainer<double> integrals_ibp2_first( mesh->numActiveElements(), num_dofs, num_dofs );

    double lt_v_first_integral = 0.0, ibp1_first_integral = 0.0, ibp2_first_integral = 0.0;

    double integral = (ibp1_at_v1_equals_one * lt_v_at_v1_equals_one)->integrate(mesh);
    ibp1->integrate(integrals_ibp1_first,  testOrder, lt_v, testOrder, basisCache, false, false);
    lt_v->integrate(integrals_lt_v_first, testOrder, ibp1, testOrder, basisCache, false, false);

    for (int i=0; i<integrals_lt_v_first.size(); i++)
      lt_v_first_integral += integrals_lt_v_first[i];
      ibp1_first_integral += integrals_ibp1_first[i];

    if (abs(lt_v_first_integral - integral) > tol)
      double diff = abs(lt_v_first_integral - integral);
      success = false;
      cout << "Integral with v1=1 substituted does not match two-term integration of (lt_v,ibp1) with lt_v as this. diff = " << diff << "\n";
      cout << "lt_v_first_integral = " << lt_v_first_integral << endl;
      cout << "    (true) integral = " << integral << endl;

    if (abs(ibp1_first_integral - integral) > tol)
      double diff = abs(ibp1_first_integral - integral);
      success = false;
      cout << "Integral with v1=1 substituted does not match two-term integration of (lt_v,ibp1) with ibp1 as this. diff = " << diff << "\n";
      cout << "ibp1_first_integral = " << ibp1_first_integral << endl;
      cout << "    (true) integral = " << integral << endl;

    // now, do the same but for ibp2
    integral = (ibp2_at_v1_equals_one * lt_v_at_v1_equals_one)->integrate(mesh);
    ibp2->integrate(integrals_ibp2_first,  testOrder, lt_v, testOrder, basisCache, false, false);
    lt_v->integrate(integrals_lt_v_first,  testOrder, ibp2, testOrder, basisCache, false, false);

    // reset the sums:
    lt_v_first_integral = 0.0;
    ibp1_first_integral = 0.0;
    ibp2_first_integral = 0.0;
    for (int i=0; i<integrals_lt_v_first.size(); i++)
      lt_v_first_integral += integrals_lt_v_first[i];
      ibp2_first_integral += integrals_ibp2_first[i];

    if (abs(lt_v_first_integral - integral) > tol)
      double diff = abs(lt_v_first_integral - integral);
      success = false;
      cout << "Integral with v1=1 substituted does not match two-term integration of (lt_v,ibp2) with lt_v as this. diff = " << diff << "\n";
      cout << "lt_v_first_integral = " << lt_v_first_integral << endl;
      cout << "    (true) integral = " << integral << endl;

    if (abs(ibp2_first_integral - integral) > tol)
      double diff = abs(ibp2_first_integral - integral);
      success = false;
      cout << "Integral with v1=1 substituted does not match two-term integration of (lt_v,ibp2) with ibp2 as this. diff = " << diff << "\n";
      cout << "ibp1_first_integral = " << ibp1_first_integral << endl;
      cout << "    (true) integral = " << integral << endl;

  return success;
bool LinearTermTests::testIntegrateMixedBasis()
  bool success = true;

  ////////////////////   DECLARE VARIABLES   ///////////////////////
  // define test variables
  VarFactoryPtr varFactory = VarFactory::varFactory();
  VarPtr v = varFactory->testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // define trial variables
  VarPtr beta_n_u_hat = varFactory->fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta \\cdot n }");
  VarPtr u = varFactory->fieldVar("u");

  vector<double> beta;

  ////////////////////   DEFINE BILINEAR FORM/Mesh   ///////////////////////

  BFPtr convectionBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );

  // v terms:
  convectionBF->addTerm( -u, beta * v->grad() );
  convectionBF->addTerm( beta_n_u_hat, v);
  convectionBF->addTerm( u, v);

  int order = 0;
  int H1Order = order+1;
  int pToAdd = 1;
  int nCells = 2; // along a side

  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = MeshUtilities::buildUnitQuadMesh(nCells,convectionBF, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd);
  ElementTypePtr elemType = mesh->getElement(0)->elementType();
  BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp(new BasisCache(elemType, mesh));
  vector<GlobalIndexType> cellIDs;
  vector< ElementPtr > allElems = mesh->activeElements();
  vector< ElementPtr >::iterator elemIt;
  for (elemIt=allElems.begin(); elemIt!=allElems.end(); elemIt++)
  bool createSideCacheToo = true;
  basisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(mesh->physicalCellNodesGlobal(elemType), cellIDs, createSideCacheToo);

  int numTrialDofs = elemType->trialOrderPtr->totalDofs();
  int numCells = mesh->numActiveElements();
  double areaPerCell = 1.0 / numCells;
  FieldContainer<double> integrals(numCells,numTrialDofs);
  FieldContainer<double> expectedIntegrals(numCells,numTrialDofs);
  double sidelengthOfCell = 1.0 / nCells;
  DofOrderingPtr trialOrdering = elemType->trialOrderPtr;
  int dofForField = trialOrdering->getDofIndex(u->ID(), 0);
  vector<int> dofsForFlux;
  const vector<int>* sidesForFlux = &trialOrdering->getSidesForVarID(beta_n_u_hat->ID());
  for (vector<int>::const_iterator sideIt = sidesForFlux->begin(); sideIt != sidesForFlux->end(); sideIt++)
    int sideIndex = *sideIt;
    dofsForFlux.push_back(trialOrdering->getDofIndex(beta_n_u_hat->ID(), 0, sideIndex));
  for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < numCells; cellIndex++)
    expectedIntegrals(cellIndex, dofForField) = areaPerCell;
    for (vector<int>::iterator dofIt = dofsForFlux.begin(); dofIt != dofsForFlux.end(); dofIt++)
      int fluxDofIndex = *dofIt;
      expectedIntegrals(cellIndex, fluxDofIndex) = sidelengthOfCell;

//  cout << "expectedIntegrals:\n" << expectedIntegrals;

  // setup: with constant degrees of freedom, we expect that the integral of int_dK (flux) + int_K (field) will be ones for each degree of freedom, assuming the basis functions for these constants field/flux variables are just C = 1.0.
  //On a unit square, int_K (constant) = 1.0, and int_dK (u_i) = 1, for i = 0,...,3.

  LinearTermPtr lt = 1.0 * beta_n_u_hat;
  LinearTermPtr field =  1.0 * u;
  lt->integrate(integrals, elemType->trialOrderPtr, basisCache);

  double tol = 1e-12;
  double maxDiff;
  success = TestSuite::fcsAgree(integrals,expectedIntegrals,tol,maxDiff);
  if (success==false)
    cout << "Failed testIntegrateMixedBasis with maxDiff = " << maxDiff << endl;

  return success;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int rank = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  // TODO: figure out the right thing to do here...
  // may want to modify argc and argv before we make the following call:
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  bool useLineSearch = false;

  int pToAdd = 2; // for optimal test function approximation
  int pToAddForStreamFunction = 2;
  double nonlinearStepSize = 1.0;
  double dt = 0.5;
  double nonlinearRelativeEnergyTolerance = 0.015; // used to determine convergence of the nonlinear solution
  //  double nonlinearRelativeEnergyTolerance = 0.15; // used to determine convergence of the nonlinear solution
  double eps = 1.0/64.0; // width of ramp up to 1.0 for top BC;  eps == 0 ==> soln not in H1
  // epsilon above is chosen to match our initial 16x16 mesh, to avoid quadrature errors.
  //  double eps = 0.0; // John Evans's problem: not in H^1
  bool enforceLocalConservation = false;
  bool enforceOneIrregularity = true;
  bool reportPerCellErrors  = true;
  bool useMumps = true;

  int horizontalCells, verticalCells;

  int maxIters = 50; // for nonlinear steps

  vector<double> ReValues;

  // usage: polyOrder [numRefinements]
  // parse args:
  if (argc < 6)
    cout << "Usage: NavierStokesCavityFlowContinuationFixedMesh fieldPolyOrder hCells vCells energyErrorGoal Re0 [Re1 ...]\n";
    return -1;
  int polyOrder = atoi(argv[1]);
  horizontalCells = atoi(argv[2]);
  verticalCells = atoi(argv[3]);
  double energyErrorGoal = atof(argv[4]);
  for (int i=5; i<argc; i++)
  if (rank == 0)
    cout << "L^2 order: " << polyOrder << endl;
    cout << "initial mesh size: " << horizontalCells << " x " << verticalCells << endl;
    cout << "energy error goal: " << energyErrorGoal << endl;
    cout << "Reynolds number values for continuation:\n";
    for (int i=0; i<ReValues.size(); i++)
      cout << ReValues[i] << ", ";
    cout << endl;

