nsTextControlFrame::ComputeAutoSize(nsRenderingContext *aRenderingContext,
                                    WritingMode aWM,
                                    const LogicalSize& aCBSize,
                                    nscoord aAvailableISize,
                                    const LogicalSize& aMargin,
                                    const LogicalSize& aBorder,
                                    const LogicalSize& aPadding,
                                    bool aShrinkWrap)
  float inflation = nsLayoutUtils::FontSizeInflationFor(this);
  // XXX CalcIntrinsicSize needs to be updated to use a LogicalSize
  nsSize autoSize;
  nsresult rv = CalcIntrinsicSize(aRenderingContext, autoSize, inflation);
  if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
    // What now?
    autoSize.SizeTo(0, 0);
#ifdef DEBUG
  // Note: Ancestor ComputeAutoSize only computes a width if we're auto-width
  else if (StylePosition()->mWidth.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Auto) {
    LogicalSize ancestorAutoSize =
      nsContainerFrame::ComputeAutoSize(aRenderingContext, aWM,
                                        aCBSize, aAvailableISize,
                                        aMargin, aBorder,
                                        aPadding, aShrinkWrap);
    // Disabled when there's inflation; see comment in GetPrefSize.
    NS_ASSERTION(inflation != 1.0f ||
                 ancestorAutoSize.Width(aWM) == autoSize.width,
                 "Incorrect size computed by ComputeAutoSize?");

  return LogicalSize(aWM, autoSize);
/* virtual */
nsSVGOuterSVGFrame::ComputeSize(nsRenderingContext *aRenderingContext,
                                WritingMode aWM,
                                const LogicalSize& aCBSize,
                                nscoord aAvailableISize,
                                const LogicalSize& aMargin,
                                const LogicalSize& aBorder,
                                const LogicalSize& aPadding,
                                uint32_t aFlags)
  if (IsRootOfImage() || IsRootOfReplacedElementSubDoc()) {
    // The embedding element has sized itself using the CSS replaced element
    // sizing rules, using our intrinsic dimensions as necessary. The SVG spec
    // says that the width and height of embedded SVG is overridden by the
    // width and height of the embedding element, so we just need to size to
    // the viewport that the embedding element has established for us.
    return aCBSize;

  LogicalSize cbSize = aCBSize;
  IntrinsicSize intrinsicSize = GetIntrinsicSize();

  if (!mContent->GetParent()) {
    // We're the root of the outermost browsing context, so we need to scale
    // cbSize by the full-zoom so that SVGs with percentage width/height zoom:

                 aCBSize.BSize(aWM) != NS_AUTOHEIGHT,
                 "root should not have auto-width/height containing block");
    cbSize.ISize(aWM) *= PresContext()->GetFullZoom();
    cbSize.BSize(aWM) *= PresContext()->GetFullZoom();

    // We also need to honour the width and height attributes' default values
    // of 100% when we're the root of a browsing context.  (GetIntrinsicSize()
    // doesn't report these since there's no such thing as a percentage
    // intrinsic size.  Also note that explicit percentage values are mapped
    // into style, so the following isn't for them.)

    SVGSVGElement* content = static_cast<SVGSVGElement*>(mContent);

    nsSVGLength2 &width =
    if (width.IsPercentage()) {
      NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(intrinsicSize.width.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_None,
                        "GetIntrinsicSize should have reported no "
                        "intrinsic width");
      float val = width.GetAnimValInSpecifiedUnits() / 100.0f;
      if (val < 0.0f) val = 0.0f;
      intrinsicSize.width.SetCoordValue(val * cbSize.Width(aWM));

