    // NON-COMBATANTS do not pick targets of opportunity:
    if (ship->GetIFF() == 0)

    SimObject* potential_target = 0;

    // pick the closest combatant ship with a different IFF code:
    double target_dist = ship->Design()->commit_range;

    SimObject* ward   = ship_ai->GetWard();

    // FRIGATES are primarily anti-air platforms, but may
    // also attack smaller starships:

    if (ship->Class() == Ship::CORVETTE || ship->Class() == Ship::FRIGATE) {
        Ship* current_ship_target = 0;
        Shot* current_shot_target = 0;

        // if we are escorting a larger warship, it is good to attack
        // the same target as our ward:

        if (ward) {
            Ship* s = (Ship*) ward;

            if (s->Class() > ship->Class()) {
                SimObject* obj = s->GetTarget();

                if (obj && obj->Type() == SimObject::SIM_SHIP) {
                    current_ship_target = (Ship*) obj;
                    target_dist = (ship->Location() - obj->Location()).length();

        ListIter<Contact> contact = ship->ContactList();
        while (++contact) {
            Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip();
            Shot* c_shot = contact->GetShot();

            if (!c_ship && !c_shot)

            int   c_iff  = contact->GetIFF(ship);
            bool  rogue  = c_ship && c_ship->IsRogue();
            bool  tgt_ok = c_iff > 0               &&
            c_iff != ship->GetIFF() &&
            c_iff < 1000;

            if (rogue || tgt_ok) {
                if (c_ship && c_ship != ship && !c_ship->InTransition()) {
                    if (c_ship->Class() <  Ship::DESTROYER || 
                            (c_ship->Class() >= Ship::MINE && c_ship->Class() <= Ship::DEFSAT)) {
                        // found an enemy, check distance:
                        double dist = (ship->Location() - c_ship->Location()).length();

                        if (dist < 0.75 * target_dist &&
                                (!current_ship_target || c_ship->Class() <= current_ship_target->Class())) {
                            current_ship_target = c_ship;
                            target_dist = dist;

                else if (c_shot) {
                    // found an enemy shot, is there enough time to engage?
                    if (c_shot->GetEta() < 3)

                    // found an enemy shot, check distance:
                    double dist = (ship->Location() - c_shot->Location()).length();

                    if (!current_shot_target) {
                        current_shot_target = c_shot;
                        target_dist = dist;

                    // is this shot a better target than the one we've found?
                    else {
                        Ship* ward = ship_ai->GetWard();

                        if ((c_shot->IsTracking(ward) || c_shot->IsTracking(ship)) &&
                                (!current_shot_target->IsTracking(ward) || 
                                    !current_shot_target->IsTracking(ship))) {
                            current_shot_target = c_shot;
                            target_dist = dist;
                        else if (dist < target_dist) {
                            current_shot_target = c_shot;
                            target_dist = dist;

        if (current_shot_target)
        potential_target = current_shot_target;
        potential_target = current_ship_target;

    // ALL OTHER SHIP CLASSES ignore fighters and only engage
    // other starships:

    else {
        List<Ship> ward_threats;

        ListIter<Contact> contact = ship->ContactList();
        while (++contact) {
            Ship* c_ship = contact->GetShip();

            if (!c_ship)

            int   c_iff  = contact->GetIFF(ship);
            bool  rogue  = c_ship->IsRogue();
            bool  tgt_ok = c_ship != ship          && 
            c_iff > 0               && 
            c_iff != ship->GetIFF() && 

            if (rogue || tgt_ok) {
                if (c_ship->IsStarship() || c_ship->IsStatic()) {
                    // found an enemy, check distance:
                    double dist = (ship->Location() - c_ship->Location()).length();

                    if (dist < 0.75 * target_dist) {
                        potential_target = c_ship;
                        target_dist = dist;

                    if (ward && c_ship->IsTracking(ward)) {

        // if this ship is protecting a ward,
        // prefer targets that are threatening that ward:
        if (potential_target && ward_threats.size() && !ward_threats.contains((Ship*)potential_target)) {
            target_dist *= 2;
            ListIter<Ship> iter = ward_threats;
            while (++iter) {
                Ship* threat = iter.value();

                double dist = (ward->Location() - threat->Location()).length();

                if (dist < target_dist) {
                    potential_target = threat;
                    target_dist = dist;

    if (ship->Class() != Ship::CARRIER && ship->Class() != Ship::SWACS)
    bool        select_locked = false;
    SimObject*  targ = 0;
    double      dist = 1e9;
    double      az   = 0;
    double      el   = 0;

    if (ammo && enabled && (availability > crit_level)) {

        ListIter<Contact> contact = ship->ContactList();

        // lock onto any threatening shots first (if we can):
        if (design->target_type & Ship::DRONE) {
            while (++contact) {
                Shot* c_shot = contact->GetShot();

                if (c_shot && contact->Threat(ship)) {

                    // distance from self to target:
                    double distance = Point(c_shot->Location() - muzzle_pts[0]).length();

                    if (distance > design->min_range && 
                            distance < design->max_range && 
                            distance < dist) {
                        // check aim basket:
                        select_locked = CanLockPoint(c_shot->Location(), az, el);

                        if (select_locked) {
                            targ = c_shot;
                            dist = distance;

        // lock onto a threatening ship only if it is (much) closer:
        dist *= 0.2;
        while (++contact) {
            Ship* c_ship  = contact->GetShip();

            if (!c_ship) continue;

            // can we lock onto this target?
            if ((c_ship->IsRogue() || c_ship->GetIFF() > 0 && c_ship->GetIFF() != ship->GetIFF()) &&
                    (c_ship->Class() & design->target_type) &&
                    c_ship->Weapons().size() > 0) {
                // distance from self to target:
                double distance = Point(c_ship->Location() - muzzle_pts[0]).length();

                if (distance < design->max_range && distance < dist) {
                    // check aim basket:
                    select_locked = CanLockPoint(c_ship->Location(), az, el);

                    if (select_locked) {
                        targ = c_ship;
                        dist = distance;

    if (!ammo || !enabled) {
        locked = false;

    else {
        SetTarget(targ, 0);