  FieldContainer<double> quadPoints(4,2);

  quadPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  quadPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  quadPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  quadPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  quadPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  // define meshes:
  int H1Order = polyOrder + 1;
  bool useTriangles = false;
  bool meshHasTriangles = useTriangles;

  double minL2Increment = 1e-8;

  // get variable definitions:
  VarFactory varFactory = VGPStokesFormulation::vgpVarFactory();
  u1 = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_U1_S);
  u2 = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_U2_S);
  sigma11 = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA11_S);
  sigma12 = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA12_S);
  sigma21 = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA21_S);
  sigma22 = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_SIGMA22_S);
  p = varFactory.fieldVar(VGP_P_S);

  u1hat = varFactory.traceVar(VGP_U1HAT_S);
  u2hat = varFactory.traceVar(VGP_U2HAT_S);
  t1n = varFactory.fluxVar(VGP_T1HAT_S);
  t2n = varFactory.fluxVar(VGP_T2HAT_S);

  v1 = varFactory.testVar(VGP_V1_S, HGRAD);
  v2 = varFactory.testVar(VGP_V2_S, HGRAD);
  tau1 = varFactory.testVar(VGP_TAU1_S, HDIV);
  tau2 = varFactory.testVar(VGP_TAU2_S, HDIV);
  q = varFactory.testVar(VGP_Q_S, HGRAD);

  FunctionPtr u1_0 = Teuchos::rcp( new U1_0(eps) );
  FunctionPtr u2_0 = Teuchos::rcp( new U2_0 );
  FunctionPtr zero = Function::zero();
  ParameterFunctionPtr Re_param = ParameterFunction::parameterFunction(1);
  VGPNavierStokesProblem problem = VGPNavierStokesProblem(Re_param,quadPoints,
                                   H1Order, pToAdd,
                                   u1_0, u2_0,  // BC for u
                                   zero, zero); // zero forcing function
  SolutionPtr solution = problem.backgroundFlow();
  SolutionPtr solnIncrement = problem.solutionIncrement();

  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = problem.mesh();


  // define bilinear form for stream function:
  VarFactory streamVarFactory;
  VarPtr phi_hat = streamVarFactory.traceVar("\\widehat{\\phi}");
  VarPtr psin_hat = streamVarFactory.fluxVar("\\widehat{\\psi}_n");
  VarPtr psi_1 = streamVarFactory.fieldVar("\\psi_1");
  VarPtr psi_2 = streamVarFactory.fieldVar("\\psi_2");
  VarPtr phi = streamVarFactory.fieldVar("\\phi");
  VarPtr q_s = streamVarFactory.testVar("q_s", HGRAD);
  VarPtr v_s = streamVarFactory.testVar("v_s", HDIV);
  BFPtr streamBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(streamVarFactory) );
  streamBF->addTerm(psi_1, q_s->dx());
  streamBF->addTerm(psi_2, q_s->dy());
  streamBF->addTerm(-psin_hat, q_s);

  streamBF->addTerm(psi_1, v_s->x());
  streamBF->addTerm(psi_2, v_s->y());
  streamBF->addTerm(phi, v_s->div());
  streamBF->addTerm(-phi_hat, v_s->dot_normal());

  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> streamMesh, overkillMesh;

  streamMesh = MeshFactory::buildQuadMesh(quadPoints, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
                                          streamBF, H1Order+pToAddForStreamFunction,
                                          H1Order+pToAdd+pToAddForStreamFunction, useTriangles);

  mesh->registerObserver(streamMesh); // will refine streamMesh in the same way as mesh.

  map<int, double> dofsToL2error; // key: numGlobalDofs, value: total L2error compared with overkill
  vector< VarPtr > fields;

  if (rank == 0)
    cout << "Starting mesh has " << horizontalCells << " x " << verticalCells << " elements and ";
    cout << mesh->numGlobalDofs() << " total dofs.\n";
    cout << "polyOrder = " << polyOrder << endl;
    cout << "pToAdd = " << pToAdd << endl;
    cout << "eps for top BC = " << eps << endl;

    if (useTriangles)
      cout << "Using triangles.\n";
    if (enforceLocalConservation)
      cout << "Enforcing local conservation.\n";
      cout << "NOT enforcing local conservation.\n";
    if (enforceOneIrregularity)
      cout << "Enforcing 1-irregularity.\n";
      cout << "NOT enforcing 1-irregularity.\n";

  ////////////////////   CREATE BCs   ///////////////////////
  SpatialFilterPtr entireBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new SpatialFilterUnfiltered );

  FunctionPtr u1_prev = Function::solution(u1,solution);
  FunctionPtr u2_prev = Function::solution(u2,solution);

  FunctionPtr u1hat_prev = Function::solution(u1hat,solution);
  FunctionPtr u2hat_prev = Function::solution(u2hat,solution);

  ////////////////////   SOLVE & REFINE   ///////////////////////

  FunctionPtr vorticity = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, - u1->dy() + u2->dx() ) );
  //  FunctionPtr vorticity = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution,sigma12 - sigma21) );
  RHSPtr streamRHS = RHS::rhs();
  streamRHS->addTerm(vorticity * q_s);
  ((PreviousSolutionFunction*) vorticity.get())->setOverrideMeshCheck(true);
  ((PreviousSolutionFunction*) u1_prev.get())->setOverrideMeshCheck(true);
  ((PreviousSolutionFunction*) u2_prev.get())->setOverrideMeshCheck(true);

  BCPtr streamBC = BC::bc();
  //  streamBC->addDirichlet(psin_hat, entireBoundary, u0_cross_n);
  streamBC->addDirichlet(phi_hat, entireBoundary, zero);
  //  streamBC->addZeroMeanConstraint(phi);

  IPPtr streamIP = Teuchos::rcp( new IP );
  SolutionPtr streamSolution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution( streamMesh, streamBC, streamRHS, streamIP ) );

  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    FunctionPtr zero = Function::zero();
    solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(u1hat->times_normal_x() + u2hat->times_normal_y()==zero);
    solnIncrement->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(u1hat->times_normal_x() + u2hat->times_normal_y()==zero);

  if (true)
    FunctionPtr u1_incr = Function::solution(u1, solnIncrement);
    FunctionPtr u2_incr = Function::solution(u2, solnIncrement);
    FunctionPtr sigma11_incr = Function::solution(sigma11, solnIncrement);
    FunctionPtr sigma12_incr = Function::solution(sigma12, solnIncrement);
    FunctionPtr sigma21_incr = Function::solution(sigma21, solnIncrement);
    FunctionPtr sigma22_incr = Function::solution(sigma22, solnIncrement);
    FunctionPtr p_incr = Function::solution(p, solnIncrement);

    FunctionPtr l2_incr = u1_incr * u1_incr + u2_incr * u2_incr + p_incr * p_incr
                          + sigma11_incr * sigma11_incr + sigma12_incr * sigma12_incr
                          + sigma21_incr * sigma21_incr + sigma22_incr * sigma22_incr;

    double energyThreshold = 0.20;
    Teuchos::RCP< RefinementStrategy > refinementStrategy = Teuchos::rcp( new RefinementStrategy( solnIncrement, energyThreshold ));

    for (int i=0; i<ReValues.size(); i++)
      double Re = ReValues[i];
      if (rank==0) cout << "Solving with Re = " << Re << ":\n";
      double energyErrorTotal;
        double incr_norm;
          incr_norm = sqrt(l2_incr->integrate(problem.mesh()));
          if (rank==0)
            cout << "\x1B[2K"; // Erase the entire current line.
            cout << "\x1B[0E"; // Move to the beginning of the current line.
            cout << "Iteration: " << problem.iterationCount() << "; L^2(incr) = " << incr_norm;
        while ((incr_norm > minL2Increment ) && (problem.iterationCount() < maxIters));
        if (rank==0) cout << endl;
        problem.setIterationCount(1); // 1 means reuse background flow (which we must, given that we want continuation in Re...)
        energyErrorTotal = solnIncrement->energyErrorTotal(); //solution->energyErrorTotal();
        if (energyErrorTotal > energyErrorGoal)
        if (rank==0)
          cout << "Energy error: " << energyErrorTotal << endl;
      while (energyErrorTotal > energyErrorGoal);

  double energyErrorTotal = solution->energyErrorTotal();
  double incrementalEnergyErrorTotal = solnIncrement->energyErrorTotal();
  if (rank == 0)
    cout << "final mesh has " << mesh->numActiveElements() << " elements and " << mesh->numGlobalDofs() << " dofs.\n";
    cout << "energy error: " << energyErrorTotal << endl;
    cout << "  (Incremental solution's energy error is " << incrementalEnergyErrorTotal << ".)\n";

  FunctionPtr u1_sq = u1_prev * u1_prev;
  FunctionPtr u_dot_u = u1_sq + (u2_prev * u2_prev);
  FunctionPtr u_mag = Teuchos::rcp( new SqrtFunction( u_dot_u ) );
  FunctionPtr u_div = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, u1->dx() + u2->dy() ) );
  FunctionPtr massFlux = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, u1hat->times_normal_x() + u2hat->times_normal_y()) );

