void encodeArray(bson_buffer *bb, const char *name, const Local<Value> element) { Local<Array> a = Array::Cast(*element); bson_buffer *arr = bson_append_start_array(bb, name); for (int i = 0, l=a->Length(); i < l; i++) { Local<Value> val = a->Get(Number::New(i)); stringstream keybuf; string keyval; keybuf << i << endl; keybuf >> keyval; if (val->IsString()) { encodeString(arr, keyval.c_str(), val); } else if (val->IsInt32()) { encodeInteger(arr, keyval.c_str(), val); } else if (val->IsNumber()) { encodeNumber(arr, keyval.c_str(), val); } else if (val->IsBoolean()) { encodeBoolean(arr, keyval.c_str(), val); } else if (val->IsArray()) { encodeArray(arr, keyval.c_str(), val); } else if (val->IsObject()) { bson bson(encodeObject(val)); bson_append_bson(arr, keyval.c_str(), &bson); bson_destroy(&bson); } } bson_append_finish_object(arr); }
static void WriteTestVal(Local<String> propname, Local<Value> v, const AccessorInfo &info) { do_check_true(!propname.IsEmpty()); do_check_true(v->IsInt32()); do_check_true(!info.Data().IsEmpty()); do_check_true(info.Data()->IsInt32()); test_val = v->Int32Value(); int offset = info.Data()->Int32Value(); test_val += offset; }
void FieldDefn::precisionSetter(Local<String> property, Local<Value> value, const AccessorInfo &info) { HandleScope scope; FieldDefn *def = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<FieldDefn>(info.This()); if(!value->IsInt32()){ NODE_THROW("precision must be an integer"); return; } def->this_->SetPrecision(value->IntegerValue()); }
void FeatureDefn::geomTypeSetter(Local<String> property, Local<Value> value, const AccessorInfo &info) { HandleScope scope; FeatureDefn *def = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<FeatureDefn>(info.This()); if(!value->IsInt32()){ NODE_THROW("geomType must be an integer"); return; } def->this_->SetGeomType(OGRwkbGeometryType(value->IntegerValue())); }
void Msg_Struct::build_http_msg_buffer(Isolate* isolate, v8::Local<v8::Object> object, std::string &str) { std::stringstream stream; for(std::vector<Field_Info>::const_iterator iter = field_vec().begin(); iter != field_vec().end(); iter++) { stream.str(""); stream << "\"" << iter->field_name << "\":"; Local<Value> value = object->Get(isolate->GetCurrentContext(), String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, iter->field_name.c_str(), NewStringType::kNormal).ToLocalChecked()).ToLocalChecked(); if(iter->field_type == "int8" || iter->field_type == "int16" || iter->field_type == "int32") { int32_t val = 0; if (value->IsInt32()) { val = value->Int32Value(isolate->GetCurrentContext()).FromJust(); } stream << val << ","; } else if(iter->field_type == "int64") { int64_t val = 0; if (value->IsNumber()) { val = value->NumberValue(isolate->GetCurrentContext()).FromJust(); } stream << val << ","; } else if(iter->field_type == "double") { double val = 0; if (value->IsNumber()) { val = value->NumberValue(isolate->GetCurrentContext()).FromJust(); } stream << val << ","; } else if(iter->field_type == "bool") { bool val = 0; if (value->IsBoolean()) { val = value->BooleanValue(isolate->GetCurrentContext()).FromJust(); } stream << val << ","; } else if(iter->field_type == "string") { if (value->IsString()) { String::Utf8Value str(value->ToString(isolate->GetCurrentContext()).ToLocalChecked()); stream << "\"" << ToCString(str) << "\","; } else { stream << "\"\","; } } else { LOG_ERROR("Can not find the field_type:%s, struct_name:%s", iter->field_type.c_str(), struct_name().c_str()); } str += stream.str(); } }
static void Set_DialogState_borders(Local<String> property, Local<Value> value, const AccessorInfo& info) { HandleScope scope; Local<Object> self = info.Holder(); Local<External> wrap = Local<External>::Cast(self->GetInternalField(0)); if (wrap.IsEmpty()) return; DialogState *tmp = (DialogState *) wrap->Value(); if (tmp == NULL) return; if (!value.IsEmpty() && value->IsInt32()) tmp->getBorders()->setAll(value->Int32Value()); }
Handle<Value> Session::Request(const Arguments& args) { HandleScope scope; if (args.Length() < 1 || !args[0]->IsString()) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Service URI string must be provided as first parameter."))); } if (args.Length() < 2 || !args[1]->IsString()) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "String request name must be provided as second parameter."))); } if (args.Length() < 3 || !args[2]->IsObject()) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Object containing request parameters must be provided " "as third parameter."))); } if (args.Length() < 4 || !args[3]->IsInt32()) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Integer correlation identifier must be provided " "as fourth parameter."))); } if (args.Length() >= 5 && !args[4]->IsUndefined() && !args[4]->IsString()) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Optional request label must be a string."))); } if (args.Length() > 5) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Function expects at most five arguments."))); } int cidi = args[3]->Int32Value(); Session* session = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Session>(args.This()); BLPAPI_EXCEPTION_TRY Local<String> uri = args[0]->ToString(); String::AsciiValue uriv(uri); blpapi::Service service = session->d_session->getService(*uriv); Local<String> name = args[1]->ToString(); String::Utf8Value namev(name); blpapi::Request request = service.createRequest(*namev); // Loop over object properties, appending/setting into the request. Local<Object> obj = args[2]->ToObject(); Local<Array> props = obj->GetPropertyNames(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < props->Length(); ++i) { // Process the key. Local<Value> keyval = props->Get(i); Local<String> key = keyval->ToString(); String::Utf8Value keyv(key); // Process the value. // // The values present on the outer object are marshalled into the // blpapi::Request by setting values using 'set'. Arrays indicate // values which should be marshalled using 'append'. Local<Value> val = obj->Get(keyval); if (val->IsString()) { Local<String> s = val->ToString(); String::Utf8Value valv(s); request.set(*keyv, *valv); } else if (val->IsBoolean()) { request.set(*keyv, val->BooleanValue()); } else if (val->IsNumber()) { request.set(*keyv, val->NumberValue()); } else if (val->IsInt32()) { request.set(*keyv, val->Int32Value()); } else if (val->IsUint32()) { request.set(*keyv, static_cast<blpapi::Int64>(val->Uint32Value())); } else if (val->IsDate()) { blpapi::Datetime dt; mkdatetime(&dt, val); request.set(*keyv, dt); } else if (val->IsArray()) { // Arrays are marshalled into the blpapi::Request by appending // value types using the key of the array in the outer object. Local<Object> subarray = val->ToObject(); int jmax = Array::Cast(*val)->Length(); for (int j = 0; j < jmax; ++j) { Local<Value> subval = subarray->Get(j); // Only strings, booleans, and numbers are marshalled. if (subval->IsString()) { Local<String> s = subval->ToString(); String::Utf8Value subvalv(s); request.append(*keyv, *subvalv); } else if (subval->IsBoolean()) { request.append(*keyv, subval->BooleanValue()); } else if (subval->IsNumber()) { request.append(*keyv, subval->NumberValue()); } else if (subval->IsInt32()) { request.append(*keyv, subval->Int32Value()); } else if (subval->IsUint32()) { request.append(*keyv, static_cast<blpapi::Int64>(subval->Uint32Value())); } else if (subval->IsDate()) { blpapi::Datetime dt; mkdatetime(&dt, subval); request.append(*keyv, dt); } else { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Array contains invalid value type."))); } } } else { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Object contains invalid value type."))); } } blpapi::CorrelationId cid(cidi); if (args.Length() == 5) { String::Utf8Value labelv(args[4]->ToString()); session->d_session->sendRequest(request, session->d_identity, cid, 0, *labelv, labelv.length()); } else { session->d_session->sendRequest(request, session->d_identity, cid); } BLPAPI_EXCEPTION_CATCH_RETURN return scope.Close(Integer::New(cidi)); }
Handle<Value> Session::subscribe(const Arguments& args, bool resubscribe) { HandleScope scope; if (args.Length() < 1 || !args[0]->IsArray()) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Array of subscription information must be provided."))); } if (args.Length() >= 2 && !args[1]->IsUndefined() && !args[1]->IsString()) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Optional subscription label must be a string."))); } if (args.Length() > 2) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Function expects at most two arguments."))); } blpapi::SubscriptionList sl; Local<Object> o = args[0]->ToObject(); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < Array::Cast(*(args[0]))->Length(); ++i) { Local<Value> v = o->Get(i); if (!v->IsObject()) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Array elements must be objects " "containing subscription information."))); } Local<Object> io = v->ToObject(); // Process 'security' string Local<Value> iv = io->Get(String::New("security")); if (!iv->IsString()) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Property 'security' must be a string."))); } String::Utf8Value secv(iv); if (0 == secv.length()) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Property 'security' must be a string."))); } // Process 'fields' array iv = io->Get(String::New("fields")); if (!iv->IsArray()) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Property 'fields' must be an array of strings."))); } std::string