    nsSVGLength2 &height =
                 "root should not have auto-height containing block");
    if (height.IsPercentage()) {
      NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(intrinsicSize.height.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_None,
                        "GetIntrinsicSize should have reported no "
                        "intrinsic height");
      float val = height.GetAnimValInSpecifiedUnits() / 100.0f;
      if (val < 0.0f) val = 0.0f;
      intrinsicSize.height.SetCoordValue(val * cbSize.Height(aWM));
    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(intrinsicSize.height.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Coord &&
                      intrinsicSize.width.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Coord,
                      "We should have just handled the only situation where"
                      "we lack an intrinsic height or width.");

  return nsLayoutUtils::ComputeSizeWithIntrinsicDimensions(aWM,
                            aRenderingContext, this,
                            intrinsicSize, GetIntrinsicRatio(),
nsHTMLButtonControlFrame::ReflowButtonContents(nsPresContext* aPresContext,
                                               nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aButtonDesiredSize,
                                               const nsHTMLReflowState& aButtonReflowState,
                                               nsIFrame* aFirstKid)
  // Buttons have some bonus renderer-determined border/padding,
  // which occupies part of the button's content-box area:
  const nsMargin focusPadding = mRenderer.GetAddedButtonBorderAndPadding();

  WritingMode wm = aFirstKid->GetWritingMode();
  LogicalSize availSize = aButtonReflowState.ComputedSize(GetWritingMode());
  availSize.BSize(wm) = NS_INTRINSICSIZE;

  // Indent the child inside us by the focus border. We must do this separate
  // from the regular border.
  availSize.ISize(wm) -= LogicalMargin(wm, focusPadding).IStartEnd(wm);

  // See whether out availSize's width is big enough.  If it's smaller than our
  // intrinsic min width, that means that the kid wouldn't really fit; for a
  // better look in such cases we adjust the available width and our left
  // offset to allow the kid to spill left into our padding.
  nscoord xoffset = focusPadding.left +
  nscoord extrawidth = GetMinISize(aButtonReflowState.rendContext) -
  if (extrawidth > 0) {
    nscoord extraleft = extrawidth / 2;
    nscoord extraright = extrawidth - extraleft;
    NS_ASSERTION(extraright >=0, "How'd that happen?");

    // Do not allow the extras to be bigger than the relevant padding
    extraleft = std::min(extraleft, aButtonReflowState.ComputedPhysicalPadding().left);
    extraright = std::min(extraright, aButtonReflowState.ComputedPhysicalPadding().right);
    xoffset -= extraleft;
    availSize.Width(wm) = availSize.Width(wm) + extraleft + extraright;
  availSize.Width(wm) = std::max(availSize.Width(wm), 0);

  // Give child a clone of the button's reflow state, with height/width reduced
  // by focusPadding, so that descendants with height:100% don't protrude.
  nsHTMLReflowState adjustedButtonReflowState =
    CloneReflowStateWithReducedContentBox(aButtonReflowState, focusPadding);

  nsHTMLReflowState contentsReflowState(aPresContext,
                                        aFirstKid, availSize);

  nsReflowStatus contentsReflowStatus;
  nsHTMLReflowMetrics contentsDesiredSize(aButtonReflowState);
  ReflowChild(aFirstKid, aPresContext,
              contentsDesiredSize, contentsReflowState,
              focusPadding.top + aButtonReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().top,
              0, contentsReflowStatus);
             "We gave button-contents frame unconstrained available height, "
             "so it should be complete");

  // Compute the button's content-box height:
  nscoord buttonContentBoxHeight = 0;
  if (aButtonReflowState.ComputedHeight() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    // Button has a fixed height -- that's its content-box height.
    buttonContentBoxHeight = aButtonReflowState.ComputedHeight();
  } else {
    // Button is intrinsically sized -- it should shrinkwrap the
    // button-contents' height, plus any focus-padding space:
    buttonContentBoxHeight =
      contentsDesiredSize.Height() + focusPadding.TopBottom();

    // Make sure we obey min/max-height in the case when we're doing intrinsic
    // sizing (we get it for free when we have a non-intrinsic
    // aButtonReflowState.ComputedHeight()).  Note that we do this before
    // adjusting for borderpadding, since mComputedMaxHeight and
    // mComputedMinHeight are content heights.
    buttonContentBoxHeight =