  // check that the zero mean pressure is being correctly imposed:
  FunctionPtr p_prev = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution,p) );
  double p_avg = p_prev->integrate(mesh);
  if (rank==0)
    cout << "Integral of pressure: " << p_avg << endl;

  // integrate massFlux over each element (a test):
  // fake a new bilinear form so we can integrate against 1
  VarPtr testOne = varFactory.testVar("1",CONSTANT_SCALAR);
  BFPtr fakeBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
  LinearTermPtr massFluxTerm = massFlux * testOne;

  CellTopoPtrLegacy quadTopoPtr = Teuchos::rcp(new shards::CellTopology(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >() ));
  DofOrderingFactory dofOrderingFactory(fakeBF);
  int fakeTestOrder = H1Order;
  DofOrderingPtr testOrdering = dofOrderingFactory.testOrdering(fakeTestOrder, *quadTopoPtr);

  int testOneIndex = testOrdering->getDofIndex(testOne->ID(),0);
  vector< ElementTypePtr > elemTypes = mesh->elementTypes(); // global element types
  map<int, double> massFluxIntegral; // cellID -> integral
  double maxMassFluxIntegral = 0.0;
  double totalMassFlux = 0.0;
  double totalAbsMassFlux = 0.0;
  double maxCellMeasure = 0;
  double minCellMeasure = 1;
  for (vector< ElementTypePtr >::iterator elemTypeIt = elemTypes.begin(); elemTypeIt != elemTypes.end(); elemTypeIt++)
    ElementTypePtr elemType = *elemTypeIt;
    vector< ElementPtr > elems = mesh->elementsOfTypeGlobal(elemType);
    vector<GlobalIndexType> cellIDs;
    for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++)
    FieldContainer<double> physicalCellNodes = mesh->physicalCellNodesGlobal(elemType);
    BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(elemType,mesh,polyOrder) ); // enrich by trial space order
    basisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(physicalCellNodes,cellIDs,true); // true: create side caches
    FieldContainer<double> cellMeasures = basisCache->getCellMeasures();
    FieldContainer<double> fakeRHSIntegrals(elems.size(),testOrdering->totalDofs());
    massFluxTerm->integrate(fakeRHSIntegrals,testOrdering,basisCache,true); // true: force side evaluation
    //      cout << "fakeRHSIntegrals:\n" << fakeRHSIntegrals;
    for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++)
      int cellID = cellIDs[i];
      // pick out the ones for testOne:
      massFluxIntegral[cellID] = fakeRHSIntegrals(i,testOneIndex);
    // find the largest:
    for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++)
      int cellID = cellIDs[i];
      maxMassFluxIntegral = max(abs(massFluxIntegral[cellID]), maxMassFluxIntegral);
    for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++)
      int cellID = cellIDs[i];
      maxCellMeasure = max(maxCellMeasure,cellMeasures(i));
      minCellMeasure = min(minCellMeasure,cellMeasures(i));
      maxMassFluxIntegral = max(abs(massFluxIntegral[cellID]), maxMassFluxIntegral);
      totalMassFlux += massFluxIntegral[cellID];
      totalAbsMassFlux += abs( massFluxIntegral[cellID] );
  if (rank==0)
    cout << "largest mass flux: " << maxMassFluxIntegral << endl;
    cout << "total mass flux: " << totalMassFlux << endl;
    cout << "sum of mass flux absolute value: " << totalAbsMassFlux << endl;
    cout << "largest h: " << sqrt(maxCellMeasure) << endl;
    cout << "smallest h: " << sqrt(minCellMeasure) << endl;
    cout << "ratio of largest / smallest h: " << sqrt(maxCellMeasure) / sqrt(minCellMeasure) << endl;
  if (rank == 0)
    cout << "phi ID: " << phi->ID() << endl;
    cout << "psi1 ID: " << psi_1->ID() << endl;
    cout << "psi2 ID: " << psi_2->ID() << endl;

    cout << "streamMesh has " << streamMesh->numActiveElements() << " elements.\n";
    cout << "solving for approximate stream function...\n";

  energyErrorTotal = streamSolution->energyErrorTotal();
  if (rank == 0)
    cout << "...solved.\n";
    cout << "Stream mesh has energy error: " << energyErrorTotal << endl;

  if (rank==0)
    if (! meshHasTriangles )
      massFlux->writeBoundaryValuesToMATLABFile(solution->mesh(), "massFlux.dat");
      u_mag->writeValuesToMATLABFile(solution->mesh(), "u_mag.m");
      u_div->writeValuesToMATLABFile(solution->mesh(), "u_div.m");
      solution->writeFieldsToFile(u1->ID(), "u1.m");
      solution->writeFluxesToFile(u1hat->ID(), "u1_hat.dat");
      solution->writeFieldsToFile(u2->ID(), "u2.m");
      solution->writeFluxesToFile(u2hat->ID(), "u2_hat.dat");
      solution->writeFieldsToFile(p->ID(), "p.m");
      streamSolution->writeFieldsToFile(phi->ID(), "phi.m");

      streamSolution->writeFluxesToFile(phi_hat->ID(), "phi_hat.dat");
      streamSolution->writeFieldsToFile(psi_1->ID(), "psi1.m");
      streamSolution->writeFieldsToFile(psi_2->ID(), "psi2.m");
      vorticity->writeValuesToMATLABFile(streamMesh, "vorticity.m");

      FunctionPtr ten = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(10) );
      ten->writeBoundaryValuesToMATLABFile(solution->mesh(), "skeleton.dat");
      cout << "wrote files: u_mag.m, u_div.m, u1.m, u1_hat.dat, u2.m, u2_hat.dat, p.m, phi.m, vorticity.m.\n";
      solution->writeToFile(u1->ID(), "u1.dat");
      solution->writeToFile(u2->ID(), "u2.dat");
      solution->writeToFile(u2->ID(), "p.dat");
      cout << "wrote files: u1.dat, u2.dat, p.dat\n";

    FieldContainer<double> points = pointGrid(0, 1, 0, 1, 100);
    FieldContainer<double> pointData = solutionData(points, streamSolution, phi);
    GnuPlotUtil::writeXYPoints("phi_patch_navierStokes_cavity.dat", pointData);
    set<double> patchContourLevels = diagonalContourLevels(pointData,1);
    vector<string> patchDataPath;
    GnuPlotUtil::writeContourPlotScript(patchContourLevels, patchDataPath, "lidCavityNavierStokes.p");

    GnuPlotUtil::writeExactMeshSkeleton("lid_navierStokes_continuation_adaptive", mesh, 2);

    writePatchValues(0, 1, 0, 1, streamSolution, phi, "phi_patch.m");
    writePatchValues(0, .1, 0, .1, streamSolution, phi, "phi_patch_detail.m");
    writePatchValues(0, .01, 0, .01, streamSolution, phi, "phi_patch_minute_detail.m");
    writePatchValues(0, .001, 0, .001, streamSolution, phi, "phi_patch_minute_minute_detail.m");

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // Process command line arguments
  if (argc > 1)
    numRefs = atof(argv[1]);
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  int rank=mpiSession.getRank();
  int numProcs=mpiSession.getNProc();
  int rank = 0;
  int numProcs = 1;

  FunctionPtr beta = Teuchos::rcp(new Beta());

  // test variables
  VarFactory varFactory; 
  VarPtr tau = varFactory.testVar("\\tau", HDIV);
  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v", HGRAD);

  // trial variables
  VarPtr uhat = varFactory.traceVar("\\widehat{u}");
  VarPtr beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = varFactory.fluxVar("\\widehat{\\beta \\cdot n u - \\sigma_{n}}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");
  VarPtr sigma1 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_1");
  VarPtr sigma2 = varFactory.fieldVar("\\sigma_2");


  BFPtr confusionBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );

  FieldContainer<double> meshBoundary(4,2);

  meshBoundary(0,0) =  0.0; // x1
  meshBoundary(0,1) = -2.0; // y1
  meshBoundary(1,0) =  4.0;
  meshBoundary(1,1) = -2.0;
  meshBoundary(2,0) =  4.0;
  meshBoundary(2,1) =  2.0;
  meshBoundary(3,0) =  0.0;
  meshBoundary(3,1) =  2.0;

  int horizontalCells = 4, verticalCells = 4;

  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = Mesh::buildQuadMesh(meshBoundary, horizontalCells, verticalCells,
      confusionBF, H1Order, H1Order+pToAdd, false);


  BCPtr nullBC = Teuchos::rcp((BC*)NULL);
  RHSPtr nullRHS = Teuchos::rcp((RHS*)NULL);
  IPPtr nullIP = Teuchos::rcp((IP*)NULL);
  SolutionPtr prevTimeFlow = Teuchos::rcp(new Solution(mesh, nullBC, nullRHS, nullIP) );  
  SolutionPtr flowResidual = Teuchos::rcp(new Solution(mesh, nullBC, nullRHS, nullIP) );  