fields; formFields(&fields, iv->ToObject()); // Process 'options' array iv = io->Get(String::New("options")); if (!iv->IsUndefined() && !iv->IsNull() && !iv->IsObject()) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Property 'options' must be an object containing " "whose keys and key values will be configured as " "options."))); } std::string options; formOptions(&options, iv); // Process 'correlation' int or string iv = io->Get(String::New("correlation")); if (!iv->IsInt32()) { return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New( "Property 'correlation' must be an integer."))); } int correlation = iv->Int32Value(); sl.add(*secv, fields.c_str(), options.c_str(), blpapi::CorrelationId(correlation)); } Session* session = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Session>(args.This()); BLPAPI_EXCEPTION_TRY if (args.Length() == 2) { Local<String> s = args[1]->ToString(); String::Utf8Value labelv(s); if (resubscribe) session->d_session->resubscribe(sl, *labelv, labelv.length()); else session->d_session->subscribe(sl, *labelv, labelv.length()); } else { if (resubscribe) session->d_session->resubscribe(sl); else session->d_session->subscribe(sl); } BLPAPI_EXCEPTION_CATCH_RETURN return scope.Close(args.This()); }
bool JsArgToArrayConverter::ConvertArg(const Local<Value>& arg, int index) { bool success = false; stringstream s; JEnv env; Type returnType = JType::getClassType(m_return_type); if (arg.IsEmpty()) { s << "Cannot convert empty JavaScript object"; success = false; } else if (arg->IsInt32() && (returnType == Type::Int || returnType == Type::Null)) { jint value = arg->Int32Value(); JniLocalRef javaObject(JType::NewInt(env, value)); SetConvertedObject(env, index, javaObject); success = true; } else if (arg->IsNumber() || arg->IsNumberObject()) { double d = arg->NumberValue(); int64_t i = (int64_t)d; bool isInteger = d == i; if (isInteger) { jobject obj; //if returnType is long it will cast to long //if there is no return type specified it will cast to int //because default return type is null (ref type) if ((INT_MIN <= i) && (i <= INT_MAX) && (returnType == Type::Int || returnType == Type::Null)) { obj = JType::NewInt(env, (jint)d); } else /*isLong*/ { obj = JType::NewLong(env, (jlong)d); } JniLocalRef javaObject(obj); SetConvertedObject(env, index, javaObject); success = true; } else { jobject obj; //if returnType is double it will cast to double //if there is no return type specified it will cast to float //because default return type is null (ref type) if((FLT_MIN <= d) && (d <= FLT_MAX) && (returnType == Type::Float || returnType == Type::Null)) { obj = JType::NewFloat(env, (jfloat)d); } else {/*isDouble*/ obj = JType::NewDouble(env, (jdouble)d); } JniLocalRef javaObject(obj); SetConvertedObject(env, index, javaObject); success = true; } } else if (arg->IsBoolean()) { jboolean value = arg->BooleanValue(); JniLocalRef javaObject(JType::NewBoolean(env, value)); SetConvertedObject(env, index, javaObject); success = true; } else if (arg->IsBooleanObject()) { auto boolObj = Local<BooleanObject>::Cast(arg); jboolean value = boolObj->BooleanValue() ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; JniLocalRef javaObject(JType::NewBoolean(env, value)); SetConvertedObject(env, index, javaObject); success = true; } else if (arg->IsString() || arg->IsStringObject()) { JniLocalRef stringObject(ConvertToJavaString(arg)); SetConvertedObject(env, index, stringObject); success = true; } else if (arg->IsObject()) { auto objectWithHiddenID = arg->ToObject(); auto hidden = objectWithHiddenID->GetHiddenValue(V8StringConstants::GetMarkedAsLong()); if (!hidden.IsEmpty()) { jlong value = 0; if (hidden->IsString()) { auto strValue = ConvertToString(hidden->ToString()); value = atoll(strValue.c_str()); } else if (hidden->IsInt32()) { value = hidden->ToInt32()->Int32Value(); } JniLocalRef javaObject(JType::NewLong(env, value)); SetConvertedObject(env, index, javaObject); return true; } hidden = objectWithHiddenID->GetHiddenValue(V8StringConstants::GetMarkedAsByte()); if (!hidden.IsEmpty()) { jbyte value = 0; if (hidden->IsString()) { string value = ConvertToString(hidden->ToString()); int byteArg = atoi(value.c_str()); value = (jbyte)byteArg; } else if (hidden->IsInt32()) { int byteArg = hidden->ToInt32()->Int32Value(); value = (jbyte)byteArg; } JniLocalRef javaObject(JType::NewByte(env, value)); SetConvertedObject(env, index, javaObject); return true; } hidden = objectWithHiddenID->GetHiddenValue(V8StringConstants::GetMarkedAsShort()); if (!hidden.IsEmpty()) { jshort value = 0; if (hidden->IsString()) { string value = ConvertToString(hidden->ToString()); int shortArg = atoi(value.c_str()); value = (jshort)shortArg; } else if (hidden->IsInt32()) { jlong shortArg = hidden->ToInt32()->Int32Value(); value = (jshort)shortArg; } JniLocalRef javaObject(JType::NewShort(env, value)); SetConvertedObject(env, index, javaObject); return true; } hidden = objectWithHiddenID->GetHiddenValue(V8StringConstants::GetMarkedAsDouble()); if (!hidden.IsEmpty()) { jdouble value = 0; if (hidden->IsNumber()) { double doubleArg = hidden->ToNumber()->NumberValue(); value = (jdouble)doubleArg; } JniLocalRef javaObject(JType::NewDouble(env, value)); SetConvertedObject(env, index, javaObject); return true; } hidden = objectWithHiddenID->GetHiddenValue(V8StringConstants::GetMarkedAsFloat()); if (!hidden.IsEmpty()) { jfloat value = 0; if (hidden->IsNumber()) { double floatArg = hidden->ToNumber()->NumberValue(); value = (jfloat)floatArg; } JniLocalRef javaObject(JType::NewFloat(env, value)); SetConvertedObject(env, index, javaObject); return true; } hidden = objectWithHiddenID->GetHiddenValue(V8StringConstants::GetMarkedAsChar()); if (!hidden.IsEmpty()) { jchar value = '\0'; if (hidden->IsString()) { string str = ConvertToString(hidden->ToString()); value = (jchar)str[0]; } JniLocalRef javaObject(JType::NewChar(env, value)); SetConvertedObject(env, index, javaObject); return true; } jweak obj = ObjectManager::GetJavaObjectByJsObjectStatic(objectWithHiddenID); success = obj != nullptr; if (success) { SetConvertedObject(env, index, obj, true); } else { s << "Cannot convert JavaScript object with id " << objectWithHiddenID->GetIdentityHash() << " at index " << index; } } else if (arg->IsUndefined() || arg->IsNull()) { SetConvertedObject(env, index, nullptr); success = true; } else { s << "Cannot convert JavaScript object at index " << index; success = false; } if (!success) { m_error.index = index; m_error.msg = s.str(); } return success; }
// notification.protocol= static void SetProtocol(Local<String> property, Local<Value> value, const AccessorInfo& info) { RCSwitchNode* rcswitchNode_instance = node::ObjectWrap::Unwrap<RCSwitchNode>(info.Holder()); if(value->IsInt32()) rcswitchNode_instance->rcswitch.setProtocol(value->Int32Value()); }
bool QueryOperation::BindParameters( Handle<Array> node_params ) { uint32_t count = node_params->Length(); if( count > 0 ) { for( uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { Local<Value> p = node_params->Get( i ); ParamBinding binding; if( p->IsNull() ) { binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_NULL; binding.c_type = SQL_C_CHAR; binding.sql_type = SQL_CHAR; binding.param_size = 1; binding.digits = 0; binding.buffer = NULL; binding.buffer_len = 0; binding.indptr = SQL_NULL_DATA; } else if( p->IsString() ) { binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_STRING; binding.c_type = SQL_C_WCHAR; binding.sql_type = SQL_WVARCHAR; Local<String> str_param = p->ToString(); int str_len = str_param->Length(); binding.buffer = new uint16_t[ str_len + 1 ]; // null terminator str_param->Write( static_cast<uint16_t*>( binding.buffer )); if( str_len > 4000 ) { binding.param_size = 0; // max types require 0 precision } else { binding.param_size = str_len; } binding.buffer_len = str_len * sizeof( uint16_t ); binding.digits = 0; binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len; } else if( p->IsBoolean() ) { binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_BOOLEAN; binding.c_type = SQL_C_BIT; binding.sql_type = SQL_BIT; binding.buffer = new uint16_t; binding.buffer_len = sizeof( uint16_t ); *static_cast<uint16_t*>( binding.buffer ) = p->BooleanValue(); binding.param_size = 1; binding.digits = 0; binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len; } else if( p->IsInt32()) { binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_INT; binding.c_type = SQL_C_SLONG; binding.sql_type = SQL_INTEGER; binding.buffer = new int32_t; binding.buffer_len = sizeof( int32_t ); *static_cast<int32_t*>( binding.buffer ) = p->Int32Value(); binding.param_size = sizeof( int32_t ); binding.digits = 0; binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len; } else if( p->IsUint32()) { binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_UINT; binding.c_type = SQL_C_ULONG; binding.sql_type = SQL_BIGINT; binding.buffer = new uint32_t; binding.buffer_len = sizeof( uint32_t ); *static_cast<int32_t*>( binding.buffer ) = p->Uint32Value(); binding.param_size = sizeof( uint32_t ); binding.digits = 0; binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len; } else if( p->IsNumber()) { // numbers can be either integers or doubles. We attempt to determine which it is through a simple // cast and equality check double d = p->NumberValue(); if( _isnan( d ) || !