ChangeSalary::ChangeSalary(Widget* p, unsigned int salary) : Window( p, Rect(), "" ), __INIT_IMPL(ChangeSalaryWindow) { setupUI( ":/gui/changesalary.gui"); setCenter( parent()->center() ); _dfunc()->newSalary = salary; ListBox* lbxTitles; GET_WIDGET_FROM_UI( lbxTitles ) if( lbxTitles ) { world::GovernorRanks ranks = world::EmpireHelper::ranks(); for( auto rank : ranks ) { std::string salaryStr = _( "##" + rank.rankName + "_salary##" ); ListBoxItem& item = lbxTitles->addItem( salaryStr + " " + utils::i2str( rank.salary ) ); item.setTag( rank.salary ); if( rank.salary == salary ) { lbxTitles->setSelected( lbxTitles->itemsCount() - 1 ); } } } INIT_WIDGET_FROM_UI( PushButton*, btnCancel ) INIT_WIDGET_FROM_UI( PushButton*, btnOk ) CONNECT( btnCancel, onClicked(), this, ChangeSalary::deleteLater ); CONNECT( btnOk, onClicked(), _dfunc().data(), Impl::setNewSalary ); CONNECT( btnOk, onClicked(), this, ChangeSalary::deleteLater ); CONNECT( lbxTitles, onItemSelected(), _dfunc().data(), Impl::resolveSalaryChange ); }
int win_ListBox_Select ( char *title, char **lines, // array of string descriptions int num_lines ) // # in array { int i, selection; // If only 1 line available, return index to this line if (num_lines == 1) selection = 0; else { // Allow user to select from a MFC dialog box CArray <CString, CString> list; for (i=0; i<num_lines; i++) list.Add (lines[i]); ListBox dialog (NULL, title); dialog.SetContents (&list); //ShowCursor (TRUE); if (dialog.DoModal () != IDOK) selection = -1; else selection = dialog.GetSelection (); } return (selection); }
//! the assign texture button void Menu::assignTexture(Gui::GuiElement* elem){ //Dialog Dialog* dia = new Dialog(); //Textures ListBox* lb = new ListBox(); lb->setPosition(Vector2D(50, 100)); lb->setSpan(Vector2D(400,600)); vector<Texture*> textures = Graphic::instance()->getScene().getTextures(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < textures.size(); i++){ lb->addEntry(textures[i]->getName()); } dia->addElement(lb); //Texture stages DropDownButton* stages = new DropDownButton(); stages->setPosition(Vector2D(500, 680)); dia->addUnscaledElement(stages); stages->calcDDPos(1); stages->setText("Stage 0"); stages->addEntry("Stage 0"); stages->addEntry("Stage 1"); stages->addEntry("Stage 2"); stages->addEntry("Stage 3"); stages->addEntry("Stage 4"); stages->addEntry("Stage 5"); stages->addEntry("Stage 6"); stages->addEntry("Stage 7"); //OK button PDButton* ok = new PDButton(); ok->setPosition(Vector2D(575, 50)); ok->setSpan(Vector2D(75,18)); ok->setText(" OK"); ok->setCbFunc(assignTextureDialog); dia->addUnscaledElement(ok); CGE::Engine::instance()->addGuiListener(dia); }
ListBox* NodeFactory::CreateStringListBox(const List<WHeapString>& strItems, bool isSingleLine/*=true*/) { ListBox* listBox = new ListBox(); listBox->SetDataSource(new StringListDataSource(strItems, isSingleLine)); listBox->Initialize(); return listBox; }
void StartMenu::Impl::showLanguageOptions() { Widget* parent = game->gui()->rootWidget(); Size windowSize( 512, 384 ); Label* frame = new Label( parent, Rect( Point(), windowSize ), "", false, gui::Label::bgWhiteFrame ); ListBox* lbx = new ListBox( frame, Rect( 0, 0, 1, 1 ), -1, true, true ); PushButton* btn = new PushButton( frame, Rect( 0, 0, 1, 1), _("##apply##") ); WidgetEscapeCloser::insertTo( frame ); frame->setCenter( parent->center() ); lbx->setFocus(); lbx->setGeometry( RectF( 0.05, 0.05, 0.95, 0.85 ) ); btn->setGeometry( RectF( 0.1, 0.88, 0.9, 0.95 ) ); VariantMap languages = config::load( SETTINGS_RC_PATH( langModel ) ); std::string currentLang = SETTINGS_VALUE( language ).toString(); int currentIndex = -1; foreach( it, languages ) { lbx->addItem( it->first ); std::string ext = it->second.toMap().get( literals::ext ).toString(); if( ext == currentLang ) currentIndex = std::distance( languages.begin(), it ); }