  FunctionPtr u_prev_time = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(prevTimeFlow, u) );

  // ==================== SET INITIAL GUESS ==========================
  double u_free = 0.0;
  double sigma1_free = 0.0;
  double sigma2_free = 0.0;
  map<int, Teuchos::RCP<Function> > functionMap;
  functionMap[u->ID()] = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(u_free) );
  functionMap[sigma1->ID()] = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(sigma1_free) );
  functionMap[sigma2->ID()] = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(sigma2_free) );

  // ==================== END SET INITIAL GUESS ==========================


  // tau terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma1 / epsilon, tau->x());
  confusionBF->addTerm(sigma2 / epsilon, tau->y());
  confusionBF->addTerm(u, tau->div());
  confusionBF->addTerm(-uhat, tau->dot_normal());

  // v terms:
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma1, v->dx() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( sigma2, v->dy() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta * u, - v->grad() );
  confusionBF->addTerm( beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, v);

  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );

  double dt = 0.25;
  FunctionPtr invDt = Teuchos::rcp(new ScalarParamFunction(1.0/dt));    
  if (rank==0){
    cout << "Timestep dt = " << dt << endl;
  if (transient)
    confusionBF->addTerm( u, invDt*v );
    rhs->addTerm( u_prev_time * invDt * v );


  // mathematician's norm
  IPPtr mathIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP());


  // quasi-optimal norm
  IPPtr qoptIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  qoptIP->addTerm( v );
  qoptIP->addTerm( tau / epsilon + v->grad() );
  qoptIP->addTerm( beta * v->grad() - tau->div() );

  // robust test norm
  IPPtr robIP = Teuchos::rcp(new IP);
  FunctionPtr ip_scaling = Teuchos::rcp( new EpsilonScaling(epsilon) ); 
  if (!enforceLocalConservation)
    robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling * v );
    if (transient)
      robIP->addTerm( invDt * v );
  robIP->addTerm( sqrt(epsilon) * v->grad() );
  // Weight these two terms for inflow
  FunctionPtr ip_weight = Teuchos::rcp( new IPWeight() );
  robIP->addTerm( ip_weight * beta * v->grad() );
  robIP->addTerm( ip_weight * tau->div() );
  robIP->addTerm( ip_scaling/sqrt(epsilon) * tau );
  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    robIP->addZeroMeanTerm( v );


  FunctionPtr f = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  rhs->addTerm( f * v ); // obviously, with f = 0 adding this term is not necessary!


  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> bc = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );
  // Teuchos::RCP<PenaltyConstraints> pc = Teuchos::rcp( new PenaltyConstraints );
  SpatialFilterPtr lBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new LeftBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr tbBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new TopBottomBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr rBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new RightBoundary );
  FunctionPtr u0 = Teuchos::rcp( new ZeroBC );
  FunctionPtr u_inlet = Teuchos::rcp( new InletBC );
  // FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, lBoundary, u_inlet);
  bc->addDirichlet(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n, tbBoundary, u0);
  bc->addDirichlet(uhat, rBoundary, u0);
  // pc->addConstraint(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n - uhat == u0, rBoundary);

  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp( new Solution(mesh, bc, rhs, robIP) );
  // solution->setFilter(pc);

  // ==================== Enforce Local Conservation ==================
  if (enforceLocalConservation) {
    if (transient)
      FunctionPtr conserved_rhs = u_prev_time * invDt;
      LinearTermPtr conserved_quantity = invDt * u;
      LinearTermPtr flux_part = Teuchos::rcp(new LinearTerm(-1.0, beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n));
      conserved_quantity->addTerm(flux_part, true);
      // conserved_quantity = conserved_quantity - beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n;
      solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(conserved_quantity == conserved_rhs);
      FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
      solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n == zero);

  // ==================== Register Solutions ==========================
  mesh->registerSolution(prevTimeFlow); // u_t(i-1)
  mesh->registerSolution(flowResidual); // u_t(i-1)

  double energyThreshold = 0.25; // for mesh refinements
  Teuchos::RCP<RefinementStrategy> refinementStrategy;
  refinementStrategy = Teuchos::rcp(new RefinementStrategy(solution,energyThreshold));


  double time_tol = 1e-8;
  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<=numRefs; refIndex++)
    double L2_time_residual = 1e7;
    int timestepCount = 0;
    if (!transient)
      numTimeSteps = 1;
    while((L2_time_residual > time_tol) && (timestepCount < numTimeSteps))
      // subtract solutions to get residual
      flowResidual->setSolution(solution); // reset previous time solution to current time sol
      flowResidual->addSolution(prevTimeFlow, -1.0);       
      double L2u = flowResidual->L2NormOfSolutionGlobal(u->ID());
      double L2sigma1 = flowResidual->L2NormOfSolutionGlobal(sigma1->ID());
      double L2sigma2 = flowResidual->L2NormOfSolutionGlobal(sigma2->ID());
      L2_time_residual = sqrt(L2u*L2u + L2sigma1*L2sigma1 + L2sigma2*L2sigma2);
      cout << endl << "Timestep: " << timestepCount << ", dt = " << dt << ", Time residual = " << L2_time_residual << endl;    	

      if (rank == 0)
        stringstream outfile;
        if (transient)
          outfile << "TransientConfusion_" << refIndex << "_" << timestepCount;
          outfile << "TransientConfusion_" << refIndex;
        solution->writeToVTK(outfile.str(), 5);

      // Check conservation by testing against one
      VarPtr testOne = varFactory.testVar("1", CONSTANT_SCALAR);
      // Create a fake bilinear form for the testing
      BFPtr fakeBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
      // Define our mass flux
      FunctionPtr flux_current_time = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n) );
      FunctionPtr delta_u = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(flowResidual, u) );
      LinearTermPtr surfaceFlux = -1.0 * flux_current_time * testOne;
      LinearTermPtr volumeChange = invDt * delta_u * testOne;
      LinearTermPtr massFluxTerm;
      if (transient)
        massFluxTerm = volumeChange;
        // massFluxTerm->addTerm(surfaceFlux);
        massFluxTerm = surfaceFlux;
      // cout << "surface case = " << surfaceFlux->summands()[0].first->boundaryValueOnly() << " volume case = " << volumeChange->summands()[0].first->boundaryValueOnly() << endl;

      // FunctionPtr massFlux= Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n) );
      // LinearTermPtr massFluxTerm = massFlux * testOne;

      Teuchos::RCP<shards::CellTopology> quadTopoPtr = Teuchos::rcp(new shards::CellTopology(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >() ));
      DofOrderingFactory dofOrderingFactory(fakeBF);
      int fakeTestOrder = H1Order;
      DofOrderingPtr testOrdering = dofOrderingFactory.testOrdering(fakeTestOrder, *quadTopoPtr);

      int testOneIndex = testOrdering->getDofIndex(testOne->ID(),0);
      vector< ElementTypePtr > elemTypes = mesh->elementTypes(); // global element types
      map<int, double> massFluxIntegral; // cellID -> integral
      double maxMassFluxIntegral = 0.0;
      double totalMassFlux = 0.0;
      double totalAbsMassFlux = 0.0;
      for (vector< ElementTypePtr >::iterator elemTypeIt = elemTypes.begin(); elemTypeIt != elemTypes.end(); elemTypeIt++) 
        ElementTypePtr elemType = *elemTypeIt;
        vector< ElementPtr > elems = mesh->elementsOfTypeGlobal(elemType);
        vector<int> cellIDs;
        for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++) {
        FieldContainer<double> physicalCellNodes = mesh->physicalCellNodesGlobal(elemType);
        BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(elemType,mesh) );
        basisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(physicalCellNodes,cellIDs,true); // true: create side caches
        FieldContainer<double> cellMeasures = basisCache->getCellMeasures();
        FieldContainer<double> fakeRHSIntegrals(elems.size(),testOrdering->totalDofs());
        massFluxTerm->integrate(fakeRHSIntegrals,testOrdering,basisCache,true); // true: force side evaluation
        for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++) {
          int cellID = cellIDs[i];
          // pick out the ones for testOne:
          massFluxIntegral[cellID] = fakeRHSIntegrals(i,testOneIndex);
        // find the largest:
        for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++) {
          int cellID = cellIDs[i];
          maxMassFluxIntegral = max(abs(massFluxIntegral[cellID]), maxMassFluxIntegral);
        for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++) {
          int cellID = cellIDs[i];
          maxMassFluxIntegral = max(abs(massFluxIntegral[cellID]), maxMassFluxIntegral);
          totalMassFlux += massFluxIntegral[cellID];
          totalAbsMassFlux += abs( massFluxIntegral[cellID] );