  // Center child vertically in the button
  // (technically, inside of the button's focus-padding area)
  nscoord extraSpace =
    buttonContentBoxHeight - focusPadding.TopBottom() -

  nscoord yoffset = std::max(0, extraSpace / 2);

  // Adjust yoffset to be in terms of the button's frame-rect, instead of
  // its focus-padding rect:
  yoffset += focusPadding.top + aButtonReflowState.ComputedPhysicalBorderPadding().top;

  // Place the child
  FinishReflowChild(aFirstKid, aPresContext,
                    contentsDesiredSize, &contentsReflowState,
                    xoffset, yoffset, 0);

  // Make sure we have a useful 'ascent' value for the child
  if (contentsDesiredSize.BlockStartAscent() ==
      nsHTMLReflowMetrics::ASK_FOR_BASELINE) {
    WritingMode wm = aButtonReflowState.GetWritingMode();

  // OK, we're done with the child frame.
  // Use what we learned to populate the button frame's reflow metrics.
  //  * Button's height & width are content-box size + border-box contribution:
  aButtonDesiredSize.Width() = aButtonReflowState.ComputedWidth() +

  aButtonDesiredSize.Height() = buttonContentBoxHeight +

  //  * Button's ascent is its child's ascent, plus the child's y-offset
  // within our frame:
  aButtonDesiredSize.SetBlockStartAscent(contentsDesiredSize.BlockStartAscent() +

nsColumnSetFrame::ReflowChildren(ReflowOutput&     aDesiredSize,
                                 const ReflowInput& aReflowInput,
                                 nsReflowStatus&          aStatus,
                                 const ReflowConfig&      aConfig,
                                 bool                     aUnboundedLastColumn,
                                 nsCollapsingMargin*      aCarriedOutBEndMargin,
                                 ColumnBalanceData&       aColData)
  bool allFit = true;
  WritingMode wm = GetWritingMode();
  bool isVertical = wm.IsVertical();
  bool isRTL = !wm.IsBidiLTR();
  bool shrinkingBSizeOnly = !NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(this) &&
    mLastBalanceBSize > aConfig.mColMaxBSize;

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
  printf("*** Doing column reflow pass: mLastBalanceBSize=%d, mColMaxBSize=%d, RTL=%d\n"
         "    mBalanceColCount=%d, mColISize=%d, mColGap=%d\n",
         mLastBalanceBSize, aConfig.mColMaxBSize, isRTL, aConfig.mBalanceColCount,
         aConfig.mColISize, aConfig.mColGap);


  const bool colBSizeChanged = mLastBalanceBSize != aConfig.mColMaxBSize;

  if (colBSizeChanged) {
    mLastBalanceBSize = aConfig.mColMaxBSize;
    // XXX Seems like this could fire if incremental reflow pushed the column set
    // down so we reflow incrementally with a different available height.
    // We need a way to do an incremental reflow and be sure availableHeight
    // changes are taken account of! Right now I think block frames with absolute
    // children might exit early.
    //NS_ASSERTION(aKidReason != eReflowReason_Incremental,
    //             "incremental reflow should not have changed the balance height");

  // get our border and padding
  LogicalMargin borderPadding = aReflowInput.ComputedLogicalBorderPadding();

  nsRect contentRect(0, 0, 0, 0);
  nsOverflowAreas overflowRects;

  nsIFrame* child = mFrames.FirstChild();
  LogicalPoint childOrigin(wm, borderPadding.IStart(wm),
  // In vertical-rl mode, columns will not be correctly placed if the
  // reflowInput's ComputedWidth() is UNCONSTRAINED (in which case we'll get
  // a containerSize.width of zero here). In that case, the column positions
  // will be adjusted later, after our correct contentSize is known.
  nsSize containerSize = aReflowInput.ComputedSizeAsContainerIfConstrained();