_finite( d ) ) { return ParameterErrorToUserCallback( i, "Invalid number parameter" ); } else if( d == floor( d ) && d >= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min() && d <= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() ) { binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_NUMBER; binding.c_type = SQL_C_SBIGINT; binding.sql_type = SQL_BIGINT; binding.buffer = new int64_t; binding.buffer_len = sizeof( int64_t ); *static_cast<int64_t*>( binding.buffer ) = p->IntegerValue(); binding.param_size = sizeof( int64_t ); binding.digits = 0; binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len; } else { binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_NUMBER; binding.c_type = SQL_C_DOUBLE; binding.sql_type = SQL_DOUBLE; binding.buffer = new double; binding.buffer_len = sizeof( double ); *static_cast<double*>( binding.buffer ) = p->NumberValue(); binding.param_size = sizeof( double ); binding.digits = 0; binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len; } } else if( p->IsDate() ) { // Since JS dates have no timezone context, all dates are assumed to be UTC Handle<Date> dateObject = Handle<Date>::Cast<Value>( p ); assert( !dateObject.IsEmpty() ); // dates in JS are stored internally as ms count from Jan 1, 1970 double d = dateObject->NumberValue(); SQL_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET_STRUCT* sql_tm = new SQL_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET_STRUCT; TimestampColumn sql_date( d ); sql_date.ToTimestampOffset( *sql_tm ); binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_DATE; binding.c_type = SQL_C_BINARY; // TODO: Determine proper SQL type based on version of server we're talking to binding.sql_type = SQL_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET; binding.buffer = sql_tm; binding.buffer_len = sizeof( SQL_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET_STRUCT ); // TODO: Determine proper precision and size based on version of server we're talking to binding.param_size = SQL_SERVER_2008_DEFAULT_DATETIME_PRECISION; binding.digits = SQL_SERVER_2008_DEFAULT_DATETIME_SCALE; binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len; } else if( p->IsObject() && node::Buffer::HasInstance( p )) { // TODO: Determine if we need something to keep the Buffer object from going // away while we use it we could just copy the data, but with buffers being // potentially very large, that could be problematic Local<Object> o = p.As<Object>(); binding.js_type = ParamBinding::JS_BUFFER; binding.c_type = SQL_C_BINARY; binding.sql_type = SQL_VARBINARY; binding.buffer = node::Buffer::Data( o ); binding.buffer_len = node::Buffer::Length( o ); binding.param_size = binding.buffer_len; binding.digits = 0; binding.indptr = binding.buffer_len; } else { return ParameterErrorToUserCallback( i, "Invalid parameter type" ); } params.push_back( move( binding )); } } return true; }
Parameter* ODBC::GetParametersFromArray (Local<Array> values, int *paramCount) { DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray\n"); *paramCount = values->Length(); Parameter* params = (Parameter *) malloc(*paramCount * sizeof(Parameter)); for (int i = 0; i < *paramCount; i++) { Local<Value> value = values->Get(i); params[i].size = 0; params[i].length = SQL_NULL_DATA; params[i].buffer_length = 0; params[i].decimals = 0; DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray - ¶m[%i].length = %X\n", i, ¶ms[i].length); if (value->IsString()) { Local<String> string = value->ToString(); int length = string->Length(); params[i].c_type = SQL_C_TCHAR; #ifdef UNICODE params[i].type = (length >= 8000) ? SQL_WLONGVARCHAR : SQL_WVARCHAR; params[i].buffer_length = (length * sizeof(uint16_t)) + sizeof(uint16_t); #else params[i].type = (length >= 8000) ? SQL_LONGVARCHAR : SQL_VARCHAR; params[i].buffer_length = string->Utf8Length() + 1; #endif params[i].buffer = malloc(params[i].buffer_length); params[i].size = params[i].buffer_length; params[i].length = SQL_NTS;//params[i].buffer_length; #ifdef UNICODE string->Write((uint16_t *) params[i].buffer); #else string->WriteUtf8((char *) params[i].buffer); #endif DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray - IsString(): params[%i] " "c_type=%i type=%i buffer_length=%i size=%i length=%i " "value=%s\n", i, params[i].c_type, params[i].type, params[i].buffer_length, params[i].size, params[i].length, (char*) params[i].buffer); } else if (value->IsNull()) { params[i].c_type = SQL_C_DEFAULT; params[i].type = SQL_VARCHAR; params[i].length = SQL_NULL_DATA; DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray - IsNull(): params[%i] " "c_type=%i type=%i buffer_length=%i size=%i length=%i\n", i, params[i].c_type, params[i].type, params[i].buffer_length, params[i].size, params[i].length); } else if (value->IsInt32()) { int64_t *number = new int64_t(value->IntegerValue()); params[i].c_type = SQL_C_SBIGINT; params[i].type = SQL_BIGINT; params[i].buffer = number; params[i].length = 0; DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray - IsInt32(): params[%i] " "c_type=%i type=%i buffer_length=%i size=%i length=%i " "value=%lld\n", i, params[i].c_type, params[i].type, params[i].buffer_length, params[i].size, params[i].length, *number); } else if (value->IsNumber()) { double *number = new double(value->NumberValue()); params[i].c_type = SQL_C_DOUBLE; params[i].type = SQL_DECIMAL; params[i].buffer = number; params[i].buffer_length = sizeof(double); params[i].length = params[i].buffer_length; params[i].decimals = 7; params[i].size = sizeof(double); DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray - IsNumber(): params[%i] " "c_type=%i type=%i buffer_length=%i size=%i length=%i " "value=%f\n", i, params[i].c_type, params[i].type, params[i].buffer_length, params[i].size, params[i].length, *number); } else if (value->IsBoolean()) { bool *boolean = new bool(value->BooleanValue()); params[i].c_type = SQL_C_BIT; params[i].type = SQL_BIT; params[i].buffer = boolean; params[i].length = 0; DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray - IsBoolean(): params[%i] " "c_type=%i type=%i buffer_length=%i size=%i length=%i\n", i, params[i].c_type, params[i].type, params[i].buffer_length, params[i].size, params[i].length); } } return params; }
bool CQueryParameter::TransformParameter( Isolate* isolate, Local< Value > value, sBindParameter** pOutParam ) { HandleScope scope( isolate ); Local< Context > context = isolate->GetCurrentContext( ); sBindParameter* pParameter = *pOutParam; if( value->IsNull( ) ) { pParameter->SetNull( ); } else if( value->IsString( ) ) { pParameter->SetString( value.As<String>( ) ); } else if( value->IsBoolean( ) ) { pParameter->SetBool( value->BooleanValue( context ).FromJust( ) ); } else if( value->IsInt32( ) ) { pParameter->SetInt( value->Int32Value( context ).FromJust( ) ); } else if( value->IsUint32( ) ) { pParameter->SetUInt( value->Uint32Value( context ).FromJust( ) ); } else if( value->IsNumber( ) ) { double d = value->NumberValue( context ).FromJust( ); if( _isnan( d ) || !_finite( d ) ) { return false; } else if( d == floor( d ) && d >= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min( ) && d <= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max( ) ) { pParameter->SetInt64( value->IntegerValue( context ).FromJust( ) ); } else { pParameter->SetDouble( value->NumberValue( context ).FromJust( ) ); } } else if( value->IsDate( ) ) { Local<Date> dateObject = value.As<Date>( ); pParameter->SetDate( dateObject->NumberValue( context ).FromJust( ) ); } else if( value->IsObject( ) ) { Local<Object> objValue = value.As<Object>( ); if( node::Buffer::HasInstance( value ) ) { pParameter->SetBuffer( isolate, objValue ); } else { Local< String > strId = String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "_objId", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( ); if( objValue->HasRealNamedProperty( context, strId ).FromJust( ) ) { Local< Uint32 > numTypeId = objValue->Get( context, strId ).ToLocalChecked( ).As< Uint32 >( ); uint32_t nType = numTypeId->Int32Value( context ).FromJust( ); switch( nType ) { case ID_INPUT_STREAM: { Local<Value> type = objValue->Get( context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "type", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( ) ).ToLocalChecked( ); Local<Value> stream = objValue->Get( context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "stream", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( ) ).ToLocalChecked( ); Local<Value> length = objValue->Get( context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "length", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( ) ).ToLocalChecked( ); pParameter->SetStream( isolate, type->Uint32Value( context ).FromJust( ), stream, static_cast< SQLUINTEGER >( length->IntegerValue( context ).FromJust( ) ) ); break; } case ID_NUMERIC_VALUE: { Local< Value > precision = objValue->Get( context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "precision", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( ) ).ToLocalChecked( ); Local<Value> scale = objValue->Get( context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "scale", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( ) ).ToLocalChecked( ); Local<Value> sign = objValue->Get( context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "sign", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( ) ).ToLocalChecked( ); Local<Value> value = objValue->Get( context, String::NewFromUtf8( isolate, "value", NewStringType::kNormal ).ToLocalChecked( ) ).ToLocalChecked( ); Local< Uint32 > numPrecision = precision.As<Uint32>( ); Local< Uint32 > numScale = scale.As<Uint32>( ); Local< Boolean > boolSign = sign.As<Boolean>( ); Local< ArrayBuffer > arrBuffer = ( value.As<Uint8Array>( ) )->Buffer( ); ArrayBuffer::Contents contents = arrBuffer->GetContents( ); if( contents.ByteLength( ) > SQL_MAX_NUMERIC_LEN ) { return false; } pParameter->SetNumeric( numPrecision->Uint32Value( context ).FromJust( ), numScale->Uint32Value( context ).FromJust( ), boolSign->BooleanValue( context ).FromJust( ), contents.Data( ), contents.ByteLength( ) ); break; } default: { return false; } } } else { return false; } } } else { return false; } return true; }