      // Print results from processor with rank 0
      if (rank == 0)
        cout << "largest mass flux: " << maxMassFluxIntegral << endl;
        cout << "total mass flux: " << totalMassFlux << endl;
        cout << "sum of mass flux absolute value: " << totalAbsMassFlux << endl;

      prevTimeFlow->setSolution(solution); // reset previous time solution to current time sol

    if (refIndex < numRefs){
      if (rank==0){
        cout << "Performing refinement number " << refIndex << endl;
      // RESET solution every refinement - make sure discretization error doesn't creep in
      // prevTimeFlow->projectOntoMesh(functionMap);

  return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  int rank=mpiSession.getRank();
  int numProcs=mpiSession.getNProc();
  int rank = 0;
  int numProcs = 1;
  int polyOrder = 3;
  int pToAdd = 2; // for tests

  // define our manufactured solution or problem bilinear form:
  bool useTriangles = false;

  FieldContainer<double> meshPoints(4,2);

  meshPoints(0,0) = 0.0; // x1
  meshPoints(0,1) = 0.0; // y1
  meshPoints(1,0) = 1.0;
  meshPoints(1,1) = 0.0;
  meshPoints(2,0) = 1.0;
  meshPoints(2,1) = 1.0;
  meshPoints(3,0) = 0.0;
  meshPoints(3,1) = 1.0;

  int H1Order = polyOrder + 1;
  int horizontalCells = 4, verticalCells = 4;

  double energyThreshold = 0.2; // for mesh refinements
  double nonlinearStepSize = 0.5;
  double nonlinearRelativeEnergyTolerance = 1e-8; // used to determine convergence of the nonlinear solution


  // new-style bilinear form definition
  VarFactory varFactory;
  VarPtr fhat = varFactory.fluxVar("\\widehat{f}");
  VarPtr u = varFactory.fieldVar("u");

  VarPtr v = varFactory.testVar("v",HGRAD);
  BFPtr bf = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) ); // initialize bilinear form


  // create a pointer to a new mesh:
  Teuchos::RCP<Mesh> mesh = Mesh::buildQuadMesh(meshPoints, horizontalCells,
                            verticalCells, bf, H1Order,
                            H1Order+pToAdd, useTriangles);
  mesh->setPartitionPolicy(Teuchos::rcp(new ZoltanMeshPartitionPolicy("HSFC")));

  BCPtr nullBC = Teuchos::rcp((BC*)NULL);
  RHSPtr nullRHS = Teuchos::rcp((RHS*)NULL);
  IPPtr nullIP = Teuchos::rcp((IP*)NULL);
  SolutionPtr backgroundFlow = Teuchos::rcp(new Solution(mesh, nullBC,
                               nullRHS, nullIP) );

  vector<double> e1(2); // (1,0)
  e1[0] = 1;
  vector<double> e2(2); // (0,1)
  e2[1] = 1;

  FunctionPtr u_prev = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(backgroundFlow, u) );
  FunctionPtr beta = e1 * u_prev + Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantVectorFunction( e2 ) );


  // v:
  // (sigma, grad v)_K - (sigma_hat_n, v)_dK - (u, beta dot grad v) + (u_hat * n dot beta, v)_dK
  bf->addTerm( -u, beta * v->grad());
  bf->addTerm( fhat, v);

  // ==================== SET INITIAL GUESS ==========================
  FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
  FunctionPtr u0 = Teuchos::rcp( new U0 );

  map<int, Teuchos::RCP<Function> > functionMap;
  functionMap[u->ID()] = u0;

  // ==================== END SET INITIAL GUESS ==========================

  IPPtr ip = Teuchos::rcp( new IP );
  ip->addTerm( v );
  ip->addTerm( beta * v->grad() );

  Teuchos::RCP<RHSEasy> rhs = Teuchos::rcp( new RHSEasy );
  FunctionPtr u_prev_squared_div2 = 0.5 * u_prev * u_prev;
  rhs->addTerm( (e1 * u_prev_squared_div2 + e2 * u_prev) * v->grad());

  Teuchos::RCP<BCEasy> inflowBC = Teuchos::rcp( new BCEasy );

  // Create spatial filters
  SpatialFilterPtr bottomBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new BottomBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr leftBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new LeftBoundary );
  SpatialFilterPtr rightBoundary = Teuchos::rcp( new LeftBoundary );

  // Create BCs
  FunctionPtr n = Teuchos::rcp( new UnitNormalFunction );
  FunctionPtr u0_squared_div_2 = 0.5 * u0 * u0;
  SimpleFunction* u0Ptr = static_cast<SimpleFunction *>(u0.get());
  double u0Left = u0Ptr->value(0,0);
  double u0Right = u0Ptr->value(1.0,0);
  FunctionPtr leftVal = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction( -0.5*u0Left*u0Left ) );
  FunctionPtr rightVal = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction( 0.5*u0Right*u0Right ) );
  inflowBC->addDirichlet(fhat, bottomBoundary, -u0 );
  inflowBC->addDirichlet(fhat, leftBoundary, leftVal );
  inflowBC->addDirichlet(fhat, rightBoundary, rightVal );

  Teuchos::RCP<Solution> solution = Teuchos::rcp(new Solution(mesh, inflowBC, rhs, ip));

  if (enforceLocalConservation)
    FunctionPtr zero = Teuchos::rcp( new ConstantScalarFunction(0.0) );
    solution->lagrangeConstraints()->addConstraint(fhat == zero);

  Teuchos::RCP<RefinementStrategy> refinementStrategy;
  refinementStrategy = Teuchos::rcp(new RefinementStrategy(solution,energyThreshold));

  // SOLVE

  for (int refIndex=0; refIndex<=numRefs; refIndex++)
    double L2Update = 1e7;
    int iterCount = 0;
    while (L2Update > nonlinearRelativeEnergyTolerance && iterCount < maxNewtonIterations)
      L2Update = solution->L2NormOfSolutionGlobal(u->ID());
      cout << "L2 Norm of Update = " << L2Update << endl;
      // backgroundFlow->clear();
      backgroundFlow->addSolution(solution, newtonStepSize);
    cout << endl;

    // check conservation
    VarPtr testOne = varFactory.testVar("1", CONSTANT_SCALAR);
    // Create a fake bilinear form for the testing
    BFPtr fakeBF = Teuchos::rcp( new BF(varFactory) );
    // Define our mass flux
    FunctionPtr massFlux = Teuchos::rcp( new PreviousSolutionFunction(solution, fhat) );
    LinearTermPtr massFluxTerm = massFlux * testOne;

    Teuchos::RCP<shards::CellTopology> quadTopoPtr = Teuchos::rcp(new shards::CellTopology(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >() ));
    DofOrderingFactory dofOrderingFactory(fakeBF);
    int fakeTestOrder = H1Order;
    DofOrderingPtr testOrdering = dofOrderingFactory.testOrdering(fakeTestOrder, *quadTopoPtr);

    int testOneIndex = testOrdering->getDofIndex(testOne->ID(),0);
    vector< ElementTypePtr > elemTypes = mesh->elementTypes(); // global element types
    map<int, double> massFluxIntegral; // cellID -> integral
    double maxMassFluxIntegral = 0.0;
    double totalMassFlux = 0.0;
    double totalAbsMassFlux = 0.0;
    for (vector< ElementTypePtr >::iterator elemTypeIt = elemTypes.begin(); elemTypeIt != elemTypes.end(); elemTypeIt++)
      ElementTypePtr elemType = *elemTypeIt;
      vector< ElementPtr > elems = mesh->elementsOfTypeGlobal(elemType);
      vector<int> cellIDs;
      for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++)
      FieldContainer<double> physicalCellNodes = mesh->physicalCellNodesGlobal(elemType);
      BasisCachePtr basisCache = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(elemType,mesh) );
      basisCache->setPhysicalCellNodes(physicalCellNodes,cellIDs,true); // true: create side caches
      FieldContainer<double> cellMeasures = basisCache->getCellMeasures();
      FieldContainer<double> fakeRHSIntegrals(elems.size(),testOrdering->totalDofs());
      massFluxTerm->integrate(fakeRHSIntegrals,testOrdering,basisCache,true); // true: force side evaluation
      for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++)
        int cellID = cellIDs[i];
        // pick out the ones for testOne:
        massFluxIntegral[cellID] = fakeRHSIntegrals(i,testOneIndex);
      // find the largest:
      for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++)
        int cellID = cellIDs[i];
        maxMassFluxIntegral = max(abs(massFluxIntegral[cellID]), maxMassFluxIntegral);
      for (int i=0; i<elems.size(); i++)
        int cellID = cellIDs[i];
        maxMassFluxIntegral = max(abs(massFluxIntegral[cellID]), maxMassFluxIntegral);
        totalMassFlux += massFluxIntegral[cellID];
        totalAbsMassFlux += abs( massFluxIntegral[cellID] );
    if (rank==0)
      cout << endl;
      cout << "largest mass flux: " << maxMassFluxIntegral << endl;
      cout << "total mass flux: " << totalMassFlux << endl;
      cout << "sum of mass flux absolute value: " << totalAbsMassFlux << endl;
      cout << endl;

      stringstream outfile;
      outfile << "burgers_" << refIndex;
      backgroundFlow->writeToVTK(outfile.str(), 5);

    if (refIndex < numRefs)
      refinementStrategy->refine(rank==0); // print to console on rank 0

  return 0;
    virtual void localStiffnessMatrixAndRHS(FieldContainer<double> &localStiffness, FieldContainer<double> &rhsVector,
                                            IPPtr ip, BasisCachePtr ipBasisCache,
                                            RHSPtr rhs, BasisCachePtr basisCache) {
        double testMatrixAssemblyTime = 0, testMatrixInversionTime = 0, localStiffnessDeterminationFromTestsTime = 0;

