ExtendedEdge::ExtendedEdge(ListGraph &g, ListGraph::Node u, ListGraph::Node v, int pos_u, int pos_v){ _adjacentNodes.push_back(g.id(u)); _adjacentNodes.push_back(g.id(v)); _adjacentNodesPos.push_back(pos_u); _adjacentNodesPos.push_back(pos_v); edge = g.addEdge(u,v); _id = g.id(edge); _length = 0; }
int main( void ){ Timer T(true); int final_nodes_num, edge_addition_num; final_nodes_num = 30000; edge_addition_num = 7; ListGraph mGr; lemon::Random mRandom; mRandom.seedFromTime(); vector<int> nodeChoice; set<int> mRndNodes; vector<int> targets(edge_addition_num, -1); int currentIndex = 0; // First targets are all nodes for(auto &v : targets){ v = currentIndex++; mGr.addNode(); } while (countNodes(mGr)<final_nodes_num ) { // Add new node and connect to targets currentIndex = mGr.id( mGr.addNode() ); for(const auto &v : targets ){ mGr.addEdge( mGr.nodeFromId( currentIndex ), mGr.nodeFromId( v ) ); } // Add the nodes, which were connented again nodeChoice.insert(nodeChoice.end(), targets.begin(), targets.end() ); nodeChoice.insert(nodeChoice.end(), edge_addition_num, currentIndex); mRndNodes.clear(); while (mRndNodes.size() < edge_addition_num) { mRndNodes.insert( nodeChoice[ mRandom.integer( nodeChoice.size() ) ] ); } targets.clear(); targets.insert(targets.begin(), mRndNodes.begin(), mRndNodes.end() ); } cout << "time: " << T.realTime() << endl; cout << countNodes( mGr) << endl; cout << countEdges( mGr) << endl; graphWriter( mGr, "/Users/sonneundasche/Documents/FLI/DATA/05 LEMON Graphs/BaraBasiTEST.txt") .run(); InDegMap<ListGraph> inDeg(mGr); graphWriter( mGr, "/Users/sonneundasche/Documents/FLI/DATA/05 LEMON Graphs/BaraBasi_Degree_TEST.txt") .nodeMap("degree", inDeg) .skipEdges() .run(); }
int HeuristicGroupTSP(ListGraph &g, ListGraph::EdgeMap<double>& weights, vector< set<ListGraph::Node> > &S, vector<ListGraph::Node> &sol, long max_time, double &best_time, double &LB, string &alg_info) { /** * Computa solucao heuristica para o Group TSP. * * Entrada: * @param g grafo simples utilizado * @param weights pesos das arestas * @param S vetor de grupos de vertices (ver def. do problema) * @param max_time tempo maximo (em seg) que o procedimento deve ocorrer * * Saida: * @param sol sequencia de vertices que representa ciclo * @param best_time momento em que solucao atual foi encontrada * @param LB limite inferior encontrado para custo otimo * @param alg_info informacoes de execucao do algoritmo, ex: cadeia de * heuristicas utilizadas * * @return 0 = nao foi possivel encontrar solucao * 1 = solucao encontrada, mas nao necessariamente otima * 2 = solucao otima encontrada */ // Sample Algorithm // Until solution is not integral, sets highest variable to its closest // integer value. // Variables GroupTSPLPSolver::ReturnType rettype = GroupTSPLPSolver::OPTIMAL_FRACTIONARY; GroupTSPLPSolver solver(g, weights, S); ListGraph::NodeMap<double> lpsol_vertex(g); ListGraph::EdgeMap<double> lpsol_edge(g); ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> already_set(g, false); double objVal = 0; time_t start = time(NULL); LB = -1; // main loop cout << "STARTING\n"; while (rettype == GroupTSPLPSolver::OPTIMAL_FRACTIONARY) { cout << "Solving..\n"; rettype = solver.getSolution(lpsol_vertex, lpsol_edge, objVal); if (fabsl(LB - (-1)) < EPS) { LB = objVal; } if (rettype == GroupTSPLPSolver::OPTIMAL_FRACTIONARY) { // Round highest variable to closest value. double mx = -1; Node mx_idx=INVALID; for(NodeIt v(g); v!=INVALID; ++v) { if (!already_set[v]) { if (lpsol_vertex[v] > mx) { mx = lpsol_vertex[v]; mx_idx = v; } } } if (mx_idx != INVALID) { // int val = (lpsol_vertex[mx_idx] > 0.5 ? 