  // For RTL, since the columns might not fill the frame exactly, we
  // need to account for the slop. Otherwise we'll waste time moving the
  // columns by some tiny amount

  // XXX when all of layout is converted to logical coordinates, we
  //     probably won't need to do this hack any more. For now, we
  //     confine it to the legacy horizontal-rl case
  if (!isVertical && isRTL) {
    nscoord availISize = aReflowInput.AvailableISize();
    if (aReflowInput.ComputedISize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
      availISize = aReflowInput.ComputedISize();
    if (availISize != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
      childOrigin.I(wm) = containerSize.width - borderPadding.Left(wm) -
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** childOrigin.iCoord = %d\n", childOrigin.I(wm));

  int columnCount = 0;
  int contentBEnd = 0;
  bool reflowNext = false;

  while (child) {
    // Try to skip reflowing the child. We can't skip if the child is dirty. We also can't
    // skip if the next column is dirty, because the next column's first line(s)
    // might be pullable back to this column. We can't skip if it's the last child
    // because we need to obtain the bottom margin. We can't skip
    // if this is the last column and we're supposed to assign unbounded
    // height to it, because that could change the available height from
    // the last time we reflowed it and we should try to pull all the
    // content from its next sibling. (Note that it might be the last
    // column, but not be the last child because the desired number of columns
    // has changed.)
    bool skipIncremental = !aReflowInput.ShouldReflowAllKids()
      && !NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(child)
      && child->GetNextSibling()
      && !(aUnboundedLastColumn && columnCount == aConfig.mBalanceColCount - 1)
      && !NS_SUBTREE_DIRTY(child->GetNextSibling());
    // If we need to pull up content from the prev-in-flow then this is not just
    // a height shrink. The prev in flow will have set the dirty bit.
    // Check the overflow rect YMost instead of just the child's content height. The child
    // may have overflowing content that cares about the available height boundary.
    // (It may also have overflowing content that doesn't care about the available height
    // boundary, but if so, too bad, this optimization is defeated.)
    // We want scrollable overflow here since this is a calculation that
    // affects layout.
    bool skipResizeBSizeShrink = false;
    if (shrinkingBSizeOnly) {
      switch (wm.GetBlockDir()) {
      case WritingMode::eBlockTB:
        if (child->GetScrollableOverflowRect().YMost() <= aConfig.mColMaxBSize) {
          skipResizeBSizeShrink = true;
      case WritingMode::eBlockLR:
        if (child->GetScrollableOverflowRect().XMost() <= aConfig.mColMaxBSize) {
          skipResizeBSizeShrink = true;
      case WritingMode::eBlockRL:
        // XXX not sure how to handle this, so for now just don't attempt
        // the optimization
        NS_NOTREACHED("unknown block direction");

    nscoord childContentBEnd = 0;
    if (!reflowNext && (skipIncremental || skipResizeBSizeShrink)) {
      // This child does not need to be reflowed, but we may need to move it
      MoveChildTo(child, childOrigin, wm, containerSize);

      // If this is the last frame then make sure we get the right status
      nsIFrame* kidNext = child->GetNextSibling();
      if (kidNext) {
        aStatus = (kidNext->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_OVERFLOW_CONTAINER)
                  : NS_FRAME_NOT_COMPLETE;
      } else {
        aStatus = mLastFrameStatus;
      childContentBEnd = nsLayoutUtils::CalculateContentBEnd(wm, child);
#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** Skipping child #%d %p (incremental %d, resize block-size shrink %d): status = %d\n",
             columnCount, (void*)child, skipIncremental, skipResizeBSizeShrink, aStatus);
    } else {
      LogicalSize availSize(wm, aConfig.mColISize, aConfig.mColMaxBSize);
      if (aUnboundedLastColumn && columnCount == aConfig.mBalanceColCount - 1) {
        availSize.BSize(wm) = GetAvailableContentBSize(aReflowInput);