#ifdef HAVE_MPI
        Epetra_MpiComm Comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        //cout << "rank: " << rank << " of " << numProcs << endl;
        Epetra_SerialComm Comm;

        Epetra_Time timer(Comm);

        // localStiffness should have dim. (numCells, numTrialFields, numTrialFields)
        MeshPtr mesh = basisCache->mesh();
        if (mesh.get() == NULL) {
            cout << "localStiffnessMatrix requires BasisCache to have mesh set.\n";
            TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "localStiffnessMatrix requires BasisCache to have mesh set.");
        const vector<GlobalIndexType>* cellIDs = &basisCache->cellIDs();
        int numCells = cellIDs->size();
        if (numCells != localStiffness.dimension(0)) {
            cout << "localStiffnessMatrix requires basisCache->cellIDs() to have the same # of cells as the first dimension of localStiffness\n";
            TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "localStiffnessMatrix requires basisCache->cellIDs() to have the same # of cells as the first dimension of localStiffness");

        ElementTypePtr elemType = mesh->getElementType((*cellIDs)[0]); // we assume all cells provided are of the same type
        DofOrderingPtr trialOrder = elemType->trialOrderPtr;
        DofOrderingPtr fieldOrder = mesh->getDofOrderingFactory().getFieldOrdering(trialOrder);
        DofOrderingPtr traceOrder = mesh->getDofOrderingFactory().getTraceOrdering(trialOrder);

        map<int, int> stiffnessIndexForTraceIndex;
        map<int, int> stiffnessIndexForFieldIndex;
        set<int> varIDs = trialOrder->getVarIDs();
        for (set<int>::iterator varIt = varIDs.begin(); varIt != varIDs.end(); varIt++) {
            int varID = *varIt;
            const vector<int>* sidesForVar = &trialOrder->getSidesForVarID(varID);
            bool isTrace = (sidesForVar->size() > 1);
            for (vector<int>::const_iterator sideIt = sidesForVar->begin(); sideIt != sidesForVar->end(); sideIt++) {
                int sideOrdinal = *sideIt;
                vector<int> dofIndices = trialOrder->getDofIndices(varID,sideOrdinal);
                if (isTrace) {
                    vector<int> traceDofIndices = traceOrder->getDofIndices(varID,sideOrdinal);
                    for (int i=0; i<traceDofIndices.size(); i++) {
                        stiffnessIndexForTraceIndex[traceDofIndices[i]] = dofIndices[i];
                } else {
                    vector<int> fieldDofIndices = fieldOrder->getDofIndices(varID);
                    for (int i=0; i<fieldDofIndices.size(); i++) {
                        stiffnessIndexForFieldIndex[fieldDofIndices[i]] = dofIndices[i];

        int numTrialDofs = trialOrder->totalDofs();
        if ((numTrialDofs != localStiffness.dimension(1)) || (numTrialDofs != localStiffness.dimension(2))) {
            cout << "localStiffness should have dimensions (C,numTrialFields,numTrialFields).\n";
            TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "localStiffness should have dimensions (C,numTrialFields,numTrialFields).");

        map<int,int> traceTestMap, fieldTestMap;
        int numEquations = _virtualTerms.getFieldTestVars().size();
        for (int eqn=0; eqn<numEquations; eqn++) {
            VarPtr testVar = _virtualTerms.getFieldTestVars()[eqn];
            VarPtr traceVar = _virtualTerms.getAssociatedTrace(testVar);
            VarPtr fieldVar = _virtualTerms.getAssociatedField(testVar);
            traceTestMap[traceVar->ID()] = testVar->ID();
            fieldTestMap[fieldVar->ID()] = testVar->ID();

        int maxDegreeField = fieldOrder->maxBasisDegree();
        int testDegreeInterior = maxDegreeField + _virtualTerms.getTestEnrichment();
        int testDegreeTrace = testDegreeInterior + 2;

        cout << "ERROR in Virtual: getRelabeledDofOrdering() is commented out in DofOrderingFactory.  Need to rewrite for the new caching scheme.\n";
        DofOrderingPtr testOrderInterior; // = mesh->getDofOrderingFactory().getRelabeledDofOrdering(fieldOrder, fieldTestMap);
        testOrderInterior = mesh->getDofOrderingFactory().setBasisDegree(testOrderInterior, testDegreeInterior, false);
        DofOrderingPtr testOrderTrace = mesh->getDofOrderingFactory().setBasisDegree(testOrderInterior, testDegreeTrace, true); // this has a bunch of extra dofs (interior guys)

        map<int, int> remappedTraceIndices; // go from the index that includes the interior dofs to one that doesn't
        set<int> testIDs = testOrderTrace->getVarIDs();
        int testTraceIndex = 0;
        for (set<int>::iterator testIDIt = testIDs.begin(); testIDIt != testIDs.end(); testIDIt++) {
            int testID = *testIDIt;
            BasisPtr basis = testOrderTrace->getBasis(testID);
            vector<int> interiorDofs = basis->dofOrdinalsForInterior();
            for (int basisOrdinal=0; basisOrdinal<basis->getCardinality(); basisOrdinal++) {
                if (std::find(interiorDofs.begin(),interiorDofs.end(),basisOrdinal) == interiorDofs.end()) {
                    int dofIndex = testOrderTrace->getDofIndex(testID, basisOrdinal);
                    remappedTraceIndices[dofIndex] = testTraceIndex;

//    DofOrderingPtr testOrderTrace = mesh->getDofOrderingFactory().getRelabeledDofOrdering(traceOrder, traceTestMap);
//    testOrderTrace = mesh->getDofOrderingFactory().setBasisDegree(testOrderTrace, testDegreeTrace);

        int numTestInteriorDofs = testOrderInterior->totalDofs();
        int numTestTraceDofsIncludingInterior = testOrderTrace->totalDofs();
        int numTestTraceDofs = testTraceIndex;
        int numTestDofs = numTestTraceDofs + numTestInteriorDofs;


        bool printTimings = true;

        if (printTimings) {
            cout << "numCells: " << numCells << endl;
            cout << "numTestDofs: " << numTestDofs << endl;

        FieldContainer<double> rhsVectorTest(numCells,testOrderInterior->totalDofs()); // rhsVector is zero for the "trace" test dofs
            // project the load f onto the space of interior test dofs.
            LinearTermPtr f = rhs->linearTerm();
            set<int> testIDs = f->varIDs();
            for (int eqn=0; eqn<numEquations; eqn++) {
                VarPtr v = _virtualTerms.getFieldTestVars()[eqn];

                if (testIDs.find(v->ID()) != testIDs.end()) {
                    BasisPtr testInteriorBasis = testOrderInterior->getBasis(v->ID());
                    FieldContainer<double> fValues(numCells,testInteriorBasis->getCardinality());
//          DofOrderingPtr oneVarOrderingTest = Teuchos::rcp(new DofOrdering(testInteriorBasis->domainTopology()));
                    DofOrderingPtr oneVarOrderingTest = Teuchos::rcp(new DofOrdering);
                    oneVarOrderingTest->addEntry(v->ID(), testInteriorBasis, testInteriorBasis->rangeRank());

                    LinearTermPtr f_v = Teuchos::rcp( new LinearTerm );
                    typedef pair< FunctionPtr, VarPtr > LinearSummand;
                    vector<LinearSummand> summands = f->summands();
                    for (int i=0; i<summands.size(); i++) {
                        FunctionPtr f = summands[i].first;
                        if (v->ID() == summands[i].second->ID()) {
                            f_v->addTerm(f * v);
                            f_v->integrate(fValues, oneVarOrderingTest, basisCache);

                    LinearTermPtr v_lt = 1.0 * v;
                    FieldContainer<double> l2(numCells,testInteriorBasis->getCardinality(),testInteriorBasis->getCardinality());