1 : 0); int val = calculateIntegralWithProportionalProbability(lpsol_vertex[mx_idx]); cout << "Fixing " << g.id(mx_idx) << " to " << val << "\n"; solver.fixNodeVariable(mx_idx, val); already_set[mx_idx] = true; } else { // it seems we were unable to obtain a solution with integral x[e] break; } } } // OBTAIN SOLUTION best_time = time(NULL) - start; if (rettype != GroupTSPLPSolver::OPTIMAL_INTEGRAL) { return 0; } else { /* do dfs to find out the answer */ ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> vis(g, false); for(ListGraph::NodeIt v(g); v != INVALID; ++v) { if ( lpsol_vertex[v] > 1.0 - EPS ) { queue<ListGraph::Node> q; vis[v] = true; q.push(v); while (!q.empty()) { ListGraph::Node u = q.front(); q.pop(); sol.push_back(u); for(ListGraph::IncEdgeIt e(g, u); e != INVALID; ++e) { ListGraph::Node w = g.runningNode(e); if (lpsol_edge[e] > 1.0 - EPS && !vis[w]) { vis[w] = true; q.push(w); /* only pick one! */ break; } } } break; } } // check if there are vertices outside the cycle for(NodeIt v(g); v != INVALID; ++v) { if (lpsol_vertex[v] > 1-EPS && !vis[v]) { sol.clear(); return 0; } } return fabsl(objVal - LB) < EPS ? 2 : 1; } }
// This routine use the neato program to generate positions. bool GenerateVertexPositions(ListGraph &g, EdgeValueMap &custo, NodePosMap &posx, NodePosMap &posy) { size_t t=0; double x,y; char tempname[1000],tempnamedot[1000],tempnameposdot[1000],cmd[1000]; ofstream out; ifstream in; string linha,substring; (void) custo;// to avoid "non-used" parameter message. // obtain a temporary file name strcpy(tempname,".readgraphtempname"); strcpy(tempnamedot,tempname); strcat(tempnamedot,".dot"); strcpy(tempnameposdot,tempname);strcat(tempnameposdot,"_pos.dot"); out.open(tempnamedot); if (!out.is_open()) return(false); out << "graph g {\n"; out << "\tsize = \"11, 11\";\n"; out << "\tnode [shape = \"circle\"];\n"; for (NodeIt v(g); v!=INVALID; ++v) { linha = "\t"; linha += IntToString(g.id(v)); linha += ";\n"; out << linha; } for (EdgeIt a(g); a!=INVALID; ++a) { linha = "\t"; linha += IntToString(g.id(g.u(a))); linha += " -- "; linha += IntToString(g.id(g.v(a))); linha += ";\n"; out << linha; } out << "}\n"; out.close(); sprintf(cmd,"neato -Goverlap=false %s -o %s",tempnamedot,tempnameposdot); //printf("neato -Goverlap=false %s -o %s\n",tempnamedot,tempnameposdot); fflush(stdout); system(cmd); // gera outro arquivo do neato, mas com posições in.open(tempnameposdot); if (!in.is_open()) return(false); while (!in.eof()) { getline(in,linha); t = linha.find("{"); if (t!=string::npos) break; } if (t==string::npos) { cout << "Temp Graphviz file is not appropriate for GenerateVertexPositions.\n"; exit(0); } for (NodeIt v(g); v!=INVALID; ++v) { getline(in,linha); // avoid info on the graph, node or edges while ((!in.eof()) && ((linha.find("graph [")!=string::npos) || (linha.find("node [")!=string::npos) || (linha.find("edge [")!=string::npos) || (linha.find(" -- ")!=string::npos))) { while ((!in.eof()) && (linha.find("];")==string::npos)) { string linha2; getline(in,linha2); linha += linha2; } getline(in,linha); while ((!in.eof()) && (linha.find("[")==string::npos)) { string linha2; getline(in,linha2); linha += linha2; } } if (linha.find("[")!=string::npos) { while (linha.find("];")==string::npos) { string linha2; getline(in,linha2); linha += linha2; } } t = linha.find("pos=\""); if (t!=string::npos) { stringstream s; int nodeid; sscanf(linha.c_str(),"%d",&nodeid); substring = linha.substr(t+5); sscanf(substring.c_str(),"%lf,%lf",&x,&y); //printf("%lf , %lf",x,y); for (NodeIt vv(g); vv!=INVALID; ++vv) { if (nodeid==g.id(vv)){ posx[vv] = x; posy[vv] = y; //printf("interno: %d ( %lf , %lf )\n",g.id(vv),posx[vv],posy[vv]); break; } } } else { printf("GenerateVertexPositions: Error to obtain vertex coordinates.\n"); return(false); } } //for (NodeIt vv(g); vv!=INVALID; ++vv) { // printf(" %d ( %lf , %lf )\n",g.id(vv),posx[vv],posy[vv]); //} //printf("-------------------------------------------------------\n"); return(true); }