ListBox* DeprecatedRenderSelect::createListBox() { ListBox *lb = new ListBox(); lb->setSelectionMode(m_multiple ? ListBox::Extended : ListBox::Single); m_ignoreSelectEvents = false; return lb; }
//! The write filename callback void FileDialog::writeFilename(GuiElement* elem){ FileDialog* dia = dynamic_cast<FileDialog*>(elem->getParent()); InputField* inp = dynamic_cast<InputField*>(dia->getElement(2)); ListBox* files = dynamic_cast<ListBox*>(dia->getElement(1)); string file = files->selectedItem(); inp->setText(file); }
void onSelect() override { if (m_image) return; ListBox* listbox = static_cast<ListBox*>(getParent()); if (!listbox) return; app::skin::SkinTheme* theme = app::skin::SkinTheme::instance(); gfx::Color color = theme->colors.text(); try { m_image.reset( render_text( m_filename, 16, "ABCDEabcde", // TODO custom text doc::rgba(gfx::getr(color), gfx::getg(color), gfx::getb(color), gfx::geta(color)), true)); // antialias View* view = View::getView(listbox); view->updateView(); listbox->makeChildVisible(this); // Save the thumbnail for future FontPopups g_thumbnails[m_filename] = m_image; } catch (const std::exception&) { // Ignore errors } }
void FileDialog::init(){ //Directories ListBox* dir = new ListBox(); dir->setPosition(Vector2D(50, 100)); dir->setSpan(Vector2D(400, 600)); dir->addEntries(Filesystem::getDirectories(cwd_+SEPARATOR+path_)); dir->setCbFunc(&changeDir); addElement(dir); //Files ListBox* file = new ListBox(); file->setPosition(Vector2D(564, 100)); file->setSpan(Vector2D(400, 600)); file->addEntries(Filesystem::getFiles(cwd_+SEPARATOR+path_)); file->setCbFunc(&writeFilename); addElement(file); //Input field InputField* inp = new InputField(); inp->setOpacity(0.8f); inp->setPosition(Vector2D(50, 50)); inp->setSpan(Vector2D(300,18)); addUnscaledElement(inp); //OK button PDButton* ok = new PDButton(); ok->setPosition(Vector2D(575, 50)); ok->setSpan(Vector2D(75,18)); ok->setText(" OK"); addUnscaledElement(ok); //Abort button PDButton* abort = new PDButton(); abort->setPosition(Vector2D(700, 50)); abort->setSpan(Vector2D(75,18)); abort->setText(" Abort"); addUnscaledElement(abort); }
// Stacked alignment static Box *op_ualign(ListBox *args) { CHECK_ATOMS(args); UAlignBox *ret = 0; for (ListBox *b = args; !b->isEmpty(); b = b->tail()) { Box *box = b->head(); if (ret == 0) ret = new UAlignBox; *ret ^= box; } // No child? Return null box. if (ret == 0) return new NullBox; // One child? Return it. if (ret->nchildren() == 1) { Box *child = (*ret)[0]->link(); ret->unlink(); return child; } // Return normalized alignment return normalize(ret); }
bool MyApp::OnInit() { ListBox *listBox = new ListBox(wxT("ListBox测试")); listBox->Show(true); return true; }
// Append list ListBox *ListBox::cons(ListBox *b) { assert(!isEmpty()); if (!b->isEmpty()) { // Replace final ListBox by B const ListBox *t = this; ListBox *attach = 0; while (!t->isEmpty()) { attach = (ListBox *)t; t = t->tail(); } assert (attach != 0); assert (attach->tail()->isEmpty()); attach->tail()->unlink(); attach->_tail() = b->link(); attach->_last = b->_last; return attach; } return 0; }