                    Teuchos::Array<int> testTestDim(2), testOneDim(2);
                    testTestDim[0] = testInteriorBasis->getCardinality();
                    testTestDim[1] = testInteriorBasis->getCardinality();
                    testOneDim[0] = testInteriorBasis->getCardinality();
                    testOneDim[1] = 1;
                    FieldContainer<double> projection(testOneDim);
                    for (int cellOrdinal=0; cellOrdinal<numCells; cellOrdinal++) {
                        FieldContainer<double> l2cell(testTestDim,&l2(cellOrdinal,0,0));
                        FieldContainer<double> f_cell(testOneDim,&fValues(cellOrdinal,0));

                        SerialDenseWrapper::solveSystemUsingQR(projection, l2cell, f_cell);

                        // rows in projection correspond to Ae_i, columns to the e_j.  I.e. projection coefficients for e_i are found in the ith row
                        for (int basisOrdinal_j=0; basisOrdinal_j<projection.dimension(0); basisOrdinal_j++) {
                            int testIndex = testOrderInterior->getDofIndex(v->ID(), basisOrdinal_j);
                            rhsVectorTest(cellOrdinal,testIndex) = projection(basisOrdinal_j,0);

        // project strong operator applied to field terms, and use this to populate the top left portion of stiffness matrix:
            FieldContainer<double> trialFieldTestInterior(numCells, fieldOrder->totalDofs(), testOrderInterior->totalDofs());
            for (int eqn=0; eqn<numEquations; eqn++) {
                LinearTermPtr Au = _virtualTerms.getFieldOperators()[eqn];
                VarPtr v = _virtualTerms.getFieldTestVars()[eqn];
                set<int> fieldIDs = Au->varIDs();
                for (set<int>::iterator fieldIt = fieldIDs.begin(); fieldIt != fieldIDs.end(); fieldIt++) {
                    int fieldID = *fieldIt;
//          int testID = fieldTestMap[fieldID];
//          LinearTermPtr testInteriorVar = 1.0 * this->varFactory().test(testID);

                    BasisPtr vBasis = testOrderInterior->getBasis(v->ID());
                    BasisPtr fieldTrialBasis = fieldOrder->getBasis(fieldID);
//          DofOrderingPtr oneVarOrderingTest = Teuchos::rcp(new DofOrdering(vBasis->domainTopology()));
                    DofOrderingPtr oneVarOrderingTest = Teuchos::rcp(new DofOrdering());
                    oneVarOrderingTest->addEntry(v->ID(), vBasis, vBasis->rangeRank());
                    FieldContainer<double> Au_values(numCells,vBasis->getCardinality(),fieldTrialBasis->getCardinality());
                    FieldContainer<double> l2(numCells,vBasis->getCardinality(),vBasis->getCardinality());

                    DofOrderingPtr oneVarOrderingTrial = Teuchos::rcp(new DofOrdering());
//          DofOrderingPtr oneVarOrderingTrial = Teuchos::rcp(new DofOrdering(fieldTrialBasis->domainTopology()));
                    oneVarOrderingTrial->addEntry(fieldID, fieldTrialBasis, fieldTrialBasis->rangeRank());

                    LinearTermPtr Au_restricted_to_field = Teuchos::rcp( new LinearTerm );
                    typedef pair< FunctionPtr, VarPtr > LinearSummand;
                    vector<LinearSummand> summands = Au->summands();
                    for (int i=0; i<summands.size(); i++) {
                        FunctionPtr f = summands[i].first;
                        VarPtr v = summands[i].second;
                        if (v->ID() == fieldID) {
                            Au_restricted_to_field->addTerm(f * v);

                    LinearTermPtr v_lt = 1.0 * v;

                    double maxValue = 0;
                    for (int i=0; i<l2.size(); i++) {
                        maxValue = max(abs(l2[i]),maxValue);
                    cout << "maxValue in l2 is " << maxValue << endl;
                    Teuchos::Array<int> testTestDim(2), trialTestDim(2);
                    testTestDim[0] = vBasis->getCardinality();
                    testTestDim[1] = vBasis->getCardinality();
                    trialTestDim[0] = vBasis->getCardinality();
                    trialTestDim[1] = fieldTrialBasis->getCardinality();
                    FieldContainer<double> projection(trialTestDim);
                    for (int cellOrdinal=0; cellOrdinal<numCells; cellOrdinal++) {
                        FieldContainer<double> l2cell(testTestDim,&l2(cellOrdinal,0,0));
                        FieldContainer<double> AuCell(trialTestDim,&Au_values(cellOrdinal,0,0));
                        // TODO: confirm that I'm doing the right projection here.  I could be missing a key point, but it seems to me that we must
                        //       project onto an *orthonormal* basis here, to achieve the required identity structure of the (field,field) part of the
                        //       Gram matrix.  OTOH, it looks to me like the computation here achieves exactly that, even though I didn't initially
                        //       have that in mind...
//            SerialDenseWrapper::solveSystemUsingQR(projection, l2cell, AuCell);
                        SerialDenseWrapper::solveSystemMultipleRHS(projection, l2cell, AuCell);

                        // rows in projection correspond to Ae_i, columns to the e_j.  I.e. projection coefficients for e_i are found in the ith row
                        for (int basisOrdinal_i=0; basisOrdinal_i<projection.dimension(0); basisOrdinal_i++) {
                            int testIndex = testOrderInterior->getDofIndex(v->ID(), basisOrdinal_i);
                            for (int basisOrdinal_j=0; basisOrdinal_j<projection.dimension(1); basisOrdinal_j++) {
                                int trialIndex = fieldOrder->getDofIndex(fieldID, basisOrdinal_j); // in the *trial* space
                                trialFieldTestInterior(cellOrdinal,trialIndex,testIndex) = projection(basisOrdinal_i,basisOrdinal_j);
            Teuchos::Array<int> trialTestDim(2);
            trialTestDim[0] = fieldOrder->totalDofs();
            trialTestDim[1] = testOrderInterior->totalDofs();
            for (int cellOrdinal=0; cellOrdinal<numCells; cellOrdinal++) {
                FieldContainer<double> trialFieldTrialField(fieldOrder->totalDofs(), fieldOrder->totalDofs());
                FieldContainer<double> trialTestCell(trialTestDim, &trialFieldTestInterior(cellOrdinal,0,0));
                SerialDenseWrapper::multiply(trialFieldTrialField, trialTestCell, trialTestCell, 'N', 'T'); // transpose the second one
                // now, accumulate into localStiffness
                for (int i=0; i<trialFieldTrialField.dimension(0); i++) {
                    int stiff_i = stiffnessIndexForFieldIndex[i];
                    for (int j=0; j<trialFieldTrialField.dimension(1); j++) {
                        int stiff_j = stiffnessIndexForFieldIndex[j];
                        localStiffness(cellOrdinal,stiff_i,stiff_j) = trialFieldTrialField(i,j);
            // multiply RHS integrated against the interior test space by the trialFieldTestInterior
            for (int cellOrdinal=0; cellOrdinal<numCells; cellOrdinal++) {
                Teuchos::Array<int> trialTestDim(2), oneTestDim(2);
                trialTestDim[0] = fieldOrder->totalDofs();
                trialTestDim[1] = testOrderInterior->totalDofs();
                oneTestDim[0] = 1;
                oneTestDim[1] = testOrderInterior->totalDofs();
                FieldContainer<double> trialTestCell(trialTestDim, &trialFieldTestInterior(cellOrdinal,0,0));
                FieldContainer<double> rhsTestCell(oneTestDim, &rhsVectorTest(cellOrdinal,0));
                FieldContainer<double> rhsTrialCell(1, fieldOrder->totalDofs());

                SerialDenseWrapper::multiply(rhsTrialCell, rhsTestCell, trialTestCell, 'N', 'T');

                for (int fieldIndex=0; fieldIndex<fieldOrder->totalDofs(); fieldIndex++) {
                    int stiffIndex = stiffnessIndexForFieldIndex[fieldIndex];
                    rhsVector(cellOrdinal,stiffIndex) = rhsTrialCell(0, fieldIndex);

        FieldContainer<double> ipMatrixTraceIncludingInterior(numCells,numTestTraceDofsIncludingInterior,numTestTraceDofsIncludingInterior);
        int numTestTerms = _virtualTerms.getTestNormOperators().size();
        for (int i=0; i<numTestTerms; i++) {
            LinearTermPtr testTerm = _virtualTerms.getTestNormOperators()[i];
            LinearTermPtr boundaryTerm = _virtualTerms.getTestNormBoundaryOperators()[i];
        FieldContainer<double> ipMatrixTrace(numCells,numTestTraceDofs,numTestTraceDofs);
        for (int cellOrdinal=0; cellOrdinal<numCells; cellOrdinal++) {
            for (int i_dofIndex=0; i_dofIndex<numTestTraceDofsIncludingInterior; i_dofIndex++) {
                if (remappedTraceIndices.find(i_dofIndex) == remappedTraceIndices.end()) {
                int i_remapped = remappedTraceIndices[i_dofIndex];
                for (int j_dofIndex=0; j_dofIndex<numTestTraceDofsIncludingInterior; j_dofIndex++) {
                    if (remappedTraceIndices.find(j_dofIndex) == remappedTraceIndices.end()) {
                    int j_remapped = remappedTraceIndices[j_dofIndex];
                    ipMatrixTrace(cellOrdinal,i_remapped,j_remapped) = ipMatrixTraceIncludingInterior(cellOrdinal,i_dofIndex,j_dofIndex);

        testMatrixAssemblyTime += timer.ElapsedTime();
        //      cout << "ipMatrix:\n" << ipMatrix;


        cout << "NOTE: we do not yet enforce continuity on the trace test space.\n"; // I *think* this is fine, but I'm not dead certain -- we do of course in the end enforce continuity in GDAMinimumRule