Parameter* ODBC::GetParametersFromArray (Local<Array> values, int *paramCount) { DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray\n"); *paramCount = values->Length(); Parameter* params = NULL; if (*paramCount > 0) { params = (Parameter *) malloc(*paramCount * sizeof(Parameter)); } for (int i = 0; i < *paramCount; i++) { Local<Value> value = values->Get(i); params[i].ColumnSize = 0; params[i].StrLen_or_IndPtr = SQL_NULL_DATA; params[i].BufferLength = 0; params[i].DecimalDigits = 0; DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray - param[%i].length = %lli\n", i, params[i].StrLen_or_IndPtr); if (value->IsString()) { Local<String> string = value->ToString(); int length = string->Length(); params[i].ValueType = SQL_C_TCHAR; params[i].ColumnSize = 0; //SQL_SS_LENGTH_UNLIMITED #ifdef UNICODE params[i].ParameterType = SQL_WVARCHAR; params[i].BufferLength = (length * sizeof(uint16_t)) + sizeof(uint16_t); #else params[i].ParameterType = SQL_VARCHAR; params[i].BufferLength = string->Utf8Length() + 1; #endif params[i].ParameterValuePtr = malloc(params[i].BufferLength); params[i].StrLen_or_IndPtr = SQL_NTS;//params[i].BufferLength; #ifdef UNICODE string->Write((uint16_t *) params[i].ParameterValuePtr); #else string->WriteUtf8((char *) params[i].ParameterValuePtr); #endif DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray - IsString(): params[%i] c_type=%i type=%i buffer_length=%lli size=%lli length=%lli value=%s\n", i, params[i].ValueType, params[i].ParameterType, params[i].BufferLength, params[i].ColumnSize, params[i].StrLen_or_IndPtr, (char*) params[i].ParameterValuePtr); } else if (value->IsNull()) { params[i].ValueType = SQL_C_DEFAULT; params[i].ParameterType = SQL_VARCHAR; params[i].StrLen_or_IndPtr = SQL_NULL_DATA; DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray - IsNull(): params[%i] c_type=%i type=%i buffer_length=%lli size=%lli length=%lli\n", i, params[i].ValueType, params[i].ParameterType, params[i].BufferLength, params[i].ColumnSize, params[i].StrLen_or_IndPtr); } else if (value->IsInt32()) { int64_t *number = new int64_t(value->IntegerValue()); params[i].ValueType = SQL_C_SBIGINT; params[i].ParameterType = SQL_BIGINT; params[i].ParameterValuePtr = number; params[i].StrLen_or_IndPtr = 0; DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray - IsInt32(): params[%i] c_type=%i type=%i buffer_length=%lli size=%lli length=%lli value=%lld\n", i, params[i].ValueType, params[i].ParameterType, params[i].BufferLength, params[i].ColumnSize, params[i].StrLen_or_IndPtr, *number); } else if (value->IsNumber()) { double *number = new double(value->NumberValue()); params[i].ValueType = SQL_C_DOUBLE; params[i].ParameterType = SQL_DECIMAL; params[i].ParameterValuePtr = number; params[i].BufferLength = sizeof(double); params[i].StrLen_or_IndPtr = params[i].BufferLength; params[i].DecimalDigits = 7; params[i].ColumnSize = sizeof(double); DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray - IsNumber(): params[%i] c_type=%i type=%i buffer_length=%lli size=%lli length=%lli value=%f\n", i, params[i].ValueType, params[i].ParameterType, params[i].BufferLength, params[i].ColumnSize, params[i].StrLen_or_IndPtr, *number); } else if (value->IsBoolean()) { bool *boolean = new bool(value->BooleanValue()); params[i].ValueType = SQL_C_BIT; params[i].ParameterType = SQL_BIT; params[i].ParameterValuePtr = boolean; params[i].StrLen_or_IndPtr = 0; DEBUG_PRINTF("ODBC::GetParametersFromArray - IsBoolean(): params[%i] c_type=%i type=%i buffer_length=%lli size=%lli length=%lli\n", i, params[i].ValueType, params[i].ParameterType, params[i].BufferLength, params[i].ColumnSize, params[i].StrLen_or_IndPtr); } } return params; }