//! The set model callback void Menu::setModel(Gui::GuiElement* elem){ Dialog* dia = dynamic_cast<Dialog*>(elem->getParent()); ListBox* lb = dynamic_cast<ListBox*>(dia->getElement(0)); int sel = lb->selected(); if (sel >= 0){ Graphic::instance()->addModel(sel); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // initialize glut glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA); // create the main window glutInitWindowPosition(30,30); glutInitWindowSize(800,600); glutCreateWindow("beGUI GLUT Example"); // set the display function glutDisplayFunc(renderScene); glutIdleFunc(renderScene); // resize function glutReshapeFunc(changeSize); // handle mouse events glutMouseFunc(processMouse); glutMotionFunc(processMouseActiveMotion); glutPassiveMotionFunc(processMousePassiveMotion); // initialize beGUI subsystems initBeGUI(); // create the beGUI window myWindow.create(20, 20, 200, 200, "test"); myBtn1.create(20, 20, "Show Modal Dialog", 101, makeFunctor((Functor1<int>*)0, &onButtonClick)); myWindow.addComponent(&myBtn1); myList1.create(20, 50, 160, 100, ListBox::SINGLE_SELECT); myList1.handleOnItemSelect(makeFunctor((Functor1<int>*)0, &onListSelect)); myList1.addItem("White"); myList1.addItem("Red"); myList1.addItem("Orange"); myList1.addItem("Green"); myList1.addItem("Yellow"); myList1.addItem("Blue"); myList1.addItem("Purple"); myList1.addItem("Grey"); myWindow.addComponent(&myList1); // create a container to hold all beGUI components mainContainer.setPos(0,0); mainContainer.setSize(800, 600); mainContainer.addComponent(&myWindow); // create a modal dialog myModalDlg.create(100, 100, 300, 300, "Modal Dialog"); myDlgBtn1.create(30, 30, "Close Dialog", 10001, makeFunctor((Functor1<int>*)0, &onCloseDlg)); myModalDlg.addComponent(&myDlgBtn1); // start the main loop glutMainLoop(); return 0; }
ListBox* StyleFactory::NewDropDownListListBox(Clr color, Clr interior/* = CLR_ZERO*/) const { ListBox* lb = NewListBox(color, interior); // Because the rows of DropDownLists must be the same size, there's // no need to worry that the bottom entry will get cut off if the // scrollbar ends exactly at the list's end. lb->AddPaddingAtEnd(false); return lb; }
void FillTypeArray( ListBox& ListMajor, ListBox& ListMinor, GUID *atypes, int nIndex, DWORD *pdwPairs ) { UINT nMajorSel = 0, nMinorSel = 0; BOOL result = ListMajor.GetCurrentSelection(&nMajorSel); // If no selection ("don't care"), just exit without modifying the array if (!result || nMajorSel == 0) { return; } // Get GUID for major type const GUID *p1 = (const GUID *)ListMajor.GetItem(nMajorSel); // Since the FilterMapper interface requires GUIDs (instead of GUID *), // copy the specified GUID data into its array slot. if (p1) { memcpy(&atypes[nIndex], p1, sizeof(GUID)); } else { memset(&atypes[nIndex], 0, sizeof(GUID)); } // Increment number of type/subtype pairs (*pdwPairs)++; result = ListMinor.GetCurrentSelection(&nMinorSel); // If no selection ("don't care"), or uninitialized (returning -1), // just exit without modifying the array if (!result || nMinorSel == 0) { return; } // Get GUID for subtype const GUID *p2 = (const GUID *)ListMinor.GetItem(nMinorSel); if (p2) { memcpy(&atypes[nIndex+1], p2, sizeof(GUID)); } else { memset(&atypes[nIndex+1], 0, sizeof(GUID)); } }
int MainWindow::OnCreate(CREATESTRUCT* pcs) { Edit edit; edit.Create(* this,WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER,"",IDC_EDIT,120,10,100,24 ); Button button_add; button_add.Create(* this,WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,"add",IDC_ADD,120,40,100,24); Button button_remove; button_remove.Create(* this,WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,"remove",IDC_REMOVE,120,70,100,24); ListBox listbox; listbox.Create(* this,WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | WS_VSCROLL,"listbox",IDC_LB,10,10,100,100); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(*this,IDC_REMOVE),false); // TODO: create all child windows // TODO: disable "Remove" button return 0; }
