void DynamicBody::SetMassDistributionFromModel() { LmrCollMesh *m = GetLmrCollMesh(); // XXX totally arbitrarily pick to distribute mass over a half // bounding sphere area m_massRadius = m->GetBoundingRadius()*0.5f; SetMass(m_mass); }
void Pi::Init() { config.Load(GetPiUserDir() + "config.ini"); Pi::detail.planets = config.Int("DetailPlanets"); Pi::detail.cities = config.Int("DetailCities"); int width = config.Int("ScrWidth"); int height = config.Int("ScrHeight"); const SDL_VideoInfo *info = NULL; Uint32 sdlInitFlags = SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK; #if defined _WIN32 && defined _DEBUG sdlInitFlags |= SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE; #endif if (SDL_Init(sdlInitFlags) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Video initialization failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(-1); } InitJoysticks(); // no mode set, find an ok one if ((width <= 0) || (height <= 0)) { SDL_Rect **modes = SDL_ListModes(NULL, SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_FULLSCREEN); if (modes == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "It seems no video modes are available..."); } if (modes == (SDL_Rect **)-1) { // hm. all modes available. odd. try 800x600 width = 800; height = 600; } else { width = modes[0]->w; height = modes[0]->h; } } info = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); printf("SDL_GetVideoInfo says %d bpp\n", info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel); switch (info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel) { case 16: SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 6); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5); break; case 24: case 32: SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid pixel depth: %d bpp\n", info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel); } SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); Uint32 flags = SDL_OPENGL; if (config.Int("StartFullscreen")) flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN; if ((Pi::scrSurface = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel, flags)) == 0) { // fall back on 16-bit depth buffer... SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16); fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set video mode. (%s). Re-trying with 16-bit depth buffer.\n", SDL_GetError()); if ((Pi::scrSurface = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel, flags)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set video mode: %s", SDL_GetError()); } } glewInit(); SDL_WM_SetCaption("Pioneer","Pioneer"); Pi::scrWidth = width; Pi::scrHeight = height; Pi::scrAspect = width / (float)height; Pi::rng.seed(time(NULL)); InitOpenGL(); GLFTInit(); // Gui::Init shouldn't initialise any VBOs, since we haven't tested // that the capability exists. (Gui does not use VBOs so far) Gui::Init(scrWidth, scrHeight, 800, 600); if (!GLEW_ARB_vertex_buffer_object) { Error("OpenGL extension ARB_vertex_buffer_object not supported. Pioneer can not run on your graphics card."); } Render::Init(width, height); draw_progress(0.1f); Galaxy::Init(); draw_progress(0.2f); NameGenerator::Init(); if (config.Int("DisableShaders")) Render::ToggleShaders(); if (config.Int("EnableHDR")) Render::ToggleHDR(); draw_progress(0.3f); LmrModelCompilerInit(); //unsigned int control_word; //_clearfp(); //_controlfp_s(&control_word, _EM_INEXACT | _EM_UNDERFLOW, _MCW_EM); //double fpexcept = Pi::timeAccelRates[1] / Pi::timeAccelRates[0]; draw_progress(0.4f); ShipType::Init(); draw_progress(0.5f); GeoSphere::Init(); draw_progress(0.6f); Space::Init(); draw_progress(0.7f); Polit::Init(); draw_progress(0.8f); SpaceStation::Init(); draw_progress(0.9f); if (!config.Int("DisableSound")) { Sound::Init(); Sound::SetGlobalVolume(config.Float("SfxVolume")); Sound::Pause(0); } draw_progress(1.0f); // test code to produce list of ship stats FILE *pStatFile = fopen("shipstat.csv","wt"); if (pStatFile) { fprintf(pStatFile, "name,lmrname,hullmass,capacity,xsize,ysize,zsize,facc,racc,uacc,aacc\n"); for (std::map<std::string, ShipType>::iterator i = ShipType::types.begin(); i != ShipType::types.end(); ++i) { ShipType *shipdef = &(i->second); LmrModel *lmrModel = LmrLookupModelByName(shipdef->lmrModelName.c_str()); LmrObjParams lmrParams; memset(&lmrParams, 0, sizeof(LmrObjParams)); LmrCollMesh *collMesh = new LmrCollMesh(lmrModel, &lmrParams); Aabb aabb = collMesh->GetAabb(); double hullmass = shipdef->hullMass; double capacity = shipdef->capacity; double xsize = aabb.max.x-aabb.min.x; double ysize = aabb.max.y-aabb.min.y; double zsize = aabb.max.z-aabb.min.z; double brad = aabb.GetBoundingRadius(); double simass = (hullmass + capacity) * 1000.0; double angInertia = (2/5.0)*simass*brad*brad; double acc1 = shipdef->linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD] / (9.81*simass); double acc2 = shipdef->linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_REVERSE] / (9.81*simass); double acc3 = shipdef->linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_UP] / (9.81*simass); double acca = shipdef->angThrust/angInertia; fprintf(pStatFile, "%s,%s,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%f\n", shipdef->name.c_str(), shipdef->lmrModelName.c_str(), hullmass, capacity, xsize, ysize, zsize, acc1, acc2, acc3, acca); } fclose(pStatFile); } gameMenuView = new GameMenuView(); config.Save(); }
void Pi::Init() { OS::NotifyLoadBegin(); FileSystem::Init(); FileSystem::userFiles.MakeDirectory(""); // ensure the config directory exists Pi::config = new GameConfig(); KeyBindings::InitBindings(); if (config->Int("RedirectStdio")) OS::RedirectStdio(); ModManager::Init(); if (!Lang::LoadStrings(config->String("Lang"))) abort(); Pi::detail.planets = config->Int("DetailPlanets"); Pi::detail.textures = config->Int("Textures"); Pi::detail.fracmult = config->Int("FractalMultiple"); Pi::detail.cities = config->Int("DetailCities"); #ifdef __linux__ // there appears to be a bug in the Linux evdev input driver that stops // DGA mouse grab restoring state correctly. SDL can use an alternative // method, but its only configurable via environment variable. Here we set // that environment variable (unless the user explicitly doesn't want it // via config). // // we also enable warp-after-grab here, as the SDL alternative method // doesn't restore the mouse pointer to its pre-grab position // // XXX SDL2 uses a different mechanism entirely and this environment // variable doesn't exist there, so we can get rid of it when we go to SDL2 if (!config->Int("SDLUseDGAMouse")) { Pi::warpAfterMouseGrab = true; setenv("SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE", "0", 1); } #endif // Initialize SDL Uint32 sdlInitFlags = SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK; #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG) sdlInitFlags |= SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE; #endif if (SDL_Init(sdlInitFlags) < 0) { OS::Error("SDL initialization failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } // needed for the UI SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); // Do rest of SDL video initialization and create Renderer Graphics::Settings videoSettings = {}; videoSettings.width = config->Int("ScrWidth"); videoSettings.height = config->Int("ScrHeight"); videoSettings.fullscreen = (config->Int("StartFullscreen") != 0); videoSettings.shaders = (config->Int("DisableShaders") == 0); videoSettings.requestedSamples = config->Int("AntiAliasingMode"); videoSettings.vsync = (config->Int("VSync") != 0); videoSettings.useTextureCompression = (config->Int("UseTextureCompression") != 0); Pi::renderer = Graphics::Init(videoSettings); { std::ostringstream buf; renderer->PrintDebugInfo(buf); FILE *f = FileSystem::userFiles.OpenWriteStream("opengl.txt", FileSystem::FileSourceFS::WRITE_TEXT); if (!f) fprintf(stderr, "Could not open 'opengl.txt'\n"); const std::string &s = buf.str(); fwrite(s.c_str(), 1, s.size(), f); fclose(f); } OS::LoadWindowIcon(); SDL_WM_SetCaption("Pioneer","Pioneer"); Pi::scrAspect = videoSettings.width / float(videoSettings.height); Pi::rng.seed(time(0)); InitJoysticks(); joystickEnabled = (config->Int("EnableJoystick")) ? true : false; mouseYInvert = (config->Int("InvertMouseY")) ? true : false; navTunnelDisplayed = (config->Int("DisplayNavTunnel")) ? true : false; // XXX UI requires Lua but Pi::ui must exist before we start loading // templates. so now we have crap everywhere :/ Lua::Init(); Pi::ui.Reset(new UI::Context(Lua::manager, Pi::renderer, Graphics::GetScreenWidth(), Graphics::GetScreenHeight(), Lang::GetCurrentLanguage())); LuaInit(); // Gui::Init shouldn't initialise any VBOs, since we haven't tested // that the capability exists. (Gui does not use VBOs so far) Gui::Init(renderer, Graphics::GetScreenWidth(), Graphics::GetScreenHeight(), 800, 600); draw_progress(0.1f); Galaxy::Init(); draw_progress(0.2f); Faction::Init(); draw_progress(0.3f); CustomSystem::Init(); draw_progress(0.4f); LmrModelCompilerInit(Pi::renderer); modelCache = new ModelCache(Pi::renderer); draw_progress(0.5f); //unsigned int control_word; //_clearfp(); //_controlfp_s(&control_word, _EM_INEXACT | _EM_UNDERFLOW | _EM_ZERODIVIDE, _MCW_EM); //double fpexcept = Pi::timeAccelRates[1] / Pi::timeAccelRates[0]; ShipType::Init(); draw_progress(0.6f); GeoSphere::Init(); draw_progress(0.7f); CityOnPlanet::Init(); draw_progress(0.8f); SpaceStation::Init(); draw_progress(0.9f); Sfx::Init(Pi::renderer); draw_progress(0.95f); if (!config->Int("DisableSound")) { Sound::Init(); Sound::SetMasterVolume(config->Float("MasterVolume")); Sound::SetSfxVolume(config->Float("SfxVolume")); GetMusicPlayer().SetVolume(config->Float("MusicVolume")); Sound::Pause(0); if (config->Int("MasterMuted")) Sound::Pause(1); if (config->Int("SfxMuted")) Sound::SetSfxVolume(0.f); if (config->Int("MusicMuted")) GetMusicPlayer().SetEnabled(false); } draw_progress(1.0f); OS::NotifyLoadEnd(); #if 0 // frame test code Frame *root = new Frame(0, "root", 0); Frame *p1 = new Frame(root, "p1", Frame::FLAG_HAS_ROT); Frame *p1r = new Frame(p1, "p1r", Frame::FLAG_ROTATING); Frame *m1 = new Frame(p1, "m1", Frame::FLAG_HAS_ROT); Frame *m1r = new Frame(m1, "m1r", Frame::FLAG_ROTATING); Frame *p2 = new Frame(root, "p2", Frame::FLAG_HAS_ROT); Frame *p2r = new Frame(p2, "pr2", Frame::FLAG_ROTATING); p1->SetPosition(vector3d(1000,0,0)); p1->SetVelocity(vector3d(0,1,0)); p2->SetPosition(vector3d(0,2000,0)); p2->SetVelocity(vector3d(-2,0,0)); p1r->SetAngVelocity(vector3d(0,0,0.0001)); p1r->SetOrient(matrix3x3d::BuildRotate(M_PI/4, vector3d(0,0,1))); p2r->SetAngVelocity(vector3d(0,0,-0.0004)); p2r->SetOrient(matrix3x3d::BuildRotate(-M_PI/2, vector3d(0,0,1))); root->UpdateOrbitRails(0, 0); CargoBody *c1 = new CargoBody(Equip::Type::SLAVES); c1->SetFrame(p1r); c1->SetPosition(vector3d(0,180,0)); // c1->SetVelocity(vector3d(1,0,0)); CargoBody *c2 = new CargoBody(Equip::Type::SLAVES); c2->SetFrame(p1r); c2->SetPosition(vector3d(0,200,0)); // c2->SetVelocity(vector3d(1,0,0)); vector3d pos = c1->GetPositionRelTo(p1); vector3d vel = c1->GetVelocityRelTo(p1); double speed = vel.Length(); vector3d pos2 = c2->GetPositionRelTo(p1); vector3d vel2 = c2->GetVelocityRelTo(p1); double speed2 = vel2.Length(); double speed3 = c2->GetVelocityRelTo(c1).Length(); c2->SwitchToFrame(p1); vector3d vel4 = c2->GetVelocityRelTo(c1); double speed4 = c2->GetVelocityRelTo(c1).Length(); root->UpdateOrbitRails(0, 1.0); //buildrotate test matrix3x3d m = matrix3x3d::BuildRotate(M_PI/2, vector3d(0,0,1)); vector3d v = m * vector3d(1,0,0); /* vector3d pos = p1r->GetPositionRelTo(p2r); vector3d vel = p1r->GetVelocityRelTo(p2r); matrix3x3d o1 = p1r->GetOrientRelTo(p2r); double speed = vel.Length(); vector3d pos2 = p2r->GetPositionRelTo(p1r); vector3d vel2 = p2r->GetVelocityRelTo(p1r); matrix3x3d o2 = p2r->GetOrientRelTo(p1r); double speed2 = vel2.Length(); */ root->UpdateOrbitRails(0, 1.0/60); delete p2r; delete p2; delete m1r; delete m1; delete p1r; delete p1; delete root; delete c1; delete c2; #endif #if 0 // test code to produce list of ship stats FILE *pStatFile = fopen("shipstat.csv","wt"); if (pStatFile) { fprintf(pStatFile, "name,lmrname,hullmass,capacity,fakevol,rescale,xsize,ysize,zsize,facc,racc,uacc,sacc,aacc,exvel\n"); for (std::map<std::string, ShipType>::iterator i = ShipType::types.begin(); i != ShipType::types.end(); ++i) { ShipType *shipdef = &(i->second); LmrModel *lmrModel = LmrLookupModelByName(shipdef->lmrModelName.c_str()); LmrObjParams lmrParams; memset(&lmrParams, 0, sizeof(LmrObjParams)); lmrParams.animationNamespace = "ShipAnimation"; EquipSet equip; equip.InitSlotSizes(shipdef->id); lmrParams.equipment = &equip; LmrCollMesh *collMesh = new LmrCollMesh(lmrModel, &lmrParams); Aabb aabb = collMesh->GetAabb(); double hullmass = shipdef->hullMass; double capacity = shipdef->capacity; double xsize = aabb.max.x-aabb.min.x; double ysize = aabb.max.y-aabb.min.y; double zsize = aabb.max.z-aabb.min.z; double fakevol = xsize*ysize*zsize; double rescale = pow(fakevol/(100 * (hullmass+capacity)), 0.3333333333); double brad = aabb.GetRadius(); double simass = (hullmass + capacity) * 1000.0; double angInertia = (2/5.0)*simass*brad*brad; double acc1 = shipdef->linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD] / (9.81*simass); double acc2 = shipdef->linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_REVERSE] / (9.81*simass); double acc3 = shipdef->linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_UP] / (9.81*simass); double acc4 = shipdef->linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_RIGHT] / (9.81*simass); double acca = shipdef->angThrust/angInertia; double exvel = shipdef->linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD] / (shipdef->fuelTankMass * shipdef->thrusterFuelUse * 10 * 1e6); fprintf(pStatFile, "%s,%s,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.3f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%f,%.1f\n", shipdef->name.c_str(), shipdef->lmrModelName.c_str(), hullmass, capacity, fakevol, rescale, xsize, ysize, zsize, acc1, acc2, acc3, acc4, acca, exvel); delete collMesh; } fclose(pStatFile); } #endif luaConsole = new LuaConsole(10); KeyBindings::toggleLuaConsole.onPress.connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&Pi::ToggleLuaConsole)); gameMenuView = new GameMenuView(); config->Save(); }
void Viewer::MainLoop() { Uint32 lastTurd = SDL_GetTicks(); Uint32 t = SDL_GetTicks(); int numFrames = 0; Uint32 lastFpsReadout = SDL_GetTicks(); g_campos = vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, m_cmesh->GetBoundingRadius()); g_camorient = matrix4x4f::Identity(); matrix4x4f modelRot = matrix4x4f::Identity(); printf("Geom tree build in %dms\n", SDL_GetTicks() - t); Render::State::SetZnearZfar(1.0f, 10000.0f); for (;;) { PollEvents(); Render::PrepareFrame(); if (g_keyState[SDLK_LSHIFT] || g_keyState[SDLK_RSHIFT]) { if (g_keyState[SDLK_UP]) g_camorient = g_camorient * matrix4x4f::RotateXMatrix(g_frameTime); if (g_keyState[SDLK_DOWN]) g_camorient = g_camorient * matrix4x4f::RotateXMatrix(-g_frameTime); if (g_keyState[SDLK_LEFT]) g_camorient = g_camorient * matrix4x4f::RotateYMatrix(-g_frameTime); if (g_keyState[SDLK_RIGHT]) g_camorient = g_camorient * matrix4x4f::RotateYMatrix(g_frameTime); if (g_mouseButton[3]) { float rx = 0.01f*g_mouseMotion[1]; float ry = 0.01f*g_mouseMotion[0]; g_camorient = g_camorient * matrix4x4f::RotateXMatrix(rx); g_camorient = g_camorient * matrix4x4f::RotateYMatrix(ry); if (g_mouseButton[1]) { g_campos = g_campos - g_camorient * vector3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f) * 0.01 * m_model->GetDrawClipRadius(); } } } else { if (g_keyState[SDLK_UP]) modelRot = modelRot * matrix4x4f::RotateXMatrix(g_frameTime); if (g_keyState[SDLK_DOWN]) modelRot = modelRot * matrix4x4f::RotateXMatrix(-g_frameTime); if (g_keyState[SDLK_LEFT]) modelRot = modelRot * matrix4x4f::RotateYMatrix(-g_frameTime); if (g_keyState[SDLK_RIGHT]) modelRot = modelRot * matrix4x4f::RotateYMatrix(g_frameTime); if (g_mouseButton[3]) { float rx = 0.01f*g_mouseMotion[1]; float ry = 0.01f*g_mouseMotion[0]; modelRot = modelRot * matrix4x4f::RotateXMatrix(rx); modelRot = modelRot * matrix4x4f::RotateYMatrix(ry); } } if (g_keyState[SDLK_EQUALS]) g_campos = g_campos - g_camorient * vector3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); if (g_keyState[SDLK_MINUS]) g_campos = g_campos + g_camorient * vector3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); if (g_keyState[SDLK_PAGEUP]) g_campos = g_campos - g_camorient * vector3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); if (g_keyState[SDLK_PAGEDOWN]) g_campos = g_campos + g_camorient * vector3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); // geom->MoveTo(modelRot, vector3d(0.0,0.0,0.0)); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); float fracH = g_height / (float)g_width; glFrustum(-1, 1, -fracH, fracH, 1.0f, 10000.0f); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); glClearColor(0,0,0,0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); SetSbreParams(); int beforeDrawTriStats = LmrModelGetStatsTris(); if (g_renderType == 0) { glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS); matrix4x4f m = g_camorient.InverseOf() * matrix4x4f::Translation(-g_campos) * modelRot.InverseOf(); if (g_doBenchmark) { for (int i=0; i<1000; i++) m_model->Render(m, ¶ms); } else { m_model->Render(m, ¶ms); } glPopAttrib(); } else if (g_renderType == 1) { glPushMatrix(); matrix4x4f m = g_camorient.InverseOf() * matrix4x4f::Translation(-g_campos) * modelRot.InverseOf(); glMultMatrixf(&m[0]); render_coll_mesh(m_cmesh); glPopMatrix(); } else { matrix4x4f tran = modelRot * g_camorient;//.InverseOf(); vector3d forward = tran * vector3d(0.0,0.0,-1.0); vector3d up = tran * vector3d(0.0,1.0,0.0); raytraceCollMesh(modelRot * g_campos, up, forward, m_space); } Render::State::UseProgram(0); Render::UnbindAllBuffers(); { char buf[128]; Aabb aabb = m_cmesh->GetAabb(); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d triangles, collision mesh size: %.1fx%.1fx%.1f (radius %.1f)", (g_renderType == 0 ? LmrModelGetStatsTris() - beforeDrawTriStats : m_cmesh->m_numTris), aabb.max.x-aabb.min.x, aabb.max.y-aabb.min.y, aabb.max.z-aabb.min.z, aabb.GetBoundingRadius()); m_trisReadout->SetText(buf); } Render::PostProcess(); Gui::Draw(); glError(); Render::SwapBuffers(); numFrames++; g_frameTime = (SDL_GetTicks() - lastTurd) * 0.001f; lastTurd = SDL_GetTicks(); if (SDL_GetTicks() - lastFpsReadout > 1000) { int numTris = LmrModelGetStatsTris(); LmrModelClearStatsTris(); printf("%d fps, %.3f Million tris/sec\n", numFrames, numTris/1000000.0f); numFrames = 0; lastFpsReadout = SDL_GetTicks(); } //space->Collide(onCollision); } }