void JSZCluster::checkArgument(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value> &info, unsigned int index, const std::shared_ptr<ClusterCmdParamsBase> &cmdParam) { if (info.Length() <= ((int) index + 1)) { stringstream stream; stream << EXECUTE_CMD_BY_ID << " needs almost " << index << " arguments where the first is the cmd"; throw JSException(stream.str()); } Local<v8::Value> arg = info[index + 1]; switch (cmdParam->getZCLDataType()) { case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt8: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt16: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt24: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt32: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt40: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt48: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt56: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeUInt64: if (!arg->IsUint32()) { stringstream stream; stream << EXECUTE_CMD_BY_ID << " needs as argument " << index << " an unsigned integer"; throw JSException(stream.str()); } break; case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt8: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt16: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt24: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt32: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt40: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt48: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt56: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeSInt64: if (!arg->IsInt32()) { stringstream stream; stream << EXECUTE_CMD_BY_ID << " needs as argument " << index << " an integer"; throw JSException(stream.str()); } break; case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeIEEEaddress: case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeStringChar: if (!arg->IsString()) { stringstream stream; stream << EXECUTE_CMD_BY_ID << " needs as argument " << index << " a string"; throw JSException(stream.str()); } break; case ZCLTypeDataType::ZCLTypeArray: if (!arg->IsUint32Array() && !arg->IsUint32Array()) { if (!arg->IsArray()) { stringstream stream; stream << EXECUTE_CMD_BY_ID << " needs as argument " << index << " an array"; throw JSException(stream.str()); } } break; default: stringstream stream; stream << EXECUTE_CMD_BY_ID << " needs as argument " << index << " a type " << cmdParam->getZCLDataType() << " the it is not managed"; throw JSException(stream.str()); } }
Handle<Value> Database::Query(const Arguments& args) { HandleScope scope; REQ_STR_ARG(0, sql); Local<Function> cb; int paramCount = 0; Parameter* params; Database* dbo = ObjectWrap::Unwrap<Database>(args.This()); struct query_request *prep_req = (struct query_request *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct query_request)); if (!prep_req) { V8::LowMemoryNotification(); return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New("Could not allocate enough memory"))); } // populate prep_req->params if parameters were supplied // if (args.Length() > 2) { if ( !args[1]->IsArray() ) { return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError( String::New("Argument 1 must be an Array")) ); } else if ( !args[2]->IsFunction() ) { return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError( String::New("Argument 2 must be a Function")) ); } Local<Array> values = Local<Array>::Cast(args[1]); cb = Local<Function>::Cast(args[2]); prep_req->paramCount = paramCount = values->Length(); prep_req->params = params = new Parameter[paramCount]; for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) { Local<Value> value = values->Get(i); params[i].size = 0; params[i].length = NULL; params[i].buffer_length = 0; if (value->IsString()) { String::Utf8Value string(value); params[i].c_type = SQL_C_CHAR; params[i].type = SQL_VARCHAR; params[i].length = SQL_NTS; params[i].buffer = malloc(string.length() + 1); params[i].buffer_length = string.length() + 1; params[i].size = string.length() + 1; strcpy((char*)params[i].buffer, *string); } else if (value->IsNull()) { params[i].c_type = SQL_C_DEFAULT; params[i].type = SQL_NULL_DATA; params[i].length = SQL_NULL_DATA; } else if (value->IsInt32()) { int64_t *number = new int64_t(value->IntegerValue()); params[i].c_type = SQL_C_LONG; params[i].type = SQL_INTEGER; params[i].buffer = number; } else if (value->IsNumber()) { double *number = new double(value->NumberValue()); params[i].c_type = SQL_C_DOUBLE; params[i].type = SQL_DECIMAL; params[i].buffer = number; } else if (value->IsBoolean()) { bool *boolean = new bool(value->BooleanValue()); params[i].c_type = SQL_C_BIT; params[i].type = SQL_BIT; params[i].buffer = boolean; } } } else { if ( !args[1]->IsFunction() ) { return ThrowException(Exception::TypeError( String::New("Argument 1 must be a Function")) ); } cb = Local<Function>::Cast(args[1]); prep_req->paramCount = 0; } prep_req->sql = (char *) malloc(sql.length() +1); prep_req->catalog = NULL; prep_req->schema = NULL; prep_req->table = NULL; prep_req->type = NULL; prep_req->column = NULL; prep_req->cb = Persistent<Function>::New(cb); strcpy(prep_req->sql, *sql); prep_req->dbo = dbo; eio_custom(EIO_Query, EIO_PRI_DEFAULT, EIO_AfterQuery, prep_req); ev_ref(EV_DEFAULT_UC); dbo->Ref(); scope.Close(Undefined()); return Undefined(); }