文件: Service.cpp 项目: ming-hai/ice
ServiceI::start(const CommunicatorPtr& communicator,
                const ObjectAdapterPtr& topicAdapter,
                const ObjectAdapterPtr& publishAdapter,
                const string& name,
                const Ice::Identity& id,
                const string& /*dbEnv*/)
    // For IceGrid we don't validate the properties as all sorts of
    // non-IceStorm properties are included in the prefix.
    //validateProperties(name, communicator->getProperties(), communicator->getLogger());

    // This is for IceGrid only and as such we use a transient
    // implementation of IceStorm.
    string instanceName = communicator->getProperties()->getPropertyWithDefault(name + ".InstanceName", "IceStorm");
    _instance = new Instance(instanceName, name, communicator, publishAdapter, topicAdapter, 0);

        TransientTopicManagerImplPtr manager = new TransientTopicManagerImpl(_instance);
        _managerProxy = TopicManagerPrx::uncheckedCast(topicAdapter->add(manager, id));
    catch(const Ice::Exception& ex)
        _instance = 0;
        LoggerOutputBase s;
        s << "exception while starting IceStorm service " << name << ":\n";
        s << ex;

        throw IceBox::FailureException(__FILE__, __LINE__, s.str());
文件: Service.cpp 项目: herclogon/ice
    const string& name,
    const CommunicatorPtr& communicator,
    const StringSeq& /*args*/)
    PropertiesPtr properties = communicator->getProperties();

    validateProperties(name, properties, communicator->getLogger());

    int id = properties->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(name + ".NodeId", -1);

    // If we are using a replicated deployment and if the topic
    // manager thread pool max size is not set then ensure it is set
    // to some suitably high number. This ensures no deadlocks in the
    // replicated case due to call forwarding from replicas to
    // coordinators.
    if(id != -1 && properties->getProperty(name + ".TopicManager.ThreadPool.SizeMax").empty())
        properties->setProperty(name + ".TopicManager.ThreadPool.SizeMax", "100");

    Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr topicAdapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter(name + ".TopicManager");
    Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr publishAdapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter(name + ".Publish");

    // We use the name of the service for the name of the database environment.
    string instanceName = properties->getPropertyWithDefault(name + ".InstanceName", "IceStorm");
    Identity topicManagerId;
    topicManagerId.category = instanceName;
    topicManagerId.name = "TopicManager";

    if(properties->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(name+ ".Transient", 0) > 0)
        _instance = new Instance(instanceName, name, communicator, publishAdapter, topicAdapter, 0);
            TransientTopicManagerImplPtr manager = new TransientTopicManagerImpl(_instance);
            _managerProxy = TopicManagerPrx::uncheckedCast(topicAdapter->add(manager, topicManagerId));
        catch(const Ice::Exception& ex)
            _instance = 0;

            LoggerOutputBase s;
            s << "exception while starting IceStorm service " << name << ":\n";
            s << ex;

            IceBox::FailureException e(__FILE__, __LINE__);
            e.reason = s.str();
            throw e;

    if(id == -1) // No replication.
        _instance = new Instance(instanceName, name, communicator, publishAdapter, topicAdapter);

            _manager = new TopicManagerImpl(_instance);
            _managerProxy = TopicManagerPrx::uncheckedCast(topicAdapter->add(_manager->getServant(), topicManagerId));
        catch(const Ice::Exception& ex)
            _instance = 0;

            LoggerOutputBase s;
            s << "exception while starting IceStorm service " << name << ":\n";
            s << ex;

            IceBox::FailureException e(__FILE__, __LINE__);
            e.reason = s.str();
            throw e;
        // Here we want to create a map of id -> election node
        // proxies.
        map<int, NodePrx> nodes;

        string topicManagerAdapterId = properties->getProperty(name + ".TopicManager.AdapterId");

        // We support two possible deployments. The first is a manual
        // deployment, the second is IceGrid.
        // Here we check for the manual deployment
        const string prefix = name + ".Nodes.";
        Ice::PropertyDict props = properties->getPropertiesForPrefix(prefix);
            for(Ice::PropertyDict::const_iterator p = props.begin(); p != props.end(); ++p)
                int nodeid = atoi(p->first.substr(prefix.size()).c_str());
                nodes[nodeid] = NodePrx::uncheckedCast(communicator->propertyToProxy(p->first));
            // If adapter id's are defined for the topic manager or
            // node adapters then we consider this an IceGrid based
            // deployment.
            string nodeAdapterId = properties->getProperty(name + ".Node.AdapterId");

            // Validate first that the adapter ids match for the node
            // and the topic manager otherwise some other deployment
            // is being used.
            const string suffix = ".TopicManager";
            if(topicManagerAdapterId.empty() || nodeAdapterId.empty() ||
                   topicManagerAdapterId.find(suffix), suffix.size(), ".Node") != nodeAdapterId)
                Ice::Error error(communicator->getLogger());
                error << "deployment error: `" << topicManagerAdapterId << "' prefix does not match `"
                      << nodeAdapterId << "'";
                throw IceBox::FailureException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "IceGrid deployment is incorrect");