// True iff all args have some size static bool checkSize(ListBox *args) { for (ListBox *b = args; !b->isEmpty(); b = b->tail()) { Box *box = b->head(); if (!box->size().isValid()) return false; } return true; }
void ListBoxItem::onClick(ClickEventArgs& event) { ListBox* parent = dynamic_cast<ListBox*>(getParent()); if(parent != NULL) { parent->setSelectedItem(this); } // Set that the event has been handled to prevent it to // bubble up to the parent control. event.handled = true; SingleControlContainer::onClick(event); }
void Combobox::AddItem(const std::string& name) { if(m_list) { ListBox* lb = static_cast<ListBox*>(m_list.get()); if(lb) { lb->AddItem(name); } } }
void FillMajorTypes(ListBox& listbox) { listbox.ClearItems(); // Fill the specified list box with major type name/GUID for (int i=0; i < NUM_MAJOR_TYPES; i++) { listbox.AddItem(majortypes[i].szName, (void *) majortypes[i].pGUID); } listbox.Select(0); }
void HandleMenu(HWND hWnd, DWORD opt) { switch(opt) { case ID_SCALE_CONNECT: cEditBox.SetText("Trying to communicate with the scale..."); mScale.EditItem(ID_SCALE_CONNECT, "&Connecting...", MF_DISABLED); _beginthread(ScaleConnect, 0, (void*) hWnd); break; case ID_FILE_NEW: if (!bSaved && vMealItems.size() > 0) { switch(MessageBox(hWnd, "You haven't saved the current meal, would you like to?","Hold Up!", MB_YESNOCANCEL | MB_ICONINFORMATION)) { case IDYES: if (CheckAndSave()==-1) break; case IDNO: cListBox.Clear(); vMealItems.clear(); strcpy(cSaveName, ""); cWindow.SetTitle("MealTrack - Untitled"); cButton.SetText("Start Meal"); break; case IDCANCEL: default: break; } } else { cListBox.Clear(); vMealItems.clear(); strcpy(cSaveName, ""); cWindow.SetTitle("MealTrack - Untitled"); cButton.SetText("Start Meal"); } break; case ID_FILE_SAVE: GetSaveFile(hWnd); if (vMealItems.size() >= 1) CheckAndSave(); char tmp[313]; sprintf(tmp, "MealTrack - %s", strrchr(cSaveName,'\\') + 1); cWindow.SetTitle(tmp); break; case ID_FILE_EXIT: PostMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); break; case ID_SCALE_ZERO: if (scale != NULL) scale->Zero(); break; } }
// Addition static Box *op_plus(ListBox *args) { CHECK_ATOMS(args); CHECK_SIZE(args); BoxSize sum(0,0); for (ListBox *b = args; !b->isEmpty(); b = b->tail()) { Box *box = b->head(); sum += box->size(); } return new SpaceBox(sum); }
// Multiplication static Box *op_mult(ListBox *args) { CHECK_ATOMS(args); CHECK_SIZE(args); BoxSize product(1,1); for (ListBox *b = args; !b->isEmpty(); b = b->tail()) { Box *box = b->head(); product *= box->size(); } return new SpaceBox(product); }
// True iff all args are atoms static bool checkAtoms(ListBox *args) { for (ListBox *b = args; !b->isEmpty(); b = b->tail()) { Box *box = b->head(); if (box->isListBox() && !box->isDummyBox()) { VSLLib::eval_error("invalid argument -- argument is list"); return false; } } return true; }
int GUI::GUIListBox(std::vector<LPWSTR> _texts, Rect _rect, int _ix, char* _id, ListBoxStyle* listBox_style) { ListBox* listBox = New ListBox(_texts, _rect, _ix, _id, listBox_style); AddListBox(listBox); if(listBoxState.count(_id)) listBox->isSelecting = listBoxState[_id]; else listBox->isSelecting = false; listBox->GetState(); listBoxState[_id] = listBox->isSelecting; return listBox->selectedIx; }