      LogicalSize computedSize = aReflowInput.ComputedSize(wm);

      if (reflowNext)

      LogicalSize kidCBSize(wm, availSize.ISize(wm), computedSize.BSize(wm));
      ReflowInput kidReflowInput(PresContext(), aReflowInput, child,
                                       availSize, &kidCBSize);
      kidReflowInput.mFlags.mIsTopOfPage = true;
      kidReflowInput.mFlags.mTableIsSplittable = false;
      kidReflowInput.mFlags.mIsColumnBalancing = aConfig.mBalanceColCount < INT32_MAX;

      // We need to reflow any float placeholders, even if our column height
      // hasn't changed.
      kidReflowInput.mFlags.mMustReflowPlaceholders = !colBSizeChanged;

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** Reflowing child #%d %p: availHeight=%d\n",
             columnCount, (void*)child,availSize.BSize(wm));

      // Note if the column's next in flow is not being changed by this incremental reflow.
      // This may allow the current column to avoid trying to pull lines from the next column.
      if (child->GetNextSibling() &&
          !(GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY) &&
        !(child->GetNextSibling()->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY)) {
        kidReflowInput.mFlags.mNextInFlowUntouched = true;

      ReflowOutput kidDesiredSize(wm, aDesiredSize.mFlags);

      // XXX it would be cool to consult the float manager for the
      // previous block to figure out the region of floats from the
      // previous column that extend into this column, and subtract
      // that region from the new float manager.  So you could stick a
      // really big float in the first column and text in following
      // columns would flow around it.

      // Reflow the frame
      LogicalPoint origin(wm,
                          childOrigin.I(wm) +
                          childOrigin.B(wm) +
      ReflowChild(child, PresContext(), kidDesiredSize, kidReflowInput,
                  wm, origin, containerSize, 0, aStatus);

      reflowNext = (aStatus & NS_FRAME_REFLOW_NEXTINFLOW) != 0;

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** Reflowed child #%d %p: status = %d, desiredSize=%d,%d CarriedOutBEndMargin=%d\n",
             columnCount, (void*)child, aStatus, kidDesiredSize.Width(), kidDesiredSize.Height(),

      NS_FRAME_TRACE_REFLOW_OUT("Column::Reflow", aStatus);

      *aCarriedOutBEndMargin = kidDesiredSize.mCarriedOutBEndMargin;

      FinishReflowChild(child, PresContext(), kidDesiredSize,
                        &kidReflowInput, wm, childOrigin, containerSize, 0);

      childContentBEnd = nsLayoutUtils::CalculateContentBEnd(wm, child);
      if (childContentBEnd > aConfig.mColMaxBSize) {
        allFit = false;
      if (childContentBEnd > availSize.BSize(wm)) {
        aColData.mMaxOverflowingBSize = std::max(childContentBEnd,

    contentRect.UnionRect(contentRect, child->GetRect());

    ConsiderChildOverflow(overflowRects, child);
    contentBEnd = std::max(contentBEnd, childContentBEnd);
    aColData.mLastBSize = childContentBEnd;
    aColData.mSumBSize += childContentBEnd;

    // Build a continuation column if necessary
    nsIFrame* kidNextInFlow = child->GetNextInFlow();

      NS_ASSERTION(!kidNextInFlow, "next in flow should have been deleted");
      child = nullptr;
    } else {
      // Make sure that the column has a next-in-flow. If not, we must
      // create one to hold the overflowing stuff, even if we're just
      // going to put it on our overflow list and let *our*
      // next in flow handle it.
      if (!kidNextInFlow) {
                     "We have to create a continuation, but the block doesn't want us to reflow it?");

        // We need to create a continuing column
        kidNextInFlow = CreateNextInFlow(child);