            // Determine the set of node id and node proxies.
            // This is determined by locating all topic manager
            // replicas, and then working out the node for that
            // replica.
            // We work out the node id by removing the instance
            // name. The node id must follow.
            IceGrid::LocatorPrx locator = IceGrid::LocatorPrx::checkedCast(communicator->getDefaultLocator());
            IceGrid::QueryPrx query = locator->getLocalQuery();
            Ice::ObjectProxySeq replicas = query->findAllReplicas(
                communicator->stringToProxy(instanceName + "/TopicManager"));

            for(Ice::ObjectProxySeq::const_iterator p = replicas.begin(); p != replicas.end(); ++p)
                string adapterid = (*p)->ice_getAdapterId();

                // Replace TopicManager with the node endpoint.
                adapterid = adapterid.replace(adapterid.find(suffix), suffix.size(), ".Node");

                // The adapter id must start with the instance name.
                if(adapterid.find(instanceName) != 0)
                    Ice::Error error(communicator->getLogger());
                    error << "deployment error: `" << adapterid << "' does not start with `" << instanceName << "'";
                    throw IceBox::FailureException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "IceGrid deployment is incorrect");

                // The node id follows. We find the first digit (the
                // start of the node id, and then the end of the
                // digits).
                string::size_type start = instanceName.size();
                while(start < adapterid.size() && !IceUtilInternal::isDigit(adapterid[start]))
                string::size_type end = start;
                while(end < adapterid.size() && IceUtilInternal::isDigit(adapterid[end]))
                if(start == end)
                    // We must have at least one digit, otherwise there is
                    // some sort of deployment error.
                    Ice::Error error(communicator->getLogger());
                    error << "deployment error: node id does not follow instance name. instance name:"
                          << instanceName << " adapter id: " << adapterid;
                    throw IceBox::FailureException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "IceGrid deployment is incorrect");

                int nodeid = atoi(adapterid.substr(start, end-start).c_str());
                ostringstream os;
                os << "node" << nodeid;
                Ice::Identity id;
                id.category = instanceName;
                id.name = os.str();

                nodes[nodeid] = NodePrx::uncheckedCast((*p)->ice_adapterId(adapterid)->ice_identity(id));

        if(nodes.size() < 3)
            Ice::Error error(communicator->getLogger());
            error << "Replication requires at least 3 Nodes";
            throw IceBox::FailureException(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Replication requires at least 3 Nodes");

            // If the node thread pool size is not set then initialize
            // to the number of nodes + 1 and disable thread pool size
            // warnings.
            if(properties->getProperty(name + ".Node.ThreadPool.Size").empty())
                ostringstream os;
                os << nodes.size() + 1;
                properties->setProperty(name + ".Node.ThreadPool.Size", os.str());
                properties->setProperty(name + ".Node.ThreadPool.SizeWarn", "0");
            if(properties->getProperty(name + ".Node.MessageSizeMax").empty())
                properties->setProperty(name + ".Node.MessageSizeMax", "0"); // No limit on data exchanged internally

            Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr nodeAdapter = communicator->createObjectAdapter(name + ".Node");

            _instance = new Instance(instanceName, name, communicator, publishAdapter, topicAdapter,
                                     nodeAdapter, nodes[id]);
            _instance->observers()->setMajority(static_cast<unsigned int>(nodes.size())/2);

            // Trace replication information.
            TraceLevelsPtr traceLevels = _instance->traceLevels();
            if(traceLevels->election > 0)
                Ice::Trace out(traceLevels->logger, traceLevels->electionCat);
                out << "I am node " << id << "\n";
                for(map<int, NodePrx>::const_iterator p = nodes.begin(); p != nodes.end(); ++p)
                    out << "\tnode: " << p->first << " proxy: " << p->second->ice_toString() << "\n";

                // We're not using an IceGrid deployment. Here we need
                // a proxy which is used to create proxies to the
                // replicas later.
                _managerProxy = TopicManagerPrx::uncheckedCast(topicAdapter->createProxy(topicManagerId));
                // If we're using IceGrid deployment we need to create
                // indirect proxies.
                _managerProxy = TopicManagerPrx::uncheckedCast(topicAdapter->createIndirectProxy(topicManagerId));

            _manager = new TopicManagerImpl(_instance);
            topicAdapter->add(_manager->getServant(), topicManagerId);

            ostringstream os; // The node object identity.
            os << "node" << id;
            Ice::Identity nodeid;
            nodeid.category = instanceName;
            nodeid.name = os.str();

            NodeIPtr node = new NodeI(_instance, _manager, _managerProxy, id, nodes);
            nodeAdapter->add(node, nodeid);

        catch(const Ice::Exception& ex)
            _instance = 0;

            LoggerOutputBase s;
            s << "exception while starting IceStorm service " << name << ":\n";
            s << ex;

            IceBox::FailureException e(__FILE__, __LINE__);
            e.reason = s.str();
            throw e;

    topicAdapter->add(new FinderI(TopicManagerPrx::uncheckedCast(topicAdapter->createProxy(topicManagerId))),