        // now, determine the trace part of the bilinear form matrix
        FieldContainer<double> bfMatrixTraceTraceIncludingTestInterior(numCells,testOrderTrace->totalDofs(),traceOrder->totalDofs());
        FieldContainer<double> bfMatrixFieldTraceIncludingTestInterior(numCells,testOrderTrace->totalDofs(),fieldOrder->totalDofs());
        for (int eqn=0; eqn<numEquations; eqn++) {
            VarPtr traceVar = _virtualTerms.getTraceVars()[eqn];
            LinearTermPtr termTraced = traceVar->termTraced();
            LinearTermPtr strongOperator = _virtualTerms.getFieldOperators()[eqn];
            VarPtr testVar = _virtualTerms.getFieldTestVars()[eqn];

            // want to determine \hat{C}(\hat{e}_i, \phi_j) for \phi_j with support on the boundary
            // the \phi_j's with support on the boundary are the ones associated with the trace

            LinearTermPtr trialTerm = 1.0 * traceVar;
            LinearTermPtr testTerm;

            if (traceVar->varType() == TRACE) {
                testTerm = Function::normal() * testVar;
            } else {
                testTerm = 1.0 * testVar;

//      trialTerm->integrate(bfMatrixTrace,traceOrder,testTerm,testOrderTrace,basisCache,basisCache->isSideCache());

        FieldContainer<double> bfMatrixFieldTrace(numCells,numTestTraceDofs,bfMatrixFieldTraceIncludingTestInterior.dimension(2));
        FieldContainer<double> bfMatrixTraceTrace(numCells,numTestTraceDofs,bfMatrixTraceTraceIncludingTestInterior.dimension(2));
        for (int cellOrdinal=0; cellOrdinal<numCells; cellOrdinal++) {
            for (int i_dofIndex=0; i_dofIndex<numTestTraceDofsIncludingInterior; i_dofIndex++) {
                if (remappedTraceIndices.find(i_dofIndex) == remappedTraceIndices.end()) {
                int i_remapped = remappedTraceIndices[i_dofIndex];
                for (int j_dofIndex=0; j_dofIndex<bfMatrixFieldTrace.dimension(2); j_dofIndex++) {
                    bfMatrixFieldTrace(cellOrdinal,i_remapped,j_dofIndex) = bfMatrixFieldTraceIncludingTestInterior(cellOrdinal,i_dofIndex,j_dofIndex);
                for (int j_dofIndex=0; j_dofIndex<bfMatrixTraceTrace.dimension(2); j_dofIndex++) {
                    bfMatrixTraceTrace(cellOrdinal,i_remapped,j_dofIndex) = bfMatrixTraceTraceIncludingTestInterior(cellOrdinal,i_dofIndex,j_dofIndex);

        Teuchos::Array<int> ipMatrixDim(2), bfMatrixTraceTraceDim(2), bfMatrixFieldTraceDim(2);
        Teuchos::Array<int> traceTraceStiffDim(2), fieldTraceStiffDim(2), fieldFieldStiffDim(2);
        ipMatrixDim[0] = ipMatrixTrace.dimension(1);
        ipMatrixDim[1] = ipMatrixTrace.dimension(2);

        bfMatrixTraceTraceDim[0] = bfMatrixTraceTrace.dimension(1);
        bfMatrixTraceTraceDim[1] = bfMatrixTraceTrace.dimension(2);

        bfMatrixFieldTraceDim[0] = bfMatrixFieldTrace.dimension(1);
        bfMatrixFieldTraceDim[1] = bfMatrixFieldTrace.dimension(2);

        traceTraceStiffDim[0] = traceOrder->totalDofs();
        traceTraceStiffDim[1] = traceTraceStiffDim[0];

        fieldTraceStiffDim[0] = fieldOrder->totalDofs();
        fieldTraceStiffDim[1] = traceOrder->totalDofs(); // rectangular

        fieldFieldStiffDim[0] = fieldOrder->totalDofs();
        fieldFieldStiffDim[1] = fieldOrder->totalDofs();

        FieldContainer<double> traceTraceStiffCell(traceTraceStiffDim);
        FieldContainer<double> fieldTraceStiffCell(fieldTraceStiffDim);
        FieldContainer<double> fieldFieldStiffCell(fieldFieldStiffDim);
        for (int cellOrdinal=0; cellOrdinal<numCells; cellOrdinal++) {
            FieldContainer<double> ipMatrixCell(ipMatrixDim,&ipMatrixTrace(cellOrdinal,0,0));

            FieldContainer<double> optTestCoeffsTraceTrace(numTestTraceDofs,traceOrder->totalDofs());
            FieldContainer<double> bfMatrixTraceTraceCell(bfMatrixTraceTraceDim,&bfMatrixTraceTrace(cellOrdinal,0,0));
            int result = SerialDenseWrapper::solveSystemUsingQR(optTestCoeffsTraceTrace, ipMatrixCell, bfMatrixTraceTraceCell);
            SerialDenseWrapper::multiply(traceTraceStiffCell, bfMatrixTraceTraceCell, optTestCoeffsTraceTrace, 'T', 'N');

            // copy into the appropriate spot in localStiffness:
            for (int i=0; i<traceTraceStiffDim[0]; i++) {
                int i_stiff = stiffnessIndexForTraceIndex[i];
                for (int j=0; j<traceTraceStiffDim[1]; j++) {
                    int j_stiff = stiffnessIndexForTraceIndex[j];
                    localStiffness(cellOrdinal,i_stiff,j_stiff) = traceTraceStiffCell(i,j);

            // because of the way the matrix blocks line up, we actually don't have to do a second inversion of ipMatrixCell for this part
            FieldContainer<double> bfMatrixFieldTraceCell(bfMatrixFieldTraceDim,&bfMatrixFieldTrace(cellOrdinal,0,0));
            SerialDenseWrapper::multiply(fieldTraceStiffCell, bfMatrixFieldTraceCell, optTestCoeffsTraceTrace, 'T', 'N');

            // copy into the appropriate spots in localStiffness (taking advantage of symmetry):
            for (int i=0; i<fieldTraceStiffDim[0]; i++) {
                int i_stiff = stiffnessIndexForFieldIndex[i];
                for (int j=0; j<fieldTraceStiffDim[1]; j++) {
                    int j_stiff = stiffnessIndexForTraceIndex[j];
                    localStiffness(cellOrdinal,i_stiff,j_stiff) = fieldTraceStiffCell(i,j);
                    localStiffness(cellOrdinal,j_stiff,i_stiff) = fieldTraceStiffCell(i,j);

            // because of the way the matrix blocks line up, we do have some trace contributions in the (field, field) portion of the matrix
            // these get added to the field contributions (hence the +=)
            FieldContainer<double> optTestCoeffsFieldTrace(numTestTraceDofs,fieldOrder->totalDofs());
            result = SerialDenseWrapper::solveSystemUsingQR(optTestCoeffsFieldTrace, ipMatrixCell, bfMatrixFieldTraceCell);
            SerialDenseWrapper::multiply(fieldFieldStiffCell, bfMatrixFieldTraceCell, optTestCoeffsFieldTrace, 'T', 'N');
            for (int i=0; i<fieldFieldStiffDim[0]; i++) {
                int i_stiff = stiffnessIndexForFieldIndex[i];
                for (int j=0; j<fieldFieldStiffDim[1]; j++) {
                    int j_stiff = stiffnessIndexForFieldIndex[j];
                    localStiffness(cellOrdinal,i_stiff,j_stiff) += fieldFieldStiffCell(i,j);

        testMatrixInversionTime += timer.ElapsedTime();
        //      cout << "optTestCoeffs:\n" << optTestCoeffs;

        if (printTimings) {
            cout << "testMatrixAssemblyTime: " << testMatrixAssemblyTime << " seconds.\n";
            cout << "testMatrixInversionTime: " << testMatrixInversionTime << " seconds.\n";
            cout << "localStiffnessDeterminationFromTestsTime: " << localStiffnessDeterminationFromTestsTime << " seconds.\n";