      // Make sure we reflow a next-in-flow when it switches between being
      // normal or overflow container
        if (!(kidNextInFlow->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_OVERFLOW_CONTAINER)) {
          aStatus |= NS_FRAME_REFLOW_NEXTINFLOW;
          reflowNext = true;
      else if (kidNextInFlow->GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_OVERFLOW_CONTAINER) {
        reflowNext = true;

      if ((contentBEnd > aReflowInput.ComputedMaxBSize() ||
           contentBEnd > aReflowInput.ComputedBSize()) &&
           aConfig.mBalanceColCount < INT32_MAX) {
        // We overflowed vertically, but have not exceeded the number of
        // columns. We're going to go into overflow columns now, so balancing
        // no longer applies.
        aColData.mHasExcessBSize = true;

      if (columnCount >= aConfig.mBalanceColCount) {
        // No more columns allowed here. Stop.
        // Move any of our leftover columns to our overflow list. Our
        // next-in-flow will eventually pick them up.
        const nsFrameList& continuationColumns = mFrames.RemoveFramesAfter(child);
        if (continuationColumns.NotEmpty()) {
        child = nullptr;

    if (PresContext()->HasPendingInterrupt()) {
      // Stop the loop now while |child| still points to the frame that bailed
      // out.  We could keep going here and condition a bunch of the code in
      // this loop on whether there's an interrupt, or even just keep going and
      // trying to reflow the blocks (even though we know they'll interrupt
      // right after their first line), but stopping now is conceptually the
      // simplest (and probably fastest) thing.

    // Advance to the next column
    child = child->GetNextSibling();

    if (child) {
      childOrigin.I(wm) += aConfig.mColISize + aConfig.mColGap;

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
      printf("*** NEXT CHILD ORIGIN.icoord = %d\n", childOrigin.I(wm));

  if (PresContext()->CheckForInterrupt(this) &&
      (GetStateBits() & NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY)) {
    // Mark all our kids starting with |child| dirty

    // Note that this is a CheckForInterrupt call, not a HasPendingInterrupt,
    // because we might have interrupted while reflowing |child|, and since
    // we're about to add a dirty bit to |child| we need to make sure that
    // |this| is scheduled to have dirty bits marked on it and its ancestors.
    // Otherwise, when we go to mark dirty bits on |child|'s ancestors we'll
    // bail out immediately, since it'll already have a dirty bit.
    for (; child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) {

  aColData.mMaxBSize = contentBEnd;
  LogicalSize contentSize = LogicalSize(wm, contentRect.Size());
  contentSize.BSize(wm) = std::max(contentSize.BSize(wm), contentBEnd);
  mLastFrameStatus = aStatus;

  // Apply computed and min/max values
  if (aConfig.mComputedBSize != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    if (aReflowInput.AvailableBSize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
      contentSize.BSize(wm) = std::min(contentSize.BSize(wm),
    } else {
      contentSize.BSize(wm) = aConfig.mComputedBSize;
  } else {
    // We add the "consumed" block-size back in so that we're applying
    // constraints to the correct bSize value, then subtract it again
    // after we've finished with the min/max calculation. This prevents us from
    // having a last continuation that is smaller than the min bSize. but which
    // has prev-in-flows, trigger a larger bSize than actually required.
    contentSize.BSize(wm) =
  if (aReflowInput.ComputedISize() != NS_INTRINSICSIZE) {
    contentSize.ISize(wm) = aReflowInput.ComputedISize();
  } else {
    contentSize.ISize(wm) =

  contentSize.ISize(wm) += borderPadding.IStartEnd(wm);
  contentSize.BSize(wm) += borderPadding.BStartEnd(wm);
  aDesiredSize.SetSize(wm, contentSize);
  aDesiredSize.mOverflowAreas = overflowRects;