int MainWindow::OnCreate(CREATESTRUCT* pcs) { // TODO: create all child windows ListBox listbox; listbox.Create(*this, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER , "", IDC_LB, 10, 10, 180, 150); Edit edit; edit.Create(*this, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER, "", IDC_EDIT, 202, 10, 150, 40); Button button_add; button_add.Create(*this, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER ,"Add", IDC_ADD, 202, 60, 150, 40); Button button_remove; button_remove.Create(*this, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER, "Remove", IDC_REMOVE, 202, 110, 150, 40); // TODO: disable "Remove" button EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(*this, IDC_REMOVE), false); //disable "Add" button until something is written in edit EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(*this, IDC_ADD), false); return 0; }
void FillSubType(ListBox& listboxMajor, ListBox& listboxMinor) { const GUIDINFO *pSubtype; UINT nSelection = 0; listboxMajor.GetCurrentSelection(&nSelection); int nMajorType; // First clear the subtype list listboxMinor.ClearItems(); // If the "don't care" item was selected, clear and exit if (nSelection == 0) { listboxMinor.AddString(L"<No subtypes>\0"); listboxMinor.Select(0); return; } else { nMajorType = nSelection - 1; } // Determine how to fill the minor type list, based on the // currently selected major type. pSubtype = pSubTypes[nMajorType]; // If there's no associated subtype, just add a default if (!pSubtype) { listboxMinor.AddString(L"<No subtypes>\0"); listboxMinor.Select(0); return; } else { // Set a default item for "don't care" listboxMinor.AddString(L"<Don't care>\0"); int i=0; // Fill the subtype list box. Enter N item data to the N+1 list slot. while (pSubtype[i].pGUID != NULL) { listboxMinor.AddItem(pSubtype[i].szName, (void *) pSubtype[i].pGUID); i++; } listboxMinor.Select(0); } }
void DeprecatedRenderSelect::updateSelection() { const Vector<HTMLElement*>& listItems = static_cast<HTMLSelectElement*>(node())->listItems(); int i; // if multi-select, we select only the new selected index ListBox *listBox = static_cast<ListBox*>(m_widget); int j = 0; for (i = 0; i < int(listItems.size()); i++) { listBox->setSelected(j, listItems[i]->hasTagName(optionTag) && static_cast<HTMLOptionElement*>(listItems[i])->selected()); if (listItems[i]->hasTagName(optionTag) || listItems[i]->hasTagName(optgroupTag)) ++j; } m_selectionChanged = false; }
int ListBoxItem::operator == (const ListBoxItem& item) const { if (listbox && listbox == item.listbox) { int sort_column = listbox->GetSortColumn() - 1; int sort_criteria = listbox->GetSortCriteria(); if (sort_column == -1) { switch (sort_criteria) { case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_DESCENDING: return data ==; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_DESCENDING: return text == item.text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_ASCENDING: return text == item.text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_ASCENDING: return data ==; } } else if (sort_column >= 0 && sort_column <= subitems.size() && sort_column <= item.subitems.size()) { switch (sort_criteria) { case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_DESCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->data == item.subitems[sort_column]->data; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_DESCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->text == item.subitems[sort_column]->text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_ALPHA_ASCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->text == item.subitems[sort_column]->text; case ListBox::LIST_SORT_NUMERIC_ASCENDING: return subitems[sort_column]->data == item.subitems[sort_column]->data; } } } return 0; }