  // In vertical-rl mode, make a second pass if necessary to reposition the
  // columns with the correct container width. (In other writing modes,
  // correct containerSize was not required for column positioning so we don't
  // need this fixup.)
  if (wm.IsVerticalRL() && containerSize.width != contentSize.Width(wm)) {
    const nsSize finalContainerSize = aDesiredSize.PhysicalSize();
    for (nsIFrame* child : mFrames) {
      // Get the logical position as set previously using a provisional or
      // dummy containerSize, and reset with the correct container size.
      child->SetPosition(wm, child->GetLogicalPosition(wm, containerSize),

#ifdef DEBUG_roc
  printf("*** DONE PASS feasible=%d\n", allFit && NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(aStatus)
         && !NS_FRAME_IS_TRUNCATED(aStatus));
  return allFit && NS_FRAME_IS_FULLY_COMPLETE(aStatus)
    && !NS_FRAME_IS_TRUNCATED(aStatus);
nsTextControlFrame::CalcIntrinsicSize(nsRenderingContext* aRenderingContext,
                                      WritingMode aWM,
                                      LogicalSize& aIntrinsicSize,
                                      float aFontSizeInflation)
  // Get leading and the Average/MaxAdvance char width 
  nscoord lineHeight  = 0;
  nscoord charWidth   = 0;
  nscoord charMaxAdvance  = 0;

  nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fontMet;
  nsresult rv =
    nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, getter_AddRefs(fontMet),

  lineHeight =
    nsHTMLReflowState::CalcLineHeight(GetContent(), StyleContext(),
                                      NS_AUTOHEIGHT, aFontSizeInflation);
  charWidth = fontMet->AveCharWidth();
  charMaxAdvance = fontMet->MaxAdvance();

  // Set the width equal to the width in characters
  int32_t cols = GetCols();
  aIntrinsicSize.ISize(aWM) = cols * charWidth;

  // To better match IE, take the maximum character width(in twips) and remove
  // 4 pixels add this on as additional padding(internalPadding). But only do
  // this if we think we have a fixed-width font.
  if (mozilla::Abs(charWidth - charMaxAdvance) > (unsigned)nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1)) {
    nscoord internalPadding =
      std::max(0, charMaxAdvance - nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(4));
    nscoord t = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1); 
   // Round to a multiple of t
    nscoord rest = internalPadding % t; 
    if (rest < t - rest) {
      internalPadding -= rest;
    } else {
      internalPadding += t - rest;
    // Now add the extra padding on (so that small input sizes work well)
    aIntrinsicSize.ISize(aWM) += internalPadding;
  } else {
    // This is to account for the anonymous <br> having a 1 twip width
    // in Full Standards mode, see BRFrame::Reflow and bug 228752.
    if (PresContext()->CompatibilityMode() == eCompatibility_FullStandards) {
      aIntrinsicSize.ISize(aWM) += 1;

  // Increment width with cols * letter-spacing.
    const nsStyleCoord& lsCoord = StyleText()->mLetterSpacing;
    if (eStyleUnit_Coord == lsCoord.GetUnit()) {
      nscoord letterSpacing = lsCoord.GetCoordValue();
      if (letterSpacing != 0) {
        aIntrinsicSize.ISize(aWM) += cols * letterSpacing;

  // Set the height equal to total number of rows (times the height of each
  // line, of course)
  aIntrinsicSize.BSize(aWM) = lineHeight * GetRows();

  // Add in the size of the scrollbars for textarea
  if (IsTextArea()) {
    nsIFrame* first = GetFirstPrincipalChild();

    nsIScrollableFrame *scrollableFrame = do_QueryFrame(first);
    NS_ASSERTION(scrollableFrame, "Child must be scrollable");

    if (scrollableFrame) {
      nsMargin scrollbarSizes =
      scrollableFrame->GetDesiredScrollbarSizes(PresContext(), aRenderingContext);

      aIntrinsicSize.Width(aWM) += scrollbarSizes.LeftRight();
      aIntrinsicSize.Height(aWM) += scrollbarSizes.TopBottom();

  return NS_OK;